Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Not on this thread enough.

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful to be employed.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful for my house.
I am grateful I got to see the afternoon of my son’s sport’s day.
I am grateful my son tries hard with his tutor.
I am grateful I got to see my daughter’s dance.
I am grateful for my daughter’s self-sufficiency.
I am grateful for a full fridge.
I am grateful for cooler weather.
I am grateful I have time to study Japanese.
I am grateful to eat mindfully.
I am grateful for Noisy


Good morning guys :blush:

As always I am grateful for my coffee.
I am grateful for all the congrats yesterday and through the night.
I am grateful for my body and all it’s capable of.
I am grateful for my fur children
I am grateful for quiet time in the morning after the hubs leaves for work.
I am grateful for the cooler weather (our high is 87 today :joy:)
I am grateful it’s tuesday, which means it’s almost wednesday, which means it almost the weekend


Congrats @Runningfree on 2 years!!! You inspire me with your attitude and dedication to your fitness

Morning sober fam,

Im greatful for…

My sobriety, coming up on 60 days free from all unhealthy addictions
Got my ass up and to the gym
Got to sleep with the windows open
Hubbys love
Boscoes greetings
Indulged in a small ice cream yesterday and Boscoe got a pup cup
Preemptively took my mood stabilizer hoping for a good day
My folks
Double walks yesterday, capped with a run up the hill
Ability to run up a hill without getting too winded
Good tennis shoes
Hot coffee

Much love from the midwest


Today I am grateful that I am finally feeling a positive shift in my mind set. I don’t feel so frustrated and irritated anymore. I feel happier and honestly more grateful for every day things that I used to take for granted.


I’m grateful I stopped destroying my body and mind with alcohol.
I’m grateful for cute matching clothes I ordered for my twins, they arrived and they are so cool :slight_smile: Before I was always thinking why parents have to dress siblings up in matching clothes, like c’mon, it’s cute but also kinda lame. Now I know. By this you just avoid unnecessary fights and complaints. They always want exactly the one their brother has :slight_smile:
I’m grateful I still have soup from yesterday and I don’t have to cook.
I’m grateful they had that nice cheesecakes at the store today, I bought for my h and me. And yes, I ate both pieces. I’m grateful I see clearly now that with sugary things I can’t do in moderation. If I would have 3 pieces, I would eat 3.
I’m grateful I ran 7km.yesterday and I’m planning to run today as well. I’m grateful I’m in good shape. Well, good enough :wink:
I’m grateful I’m so busy I don’t have time to worry.
I’m grateful for TS.
Big hugs!

Ps: I’m grateful Dennis feels better but as you can see, not so great. He’s having a nap only if he doesn’t feel so good…


You’re a very lucky lady!! Your boys are absolutely beautiful. And they’ll be so proud of you someday!


@trustybird Hey beautiful – how are you feeling today?

Wow – this is lovely – I am looking forward to having sobriety just be a part of my daily life. So grateful that you do get to chair these meetings and are able to change up the topic based on that evenings audience. This is an impressive skill to have and I’m sure the members are grateful for you as well.
@dilettante WAY TO GO KIKI!!! You got the job!! :tada: :tada: so happy for you and I love that you are also so excited about it. Hope you and your daughter enjoyed that yummy popcorn.
@runningfree That coffee looks unreal – just want to dive in! I also enjoy seeing your mugs – Yeah it is a batman kinda day :wink:
@CJP congrats on 8 whole weeks of an addiction free lifestyle!!! You are crushing it my friend :muscle: I do hope the mood stabilizers do their thang today and you have an outstanding day
@soberbilly pre Birthday? When is mom’s birthday. Sorry if you had already mentioned this earlier. HAPPY PRE BIRTTHDAY from me as well :birthday:
@sasxoxo OH I loved that shift and yes it’s a marvelous feeling!!! Enjoy it and cherish it. Sobriety is just full of so many lovely rewards
@mischa84 oh another lovely pic of your twins. Sending healing vibes to Dennis – I do hope he starts feeling like himself very soon :pray:


I am grateful for 72 days sober!
I am grateful for here it was such a major deal that I discovered this place. I googled sobriety and found talking sober. Have a nice sober day.


Grateful that you did find us. :people_hugging:


I’m grateful to be sober and hangover free again today.
I’m grateful for my early morning walk with Benson and my Om Shanti mantra. I’m grateful to stop and listen to and look at the birds. I’m grateful for the clear dark starry sky this morning out with Benson before coffee. My proper cuppa.
I’m grateful for my morning wake up routine with the pets and coffee.
I’m grateful anything can happen the rest of the days these days.
I’m grateful I can sit out in the desert warmth while my wife has the a/c set to frost bite :cold_face:
I’m grateful I get to listen to my waterfall while I’m out here doing G work.
I’m grateful I’m not getting a colonoscopy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I’m grateful for the saguaro :cactus:
I’m grateful for more shared pics and videos of my grand babies.
I’m grateful for the bunnies :rabbit:
I’m grateful for my mountain view.
I’m grateful my cars run well.
I’m grateful my back pain is more of an annoyance than hurting bad.
I’m grateful for this life.
I’m more grateful for this sober life I’m finally living.
I’m grateful I finally learned, it took my awhile, that I’m not the most important person in the rooms. The new comer is. I’m grateful I now understand that the new comer is the most important person in the room to me.
I’m grateful to grow with my recoveries.
I’m grateful to grow with y’all by my side.

“The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields, and sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it.” Michael Josephson


Today I’m grateful for…

  1. The sun finally coming out in New England!
  2. How beautiful my mind feels when I meditate.
  3. Opening the door to a couple of Jehova’s Witnesses, actually having a respectful conversation and sending them on their way feeling good about themselves (and me for being considerate of their feelings and honoring my own beliefs).
  4. The natural world, the birds are really chirping it up.
  5. My new big bird feeders that I don’t have to fill every day.
  6. This morning’s TLC meeting with Laura McKowen.
  7. A queer TLC meeting at 2:00 today.
  8. 36 days sober.
  9. Watching the birds sitting on the bush outside my front window eating seeds.
  10. All my animals.

I’m feeling better today. Thanks Jazz.

I wasn’t feeling great mentally yesterday and I had the day off so I made sure it was a good one. I slept late. I went to Target for Tide pods and dish soup which always draws me into an “I have enough” mood. I had a delicious Indian dinner date with my husband so I could feed my mixed pickle obsession and then we stopped at the craft store so I could start painting my childhood dollhouse. Hubs dropped me at home and went out for beers and I stayed in and painted the dollhouse I bought when I was 8 with all my saved Christmas and birthday money. We topped the night with my first viewing of The Conjuring where I made a pillow fort for viewing so the demons couldn’t snatch me from the couch.

Maybe gratitude helped, I’ll try it again:

I’m grateful for mental health days where I feel rested.
I’m grateful I no longer drown my moods in alcohol and hope a good one surfaces.
I’m grateful I had enough of the drinking life and I’m grateful I have enough materially now.
I’m grateful I no longer judge myself harshly, painting dollhouses is now cool in my mind and no longer a swift slide to Elderly-ville.
I’m grateful for the @JazzySs of the world who care to check in on their friends when we feel crummy.

I’m grateful I had a memory yesterday. I’ve suffered from low grade to manic forms of depression in all my life stages since I was a child. My first memory of depression is from the 4th or 5th grade. No one else in my family does or admits to struggling like I do. My Dad had a stroke a few years back and with his limited mobility and diminished cognitive function they put him on an antidepressant to help his mood. On one visit he grabbed my hand and asked “this is what depression is like?” and told me he was sorry that I dealt with it for all those years. He obviously was facing some harder obstacles physically but it felt good since the last time he acknowledged my struggles was with the comment, “I guess there will always just be something wrong with your brain Em”.

Oof, get a journal, right? This was helpful. You might see me around these parts a bit more. Thanks for reading, thanks for staying sober with me today and thanks for the carers of the world. To anyone struggling mentally today you can come sit with me at my table. :heart:


I’m very grateful for your two years Jenn and that I have been here to witness it all. Keep moving forward ODAAT

I’m grateful @Dazercat has been around long enough that he can say two and a half years to his doctor and it is still an impressive amount of time regardless of the fact you left out a year.

I’m grateful for sober belly button birthdays from @Just_Laura and my gratifriends gratimom is 85 @M-be-free49

I’m grateful @Sasxoxo reached a milestone recently.

I’m grateful that even though I haven’t been posting much lately I read our home thread daily and like every post. I’m grateful I can truthfully say if I didn’t congratulate someone on a milestone or birthday you are, and will remain in my heart and prayers.

I’m grateful to God for guiding me while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for H.A.L.T., CBT, the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful I can lean on the real fellowship I have for physical support as I have re-injured my back. It started on Sunday evening that I couldn’t stand straight. Monday I barely left my bed. Herniated lower back discs are no joke. I’m grateful that I have a healthy fear of having to get back surgery again. I’m grateful the last one in September? 2019 was a success. I’m grateful that they told me to be careful as they left a herniated disc in rather than removing it unnecessarily. I’m grateful that for now I can afford to miss work, haven’t been since Saturday and the doctor will tell me tomorrow if or when I can go back. I’m grateful I have food, a clean place and lots of healthy things to fill my time. I’m grateful for close to two years now I rediscovered I was able to walk, run, bike, work, play volleyball and not have back pain. I’m grateful for stretches and hot water bottles. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation. I’m grateful I can invite people over anytime without guilt or shame on how my place or I look, act and feel. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful I can message work again soon to say I won’t be in tomorrow but I finally have a Dr’s appointment, I missed two shifts so far. I’m praying that they understand. I’m grateful for my sponsor and sponsees that support and challenge me and I them. The challenging part used to bother me and mostly it doesn’t today. I try to welcome it and pray it comes from a place of loving kindness and that if it feels like it’s not I can attempt to communicate assertively from a place guided by those same principles to the best of my ability.

May our higher powers help us to heal ours and others wounds, whatever form they take.

p.s. You are doing the best you can, love yourself. Ya you!!

Edit to add. I’m grateful when Eric mentioned tissue boxes I was reminded of what my grief group facilitator shared. Have the tissues there but try to refrin from giving them to people until they have gotten out what they need to. She believes that handing someone a tissue mid cry and share is nice but could be viewed as I am uncomfortable with your emotions and tears so take this tissue. I have becoming aware through watching that this is largely accurate. People will shut down and not get to finish feeling and processing their emotions and thoughts. Just a friendly suggestion from one support to another.


LOL – how was the movie? Did you get through the viewing? Painting doll houses is totally cool my friend – can’t wait to see it all dolled up so to speak

Sounds like a lovely way to spend your day off. I am sorry that it was riddled mental battles (think you did great by coming on here and sharing with us).

You are sweet Emilie - grateful that at some point your dad was able to get a glimpse of what you may be experiencing and was empathetic.

Much love to you my friend - grateful that today is a better day! :heart:


I love your post Emilie! :people_hugging:

Today I’m grateful to again tick off everything on my (not too long) to do list. I’m grateful I did not skip two rounds of errands allthough I really felt like procrastinating. I will be so happy tomorrow that I did not overload an already busy day with leftover errands. I’m grateful I learn that boundaries inside me are helpful.

I’m grateful for therapy. I still feel emotionally stable and at peace. There were some codependent thoughts today coming to my mind. I’m grateful I recognized it and asked myself where they come from. I’m grateful for HALT, turned out I was feeling hungry and lonely.

I’m grateful my new reading glasses got fixed, I twisted them so bad that the glasses fell out. Well, now they are in their box when not on my nose, sitting twice on them and crashing them with a picture frame in one week is a new record for me :see_no_evil:

I’m grateful for the beautiful autumn weather today, it warmed my soul and calmed my mind. There’s something magic in this lazy autumn sun shining on me like a blanket of warm, cozy, peaceful light.

I’m grateful I’ll enjoy a hot shower before going to bed. I’m grateful I was kind, patient and understanding with myself today. I’m grateful I listen to my body what is needed to feel comfortable, I’ve been feeling a bit uneasy in the evening and don’t want to go sleeping in this mood.
I’m grateful for all my blessings, cats, nature, hot water, healthy food, the microwave & dishwasher, comfy pillows to put my tired head on, remedies for feeling unwell, for faith and trust and letting go. ODAAT :pray:


I am sorry that you are dealing with such pain Brian. Am hoping that you work understands and that your doctor can figure out a pain free solution for you. I am grateful that you had your fridge stocked ahead. I do hope you start to feel better soon :pray:


Aww shit Brian. I’m so sorry to read about your back. That really sucks. I hope you have some good ice packs. I’m glad you’re getting in to the doctor tomorrow. Hang in there buddy. I’ll be thinking about ya.

Grateful for your tissue tip. It makes a lot of sense.


I am grateful for today and that I got to enjoy it sober.
I’m grateful it has been a busy and tiring, but productive, day.
I’m grateful I can take it slow tomorrow if I need to.
I’m grateful I’m so tired I will hopefully drop off straight away and sleep well.


A late gratitude for me today … grateful for all of you my sober friends
I am so grateful that I was able to get to my Ultrasound and pelvic exam appointment in time. They said make sure you drink 32 oz of water prior to coming in and I started drinking at 6:30 am and downed 48 oz yet not enough. I guess I was super dehydrated. Luckily the tech had no issues to see thoroughly. Grateful that the pelvic exam showed better imaging. I am grateful that I had a conversation with the Tech and mentioned that I was hoping the cyst on my left ovary was no longer there… well this prompted her to check her notes and lo n behold the cyst is on my right ovary and the radiologist made a mistake when sending in the results. Well the cyst has grown and now has a mass inside of it. They want me to do a MRI with IV contrast. I am grateful that I have been able to check with other doctors and hope to get an answer tomorrow. Hoping that I can just arrange a procedure for removal and skip the MRI all together (not sure why I’d waste money when we know I need to remove this cyst).
I am so grateful that my mother is so damn supportive! Grateful that I have to start my dietary prep for the colonoscopy. I am grateful that after much research (so much contradictory information on the web). Being a vegan with an already limited diet due to inflammation it was not easy figuring out my diet for today / tomorrow that would have a sufficient amount of protein. I was able to find some foods that I will be able to eat today and tomorrow and what broths I will be able to digest on Thursday. Grateful for Eric’s humor – thank you friend – I’m also grateful you are not having to go through this.
I am so grateful that I know I can’t have vitamins till Saturday. I have to mentally prepare for this as my Vit D has been giving me the little bit of energy I need to et through the day and also keeps my spirits high.
I am grateful that I watched some movies today to keep myself distracted from everything else. They were not scary but hey – still good cinema.
I am grateful that all my health shit will soon pass with time. I am grateful that some days are better and easier than others. Grateful that even when I have days like today – I can find ways to positively get through the day.
I am so grateful for feeling tired and going to call it an early night. I am so grateful that I have to get up early in the morning and help out with the hospital shift. Grateful that I am needed.

Sweet dreams my lovely friends – I do hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day! Sending everyone much love :heart::heart:


I’m grateful for you, Jasmine! You have such a big heart , and a huge capacity for giving love to others. You’re kind and insightful and I love your sense of humor! I hope you do well in upcoming medical procedures and recover quickly. May you be well, you dear​:pray::heart::two_hearts: