Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Love this CJ - sang and danced – :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Grateful for your post today :hugs:


Thursday evening gratitude’s
I am so grateful for another day of being alive.
I am so grateful that i went to my first AA meeting tonight. I am grateful for the warm welcome. I am so grateful for all the meeting options i have within a 15 mile radius.
I am so grateful that i got out of my bubble and shared. I was nervous and i’m sure my voice was shaky (talking in front of people phobia and all) but i did it!
I am so grateful that my brother gave me such a big lovely hug when i came home. Said he was proud of me – awe it melted my heart. I am so grateful that i didn’t realize how much hurt i was causing him with all my addictions.
I am so grateful for my brother making a delicious dinner for me tonight.
I am so grateful that i have my MRI tomorrow. Grateful that i was able to remove my jewelry all by myself. My nose stud got stuck in my nose ring but i finally got both out. I am grateful that You Tube helped me figure out how to remove my belly and eyebrow ring :laughing:
I am so grateful that I was able to get in a good nap today.
I am so grateful for comedy and laughter.
I am so grateful for good coffee.
I am so grateful for a sunny Autum day. Love that we did not skip over this lovely season.
I am so grateful for my mediation and prayer practices.
I am so grateful for this community!
I am so grateful that as i’m coming up to 11 months, i’ve noticed that my urges have been stronger and grateful that i was able to get to a meeting for some irl support. Grateful to keep adding to my tool box. :toolbox: :white_check_mark:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Good luck with the appointment tomorrow. We’ll be with you.


I’m grateful yesterday we had a good day with some laughs and cuddles.
I’m grateful for pinkish morning sky.
I’m grateful @JazzyS has her MRI today, hope everything gonna be just fine.
I’m grateful for all of you


I am going to try to pull up some gratitude through November sadness. Grateful for some dim sunlight - I missed you, friend. Grateful for some comfort music. Yesterday I wished for a mute button to all the emotions around me. I also wished to mute them within me. I am grateful I sat it out. I am grateful I didn’t drink or thought it would be an option. To be honest, I just went to bed. Not sure this is the most productive way to deal with it, but it sure is efficient. I am grateful today is better.


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, one day at a time
Hubbys sobriety
Boscoe cuddles
Its Friday (not payday)
Half day at work
I have enough money to get a diagnostic on my car today
I have enough
Hubby and are are doing better about communicating about finances
Did i mention its friday?
Therapy tomorrow
My willingness
The desperation i needed to dive head in to AA and find a solution
Good music
This amazing community

Peace and love on your journies


Hey beautiful friend - so grateful that today is better. I am sorry for the November sadness. Here if you need to talk about it.

I do think that sometimes sleeping it out is the best solution - amazing how much work our subconscious can do and the healing is intense.

Sending you love and positive sunny energy :people_hugging:


I’m grateful to God and pray for help to do the right thing while abstaining from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for family, friends, TS and all you grati-dudes. I’m grateful to not have a desire to go back to the chaos of low bottom addiction. I’m grateful that four years ago today I smashed my pipe and called detox for the first time by my own volition. I’m grateful that since that day it hasn’t always been easy but it sure has been better. I’m grateful I got my birth certificate and social insurance number finally straightened out and received replacements in the mail this past week. I have been working on those almost this whole time :exploding_head: I’m grateful my back feels better and that I didn’t have to undergo another surgery. I’m grateful my smile was and is restored (most of the time) and dental pain is a thing of the past. I’m grateful for the two years I spent in sober living learning about recovery, life and lots of volunteer cooking and meetings. I’m grateful I have started a new NA step work group in my current building and this Sunday will be the fourth week since its inception. I’m grateful the community and my building trusts me to have access to the secure meeting area in the basement. I’m grateful one of my sponsees just called while I am on my lunch break. I’m grateful my sponsor texts me sometimes to see how things are with me and his grandsponsees. I’m grateful I am being as patient as I can with the whole single, straight, successful man in recovery thing. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions and that I follow them to the best of my ability each day. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful I get an hour lunch and use it to read daily recovery literature, the bible and on here. I’m not so greatful break is over but I have this weekend off.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are completely amazing. Ya you!!


Today I’m grateful I can remember and acknowledge what I did during the day. I’m grateful the fuzzyness is gone. At least for today!

