Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Thank you Patricia! You are too sweet my friend - appreciate you :people_hugging::people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Checking in grateful for perfect September weather, tasty coffee, good sleep and a rested body. I am grateful for the lunch date with my co worker who will be leaving the company. I am grateful for new people joining our team so work is still doable. I am grateful for my job, the flow of income it provides me with, my apartment and my well filled fridge. I am grateful for music and some rusty dance moves :sweat_smile:. Grateful for this place and all of you :orange_heart:.


I need some morning gratitude.

I had a rough night with lots of oppressive and disturbing nightmares. After waking up there was this helpless, lonely, despaired feeling I haven’t felt for quite some time. I call it “I want my mummy” feeling because I feel like a lost, abandoned child. I’m grateful I dragged myself out of bed and started my morning routines with some extra love and kindness and encouraging selftalk. I’m deeply grateful these tools work and I trust the process. I’m grateful I practiced long enough to walk on solid ground with my toolbox :pray:

I’m grateful the serenity in my life allowed me to stay calm when my old boy walked on the outside of the balcony railing. I fetched treats and all three cats were safe inside the house running after their tidbits in a minute :pray: I’m grateful for the close bond between the furballs and me :orange_heart:

I’m grateful I started tackling the boxes the ex stored here to go through them with the dishes. I separated mine from his and have to claim again, still some of my stuff missing. One step after another. I’m grateful I know some day all this will be over. I’m grateful I chewed on some new ideas how to get the firewood to the furnace room while sitting in the sun enjoying a big cup of tea :pray: ODAAT


Since August 4:
3 ER visits
2 hospitalizations, 3 days each
2 outpatient surgeries
0 relapses

Grateful to be sober and on the mend.


Good luck Jasmine, sending you good vibes :hugs:


@erntedank So sorry about your intense nightmarish night. I am grateful that you were able to add some extra love to your daily routines :heart:
@mbwoman On the mend :pray: Grateful for this! I do hope that you stay clear of hospitals and ER rooms.
@tragicfarinelli Thank you dear friend! Hope you are doing better today. My heart and thoughts are with you and your sister :heart:

I am so grateful for waking up before the alarm. I did wake up exhausted but I do know that i can take a nap this afternoon if needed and this is helping me mentally prepare for the day.
I am so grateful for my mother who had prepared a lotus seed and warmed apple cereal for me - wanted to make sure i got the nutrition in and met all the guidelines.
I am so grateful that i take my coffee black (i would not be able to handle going 4 days without coffee – or i should say the world wouldn’t be able to handle it). :rofl: :rofl:
I am so grateful for all the love and support i receive from my family (truly blessed)
I am so grateful for my HP and His guidance. Grateful for the strength and willpower bestowed upon me to keep living life on this healthy path.
I am so grateful for being able to get in my gratitude’s and doing my check in before heading off to work.
I am so grateful for finally finding sushi ginger. It has been missing in the stores since Covid. I finally found the brand i used to get at one store but they are now using aspartame in it. So damn grateful to have found some at Walmart of all places. I am excited to make some sushi next week. I know i couldn’t have just made some at home - it was always my intention but never happened.
I am so grateful for my friends on TS. For my forever connections. I am grateful to be 100% me and be accepted for being me.
I am so grateful that i am needed today and will be able to fill in for a portion of the shift.
Hope you all have a fabulous addiction free day. Sending each of you so much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning guys :blush:

I am grateful, as always, for coffee :laughing:
I am grateful for my virtual trainers, always pushing me
I am grateful I have learned to listen to my body and give it rest when needed.
I am grateful fir the beautiful sky I saw last night on my way to AA
I am grateful my sponsor is trying to find us a better time to meet because I do not like being out past dark. (lol, yes I’m old :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:)
I am grateful @Mbwoman is on the mend :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety 57 days free from all unhealthy addictions
Cravings are less and less but still tricky
Hubby did the dishes
Boscoe snuggles
Pics of Boscoe smashing a pup cup
Feeling 90% better
Good workouts
Hot coffee
The pause
The 12 steps
A newfound freedom


Good morning, TS community. I’m so grateful to be here to share and to help each other. It is a gift. I’m grateful I finally got to sleep after another insomnia bout last night. Had to leave my snoring husband for the guest room again, which happens frequently these days, but it’s become the norm. Every couple of nights. I’m grateful we have the guest room and the bed is comfortable. I’m grateful that it rained last night, we really needed it. I’m grateful that my fingers are healing well and I’ll be able to resume normal activities soon. I’m grateful I can take my bike in to a shop and get it modified so I can ride it again, arthritis makes it impossible to ride in a body forward posture anymore… I’m grateful that there are so many resources and adaptations available to me to improve my fitness level even at this ripe old age of 68! I’m grateful that I have been able to get and stay sober long enough that I can now focus more of my attention to my fitness level. It is time.


Good morning.

The first thing that comes to mind this morning to be grateful for is my character defects!!! Oh the irony… I am grateful for my character defects because they keep challenging me and they keep stretching my growth forward. If everything was easy, if nothing irritated me or I wasnt still judgemental at times, I would be enlightened. I am grateful that being a little sick at times keeps it real, and keeps me on my toes. It reminds me that when we pray for the still suffering addict at meetings…there is nothing wrong with adding my own name to that list. I am grateful that my suffering looks much different today than 4,7,20 years ago but suffering just the same. I am grateful I can hold space for that and not gaslight myself to get over it.

I am grateful for my sponsor who teaches me with every conversation that no matter how much clean time we get we never stop being an addict. I am grateful for her character defects too. :smile: :rofl: :joy: :laughing: What a woman. I am grateful that shes stayed clean for 21 years and that she asked me again to present her with her cake and her medallion. I am grateful that when she said “youre my person” it made me smile.

Youknow, I knew we were meant to be together the minute i walked into that meeting and laid eyes on her. I wanted her to be my sponsor and I am sure that I talked about it on this forum (from my original account, dont delete your account kids). I am grateful that my thinking has changed and that I dont feel like a burden anymore, I actually feel like a blessing. She has helped me change that perspective. That little bit of confidance has helped me grow in so many other avenues in my life. It has helped spread my wings and I couldnt be more grateful for her. She’s the blessing. :heart:

I am grateful that when I feel tears running down my face it makes me think of my child. “Mom do you know humans cant sense ‘wet’”
I am grateful I can feel the warmth of my tears.
I am grateful I can feel them running down my face.
I am grateful for my brilliant child.



We’re waiting……


I’m grateful for a really good nights sleep.
I’m grateful for good morning coffee.
I’m grateful for big sober birthdays.
I’m grateful Benson stopped to warn me about the javelina behind us. I’m grateful we went our separate ways.
I’m grateful I walked the Ol Burner with music playing today. Bloody Well Right and a little Roll Over Beethoven followed up with a friendly Boy George. And more fun music from my 70/80’s. I’m grateful I decided I had to get out of my head. I’m grateful I figured out I needed that change up. I’m grateful for the healing powers of music.
I’m grateful to see my wife eating again.
I’m grateful to watch her enjoy her chocolate chip or chocolate chip cookie dough after dinner. I’m grateful I remember those sugary days and I’m not tempted. Eh…bullshit. I’d love some ice cream. But Just NO!
I’m grateful I still got my 137 days no added extra sugar. And grateful I got 2 weeks and a day of no zero sugar cookies, chocolate or any other kind of zero sugar sweets after dinner in the evening. I’m grateful for my 1/4 cup walnuts daily. I’m grateful I don’t like them that much. Grateful they aren’t binge worthy.
I’m grateful to laugh with my wife at her sober clumsy mornings. I can remember them. Still get them some mornings. Days :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I’m grateful for a fun different meeting at my Tuesday night meeting last night. I’m grateful I could run by my neighbors house and get the key when she told me she couldn’t make it to open up.
I’m grateful for the quail parade coming across the negative edge to the waterfall stones.
I’m grateful for desert wildlife.
Bye :wave: guys. Grateful they got their drink and are off.
I’m grateful for Courage To Change. And I’m grateful, “I can only work with what I have today.” I’m grateful that’s easier to do on “the good days,” but doing it nonetheless might make it easier on the difficult days.
Grateful for all the lovely people here.

“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.” Cicero


I’m grateful the sun is finally shining after 4 straight days of cold continuous rain.

I’m grateful to be enjoying the sunshine out on the deck while watching a turtle, duck and bird sunbathing on a big rock together. I’m grateful for all the wildlife, even the big snapping turtles my husband feeds in the evenings. I swear they know the sound of his truck. All they’re heads start popping up when he pulls in, and all the fish come swimming near the edge. Grateful no food goes to waste in my house.

I’m grateful I took the day off to take my baby to the dentist. I’m grateful they agreed to take her on as a new patient 5 months ago when no other pediatric dentist would. She’s an adult by age but still a child mentally. I’m grateful everyone at that office is so kind. I’m grateful she’s the best patient ever and never scared, unlike her mom. Even the dentist said he wished he could work on patients like her all day long. I’m grateful they give her nitrous oxide (laughing gas as she calls it). No wonder she likes going. I’m grateful we’re coming to the end of the extensive work she’s having done, only 1 or 2 more visits. I’m grateful the dentist said her brushing is improving with each visit. I’m grateful my sobriety has given me the opportunity to do some mom things all over, like taking the time to help her brush her teeth really well twice a day.

I’m grateful I was asked to join a cooperate meeting yesterday. I’m grateful my boss allowed me to do a demonstration and voice my concerns on an upcoming conversion. I’m grateful they accepted the changes I suggested and the date I recommended. I’m grateful I’ve been through enough conversions in my life to know it’s not going to go smoothly and to keep my expectations to a minimum.

I’m grateful I agreed to go to lunch with all of them after the meeting. I tried to bow out, but my boss wasn’t having it. I’m grateful I have enough sobriety under my belt to navigate these scenarios. I thought for sure they would all be having drinks, but I’m grateful I was wrong. I was the first to order and of course it was a diet coke, and everyone followed ordering the same or water. I’m grateful each of us ordered a different dessert and we shared them all. Grateful conversation flowed and it turned out to be a great time. Grateful it was nice break to a grueling workday.

I’m grateful for all of you here on TS.


You remembered :yellow_heart:
I will post soon.
Grateful for you @Dazercat


But of course


Back home and back for more gratitude :pray:
I’m grateful for a really good day.
I’m grateful the shiatsu therapy helped with the pain in my right side, my therapist does miracles.
I’m grateful I found a parking lot next to my friends flat where I water the flowers while she’s on vaccation.
I’m grateful for some resting time before group therapy. I’m grateful for this wonderful group, our caring and sharing. I giggled when a colleague suggested I should do cabaret, he could listen for hours when I talk. I’m grateful I am like I am and yes, I have a colourful speech and a temper that makes stories told very vivid. It’s a good feeling to be appreciated and liked because I appreciate and like those people too.

I’m grateful I decided to drive home to the farm allthough it was already dark. The drive was ok and I feel a bit more confident driving in the dark. I want to practice as the days are getting shorter and I don’t want to be stuck on the farm. I’m grateful I can always stay at my town house over night if I don’t feel like driving in the dark. All the daily logistic routines will evolve over time. I’m grateful I have choices and opportunities. One day at a time and babysteps.
I’m deeply grateful I sit on the balcony and watch the nearly full moon shining so bright. A light breeze makes the wood rustling, the crickets chirr. I’m grateful for today I live in paradise. With cats. ODAAT


I’m grateful to be safe and warm while storm Agnes does her thing.
I’m grateful I have clicked with my first two online students and we have found times to meet that will fit around my other job, when it starts.
I’m grateful they are both studying art courses I am interested in as it will help us work well together.
I’m grateful for meditation and meetings.
I’m grateful for good books and for going to bed early so I can read more than a few pages before falling alseep.
I’m grateful this is my idea of a frickin’ good night now.
I’m grateful to my furry foot warmer.
I’m grateful for this community and you all.


I am grateful for the wonderful, mystery of life
I am grateful letting go let’s you enjoy the ride
I am grateful for all the love in my life and in life around me

I am grateful for two years sober today :white_heart::white_heart:


Congratulations on your 2 years of freedom Callie. Always a pleasure when you stop by.


I’m grateful that @Callie99 has two years and is here to celebrate it. Grateful for all she’s learned and her wise words. Congratulations, Callie, sooo happy for you.
