Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Thanks Lisa – so scary to think how one weak moment can erase it all. I appreciate you and our community here. :hugs:


Sunday Evening gratitude’s with my gratidude’s :purple_heart:

I’m grateful that even though I haven’t been here for several months, I was welcomed by old and new friends.

I’m grateful that Jasmine shared a post about positivity, I wholeheartedly believe switching negative thoughts to positive, can change your entire outlook.

I am a positive person by choice, I wasn’t always. I do distance myself from negative people, life is too short.

I’m grateful for today, and for anyone reading this, I’m grateful you’re here. :heart: :hugs:


Crikey. Been a long time since I’ve gone two weeks without posting. I’m grateful I can set down the troublesome voice that tells me I can’t post until I catch up on this thread, (and on everything else in life). Damn, did I ever used to try to drown that voice. Now it just gets time outs in the corner. :wink:

I’m grateful I still popped in when I could. Read and liked, no - loved, it all.
What @PinkyP said… “I’m so so grateful to be sober, I actually think that every single day at some point. I hated how I was, chained to the next drink, chained to the thought of the next drink. Living my whole life around drinking, how crazy it seems now.

I’m grateful I’m sober. Life got super life-y, and I’m grateful I was, and am, able to navigate the hard stuff soberly, working my recovery. If anything, the thought of drinking made me shudder about how fast it could all come off the rails, my life…

I’m grateful I can see the good stuff too - at least when I’m sober I can.
I’m grateful that I too don’t live in a war zone.
I’m grateful to be a student of myself. It’s not the easiest course but it sure is interesting :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I’m grateful the good dog girl and I get excited about snow! And morning coffee.
I’m grateful for close pals I can talk to when I need to.
I’m also grateful I can take good care of myself - at least when I’m sober I can.

I’m grateful for all of you. So many milestones! Pics of grandbabies and kiddos and smiling grampas! Pics of farms! Of Dads and daughters! Peace is 3 months old? And the haunted house story! (i might’ve peed a little!) And so much more…

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Remember these? You could hear the numbers change. :sweat_smile:


I’m grateful for technology. I’m grateful that felt like cutting edge back then.
I’m grateful I’m not 100. Yet. :orange_heart:


Thebdust that got between the spaces on the tops of those clocks… :crazy_face: i used to use a wet qtip to clean it… that is insanity i was a child!!!



My dear ex-husband brought a dusty one into the marriage. Sadly, his had never had the Q-tip treatment…

I think I suggested we put it somewhere safe, as surely it was worth a lot, having been excavated from an archaeological dig… Or volcanic ash - was it from Pompei, perhaps? (Apparently I have anti-charm :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)


Good morning sweethearts :smiling_face:
I’m grateful I was able to fold and put in the closets 4 loads of laundry yesterday. Otherwise I would have 6 today. I’m grateful there was not even one sock missing! I repeat: no sock missing!!! I think it’s first time in 5 years.
I’m grateful I have appt with the Dr in 2 hours. This pain is not getting lighter at all and I have some new sensations as well. I hope they will make some tests.
Im grateful for Cocomelon so I can drink my coffee in quiet and make gratitudes.
I’m grateful I’m on intermittent fasting 40 days already. My weight didnt change, but I think my shape did a little. So probably i just burned some fat but gained muscles, that’s why weight is stable :wink:
Have a good day gratidudes and dudettes, big hugs!


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for a good weekend. I’m grateful I got to go celebrate my niece’s first birthday. I’m grateful for gingerbread coffee. I’m grateful my family is safe and we have what we need. I’m grateful for all of you :heart:


I’m grateful we had a fun, sober together, night out at the Stand Up Comedy Club seeing Trae Crowder last night. I’m grateful when we both look at each other in the car and it’s dark out and it’s only 6 and we’re both thinking we’re too old to be going out this late :scream: It’s only fucking 6 pm :scream: I’m grateful neither one of us likes to leave the house after dark :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful for NA Beers.

I’m grateful I still notice my head whipping around at home when she pops a cork on some dealcoholized wine. Kind of my own ptsd sound I guess. I’m grateful she made the best cappuccino so far yesterday.

I’m grateful we’re going off to Chicago tomorrow for a sober trip to a place we’ve never been. I’m grateful I have no reason to think she will drink. I’m grateful I’m not planning what if scenarios. Well, until just now :face_with_raised_eyebrow: STOP IT!! I’m grateful I’ll be sober. I’m grateful we’ll be sober. I’m grateful I can call the hotel to have them get all the booze out of the room and minibar. FOR ME AND MY SANITY.

I’m grateful I got a lot of shit to do today.
I’m grateful we got the house cleaned over the weekend. I’m grateful it’s clean enough.

