Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Thank you Naomi :pray: Feels amazing.


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m very grateful for @JazzyS and wish you a wonderful start to year two, way to go. I’m grateful for prayer, meditation, music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful for closure and acceptance that everything happens for a reason. I’m grateful tomorrow is my last work shift until boxing day. I’m grateful my friend celebrated one year at AA tonight and the speaker was great, who also happens to be a pretty good friend and support of mine for the last few years. I’m grateful I got asked to speak at one of my best friend’s one year in mid February. I’m grateful for decent health, even while having, no teeth, herniated disc in my back and one removed, as well as an auto immune crohns disease I get to live a pretty active and healthy lifestyle today. I’m grateful for my cat, sometimes I wonder if the name I chose for him of peace is accurate.but he’s still at times a cute cuddly getting big baby.

May our higher powers teach us to love ourselves.

p.s. You can do this I believe in you. Ya you!!


Yesterday I posted at night, but I prefer to start the day with posting here. It’s such a great start of the day!

I am grateful to be on this forum, to see so many people working on their sobriety and supporting each other.
I am grateful my son’s GF is arriving tonight and staying with us for three weeks. I am very grateful they have a stable and mature relationship and that they allow me into their worlds a bit :blush:
I am grateful I am able to work on my mood this winter, no seasonal depression at all.
I am so enormously grateful my son is doing so well in life. He is my biggest joy and I am so grateful for our relationship.

I am grateful to be alive and to be sober.


I wasn’t sure where to put this but.

I wanted to give a shout out to my parents for both achieving 6 months sobriety.

Theyv drank since they were teens. All social events were down the pub and very much alcohol was ingrained into their lives for the last 40 plus years.

They chose sobriety for their mental health physical health and to finally feel free to enjoy life unchained.

Well done mum n dad. X


Grateful that I get a long break thanks to working for a university.
Grateful for running errands with my boo, makes last minute shopping and mundane tasks such a better time.
Grateful that I said yes to an invitation to visit an old friend over Xmas, something different with someone I haven’t seen in a bit!


I’m grateful I went to a solstice party last night. It was absolutely packed, and I knew almost no one, but I enjoyed the socializing and there was some very good food (it was potluck style). I also appreciated that any drinks served in punch bowls or other large containers were specifically labeled if they were alcoholic or not.

Along with this, I’m grateful the desserts I made were one of the first to disappear and that I don’t have the temptation waiting for me at home as we already have far too many holiday treats. Also grateful I left after a few hours (it goes from sun set to sun rise) and respected my new strict sleep schedule.

@Naomi I also prefer to post in this thread first thing in the morning. You’re so right that it is a good way to start the day!


Congratulations on 1 year @JazzyS ! I’m grateful you are here with us!


I’m grateful for soft tissues and a good morning blow.
I’m grateful for my black cat organic espresso roast.
I’m grateful I’m still feeling better. A little better every day.
I’m grateful to wake up to desert rain.
I’m grateful our vet got us in right in right away yesterday when I called about B limping :crying_cat_face:
I’m grateful we’ll try some pain meds and arthritis meds and see how that goes.
I’m grateful all my pets are growing old with us but that has its challenges and sadness’s. I’m grateful I’m proactive when it comes to calling the vet. I just don’t want to think :thinking: “should I” or not. Just do it. I’m grateful I can afford it.

I’m grateful I wanted to go out to eat last night. I’m grateful I thought if we go out she will probably want 2 glasses of wine, but I really didn’t want to cook. I’m grateful I thought I just got to be ok with it. I’m grateful I was very ok with it and we had a good time. And I didn’t have to cook and clean. I’m grateful there’s no booze in the house.

I’m grateful for my little morning set up with fireplace, Christmas tree, cats, and dog, :cry: (I wrote dogs :cry:) cloudy rainy view blocking the mountains. Not so grateful it’s the first Christmas without Minnie :cry: but so fucking grateful we had 16 Christmases with that beautiful creature. I’m grateful neither one of us wants to put up the pet stockings this year. We just can’t, since we’re a man down. :cry: I’m grateful we’ve never actually had a Christmas in this house so that helps. I’m grateful it’s a very unusual Christmas this year. I’m grateful I can make the best of it and not be :100: bah humbug, until I’m out in public :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful it’s my third holidays without drink and I don’t miss it one bit. I’m grateful I’m sober and on this journey with all my favorite sobaristas here on the G-Thread :christmas_tree:

Sober Holidays,
The best present you can give yourself.

Sober courage .com


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful i realize i can never be too greatful. Im so greatful i had a wonderful full body and mind moment of peace and gratitude yesterday in my ladies aa mtg.

