Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Day 99 no vaping and free from all negative addictions…booyah that was a pleasant surprise this morning. Rolling into day 100 tonight

Im greatful i dont vape anymore and have to worry about buying enough vapes to get me thru a 12 day vacation to coasta rica. Im greatful i wont always be sneaking off to get my nic fix

Im greatful i am free from the shackles of addiction but am still aware that can change in an instant if im not vigilant.

Im so very greatful…

My herbs are growing!
A great workout this morning
Protein shakes
Forward progress
Progress not perfection
Hubby got to hang out with his friend last night after work
I ventured to a new ladies aa mtg
Sober friends
I get a half day on friday and get to get my car diagnosed…i think somethings up with the starter
Im greatful im motivated to workout and get healthier
My parents

May we all find those silver linings


Wednesday morning gratitudes for:
:pray:TS. All the love, encouragement, sharing, venting, all of it. What a powerful community! I’m eternally grateful that I found this place.
:pray:My time alone in the morning, time for sitting and observing my mind, time for a little Pilates and yoga, time to check in here.
:pray:My two cats, one we call “the supervisor”, cuz she always has to be part of whatever goes on here. And the other one who is the exact opposite, very chill and loves her lap time.
:pray:My piano, ukulele, and dulcimer. Never learned to read music, I play by ear, and that’s fine with me.
:pray:wanting to trim off some weight. Now I’m past day 100 it’s time to cut back on the chocolate and ice cream and …:laughing:
:pray:ice cream
:pray:but also good food, of course!


I’m grateful I no longer live a life governed by the shackles of drugs and alcohol. There is no longer the fear of “running out”, or of the possible physical hell that could await if I did. Long past are the days when empty bottles would accumulate on the counter, and I am grateful for that as well.

I’m grateful to no longer have discordant symphony of negative emotions playing in my heart as my mind told me this life wasnt working; and I’m grateful for these memories when the occational urge hits unexpected out of nowhere and the “good” memories of my descent into hell come unbidden in moments of stress.

I’m grateful that I am aware that constant vigilance is necessary and that every moment of peace that comes from my sobriety is something that cannot be taken for granted.

  1. I am Grateful for my critters … all 5 of them :purple_heart:
  2. I am Grateful for learning new things, even if it’s the hard way sometimes.
  3. I am Grateful for kind people and understanding friends. I am not always either.
  4. I am Grateful for snow … covers up all the ugly brown blah-ness.
  5. I am Grateful my music system can drown out the noise the siding guys make! Holy hell :astonished:
    Have a great day TS :grin:

@maxwell how are you doing Maxine? Grateful that you were able to find gratitude when you were not feeling it. This is when I need it the most.
@CJP Booyah is right – man that is impressive and so rewarding – way to go on 99 days no Vape!!

Wednesday gratitude’s
I am so grateful for a beautiful day of living.
I am so grateful for support from family and their unconditional love
I am so grateful for good healing foods / herbs
I am so grateful for perfect fall weather
I am so grateful for a good session with my doctor. Have a few new things to try and hoping to see some improvement in a few months.
I am so grateful for my MRI this Friday.
I am so grateful for pistachios
I am so grateful for reading glasses - helps ease pressure on my eyes
I am so grateful for enough energy to get a few errands run today
I am so grateful for a deep night’s sleep. Grateful that i was able to rest today as i am still super tired.
I am so grateful for TS community!
Hoping everyone had a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@DuncanNZ :pray:t2:


Congratulations :muscle: on your days, and all the work you are putting into having a better life is paying off! I’m grateful you are here with us!


I’m grateful we made it safely to Chicago yesterday.
I’m grateful she only had one glass of wine last night. I’m grateful it was a fucking gut punch and I tried real hard not to let it ruin my night or our trip. I’m grateful I texted a friend put my thoughts out there and I’m ok. And it was a great day today. I am grateful we are both new to this. I’m grateful It’s her recovery and she has to figure it out. I’m grateful for my recoveries and I have to figure this shit out too. I’m grateful she made boundaries and I’m grateful I believe she knows I have my boundaries. I’m grateful she didn’t drink today. And maybe she’s not drinking tomorrow. Who knows? I don’t fucking know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. I’m grateful I didn’t post on that other thread how upset I was because maybe it wasn’t such a big deal. I’m grateful it hasn’t turned out to be a big deal.
I’m grateful we walked our asses off today.
I’m grateful we walked off the deep dish pizza.
I’m grateful she wanted to go to, In Good Spirits, a non alcoholic drink place. I’m grateful we tried a few things and bought a couple of things. I’m grateful the French Restaurant was nice and they had non alcoholic options for us.
I’m grateful I can still call it a sober trip because no one got drunk. I’m grateful I don’t plan my whole trip around my next 2 drinks in a bar. I’m grateful for the cool wet drizzly Chicago weather. I’m grateful for our view. It kicks ass. I’m grateful I saw my first Great Lake. I’m grateful I didn’t rent a car. I’m grateful we’re going to see our 2 favorite funny fucks tomorrow night. Jerry and Jim :joy::joy::joy:
I’m grateful it’s a short trip. I’m grateful the sun is suppose to come out tomorrow. Grateful for y’all.



Early morning gratitude.

I’m grateful for this last night. First time in a while the pain was bearable. I’m grateful lately I’m falling asleep together with boys (around 9pm) and my h is not making a problem about it (it’s honestly unlike him). I’m grateful I was able to wash my hair without shooting pain.

I’m grateful I had my delicious black coffee all alone and when I took last sip I heard first chipmunk awake. Now 2/3 chipmunks awake and they are in good mood for what I’m grateful af too.

There is more things I’m grateful for but as I mentioned my team is awake, my shift starts now.
Ps: today my h is free from work. If you won’t hear from me till tomorrow it means probably we killed eachother :wink:


Bedtime me is always super grateful morning me made the bed.


Today I am thankful for my friends who accept me for who I am and are going to support me in my recovery.


I’m grateful we had a cloudy rainy day yesterday. I’m grateful today looks cold and sunny all day. I’m grateful for my little coffee adventure this morning. I’m grateful I found the local coffee shop instead of one of those big Ol chain coffee shops. Grateful for my views. Grateful I slept well last night. I’m grateful for my new 3 in 1 Patagonia jacket. It’ll be my new travel coat. I’m grateful my wife is up enjoying the oat milk :nauseated_face: Latte I fetched her. I’m grateful I’m enjoying my plain Ol black Colombian roast. I’m grateful we both miss our pets so much and realize how much we love our life of being home pet bodies.
I’m grateful I knocked out this little bit of gratitude this morning.
Grateful for y’all

Run with a heart of gratitude and you’ll travel further than you ever thought you could.


Good morning, my darlings! I’m grateful for a beautiful morning, with sunshine and everything! I’m grateful for me, and my endless ability to amuse myself. I’m grateful I’ve found a tribe that is on the same ridiculous wavelength that I’m on, I’m grateful for all the laughter in my life and for the power of laughter.


I am grateful for this reminder


Hey beautiful - grateful that your pain is bearable. I do hope you are able to find time today to enjoy some me time :hugs: Much love to you and your chipmunks :heart:

Hope you are having a good day and are alive and healthy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congrats on your 9 months Brian. :heart: :sparkles:


Today I’m grateful for all my blessings. For a warm and cozy house, for food and fresh laundry, for catfood on the way, for a hot shower, for peppermint oil, for my blankie and my cats :orange_heart::pray:
I’m grateful the freshly coloured hair makes me smile and feel pretty. It has been years since my last highlights.
I’m grateful and a bit sad that the group therapy setting is finished. Time will show if the colleagues stay in touch. I’m grateful I took a lot from it and found it really helpful.
I’m grateful I texted myself instead of the ex yesterday evening. I needed to unload a lot of depressed emotions and some self-pity. I’m grateful it’s all about me and I’m the only one who can change.
I’m grateful I nearly fall asleep again while typing. ODAAT and good night dear fellow gratidudes :pray::hugs:


I’m grateful I have learned techniques to deal with the high levels of anxiety that in the past I have tried to escape in unhealthy ways.

I’m also grateful to understand that these emotions will ultimately pass, even if they seem too overwhelming to handle and like they will last forever.


Im greatful for how aa has positively changed my life.
Im greatful ive had 2 pretty decent days in a row. Ive needed em
Im greatful for sunshine.
Im greatful im so fricken close to my weightloss goal and have a little over 11 weeks to get there.
Im greatful for a healthy community here, in aa, at the gym.
Im greatful hubby and i both forgot our phones and had to have an anolog dinner out. Im greatful we sang, danced, and laughed.
Im greatful for my life partner
Im greatful we are getting healthier together.
Im greatful i enjoyed red meat for the last time for awhile.
Im greatful i woke up sharing a pillow with boscoe on my shoulder
Im greatful i will get the balls to text a lady from my home group and ask if she has time for another sponsee


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I took about three hours today and ran out of hearts to read over two hundred gratitude posts on our home thread and caught up. I’m grateful that I can share more tomorrow and that for today I worked, prayed, read alot of recovery stuff and am now getting some cuddles with my little angel Peace. I’m grateful for all the support and love you all share with me and eachother.

May our higher powers grant us wisdom.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!