I’m grateful for the roadrunner that runs across the T Box out back and back into the desert brush.

I’m grateful when we got home late last night omg :scream: it was 10:30 :scream: we couldn’t find Benson. I’m grateful he was already in our bed not waiting up for us.

I’m grateful I hear my wife getting up and that means quiet time is over. I’m grateful for my wife. I’m grateful I really like it when she doesn’t drink. I’m grateful for this new life today. I’m grateful to be at the point drinking is not part of my life anymore. I’m especially grateful I don’t plan my whole waking hours on my next drink.

I’m grateful to invite @Niz and @Kmelton89 over to our little gratitude thread. We got so much to be grateful for when we are not drinking. I’m grateful I come here every morning to fill my cup with hope and gratitude each morning. I’m grateful I’ve retrained my brain and it works if I let it.

I’m grateful for y’all.

Did you know gratitude…….
Shields you from negativity
Makes you at least 25% happier
Rewires your brain
Eliminates stress
Improves sleep
Boasts self esteem and performance
Enhances the law of attraction
Improves relationships

Awakening intuition .com :man_shrugging:


Uuuugh, again 2 days over? time flies.
Today I’m grateful for a day in bed and purring Missi on my cramping belly to ease the pain. Fuck hormones, bleeding and this shit coming back after 7 months of heavenly peace and quiet. I’m grateful this too shall pass.
I’m grateful I have enough to cook myself healthy comfort food.
I’m grateful for long, hot showers to ease the backpain.
I’m grateful the travelbag the ex brought back is now neat, clean and doesn’t smell after cigaretts anymore. I put it in the washer and it came out like new. I’m grateful for my washer and clean laundry. I’m grateful I don’t have to smell cold cigarette smoke on clothing and things anymore.
I’m grateful this week contains only two halfdays of not being at home due to appointments. I desperately need meditation, rest and being kind to myself with this hormone shenanigans. I’m grateful for ODAAT and that everything is only temporary :pray:


Grrrrrrratitude … 'z

What a great day :grin:

  1. I am SO Grateful for my Myers Cocktail IV today. If you folks haven’t tried one of these you are missing out. Great thing to do for your body, especially us addicts.
  2. I am Grateful for my siding crew, these guys ROCK! Better yet, they are almost done :+1:
  3. I am Grateful for this Gorgeous Fall weather, unbelievable. Usually we are in a winter vortex by now! :grin:
  4. I am Grateful for Chicken Wings. Yup, you heard that right … love me a good feed of wingers :drooling_face:
  5. I am Grateful my brain no longer considers Alcohol and drinking it a thing anymore. :purple_heart:
    I’m over it. :muscle:
    Ya’ll have a great day.

Monday gratitude’s
I am so grateful for clean air - breathing without struggle.
I am so grateful for my mom. My family is awesome. I love them so very much.
I am so grateful for allowing myself to rest (have 0 energy and i know this is my normal for now).
I am so grateful i was able to ignore (drown out) the sounds of siding work being done right outside my window.
I am so grateful for essential oils.
I am so grateful for reflexology.
I am so grateful for yummy stir fry.
I am so grateful for feel good music, movies and tv shows
I am so grateful for my doctor’s appointment tomorrow. Hoping that she can put my mind to ease hopefully and come up with a good plan moving forward.
I am so grateful that I am working on my sobriety and grateful that i am no longer voluntarily ingesting poison.
I am so grateful for this community and my new friends :hugs:
Hoping everyone has a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful for this day.
I’m grateful for its challenges, and also for its ease. That neither of these are a cause or reason to pour a drink.
I’m grateful for the Recovery Dharma mtg tonight, and the opportunity to facilitate and give back.
I’m grateful for dreams and goals and plans, and that they seem less out of reach when alcohol isn’t part of the equation. (I’m also grateful to practice not getting too attached to dreams and goals and plans :wink: )

I’m grateful for our dear friend @Mno!
I’m grateful he was one of the first people on this forum that I “met”. I’m grateful his words landed in me in such a way that they made me want sobriety more. That I could be more vulnerable with myself, and others here too, and admit that. I’m grateful for his reach outs to me when I stepped away, and his welcome when I returned. I’m grateful that the way he lives, and his very life, is proof that this is better. Maybe not always easier, as you say friend, but better - no question.
I’m grateful he is here with us, celebrating our sobriety and his, every single day of having as good a day as we all can, and… celebrating 58 years of amazing Menno-ing today! :birthday: :cupcake: :cake: :tada: :gift:
Happy Birthday, dear friend. Much love to you today and always. Thank you for the gift of you. :pray:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for another morning.
Very grateful that I have next 3h just for myself.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 555 days today. I like that number.
Hubby made dinner last night
I let go and let god yesterday and the day was pretty pleasant
Im up early, not hungover, and ready to take on a 3hr budget meeting
Boscoe cuddles
My determination
Giggles we had last night bugging eachother lol


Grateful to be up early and get ready to go.
I’m grateful for adventure day.
I’m grateful I called the hotel and told them I’m a recovering alcoholic and please clear all the booze out of my room for me. Gosh. It sounded strange coming out of my mouth. “I’m a recovering alcoholic.” I don’t say that very often. Almost never. Frankly it made me uncomfortable. The newness of it. I’m grateful for my sanity I want the booze out of the hotel room. Truthfully it’s for the wife and she doesn’t know I’m doing that. Truthfully it’s for my sanity. Truthfully if an alcoholic wants a drink there’s no stopping them. I’m grateful I’ve been sober for almost 4 years with booze all around me. I’m grateful maybe I can start living without booze all around me. How cool would that be? Ya. I don’t know how I did it either. I’m grateful I’m just super sober gratidudeman.

I’m grateful I’ve never been to Chicago. I’m grateful this trip is for me and wifey only. Short sober trip just for us. I’m grateful I can remember my tools when she gets stressed or testy and QTIP because she is newly sober. I’m grateful she has her sober coach on line. And her sober forum and app and whatever the hell else she’s doing. I’m grateful it’s her recovery :mending_heart: I’m grateful for our recovery :mending_heart:

I’m grateful for y’all.
:pray:t2: :coffee: :airplane: :rofl: :two_hearts:

Life is worth living as long as there’s
a laugh in it.

L. M. Montgomery


I’m grateful for TS always.
I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful for the unusually warm day we had yesterday. I got some outdoor chores done, and got in a nice bike ride. I’m grateful my husband held off on drinking long enough to help with the chores, it felt so good to accomplish something together. I miss those days.
I’m grateful for the fall fruit bounty we are enjoying, our Asian pear tree was loaded his year! Apples have been great, and the cider too.
I’m grateful for the wild turkey we will have for thanksgiving, our friends son bagged one Sunday and dressed it out for us. I’m grateful for those friends and I think of their son as our calabash nephew.
Just grateful.


Grateful that you were able to call and get the room cleared for your sanity and also your safe space.
Love that the two of you are doing a trip just for the two of you. I absolutely love Chicago and i do hope you fall in love with the city too.

YES!!! do have a wonderful time at the comedy show :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Tuesday morning Gratitude’s
I am so grateful for my awesome mother! She is most definitely the bees knees :heart: Woke me up this morning with a cute ass gif of bears having coffee. She is just learning to text and usually i get a “a” meaning are you awake text so this was a welcome change. i was no where near awake but had to go and see her and give her a hug. Grateful that i managed some time with her this morning. Grateful that she lives 1 min away so it is easier to go see her and be back in bed in no time.
I am so grateful that i only go to my IHA doctor to get referrals and testing approved cause she is in my network. Otherwise totally useless. Couldn’t even do a after visit summary properly or give a proper outline of the test results. So frustrated. I will be seeing my own doctor today and get some clarification on the results and come up with a plan to move forward. I am grateful that i have processed all of this and am now in a much better head space.
I am so grateful that i am not putting poison in my body. Grateful to be detoxing and giving my body a chance to heal. Grateful that i no longer think i deserve this but know i am going through it and will make it through.
I am so grateful that i know i need to re-connect with my HP through meditation and prayer. I tend to walk away from these practices when i am in severe pain or feeling like shit. I know this is when i need it most and will get my ass back on track.
I am so grateful that i can still drink and enjoy coffee (would be devastating if i had to give this up – i did give it up in the past and grateful no one was around to see the horror :scream: )
I am so grateful for lovely fall days. it is just the right amount of gloomy (the sun is peaking through at times) and the air is crisp but not too cold and the color changes are gorgeous.
I am so grateful that i am not getting sucked into specialty baking - not sure where these people are finding my number now as i have deleted all on line presence. I am grateful to be able to say no. It is nice to bake when i want and only for the restaurant. No pressures and definitely no last minute orders. I am grateful that these requests do not get me all wound up.
I am so grateful for the lovely bear hug i just received from my brother.
I am so grateful for another day of being alive!!!
I am so grateful for this community and all of my lovely sober companions.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful to God please help guide me and help me abstain from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for healthy connections here, at home with recovery community and family. I’m grateful and feel a touch selfish sharing this but I am pretty proud to reach this milestone again. God’s plan is truly better than mine.

I’m grateful for all your gratitude.

May our higher powers grant us courage to keep changing.

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!