Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Im outta hearts but just had to say @Its_me_Stella i appreciate your contributions to TS sober on sister


Back atcha sistah. :kiss:


Hey All,
I’m grateful for you. I started a new post for anyone that is going through this alone. Even if you’re not alone, but feel alone, you’re welcome.

I’m grateful for this community. I’m grateful I found you all last year.
I’m grateful for my new used car. My old one was dangerous to drive.
I’m grateful for my home and my job.
I’m grateful and adore Buddy :dog: and Riley :smiley_cat:. They are my everything, every day.
Happy Saturday, almost Sunday (for me in the US Midwest) :hugs:


I’m grateful to wake up with a spring in my step… Well, not exactly a spring, let’s say a hopeful bounce.
I’m grateful that my hopeful bounce is due solely on being sober, the absolute best decision I’ve ever made.
I’m grateful to be going home today after house sitting all week.
I’m grateful I’ve got up early and cleaned the house ready for the owner’s return - I don’t want to imagine doing it hungover.
I’m grateful for the path my life is taking, no great shakes just steadily moving through. I’m grateful my little family is doing fine too.
I’m grateful that gratitude feels so good. :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful my kids are healthy.
I’m grateful for the roof above our heads.
I’m grateful we don’t live in the war zone.
I’m grateful we are not hungry.

I decided I must start again my morning gratitude, I want it to be my routine like with gratidudes @Cjp or @Dazercat :slight_smile:
It’s a good thing.
Lately it’s not so great in my life but I believe it’s temporary.


Today I am grateful for my husband who is letting me go to Ohio and see my family without him. I will worry about him and his addictions while I am gone, but I am going.


I’m glad you are going too! Enjoy your family!


I haven’t felt very grateful for a while. Better flex the gratitude muscle again. I’m grateful for TS every day.
I’m grateful I finally went out into the community to volunteer. Felt so good, I am signing up for more. I’m grateful I feel useful again. I’m grateful I got to interact with families and children and have fun.
I’m grateful I did t get into a fight with my husband last night while he was drunk on his ass and we managed to share dinner together anyway. I’m grateful I am staying focused on my own sobriety and not getting my undies in a bundle every time hubby gets soused. Not a thing I can do about that, grateful for the good old serenity prayer.
I’m grateful I got an extra hour today. Woke up at my usual time and wow! I’m waking up earlier now! I’m grateful I’m gonna use that precious extra hour on myself, the to do list can wait.
I’m grateful for my kitties. I’m grateful for my friends.


I’m grateful I wake up with such an attitude of gratitude, immediately, when I drag my happy ass out of bed in the morning. I think how grateful I am about this and that while making coffee and doing chores and reading devotionals even in the freaken bathroom :scream: TMI :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful by the time I get to my gratitude list I feel like I got nothing and I get to make up more or try and remember what I was grateful for.

I grateful for Maxie’s new thread.
Great topic! I check it out again this morning and someone posted about their grandmother and I’m grateful I read it and I got all warm and fuzzy feelings about one of my best friends in my life. My grandmother. I don’t know if I ever thought of my grandmother as a best friend. Today I’m grateful I think of her as a best friend. My grandmother rocked!

Im grateful @Kimpantera is getting to go to see family and hope she can find time not to worry about things she has no control over, and have a good time. When I do a long gratitude list about where I’m going my brain cannot handle both worry and gratitude at the same time. I’m grateful I’ve totally retrained my brain. Kim, I’d be grateful to read where you going, how you got there and what you saw on your way.

I’m grateful to see @Mischa84 pop in this morning. I’m grateful my grown ass kids are healthy and my 2 grandchildren are healthy and we don’t live in a war zone. I’m grateful we all have roofs over our heads.

Im grateful for my cappuccino maker and the new Breville :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Give me a break! She’s never made me a coffee in 40 years until now! Or maybe I never gave her a chance to. I’m grateful I’m giving my wife a chance to do things on her own.

I’m grateful for my new Lavazza espresso Italiano Classico coffee beans. I’m grateful I put too much water in my Chemex this morning and it was still a strong cup of coffee. I’m grateful those beans are jet fuel.

I’m grateful for TS and this Gratitude Home thread and all the people here and the fun I get to have doing my gratitude list most days.
Love :two_hearts: y’all
:pray:t2: :airplane: :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee: :heart:

Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to the source of our supply. And the more grateful you are, the closer you are to your maker, the architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being.
Twitter @spirit_enlight


I’m grateful that it wasn’t too much of a fight to give my baby kitty her medicine this morning when my alarm woke me up at “5:00am”, but also not at “5:00am” because my mobile phone alarm (which I use for this because it has a very quiet alarm setting that my alarm clock doesn’t–don’t want to wake my other half) automatically changed the time. Giving the medication was something of a fight because it was an hour late and her last dose had worn off so completely that she was agitated, tense, and overall just upset. But I was able to give it all to her quickly and efficiently, which I’m very grateful for. None was wasted during a struggle of the intensity that rarely happens anymore.

I’m also grateful I was able to go back to sleep after that, as I was up for longer than normal and when my brain “turns on”, it goes from 0 to 100 and it’s hard to get it to stop.


I’m grateful it’s Sunday. I’m grateful most of my clocks change by themselves. Young people may not remember that didn’t always happen. :grimacing:

I’m grateful my new car is in the same decade, and has working brakes.

I’m grateful Buddy likes his new car seat, basically a dog bed seat belted in. He can now see over the dash, just barely.

I’m grateful I don’t have anything else I have to do today. :hugs:


My current alarm clock was a present from my uncle, Christmas of 2000. It has a button specifically for daylight savings time to make the change easier :laughing:

Most of our clocks have to be manually changed still, and I’m grateful my husband changed most of them when he woke up this morning, so I didn’t have to. I’m a clock lover and so we have a lot of clocks :sweat_smile:


Thats amazing technology you got there! Ive never heard of such a thing lol

Today i am greatful i am a recovering alcoholic.
Im greatful i found a community of like minded people. My people.
Im greatful for great AA mtgs with laughter, tears, and understanding
Im greatful hubby and i had a tough talk about resentments annd we both felt better after
Im greatful for Boscoe, his cuddles, his love, his companionship
Im greatful for a calm spirit today
Im greatful for this community
Im greatful i was sober and aware to enjoy the changing fall colors
Im greatful it sunny and decent fall weather today
Im greatful its a perfect day for me to wear my new joggers.
Im greatful i remember when joggers were just called sweatpants
Im greatful for this day.


This made me laugh!! :hugs:


You can be sure I have been very grateful for this little button many times over the years!! :laughing:

Here's a picture of it under the tab. Cat tail was not included with the clock! I take so many pictures of her that I think she believes anytime I start taking pictures, she should be in them haha

You set the clock to the winter half, then in the spring you can push the button and it sets it forward and then in the autumn you push it again and it puts the time back. Very very handy.


I’m grateful it’s Sunday, my only day off.
I’m grateful for the extra hour of needed sleep.
I’m grateful hubby went out this morning to get my a coffee without asking. I normally only drink it at work.
I’m grateful he made me some breakfast potatoes with bacon, onion, peppers and cheese. Very yummy!
I’m grateful he’s now making dinner. I don’t know what it is but I’m sure it will be good.
I’m grateful I married a cook because left to me, we’d starve.
I’m grateful for a working washer and dryer. For years, I took this for granted until my dryer broke last year. Hauling everything to the laundromat is a chore I despise.
I’m grateful for heat. I couldn’t afford oil last year and we had to rely on a wood stove that only warmed a portion of our home. The work to keep it going was exhausting. I never had a full night’s sleep because I had to put wood on every couple hours.
I’m grateful for my health and hubby’s health too.
I’m grateful for all of you.


I’m grateful for a relaxing, sober weekend.
I’m grateful I have been ‘mum taxi’ today to take my daughter and here friends here and there.
I’m grateful I can just jump in the car at any time and not have to think about whether I am over the limit.
I’m grateful for a tidy house, cleaned with gratitude for what I have, not resentment of the chores.
I’m grateful my parents have sent some money to help with the vet’s bill, it was going to be a struggle otherwise.
I’m grateful I am putting pen to paper as I reread Recovery Dharma; I think I’m ready to start working through the first inquiry questions soon.
I’m grateful always for this community and the amazing people I’ve met here.


Grateful for the yumminess that your hubby made you :yum:

So grateful for heat too - the winters in your area are brutal - i can’t imagine relying on a wood stove. Waking up every few hours to add wood does not sound fun in the least. Grateful that this is behind you.


Sunday evening gratitude’s
I too have been slacking for my desire to gratitude – I am trying to at least do the 5 point thread or when I can’t even do that I try to mentally list some — grateful for this practice and grateful to be back to it.
I am so grateful that @kimpantera Kim will be going to visit her family. Hoping you will be able to relax and not worry about your hubby on your trip.
I am so grateful that Eric @dazercat is getting yummy cappuccino’s made for him at home. :yum:
I am grateful to be connected to members that may take a break from our community.

WOW – this is cool – never heard of such a thing. Cat tail not a part of it :laughing:
I am so grateful that i allowed myself to feel sad and cry it out. I have found my way back to a positive light and will rely on my faith to keep healing. I am grateful that i am getting some answers to my health but have to realize it is not the full picture and the words uncurable are not the end all. I know that i have been slowly getting better and i am grateful for the healing properties of food. I would not be doing so well had i not changed up my diet and done so many toxic cleanses.
I am so grateful that i had the house completely to myself for past 4 days to allow me to process everything. I am grateful that i will be seeing my doctor on Tuesday to get more insight to the results and come up with a proper plan moving forward. I am grateful that i have my MRI for my cyst on Friday.
I am so grateful that i know i came close to losing my sobriety but was able to talk myself out of this mistake - it did take me a while but i did pour my drink down the drain rather than downed it like i had wanted.
I am so grateful that my mom is my rock. I did get to talk this out with her positivity that i will heal is so intense. I do love her for that. I am grateful that I have been able to meet her for coffee and she sends me home with my meals for the day. Grateful that i have asked her to not discuss my health with anyone else at the moment. Grateful that I have been able to rest even when i can’t actually go to sleep.
I am so grateful that I can see the horrendous flash backs on my camera memories which i refuse to delete because it helps me see how far i have come.
I am so grateful i watched a lot of comedy to help me get out of this funk.
I am so grateful that i have my family in my corner and that they are super supportive.
I am so grateful that for my BIL - he is too sweet. He feels bad that i haven’t been able to travel or do much of anything and had the need to call me twice today from Punta Cana to tell me that i am missed and that i will be good soon.
I am so grateful for my sobriety and healthy living.
I am so grateful that positive thinking can lead to positivity and healthy cells to produce within


Grateful you made that decision. You’ve worked so hard on changing everything to better your health, you don’t need a set back at this point. Grateful your sobriety is still in tact and you’re continuing on this journey with all of us.