Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

@pandita I’m sorry love – I do hope all goes well with the pacemaker and your grandma makes a healthy recovery. Many hugs to you and sending you comfort :hugs:

Oh Julia :hugs: this was beautiful and I am so thrilled that you are celebrating your 30 days with such positive changes. Love all the support around you and all the progress that you have made. Keep being amazing!
@cjp 70 days!! Man you are kicking ass! Love this for you. Big hugs to your hubby for helping you out of the spiral. You are making huge strides forward – absolutely amazing!

I hear you dear friend – this saying sucks and is hard to swallow at times but man it does bring out your strength and even if you don’t realize it you are flexing those muscles hard. You are setting boundaries, learning to be ok with yourself and your surroundings. You are accepting and reaching out for support. You are realizing YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS. I am grateful for you and your shares. Thank you for entrusting us with your struggles and not bearing them solo.


Congratulations on your 30 days Julia

We can be therapy twins :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful I was already able to contact my new addiction therapist this morning. And I’m standing by.

I’m grateful for the serenity I feel when I see you and your sons beautiful faces together. Thank you for sharing those pics with us.


Amazing. Sounds like you have all these riches, plus the bonus of 30 sober days! The future is bright.


Evening gratitude.
Today I’m grateful for a full day at home. I’m grateful for my office @ home where I can attend interesting zoom workshops. I’m grateful for interesting input and good discussions.
I’m grateful for leftovers, I was too exhausted to cook.
I’m grateful I walked a round on the farm and saw my ex’s car missing. I’m grateful I called him to ask if he fetched it. He fetched it yesterday evening. I’m grateful I was not at home, I feel very unstable whithout preparing to meet him. Maybe he’ll come over tomorrow, maybe we can talk then. Whatever the universe has scheduled, it will happen. I’m grateful he finally got his driver license back (already 2 weeks ago) after 1,5 years. I’m grateful I did not help out besides the first month. I’m grateful I did not share this situation with him. I’m grateful my side of the street is clean.

I’m grateful I called a friend and vented after the call with my ex. I was upset with myself. The codependent monster threw a fit and I honestly thought “I could skip part 2 of the workshop to talk with him” :scream::roll_eyes:
No honey, we don’t do this anymore. We do what feeds our heart, soul and brain. If a talk happens, it happens in a spot which is fine for both. Skipping a workshop you really enjoy participating in is NOT fine for you. No need to beat yourself up, you have very old patterns to unlearn. I’m grateful I get another chance to unlearn this unhealthy pattern and replace it with equanimity, kindness and boundaries :pray:
Fuck, this shit is exhausting. I’m grateful the new book is a perfect read for everything I’m dealing with atm. And I’m grateful yesterday’s nightmare and the therapy session make sense today after this call and my feelings after. I can do better. Let it begin with me. ODAAT :pray:


I’m grateful that the weather has decided to stop being “you can fry an egg on the sidewalk” and is now “here is your one week of decent weather before hell freezes over”. :laughing:


Good morning gratidudes.

Im so very greatful…

That i decided to skip the gym this am after working late
My sobriety
Half way to the weekend
Feeling better this am
Hot coffee
Good days
My lovely mother
One day at a time
This amazing community

Peace lovelies


Grateful granny opened her eyes and asked why breakfast wasn’t there yet :sweat_smile:. I think she’s indestructible. Grateful @JazzyS was sending good vibes, thank you :orange_heart:. Grateful for leisure time. Grateful my phone died half way through my visit at the Alhambra. It lifted the heavy weight off my shoulders to have to take the perfect memorable picture. I could just be there and enjoy the beauty of it all. Grateful for this kind of beauty. Grateful I get to see it. Grateful I have the means to make it happen. Grateful for water and shade in the heat. Grateful all is well today and I know all of it is a gift.


I’m grateful I have an appointment to get a haicut today. I had to cancel my last one when my heath issues got in the way of my vanity. It might seem a small thing, but I’m a Leo, and having an untamed mane can really affect my base mood. I don’t need to look fabulous, just not homeless :laughing:


Good morning. :sparkles:

Wooohooo, I am grateful to be a witness. Sometimes the spiritual awakenings of others remind me of breakthroughs. Its like I can see and feel the energy building up inside. I am grateful that when we stop holding on, and we let go, all of that pressure gets released. Damn that feels good and its so amazing to see. All of that negative energy suddenly turns positive and it just runs wild as the universe steers it all in the right direction. I am grateful that when we let go, the universe, God, source, creator, spirit…( whatever you call it) has us.

I am grateful to have some time this morning to work. I am grateful for my medication and I am grateful that I slept pretty good.


I’m grateful that you are feeling better and are able to get your haircut today. Not vain at all. I completely understand this feeling and feeling groomed and fresh brings in inner peace.
Have a beautiful day love :heart:


Thank you :grin: I am definitely vain! :laughing: The last couple of years have been difficult (just when I thought it couldn’t get worse :sweat_smile: ) and there have been days when I could barely roll over in bed without help (which has been a steep drop from the days not that long ago that I’d spend working out), and so all the little things I do to care for myself have become infinitely important for my emotional health.

But to give context, we had a big earthquake a few years ago and while the first thing I did was check to make sure the water in the taps still worked, the second was to make sure my hair was at least presentable in case we needed to vacate. :rofl: I’m grateful I have the ability to laugh at myself!


This did make me chuckle. Appreciate your honesty :people_hugging:

Oh lovely friend…I am so sorry to hear of your health struggles. I do hope that those are in the past and that you are fully healed
Enjoy the hell out of whatever self pampering you can manage to do. Like you mentioned - this is important for your emotional health. I feel like we can conquer anything as long as we are emotionally and spiritually strong. Much love to you :heart::revolving_hearts:


Today I’m grateful for an overwhelming wonderful day. I’m so tired I could fall asleep typing but I want to say I AM GRATEFUL. Let go and let God. Let it begin with me. ODAAT. Let the universe decide what it is serving you. I’m grateful I was openhearted, I’m grateful I try again, I’m grateful for meditation, I’m grateful for serenity, I’m fucking grateful for all the sayings I’ve been reading here for over 3 years and they help, they stick, practice and babysteps pay off. Maybe more details to come. I’m grateful I’m home and fall into bed. Amen :pray:


@Dazercat I had no idea this could happen!! I must be more careful too from now on.
I really admire how you had just this little tiny sip, by accident and you had the self control to not have any more!
Not only that but (hopefully) you are not dwelling on that incident for too long which actually allows you to continue being sober (stress can definitely push as back to our addictions).
I hope you are very proud of youself because I am :slight_smile:


Grateful for the appointment. I do hope it’s nothing serious and that you feel better soon :pray:
Sending healing vibes


Oh so grateful for this too :people_hugging:. Hope your granny heals well :pray:


I’m grateful I’m here and still sober…78 days now.
I’m grateful for a safe house and food to eat.
Grateful for my family, including my fur family.
My brain hasn’t got the memo that we should be happy now, and my depression is giving me a rough ride.
Grateful for access to a doctor and the hope maybe a medication tweak will do some good.
I think everyone in my house is probably grateful I forced myself into the shower today :upside_down_face:
Grateful I know this too will pass.


I’m grateful for your share.
Thank you very much.
I’ll do any to protect my sober date. The reality is, I might not have another one in me.


I believe in you!!
Let’s keep our spirits high and our ambitions even higher :slight_smile:


Unfortunately not, but I appreciate your kind words. But hey! What doesn’t make you stronger eventually kills you. :laughing: I am always grateful for this forum. It is the only social media I take part in, and I think I can say it’s the only “social media” I feel like it is worth my time and effort to take part in (even though I’ve been a recluse shut in the past year or so).