Im so very greatful for…

Disposable income to try new things like gym classes, red light therapy, manicures, all that self care fun
My job
My health
AA program
This fantastic loving community
Meds to keep my mind somewhat stable
My sobriety
The growth ive experienced in the last 600 days
Not haunted daily by the insanity of my addictions
Im a greatful recovering alcoholic


Checking in grateful.
I’m grateful my husband decided to bow out of his 60ish person family Christmas. It took the pressure of choice off of me and no one had hurt feelings.
I’m grateful that the loss my family experienced feels properly mourned even though I couldn’t be there in person.
I’m grateful for pay day so I can budget a little extra for fun for the end of the month.
I’m grateful for end of year plans and extra shifts I picked up to send out 2023 busy.
I’m grateful for a new year. A blank calendar feels so hopeful.
I grateful for people who send Christmas cards. My scramble thank you/love you cards will go out tomorrow.

I’m grateful for everybody who reads on here and everybody who posts. I’m grateful that addiction gave us big hearts full of empathy for others who are in pain. I’m grateful that I am beating addiction back one day at a time.

I’m grateful for a gentle Christmas weekend without a lot of stressors (hear me universe? :wink: I’m shaking my fist upwards).
I’m grateful that whatever comes my way I will meet full on, sober. :relieved::blush:


I’m grateful for one month binge free!
I’m grateful for a binge free Christmas party
I’m grateful for a good time with friends
I’m grateful for music and singing
I’m grateful for medicine that helps me to have a life.


Congratulations on your one month binge free.
Great job Acromouse :boom:


CONGRATULATIONS on 1 year @JazzyS :heart::partying_face::heart:That’s some amazing sober time you’ve got there and I love your chip!
Congratulations on 1 month @acromouse , way to go :tada::partying_face::tada:
I’m grateful for some time off over Christmas.
I’m grateful we are travelling to see my parents tomorrow.
I’m grateful I had an urge to go and buy drink on my drive home from work, but I recognised my brain playing tricks and have had a lovely sober evening at home.
I’m grateful I will wake up sober tomorrow.
I’m grateful for recovery and for one day at a time.


@i.cant.we.can Thanks Brian – so grateful for you too :pray: So grateful for your improved health and your active sober lifestyle. Lets keep going forward strong :muscle:
@megan3 This was the perfect spot for this Megan! So happy for your parents sobriety. I know that has been a long road – so very proud of them.
@sunflower1 Thank you so much – so happy and grateful to be here with you all :hugs:
@acromouse Congrats on your 1 month milestone :tada: :clap:
@dilettante Thanks Kiki – I just shared my chip with my mom and she loved it… my biggest irl support. So grateful that you recognized your addicts mind games. Grateful for your sober evening at home :heart:

Friday gratitude’s
I am so grateful for a wonderful day spent working with my dad. We have made a pretty good team this week. Grateful that tomorrow is the last day we will be open for the restaurant portion for the rest of the year.
I am so grateful that i have been able to do the work and keep pushing forward and not letting my symptoms or pain get me down. Grateful to be home now and relaxing.
I am so grateful that i remembered my dental appointment this morning. Grateful that i got my new mouth appliance today. It will definitely get some getting used to. Grateful that the new dentist offered me TMJ physical therapy. My dentist retired so she wanted to understand the issues with my jaw. Had me try to open and close like 10 times. After the 4th she said stop and then apologized for needing a few more times. The popping and locking of the jaw was not fun. I left with a major headache - grateful that i was able to get it to dull down afterwards.
I am so grateful that i was able to return my hoodie and sweater that my siblings got for me for store credit. The clothes were lovely but just did not have the right fit. Grateful that i didn’t attempt to shop for what i wanted today – totally spaced on it being a few days before Christmas – damn it was so busy today.
I am so grateful for my family and friends. Grateful that we will be going over to a friends place for Christmas. We host Thanksgiving and they do Christmas as they like to decorate and celebrate. Grateful that we do a $50 gift that we then play games for with rules to possibly steal the gift. Last year was our first attempt at the gift / game play and we all ended up with what we wanted - had a whole lot of fun in the process.
I am so grateful for my walking meditation - really helped me today! Helped me stay focused and grounded. Helped me remain calm and keep pushing forward.
I am so grateful for this community. Grateful for all of you here with me on this journey!
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for the guiding principles.
I am grateful for the HOW of the program and that if those three principles are all that I apply to any situation I am doing ok.
I am grateful I have a purpose.
I am grateful that I can feel God in me.
I am grateful that I dont have to listen to the stories in my head anymore, that if I do its by choice.
I am grateful for vulnerability, breaking open and surrendering.
I am grateful that I have felt the difference between surrendering my mind and surrendering my spirit.
I am grateful that instead of getting annoyed at myself I can find humor in the fact my mind is chasing that feeling of the surrender of spirit.
I am grateful for those fleeting moments of absolute freedom.
I am grateful to be alive.


It’s Saturday morning and I am up early with a rested body and clear mind. I’m grateful to be sober this morning on my vacation! I just came in from an early morning walk here on Tybee Island Georgia! Happy holidays!

I’m grateful we had safe travels to get here.

I’m grateful to be healthy and able to enjoy this experience with my sobriety and recovery being my anchors every day.

I’m grateful we have the resources to take this little journey each year.

I’m grateful for this adorable house that we rent, just a block from the ocean and a block from the grocery store!

I’m grateful to be in a sober marriage, especially during vacation. We are able to stay “in sync” with each other more easily when we are both clear of mind and healthy in body.

I’m grateful that I have a job that gives me some predictable breaks.

I’m grateful that my family seems to understand why I leave at Christmas.

I’m excited and grateful that my brother will be joining us on Monday for a few days. He’s flying in from Houston for his first post divorce Christmas and is allowing himself the chance to retreat and recharge with us and the ocean air.

I’m grateful my sister is expressing pride and satisfaction with her decision to stop drinking. She on her own journey too. She is allowing me to suggest strategies and I’m grateful to be able to help.

I’m grateful that my siblings and I are arriving at this destination of recovery on our own and from our own pathways. We grew up with a lot of drama and trauma and to see us climbing out of all that damage now in middle age is truly amazing.

I’m grateful for the stack of books and the pot of coffee I have this morning. It will be a day of walking the beach, hanging out with our 3 dogs, eating good food and reading. Perfect!

I wish you all peace during the holidays and I send out my big love for all the work you are doing to get sober and stay sober. This 785 days I have is my most treasured gift. I’m grateful to have figured it out.



Love you post @LAB! I googled Tybee Island, looks like a beautiful place to unwind.

I am grateful for the connection with the people in my live. Being sober makes me less self absorbed, more present and a better listener.
I am grateful I am able to keep the ones who are negative and/or not so supportive of my sobriety on a distance. To be able to be respectful to them and of course still love them, but to keep my own wellbeing and sobriety as a priority. To be able to say ‘no’.
I am grateful to have my parents and sister and her family over for diner tomorrow, even though they don’t celebrate Christmas. I am grateful we can still have a relationship with each other although we have different beliefs and opinions. I am grateful I don’t drink, so I won’t get into pointless discussions.
I am grateful for all the mistakes I made and how I learned from them.
I am grateful to wake up with a clear mind and energy, in stead of dreading another day hungover and relying on painkillers to get through the day.


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for the safety net of family, very grateful that I can show my teenage daughter that she has that safety net too. I’m grateful for the gray morning here, sleeping in, good coffee out of a Santa mug, my Christmas tree. I’m grateful for my family, and our home full of love. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness. I’m grateful I learned that there is help out there for anyone and anything, and that I can ask for and use help from others. I’m grateful I can teach my daughter that. :heart:


I’m grateful it’s stopped raining, hopefully we can walk Benson without rain coats. But he looks so cute in his. I’m grateful the window didn’t leak much last night during the hard rain.
I’m grateful I like this rainy cloudy miserable weather. I’m grateful it doesn’t last long in the desert. I’m grateful it’s the day before Christmas Eve. Let’s get this over with. I’m grateful I’m not really bah humbug but with no family around just wife and pets it just seems like another day. I’m grateful that’s ok. I’m grateful I got tons of blessings and great family throughout the rest of the year. I’m grateful who knows :thinking: maybe next Christmas we will be living near family. I’m grateful that would be nice. Maybe :thinking:

I’m grateful for my fireplace, dog, Christmas tree, swimming pool, with a view. I’m grateful for the saguaro cactus and the rain will make some desert flowers pop in the next few days.

I’m grateful we watched Die Hard last night :white_check_mark:
I’m grateful I think I’m hitting my limit on the Christmas movies this year.
I’m grateful I don’t think we need to go to the grocery store for a few days.
I’m grateful we found a Taylor Pork Roll, or Taylor Ham at the Fry’s yesterday. I’m grateful that use to be a Holiday treat for the both of us when we had a very young family.
I’m grateful I’m sleeping too much.
I’m grateful to share a sober Christmas with you all.


I’m grateful you get to enjoy your sober Tybee Island Christmas break with books and dogs and coffee. Sounds ideal. Happy Christmas Lab :christmas_tree: