I feel like I can't...

I’m really struggling. For now, only a day has passed. Only one day!!! How will I succeed? I am alone without support and feel like the whole world is against me…


Welcome to the community Bimi
Congratulations on taking the first step. I know it’s hard…just focus on one minute at a time. Just for now you will not turn to your addiction.

This is a wonderful community full of support, guidance and non judgemental love. We are all here struggling for a better life and can understand this journey you are on

For additional support you may want to try local addiction or recovery groups for in person communication. On line 24 hour zoom meetings are also available.

Keep hydrated, get plenty of rest as your body is detoxing and be gentle with yourself. Much strength to you :muscle:

Hope to see you around :people_hugging:


Welcome Bimi
I was kind of alone in my recovery until I found this magical sober forum with so many friendly people with the same goal. Just for today we don’t drink. Just for right now we don’t drink.

Have a good read around join in when your comfortable. By asking questions, keeping an open mind, venting away, and just being active on here I have made a lot of good sober friends that love me and we support each other. You are not alone.

Here’s a good daily check in thread.

And the my home thread with @JazzyS and some other wonderful souls.

This place works if you let it.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

It’s nice to meet you :slightly_smiling_face:


You will succeed because you are not alone, you have so many people on yourside, cheering you on.

It’s so hard in the first few days, but we do it because we know what will happen if we don’t. We do it because we know if we endure the pain today, we will have a better life tomorrow. We do it because it’s time to start living.

Take it one minute at a time of you have to, but you will succeeed.