Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Yes youre right… its that twin connection. :crazy_face:


This. Billy. This. I needed to read this right now, OMG. “Suffering or happiness is created through ones relationship to experience not by experience itself.” I am resetting my eyes and my heart to see only what is truly in front of me right now. I feel like ive just been able to hit the reset button. Thank you for this. :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


Sunday gratitude’s – oh yes - i am super grateful!!

I am so grateful that i do have energy today despite crappy night sleep. Grateful that i didn’t feel guilty about scrolling insta for 3 hours watching videos when i couldn’t sleep.
I am so grateful for my lovely morning coffee with my mom. She is so amazing!
I am so grateful that i was able to spend some humorous time with my brother.
I am so grateful that my sis and bil came over to watch the game today. My goodness - thank goodness that i don’t drink anymore. Grateful that i no longer have the alcoholic facial swelling and redness. Grateful that i no longer plan my day(s) around drinking. It hurts seeing them looking so unhealthy but i know my words will not register so its a waste of time.
I am so grateful that I had time to make our morning detox juice for my brother and myself.
I am so grateful that my brother brought me some Alkaline water.
I am so grateful for comfy cloths and cooler weather.
I am so grateful almond yogurt cause i do enjoy sauerkraut mixed with yogurt and pumpkin seeds (so grateful to be able to enjoy without actually yogurt). I know a weird combo but i find it so comforting.
I am so grateful for family and friends that accept me for me and are now understanding what i have been going through. I am so grateful that i am not taking shit or lack of compassion from friends. I no longer accept a one way street. I am fully there for my friends and i do believe its justified that i receive comfort from my friends in a time of need (not to be fair weather friends).
I am so grateful for meditation and prayer! Grateful for my connections with God and so grateful for @Its_me_Stella words - letting go of my shit to God - surrendering myself wholeheartedly and without reservation. I felt connection with all your words and am grateful that you were able to articulate them so well.
I am so grateful for a OCTOBER - i love this month and all that it holds. I am so grateful that i can still enjoy the spookiness and Halloween fun even if i can’t decorate or do my haunted houses / orchard runs this year. I feel content that I know if i don’t push myself I will heal and get better and next year I can go ALL OUT again.
I am so grateful that i was able to catch up here and on the check in thread - will now go and join the fun watching the game. Grateful to be fully sober and able to enjoy the day with a clear mind.
I am so grateful for this community and all you wonderful souls that make this place to welcoming and loving… what a comfort it is to know you are always around to lend a ear / shoulder. Thank you!!! You guys are amazing :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:

Edit- to add I am so grateful for not sweating alcohol…for not omitting such foul odor. Grateful I don’t drink! Can’t stress this enough today


Today I am grateful for my oldest niece. It’s her birthday and we are going to have a little celebration


Checking in grateful with 1481 days.

I’m grateful for waking up hangover free and refreshed for the start of another work week. I used to despise Mondays, now I don’t mind them at all.

I’m grateful we went to the 911 memorial yesterday. What a beautiful place of remembrance. I’m grateful we were able to locate the names of our friends at the pool. I’m grateful the 3 of us said a prayer together while placing a rose in their engraved names. I’m grateful for all the tears we shed. I’m grateful my husband agreed to leave before finishing the entire museum. I’m grateful I know my emotional limits. I’m grateful I didn’t consider the admission fee to be a loss, since we didn’t stay long but rather a contribution to a great cause. I’m grateful we reflected on that day as a family during the drive in to the city. I’m grateful my daughter was a trooper with all the walking we had done.

I’m grateful to be on this journey with each and everyone of you. :blush: :two_hearts:


Good morning sober fam,

Im with @Lisa07 i dont dread mondays as much now that im sober and not horribly hungover

Im so very greatful for…

Choices past me made to get me where i am today
The choice i made to get sober, what a profound effect that decision has had on my mind, body, soul, relationships, pocketbook
My sobriety
Hubbys sobriety
Hubby had a special birthday
Boscoe and his handsome lil self
A relaxed sunday
Someone suggested The Power of Now book here and im enjoying it already…i never thought of my worry and anxiety as “compulsive thinking”
Deja vu
Being flexible and open to learning and trying new things
This amazing community. I mean it. I love you all.

Much love my sober peeps. Welcome to a new week full of opportunities


I’m grateful for moments.
Like this morning I was out in the dark with Benson, same place I was crying the other day because I just can’t go on like this. Well this morning same place different feeling. I’m grateful I was feeling relief because I do not have to live this way. And in that moment. And this current moment. Everything is good. No, wonderful. Currently.

I’m grateful I’m in the dark with my Hairbender blend from Stumptown. Taste good. Fun to say. :coffee: Grateful Benson already bailed on me. Grateful I got to do gratitude first because I can’t read shit in the dark except on this iPad screen. I’m grateful it started raining and the clouds are gorgeous. Grateful for that smell when it rains and the desert is so dry. And the cool breeze.

I’m even grateful I went to bed late last night after watching a stupid movie. 11pm :scream: late for me. Grateful I woke up for a couple of hours and couldn’t sleep because I was so excited, I don’t have to live this way. I’m grateful I finally did a meditation got a couple more hours and couldn’t wait to get out here and wait for the sunrise.

I’m grateful for you guys and all your support.
I’m grateful for Al-Anon and there was no leader last night so Muggin’s stepped up to the plate. It’s what I do. I’m grateful my little angel told me to read my Courage To Change yesterday. I read it again at the meeting with tears flowing in front of the group. I’m grateful when I reach out, and when I go to meetings I. GET. EXACTLY. WHAT. I. NEED. :pray:t2:.

I’m grateful I got a coffee date with Tom tomorrow. I’m grateful he’s hard core and scary. But you know what? So is the beast of addiction or alcoholism or whatever.
I’m grateful he told me I got 3 outcomes.

  1. Keep enabling and enjoy the slow long slog of a painful life and eventually death of my alcoholic loved one.

  2. I quit enabling her and she stops drinking.

  3. I quit enabling her and she keeps drinking and she doesn’t suffer any consequences and the dignity of making her own decisions. She never learns to clean up her own mess. She hurts herself and either learns, or maybe dies in an accident falling down the stairs.

I’m grateful it’s fucking frightening as all hell.
I’m grateful I’m scared shitless.
I’m grateful I have some really hard decisions to make.
But, I’m grateful, I. Just me. Don’t. Have. To. Live. Like. This.

I’m grateful I’m taking it slow building my army. But while her addict was doing push ups in September getting stronger my codependency was on a tropical beach somewhere on vacation sipping virgin Mai Tais.

I’m grateful I’m done saying “she’s not that bad.”

I’m grateful I can ask god and my support peeps for help. I’m grateful just like quitting drinking. I could not do it alone. I had to ask for help. And look at me now. This fucking badass who asked for help is 1376 days sober.
I’m grateful I know I could be crying again tomorrow. I’m grateful right now in this moment. That’s all I got. I’m grateful.

New acronym

When I have heard about blood and destruction and ER’s and arrests of others loved ones due to their addiction. I always think mine isn’t so bad. YET! I’m eligible too :sob: This is a killer disease. Wake the fuck up Big E.


I am grateful for time spent with family yesterday. I am grateful for my sobriety and the fact that I figured out that not counting every single day seems to be making it easier for me. I’m still aware of how many days when I open this app but otherwise I don’t really think about it anymore. I’ve just accepted that I’m sober now and it’s more of a lifestyle change than some sort of goal or countdown.


I’m grateful for you dear friend.
I’m grateful you make things real and you bring tears to my eyes.
I don’t know anyone who knew anyone in the 911 attack. And now I do. And the reality of it all hit me hard with your share.

I’m grateful for your share on the active shooter drills you mentioned at work. Again. I don’t know anyone who has to do that. You make it real.

I’m grateful for you and your lovely child and your sober husband and how I know you got my back. I’m glad you’re here.


Good morning.

I am grateful for that last 8 years since my dads cancer diagnosis, he has been basically “symptom free”, to the naked eye anyways. I am grateful that the type of non-Hodgkins lymphoma he has (Waldenstrom’s) is slow moving. I am grateful that I can admit I feel some fear around watching him waste away. I dont quite know where to put my faith there… Sure I sit comfortably in the whole idea of the souls journey and our human form only being able to last so long. Its the extended months sometimes years that this disease can drag on for. I guess I can have some hope, hope that he wont suffer long, hope that he will surrender quickly.

:pray: :sparkles:


AMEN to that – i love this feeling most of all and grateful that you are experiencing it!


Oh love - sending him comfort from all his suffering. Cancer is such a bitch of a disease. :pray: :heart:


Morning gratitude. I fell asleep again yesterday.
I’m grateful to wake up with cats. I feel loved and needed and have someone to cuddle.
I’m grateful yesterday is over. A day full of headache and a nightmare echoing in me all day was heavy. I’m grateful for therapy allthough I did not quitw get what my therapist said about the nightmare. I’m grateful I have faith that it will make sense later.
I’m grateful for a chat with my friend when I returned her keys. I would love to see her more often.
I’m grateful for fastfood I grabbed on the way home. Not healthy but I needed comfort food after this exhausting day.
I’m grateful I started christmas shopping :blush: I spent too much money on beautiful ornaments and clips and smile like a child :blush:
I’m grateful today is a stay-at-home day, zoom workshop in the morning and whatever I decide to do after lunch. I’m grateful the cats will accompany me at the office :orange_heart:
I’m grateful I feel vulnerable instead of nervous and angry. It’s difficult to grab my root feelings these days, I noticed they mask with old patterns again. Or at least try. Progress, not perfection. ODAAT :pray:


Good morning, friends.
I am grateful my mom texted me about my granny being in the hospital. She fell again and is now getting a pacemaker at age 93. I am currently far away from home, so all I could do was give her a call and speak some encouraging words to her. I had to take a few deep breaths before and after the call. Imagination was immediately running wild. I am grateful she knows I love her. I’ve told her often. I just hate feeling so helpless, but I know there is nothing I can do right now. I am grateful for a call with a friend tonight. Not being near people you love in moments like this, really sucks. I am grateful I can still see all the beauty around me, even though it’s a bit shielded, as my mind is not fully present. I am grateful for acceptance. :orange_heart:


And I’m grateful for you too dear friend!
I’m grateful for your honesty and vulnerability. You’ve shown me it’s ok not to be ok when posting on this thread. I wish I could reach through the screen and give you the biggest hug
You always keep it real, no matter how much you’re hurting.
:people_hugging: :heart:


Im grateful I woke up just now (4am yo) to find that Zelda had eaten her 12am food. Its been hit or miss recently and with every bowl of (wet) food I toss, so goes her medication with it. Back to sleep (hopefully) now and hoping I will find the same thing when I get up at 8am.


good morning beautiful folks, i’m grateful to read your gratitude shares, grateful for coffee on the pot, grateful for 30 days AF today :partying_face: i’m grateful for clear communication about difficult things with a good friend. i’m grateful for my child’s father who just got released from jail and let me know that he’s starting a new job today and that he’s gonna pay for what he missed while he was locked up, and get back on track with financial support. i’m grateful for my loving heart of compassion which can’t help but believe in the best of people, and truly want the best for them. i’m grateful for my new therapist, i am grateful for the opportunity to explore diagnosing some disorder(s) possibly ADHD or a mild autism, not sure but i feel like i would be very grateful to have some clarity on why i am the odd way i am. grateful to have mental health support, financial support, heart health support from family and friends……i feel supported now and i’m grateful for that. i feel safe now for the first time in a very long time. grateful for that.


So much gratitude to catch up on! Forgive me i will catchup when i can. But for now i must flex my gratitude muscles.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety 70 days free from vaping
My hubbys sobriety
Our walks as a family and the communication we have.
Hubby suggesting we keep walking and keep communicating
Our safety. In some parts of the world this is a luxury and i by no means want to take that for granted
A good nights sleep. Slept all the way thru the night! That doesnt happen often.so stinkin greatful
Hubby can talk me down from a mental downward stress spiral
Meds to keep me sane-ish
Health insurance
Boscoe cuddles and greetings and love
My folks are able to let boscoe hang at their house while hubby and i are away
A financial planner to tell me all the things i need to do
Hubby calming me when i stress about the long list of to dos and telling me they dont all have to get done asap
Reminders to pause and bring myself back to the present
A desire for continued learning and growth


I’m grateful I don’t have to live like this.
I’m grateful for YET
I’m grateful it’s such a hard acronym for me to remember I look it up every time I can’t remember it and it’s a grateful reminder to build my army of support.

I’m grateful for my struggles. Man, that is so fucking hard for me to say. I fucking hate it when I hear people say that! I DESPISE THEM :imp:
I’m grateful I can feel the strength and wisdom in finally being able to say that. I’m grateful it’s making me get more tools.

I’m grateful both my Al-Anonic friends ask me if I had a therapist? NO! I’m grateful I got room for one. C’mon down! What have I got to loose?

I’m grateful I’m probably going to ask the children for support. I’m grateful this scares the fucking shit out of me! In my mind I don’t think we will recover together if I ask the children for support. What have I got to loose?

I’m grateful I. Don’t. Have. To. Live. Like. This. :broken_heart:

I’m grateful for humor. Obviously :roll_eyes:

I’m grateful for baby steps. I’m grateful for first things first.
I’m grateful for the nugget at the meeting yesterday when M. shared, she listened to other people but made sure she didn’t get too many opinions all at once. I’m grateful for slow and steady. I got so many numbers from phone lists and I’m ready to call EVERYONE for support. But. Easy does it Eric. Easy does it.

I’m grateful for you all.
I’m grateful I have to ability to let it all out here.
I’m grateful some of y’all admire my vulnerability. And I will gladly take all those hugs.

I’m grateful I’ve never seen the beast in her this strong before. I’m really scared.

I’m grateful I choose recovery.

I’m grateful for my sobriety and drinking has never been an option or even entered my mind. And just to be sure I will continue to go to the AA speaker meeting Friday nights.

I’m grateful :innocent:


Hang on to those baby steps, friend! That beast may be asserting itself because your wife is grappling with the reality of what she is dealing with. so it’s back and forth and who will win? The future is so uncertain, but I hope she will win her battle. Meanwhile, I’m sending you more hugs and a sense of peace :peace_symbol: