Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m so happy your wife is in the journey with you today. One day at a time and lots of kind space to keep growing and learning is so great for both of you. I wish you the best!


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for back to back gratitudes. Im greatful for everyone setting sobriety records and celebrating milestones.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety. Idk how many days and thats ok
My mom, hence the love letter above
Enough food to get us thru the weekend
Boscoe and his cuddles
Hubby and his humor
Reprieve from a racing mind
Early morning gym sesh
A day where i get to do whatever i want


Good morning and happy Saturday from my family to you!

I’m propped up in bed with dogs and cats and the hubby on this early Saturday morning typing my gratitudes to you all today. First coffee is in my hand and for that I am grateful.

I’m grateful for this little nest of dogs and even the darn cat.

I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.

I’m grateful to be physically active this week. I did three long swims before work this week. I’m working my way up to a new dream…. I want to be “that old lady who swims a mile before she teaches school all day”. Krazy! I’m up to 3/4-7/8 of a mile each day this week.

I’m grateful to have a job I mostly love. The days are very busy and challenging. My students are making big progress and my colleagues are letting me lead some important work in the school. I get to continue to learn and grow and that makes my heart happy.

I’m grateful for the sobriety work that is happening in my family. My brother is almost to 6 months, my sister is almost to 30 days! My hubby is at 18 months. More importantly, we are all on our journey for ourselves. We are sharing strategies and supports, but we are not in this because of anything but an internal decision to end the cycle.

I’m grateful that the cycle of abuse and addiction and trauma has the potential to be ending with us. There are reasons why my siblings and I all got in trouble with addiction. And I’m incredibly grateful that we are now here, finding ways to get better and be better. There are reasons my hubby got in trouble with addiction, and every day I see him working to overcome the thinking patterns that got in the way of happiness. We are all in our 50s and we are all grateful to be in this place of healing.

I’m grateful for the love in my home.

I’m grateful for a cozy and safe home in a community that I enjoy.

I’m grateful to work in a school with supportive families and a safe environment.

I’m grateful for the respect that is shown for my work.

I’m grateful to be physically and mentally healthy these days.

I’m grateful to have the resources to live a comfortable life. Living simply is really starting to pay off.

I’m grateful for the public library system, for this app, for the technology that allows me to keep learning and being a part of community that supports me.

I’m grateful for all the teachers who took good care of me when I was a little girl. School was my safe place and continues to be a wonderful place for me to be me.

I’m grateful for this warm and cozy bed on this chilly Saturday morning.

I wish you all the best and I hope you can find peace and even joy in your journey.


Thank you Lab.
Changed Attitudes can aid recovery.

Oh, and my mom music teacher of 50 years or so swam up until her 80’s plus. You go girl :swimming_woman:

Sorry I missed your 2 year celebration :birthday: :birthday:

Congratulations on 2 years and a week :boom::boom: for you. And a family of recovery in the making.


I’m grateful I slept in and got up when it was light outside.
I’m grateful Daisy’s got back :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and it was right under my chin this morning before getting up.
I’m grateful my back doesn’t hurt much.
I’m grateful we went to the AA Speaker meeting together again last night and they moved it again :grimacing: But we still went. I’m grateful we survived a cramped packed meeting and my wife still wants to go to one in the church where there is more room and a microphone and speakers to listen to the speaker.
I’m grateful I never killed or injured anyone while driving under the influence.
I’m grateful for my view.
I’m grateful it’s November, gratitude month :pray:t2:
I’m grateful it’s cold in the morning.
I’m grateful it’s warm in the daytime.
I’m grateful for comedy and humor and music and my recovery show podcast.
I’m grateful for all the exciting trips coming up in my near future, short ones and long ones.
I’m grateful the vet can finally give Alice her fluids on fluid day when we are out of town. She’s a tough nut to crack.
I’m grateful once we dump them all at the vet for boarding we can relax because we feel confident they are in good hands. And these people are so use to our pets now they look forward to see our guys. Even Alice :smirk_cat:

I’m grateful to have my life and wife back. Just for today :pray:t2:
Grateful for all of youz :upside_down_face:

The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see.
Dr. Robert Holden


Dammit, I know what’s wrong with me. The fucking periode came again after half a year of quiet and peace. I’m grateful I have a very reasonable explanation for a lot of emotional and physical crap during the past week. I am NOT grateful this useless shit isn’t finally done.
I’m grateful I managed to navigate the day allthough I have cramps and feel awful. I’m grateful I know the emotional codependent whiney blabla is hormone induced. I’m grateful I was civil with the ex who showed up today, it was ok. I’m grateful we came to terms that the stone wall will not be removed when he finishes it, so he will finish it. I’m grateful I can live with this pragmatic deal. I’m grateful he and his friend carried the huge palmtree inside. It’s getting too cold for leaving it outside.

I’m grateful the codependent freakshow in my brain was bearable.
I’m grateful I bought icecream, chocolate sauce and apple sauce to have a comfort food evening and treat myself. I’m grateful this too shall pass.

I’m grateful for cats sleeping on me, it’s so lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful the christmas decoration cheers up my whiney mood.
I’m grateful I have enough firewood, maybe I make fire in the kitchen stove today to feel more cozy.
I’m grateful for the washers, dish and laundry, for the fridge so well stuffed, for the hot water kettle, for flushing toilets, a big bathtub, comfy couch and bed, warm slippers and all the comfort and blessings of modern living :pray:
I’m grateful there’s enough toilet paper in the house. ODAAT


I’m grateful to have had 3 afternoons where I relaxed and read my book. I’m grateful to be house sitting again and am enjoying the peace and quiet. I’m grateful to have been very selfish today and decided not to nip home like I said I might because I knew I would’ve ended up having to take my own dog a walk when other family could’ve done it.
I’m so so grateful to be sober, I actually think that every single day at some point. I hated how I was, chained to the next drink, chained to the thought of the next drink. Living my whole life around drinking, how crazy it seems now. What a waste it was. I am grateful for who I am now and how my life is now.
I’m grateful to have made some changes and put some other things in place for the future. This wouldn’t have happened a while ago, I’m grateful for thinking and then actually planning ahead.
I’m grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Been thinking today about how i take life for granted a lot
I can totally self sabatoge everything if im not careful
Ive made so many strides forward im actually afraid of the hypothetical hights.

But in all, im doing well and im very thankful


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that people leave the rooms, treatment, this lovely home thread and still maintain contact with me. I’m grateful and pray for the people who don’t come back or stay connected. I’m grateful that I do the best I can to keep my side of the street clean and let the rest go and give it to God. I’m grateful my job provides me with enough that I could get my kitten peace a bunch of toys and cat climbing tower and house for turning three months old about a week ago. I’m grateful that if I ever have time there are over a hundred posts for me to enjoy at my leisure. I’m grateful for the twelve steps that my sponsor took me through and that I have been taking on possibly too many sponsees lately and they keep me centered, grateful and humble. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation.

May our higher powers grant us serenity.

p.s. Don’t forget you freaking rock. Ya you!!


Grateful to see you checking in Brian. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


I may be in pain today but still, I’m grateful to be alive.
I’m grateful for my ability to always try again for one more time for example that my eating habits got way better again, that I started to workout again, my supplements are on point and helping, I’m grateful that my skin condition is healing and that maybe there is a remission in sight (I’m freaking out :star_struck:).
Now I’m grateful that I have a bathtub and I’m going to use it to ease the pain my sore muscles cause.


Today I am grateful that I am a child of God. With Him at my side I can never fail.


I am Grateful for my sobriety, 35 days and counting.
I am Grateful my husband has held down the fort so I could go on a Road Trip to visit friends and have some me time.
I am Grateful for the time spent with friends, always good to catch up.
I am Grateful for the better choices I have made lately and the calmness they give me.
I am Grateful for the Renovations being done on my house.
I am Grateful I get to see my critter’s and husband tomorrow.
I am Grateful for the happiness and clarity I feel now that alcohol is out of my life. The fog of depression has lifted!


Good evening everyone.

I am grateful for simple slogans such as, “Take what you need and leave the rest.” In the last 4 years I have learned to apply that to all areas of my life. My homegroup messenger chat started to blow up today, I am grateful that I didnt grab the opportunity to voice my opinion about the topic online. There is no inclusivity in that, when not all of our members are in the chat (some dont have cell phones). I will save my voice for our business meeting, I am grateful for the traditions of Narcotics Anonymous.

Principles before personalities…one that I have on repeat day and night at meetings, in grocery stores, when i am on the phone with the government. I am grateful that Narcotics Anonymous is teaching me how to live a life without drugs.

The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using… good lord, this one. You know how many times I think, “Why the fuck do you even come here if you have so many issues with the way we run our meeting?” Principles before personaliies stella, they only need to have the desire to be a member. They dont have to have any social skills nor ability to shut their fucking mouths. I am grateful that I have learned to hold my tongue.

Every group is autonomous… oh wow. There you go we can do what we like as long as our primary purpose is the focus. I am grateful that our meeting carries a strong message of recovery to the still suffering addict.

And lastly I am grateful for compassion because all i could feel as I watch the chat blow up was how much it would suck to be him. I am so grateful that I am not consumed by negativity anymore. I am so grateful that i can see the whole picture. I am so grateful that I dont always need to be right.


Im outta hearts but just had to say @Its_me_Stella i appreciate your contributions to TS sober on sister


Back atcha sistah. :kiss:


Hey All,
I’m grateful for you. I started a new post for anyone that is going through this alone. Even if you’re not alone, but feel alone, you’re welcome.

I’m grateful for this community. I’m grateful I found you all last year.
I’m grateful for my new used car. My old one was dangerous to drive.
I’m grateful for my home and my job.
I’m grateful and adore Buddy :dog: and Riley :smiley_cat:. They are my everything, every day.
Happy Saturday, almost Sunday (for me in the US Midwest) :hugs:


I’m grateful to wake up with a spring in my step… Well, not exactly a spring, let’s say a hopeful bounce.
I’m grateful that my hopeful bounce is due solely on being sober, the absolute best decision I’ve ever made.
I’m grateful to be going home today after house sitting all week.
I’m grateful I’ve got up early and cleaned the house ready for the owner’s return - I don’t want to imagine doing it hungover.
I’m grateful for the path my life is taking, no great shakes just steadily moving through. I’m grateful my little family is doing fine too.
I’m grateful that gratitude feels so good. :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful my kids are healthy.
I’m grateful for the roof above our heads.
I’m grateful we don’t live in the war zone.
I’m grateful we are not hungry.

I decided I must start again my morning gratitude, I want it to be my routine like with gratidudes @Cjp or @Dazercat :slight_smile:
It’s a good thing.
Lately it’s not so great in my life but I believe it’s temporary.


Today I am grateful for my husband who is letting me go to Ohio and see my family without him. I will worry about him and his addictions while I am gone, but I am going.