I’m grateful I was up on time to carry out the paper recycling bin before the pickup came along. I’m grateful I fired the furnace and stoked it until all buffers were heated. This should last for the weekend to have enough hot water and a decent temperature inside. Chill wind forecast.

I’m grateful I finished the most urgent office task. I’m grateful I did not throw the PC out the window when it got stuck for the umpteenth time. I’m grateful I called it a day at the office when I finally managed to shut the dammed thing down without data loss. Tomorrow is another day :pray:

I’m grateful a friend encouraged me to pick up some more chores after a nap. I’m deeply grateful the kitchen is tidy, the dishes are done, the bed has fresh linen and laundry is drying. I will be even more happy tomorrow morning. Waking up sober and having a neat, tidy kitchen never gets old :blush:

I’m grateful the cats love my new hoodie-blankie. So big and cozy. I’m grateful we all love a fire in the kitchen stove and hang around like a bunch of lazy bums :grin:
I’m grateful it’s ok to feel lonely. Today I feel lonely. I’m a 50 years old single who is working on developing SOME perspective for the future as the old falls away piece by piece and closings are coming nearer. I’m not doing well with closings and letting go so I work on just sitting with it. I’m grateful just sitting with it and keeping in mind that everything is temporary helps me to stay present and calm my mind & emotions.

I’m grateful for all my blessings, for freedom and peace, for health and trust. ODAAT :pray:


It is ok to feel lonely but do know you are not alone my friend. Here if you need to talk. Hope you have a wonderful start to your Saturday. Much love to you @erntedank


I’m grateful I had a quiet morning and looked through my bookshelf while having my coffee. I’m grateful I found some books I haven’t read yet and some I want to revisit.

I’m grateful I found this time to slow down. Lately everything has been intense, busy, time-bound. I needed this time to enjoy my coffee, my garden, the quiet, my books.

I’m grateful the house will be bustling with energy later this afternoon - hosting a bbq with friends.

Grateful for all of you!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :heart:


I’m grateful I could reset my password to log back in here :slight_smile:

I’m grateful for a good night sleep

I’m grateful there is a noon AA meeting in person this week I am looking forward to visiting for the first time.

I’m grateful today is Saturday and I can slow down

I’m grateful all the garden work is done for the winter and I can take some time to rest.

I’m grateful so many old names are still here.



This is such an amazing post. Your hard work is coming through and it inspires me. Thank you.


Good morning to you all. It’s a frosty cold morning here in Wisconsin. I’m grateful to be up and clear of mind and healthy.

It was a long week and I’m glad it is done. Nothing terrible for me, but routines were disrupted with some life stuff.

I’m grateful for the weekend with almost no plans.

I’m grateful I will have coffee soon.

I’m grateful to have family and friends in pretty good shape. I learned of a tragedy in the family of my school principal and I’m even more aware today of how fragile life is and how special it is to be safe.

I’m grateful for my husband’s rapid recovery from COVID this week and that I did not experience symptoms myself. Those vaccines work very well for me.

I’m grateful for the upcoming holiday break and that the sober journeys of my hubby, myself, and my sister and brother in law will make it a low key and pleasant and simple holiday event. Yay!

I’m grateful to have a job I mostly like and to be called upon for some leadership work. I like solving problems and developing solutions to implement and I get to do that in this job a lot.

I’m grateful for my sobriety, Even the hard parts. I was very upset when I learned of my principal ‘s family tragedy. We have a lot in common and many features of that tragedy are triggers to events and experiences in my family. I was hit with lots of emotions. I felt my feelings and talked to my husband and my sister and my bestie. I was able to calm down and slept well. I did not experience the desire to drink. I did experience the desire to have some tea and snuggle up with my dogs. I consider that a victory for my journey.

I’m grateful that I got to share that with you. Thank you.
I wish you a beautiful and gentle Saturday.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 559 days free from weed and alcohol
Its saturday and i get to do whatever the fuck i want
Up early for my gym session
Therapy today
Getting healthier
Freetime, although i dont do well with it entirely
Time with hubby today
My car is still kickin 10years on
Got the courage to ask an aa lady to coffee


Gooooood morning :sun_with_face: sober buddy!!

I’m grateful I’m not waking up in California.

I’m grateful to be back home.
I’m grateful to wake up with my furry babies.
I’m grateful for Maverick in the morning. I’m grateful for the handsome gentleman outside chirping at the window which got Mavy up so I could get up and nuke my cold coffee and go to the bathroom. I’m grateful for the tough rules of being a cat owner. I’m grateful it’s so worth it. I’m grateful for soft cat bellies and the privilege of getting to gently rub one.

I’m grateful everyone seems ok after the short vet trip. Don’t get too comfortable :shushing_face: I’m grateful for the joy I get when I see Mavy’s ears and only Mavy’s ears sticking above his elevated cat bowl attached to the cat condo. More like a cat skyscraper.

I’m grateful for cold weather desert nights and mornings and outdoor heaters in restaurants and my fireplace this morning. And desert sunsets.

I’m grateful for my readings today about obsessive thinking. Could have used them yesterday :grimacing: sometimes it’s just not that easy to stop thinking obsessively about your situation. Or impossible. I’m grateful I tried medication. I’m grateful I paused. I’m grateful I tried music. I’m grateful maybe next time I’ll just write it out here on that codependent thread. I don’t know :man_shrugging: I’m grateful I thought I didn’t want to make a big deal about it. And it would go away. Well, I’m grateful that didn’t work. I’m grateful to remember I got to share the problem even if it is just writing it out and leaving it somewhere here. I’m grateful I use to be good at that. For my sobriety. I’m grateful I can be good at that for my codependency if I work at it.

I’m grateful I’m just tired. Tired of dealing with whether or not someone else is gonna drink or not. And what I have to do to protect my sanity. So with all that said I’m grateful she only had 2 glasses of wine and a top up on the plane and didn’t drink anymore. I’m grateful it’s her recovery. I’m grateful we aren’t drinking today. At least I’m not and she isn’t currently. I’m grateful she made me a perfect cappuccino yesterday. By George I think she’s got it!
I’m grateful for y’all.
:pray:t2: :cactus: :desert: :kissing_cat: :heart: :coffee:

“The sun at home warms better than the sun elsewhere.”
Albanian Proverb


I’m grateful to God and ask for his help and guidance in doing the right thing while abstaining from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends, and this home thread. I’m grateful my parents and sister are coming soon to visit and go out for lunch. I’m grateful for spiritual principles that I honestly, openly and willingly apply to the best of my ability each day. I’m grateful I have become employable and teachable. I’m grateful I can embrace this day knowing I can’t go back and do this day again. I’m grateful for music and creativity and how inspiring they can be. I’m grateful for the power of prayers and meditation. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. What do you get when you mix alcohol and literature? Tequila Mockingbird. I’m grateful my cat, the angel of Peace helps me to slow down and enjoy the moments, as @Dazercat says there is no moving when the cat is on you until they are ready. Watching the cat intentionally drop his cat toy bell ball into my shoe so he can struggle to get it out just to put it back in, sound familiar, perhaps a meta4 :exploding_head: I’m grateful my sponsee just called. I’m grateful for the newcomer in the room last night who I used to “party” with. I’m grateful I am not embarrassed or worried about who I will see, or will see me in the rooms anymore. I’m grateful to have healthy people, places and things to lean on today for when I get asked to help someone and dont have the answer. I’m grateful to see Eric and his avatar posting. I’m grateful I can honor some family and friends who served/serve their country, family or whatever drove them to be army, navy, space force :thinking: on this remembrance day.

May our higher powers give us opportunities to be loving and feel loved.

p.s. You can do this, I belive in you. Ya you!!


Good to see you Kelly.


Hell,yes! I’m grateful you said this, and I’m gonna shoot for this attitude today!
I’m grateful for TS and all you wonderful people.
I’m grateful for the cranberry walnut apple coffee cake I baked yesterday that we’ll have with Greek yogurt and coffee this morning …when hubby wakes up.
Im grateful I just realized I’m doing it again…waiting for him . WTF? Just take the bull by the horns and proceed already! Cheesh!
I’m grateful for my kitties :black_cat:
I’m grateful I was able to help some friends in need recently in a couple different scenarios. Feels good to be helpful.
I’m grateful I’m gonna go make that coffee and get the day rolling!


Omg …this sounds heavenly…my mouth is watering. I do hope you enjoyed :yum::yum: