Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful you’ve joined us on this thread!

Onward, friend. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful I can see, taste, touch, hear, and smell which allows me to fully experience and appreciate the beauty and wonder in the world around me.


I’m grateful for your presence here on the forum @Sunshineontheinside.

I’m grateful for the amazing experience you had at your AA meeting. I’m grateful the ladies welcomed you as much as they did me 4 years ago.

I wanted to share an app with you that I found super helpful with all AA literature. It’s called “Everything AA”. The BB is broken down by page number so it makes it very easy when someone references a page during a meeting. The app also contains the 12 steps and 12 traditions book.


My dudes! I’m grateful for another sober morning, and I’m grateful to have woken and felt good in my body and mind! I’m grateful to feel like I have a smile lurking around under my face skin for no reason, even this early in the morning! I’m grateful to have had a minimum of anxiety on my dog walk this morning when I remembered that they drew blood from both my arms yesterday because there was a new girl and they had to do a do-over, so if I popped my cork I couldn’t just hold both leashes in the good arm. It’s fine though the dogs were pretty good and I didn’t bleed out in the street so that’s a win. I’m grateful to be the kind of person that doesn’t get all cranky when there’s a new girl at the blood bank and they have to do a do-over. It’s bad enough making mistakes after all, no need to make someone feel worse. I’m grateful for the blood bank people, and I’m grateful for donors. I’m grateful it’s a Friday and work is letting us out early, and I’m grateful it’s a long weekend!


I am grateful for sleeping in till noon! Doggo usually wakes me up before 9, but he decided to leave a present under the Christmas tree instead and get some more sleep too. Oopsie :face_with_peeking_eye:

I am grateful for feeling rested and not having anxiety for quite some days now. I had a tensed torso for months, but didn’t feel it in over a week.

I am grateful for not having a set plan for new years, just meeting some friends. Being able to leave when I want makes me very comfortable and I’m looking forward towards new years eve. No expectations.

I am grateful for another chill day and for the flexibily in my work. I should work today, but I have no desire to. I will work extra the coming days. No stress.
I am grateful for finally finishing the book that I have to return to my company library next week.
I am grateful for another day sober and clear minded.
I am grateful for the thoughtful christmas presents. The scented oil (orange and cinnamon) is so lovely and suitable for this time of year.

I wish you all a great sober day! :maple_leaf:


I’m grateful for my first day sober on this new journey.

I’m grateful to have found this group where I can hopefully continue to come for support.

I’m grateful for a day with no plans where I can just chill and relax.


Welcome to the forum. I’m grateful you are here and starting on a journey to a better life.


@Dazercat thank you for sharing. What a great quote this is I chose sober because I wanted a better life. I stay sober because I got one.

Im grateful for you sharing this! Im grateful for this community as it helps me stay strong on this journey. Im grateful for every new day as each im learning something new about myself and others. Im grateful for everyone in this chat opening and sharing their experencies. Im grateful for the hard times as they have made me the man i am today. Im grateful for the beach. Im grateful for the forest and long walks with people i love. Im grateful for the opportunity and experience that each new day brings.



I’m so so grateful to have a sober Twinnie, not twin, but close enough. I’m grateful you’ve been part of my journey since the beginning. You’ve made my sobriety journey quite special with all your thoughtful knowledge and love and just knowing what I need sometimes before I even know what I need. I’m grateful for you showing me how to look at things “from a different perspective.”
I’m grateful you got 4 years sober and going strong into your gorgeous fifties. I’m grateful you’re such a beautiful soul and always have time for me.
Have a wonderful day on this special day just for you :pray:t2::yellow_heart:



Happy 50th birthday and 4 year soberversary Stella

It is an honor to be on this sober journey with you. I am grateful for your posts and shares. I am learning so much about how to live a sober life as you are setting a great example.
Wishing you the absolute best on your special day. I do hope you find an epic way to celebrate YOU today :people_hugging:


Welcome to our community. Congratulations on your day 1 :muscle:
This is a wonderful place to connect with fellow addicts with the same goal. A great support system here with no judgement. I do hope to see you around.


@Its_me_Stella I see your celebration has already begun. I’m sooo grateful to have gotten to know you on this journey. I’m grateful to be trudging this road of happy destiny with you. I’m grateful for your wealth of experience and knowledge. I’m just grateful for you period! You’re such an inspiration to many of us. A beautiful person inside and out! I’m not so grateful that we can’t celebrate you in person but I’m grateful to celebrate from afar. Love you!
Happy Birthday and Congratulations on 4 hard earned years!


Thank you @kasc
I’m glad you’re here.

Welcome @Spidey

I hope to see you both around on this gratitude thread. It’s been a great way to start my day and probably my strongest tool that helps keep me sober ODAAT.



Hey Darcy :wave:
Anna :wave:
End of the year and just thinking of you lovely ladies. I hope you all had a magnificent Christmas Holiday Season. And wishing you the best New Year.


Yeah HAPPY BIRTHDAY & SOBERVERSARY @Its_me_Stella :notes::musical_note::confetti_ball::tada:

Welcome to the 50s Club :blush:
Did you notice any spontaneous mutations? A new cronck when getting up? Just joking, I’m happy to celebrate with you :hugs::dizzy::woman_fairy::dancer:

Today I’m grateful I slept 3/4 of the day. So tired. I’m grateful the headache and sore throat feel a bit better. I’m grateful the test says I’m only slightly infectious anymore . It will take time to fully heal. I’m grateful I take this time, not only because I have no other option but because I feel I need this healing process not only physically. This feels like a lesson in accepting life and limitations as they are. Without nagging. I’m grateful I have everything I need, my snuggling cats, soup, tea, sleep, meds. ODAAT :pray:


Welcome Sunshine :sunny:
So glad you found us. Excellent gratitude list.
Congratulations on your 6 days going on 7 now.
Hope to see more Sunshine in the new year.
:pray:t2: :sunny: :heart:


I’m grateful for friends.
I’m grateful for breathing in stressful situations.
I’m grateful for my silly husband.
I’m grateful for Yoga.
I’m grateful for a day where I felt strong and capable.
I’m grateful for a restful night.
I’m grateful for good food.
I’m grateful for letting things go.


@erntedank so grateful that you are feeling better. Love that your cats did not “acupuncture your ass” :laughing: Made me laugh so hard last night!

WOW – this was powerful Brian – grateful for your words and do wish the pain to be lifted for you in all aspects of your life.
@sunshineontheinside so great to see you on the Gratitude thread. This thread has helped me so much on my journey. Even when I can’t come here to write out my gratitude’s, I find reading others is inspiring and uplifting. SO glad that you were able to get to a meeting and were so lovingly treated. So much love and connection with fellow members here and in real life. Keep going strong my friend – is today your 1 week milestone (if I calculated correctly)? :tada: :clap:
@frazzetta grateful for your compassion and understanding. Not sure I would be so at ease with the blood draw situation. Grateful that you are ok and did not bleed out. I did love the line about “a smile lurking around under my face skin for no reason, even this early in the morning!” Keep being amazing Jenny!
@Sasxoxo Missing you lovely friend - hope you are well :hugs:

Friday afternoon gratitiude’s
I am so grateful to be alive. Grateful to be breathing without wheezing. Grateful for fresh clean air. Grateful for ability to walk and move.
I am so grateful that i was able to get up for my morning cleanse and got to spend time with my mom. I really do look forward to it - will be even more grateful when we can go back to our morning coffee time :wink:
I am so grateful that I am comfortable enough to say that i will not be able to mingle this weekend (hope i can stick to it) - my sis and bil have decided to visit for Sat / Sun and my brother has invited friends for NYE. We have been hosting NYE and i thought we were going to skip this year. Grateful that he does not expect me to do anything for prep.
I am so grateful that i will have my parents house to escape to if it does get to be a bit too much.
I am so grateful for my new mouth appliance. So weird how it shifts my jaw forward at night… really awkward in the morning. Grateful they have given me another bite piece to get my jaw to shift back in the morning. i am grateful that although the pain is still severe the popping of the joint and the lockjaw has reduced significantly.
I am so grateful that we have a zoom invite from our Sangha to do our meditation / prayers together. Grateful it is not an ungodly hour like 3 am like we used to do (time for silence and reflection- very peaceful but so tiring) … will hope to be up and alert by 7 tomorrow. Grateful that this may be a weekly practice.
I am so grateful that i have enough energy to get up and take a shower. Hopefully will get some work done afterwards.
I am so grateful that i was able to take a few hours this morning to cut my nails. had neglected them for past 3 days and crazy how quickly they grown.
I am so grateful for this wonderful space for all of us to come and connect. A space where we can support each other through the rough moments and the where we can celebrate the milestones and happy moments. Grateful for the genuine connections and life long friendships made.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful for my friends who supported me through my mid life crisis.
Grateful for daily clarity - I decided to quit weed and it’s been a month now and I feel great. I found myself using it in similar ways to how I used alcohol and knew it was time.
Grateful for my dog all day every day.


Congratulations on your 1 month of being weed free! :tada::confetti_ball::raised_hands:
Keep going strong :muscle: