Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

This is gonna sound strange, but I’m grateful for winter. Grateful it has snowed, lots.

I’m grateful the dog girl’s not a morning person, er, dog. Grateful that she lets me have a coffee and my thoughts while it’s still dark and is ready to walk when the sun’s thinking about rising. Grateful for our walk in the snow this morning. There wasn’t a breath of wind. Only a few other humans’ and dogs’ prints on our trail.

I’m grateful I can use the cold weather to cook some soup and a veggie chili, get some in the freezer for when life gets busy.

I’m grateful for the return to routine, and the intention to not let the busy take over. This week has been good to get settled at my desk without the wackiness of meetings and calls and texts and messages and emails.

I’m grateful for a weekend ahead. The first of the year! Let’s make it a good one, G’dudes.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

ps. I’m grateful there’s 0% moisture in my sobriety, my recovery. AFAF!
I’m grateful I too get to learn to let go. Sigh. Onward, dear friends. :relieved:


@Naomi Lack of sleep or sleep disturbances wreak havoc on our satiaty hormones. Lack of sleep = cranky feeding frenzy.

Today I’m grateful I somehow got out of this mind funk that had me in its claws this morning. Boy was I in a state. But with the help of the wonderful people here, movement, meditation and sunrise I got out of it.

I’m grateful I had so much stress going on I had no time for self pity. Usually stress makes me feel overwhelmed and then the pity party gets on a roll. But today it worked differently.

I’m grateful I set healthy boundries with my family today.

I’m grateful I did not use today to lessen my stress, to numb my feelings, and to try to deal with overwhelm. Instead I reached out, did my routines and tried to go through this suck one breath at a time. It worked. I’m wary but a slight bit happy.

I’m grateful for a peaceful yin yoga practice. I went through the poses, and my emotions went up and down and everywhere, but I stayed on the floor and sane.

I’m grateful I made it through this day. One breath at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time.

Peace to you all.


I’m grateful I woke up too early, sober and hangover free. I’m grateful Daisy parked her butt right under my chin from 4:30- 5 so I couldn’t move. I’m grateful when she got off me at 5 I could just get up and make coffee. I’m grateful the pets didn’t mind eating early.

I’m grateful I didn’t stifle a generous impulse no matter how uncomfortable it might be.
I’m grateful I told wifey “I know you’re working hard and I appreciate your effort.” She wanted to know why I said that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I said because it’s true. I’m grateful in the scheme of things, it is true :heart: I’m grateful she is doing the best she can. I’m grateful I’m doing the best I can.

I’m grateful my coffee making skills were still reliable this morning. I’m grateful for my Pixie before my coffee :coffee:
I’m grateful for bananas.
I’m grateful for apples. Especially this time of year they are so good. I’m grateful for peanut butter.
I’m grateful for old cats and dogs no matter how painful it gets. I’m grateful that kind of love is so worth it :heart::heart:

I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my still pretty full spiritual tank. Grateful I know how to fill it up again when I need to. Grateful maybe I won’t let it get so empty.

I’m always grateful for my grandchildren Norma and Gus and my children. But they are out of sight out of mind. I’m grateful I have the means. Even more importantly, I’m grateful I have a great vet to dump the pets off when we do travel to see them.

I’m grateful I get to live in the desert.
I’m grateful I get to feed my pets and have alone time with them each morning and it’s never a chore now that I’m sober.

I’m grateful for Pinsa, the healthy style Roman pizza crust I’ll be eating tonight after my AA meeting.

I’m grateful for my serenity meditation and my 15 minute morning affirmations meditations I been doing every morning for maybe :thinking: 12 days now.

Love Fully.
Live fully.
Shine your light.

Kenneth Soares
You know. Like Stella does :kissing_heart:


Today im grateful for my :headphones: so i can listen to music( not the cars) and journaling outside in the garden.
Im grateful for being sober today.
The big gratitude is around setting boundaries in sobriety is completely different my sobriety hasnt yet had any physical rewards yet in fact im sicker since starting sobriety 16 days ago but thats just confirming how much dammage ive inflicted on my poor body.
Im grateful for the recording of Anthony Hopkins AA talk both hilarious and illuminating


Today I’m grateful I feel better despite still needing a lot of sleep and getting tired quickly. I’m grateful I noticed that I havn’t used pepermint oil for 2 days to breath easier and better concentrate. Steps back to normal after 2 weeks :pray:

I’m grateful for friends who let me chew their ear for a few minutes when I feel bored like a rotisserie chicken. A good laugh and a virtual kick in the ass to do something expedient helps in such situations. When I feel bored it’s time to return to normal because when I’m sick I’m not bored. I’m grateful for obvious indicators like this. I’m grateful that my flaws & quirks are reliable. I can count on them.

I’m grateful for my loving cats. They are the sunshine of my life. I’m grateful the big red furball refrained from shredding the christmas tree today. After 2+ weeks he suddenly was interested in the ornaments. Thankfully for 5 minutes only.

I’m grateful I went grocery shopping late in the evening. Didn’t need much, was home again soon. I’m grateful I fell asleep again in the morning and therefore missed the farmer’s market. I’m grateful that’s no big deal.

I’m grateful the laundry pile is shrinking. After heavy sweating last week I had to wash the bedding, duvet, pillows and mattress cover as well as the couch blankie and pillows. Geeezzz, that was a pile. We normally do not have dryers here, I certainly don’t.

I’m grateful I treated me to a lovely summer scarf knitting pattern and wool as the current project will be finished soon and I enjoyed it!
I’m grateful I prepared the first seeds for tomorrow. Some need so long to sprout and/or are so slowly growing in the beginning that I have to start now if I want a harvest. I call them my lazy princesses :wink::blush:

I’m grateful I found a comedian on TV I really liked to watch. I needed some good grins and laughs.

@Dazercat I’m sorry not sorry to say that what your wife is doing is managing an addiction, not working recovery. I admire your strength and your focus on yourself :people_hugging:

@M-be-free49 Me too likes winter very much! I love cold & snow :snowflake:


I’m grateful for my pets.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for enough to eat and drink.
I’m grateful I am sober.
I’m grateful that reading all your gratitudes gives me positivity.


I’m grateful to hear, yesterday, from our dear pal @Bluekoolaid! I hope your day was okay today, Trevor.

Not sure if I’ve got this right, but I thought I remembered reading that you were grateful for your higher power, Mother Nature - am I right? I remember thinking “yep, Creator and creation are mine”. Pretty hard to argue with nature. :wink:

I’m grateful for this crazy world and the diversity of nature in it. Here I am in the frozen north of Canada! And I think you’re feeling wintery in Florida - if I have that right? :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful for our higher powers, whatever and wherever they may be. Lean on it, them, he or she, Trevor - and on us! We’re here for you.

I’m grateful we all have us to lean on to. :orange_heart:


Thankful it’s Friday! My baseball team is working hard to get ready for season which is right around the corner. Thankful I get to be part of their lives and watch them grow. Thankful for my first week of working out and dieting, I’m down about 5 pounds and I’m sore but in a good way :muscle:t2:

Thankful I got a lot done in a short work week and that I managed to stay focused despite everyone else groaning about the holidays being over. Got a weekend full of baseball and tomorrow I will have my cheat meal for the week on my diet. I’m thinking pizza :pizza: :pizza::pizza: but haven’t decided yet.

As always, thankful for this community :heart:


Grateful to be sober for longer than i have before

Grateful for the beatiful snow that surprised me when i looked out the window (its nighttime and its always so peaceful and beautiful seeing fresh snow in the moonlight)

Grateful for my comfy bed and all of the good food i got to eat today

Grateful to have my friends as coworkers and to enjoy being with them and laughing with them while at work

Grateful i can afford ro try new fun crafts and hobbies recently and that ive been enjoying them

Grateful to see my boyfriends family tomorrow

Grateful for spending time with my cat and parents today, and seeing how much my dad loves my cat just melts my heart. Im truly happy we have him to help keep peace and comfort in an otherwise chaotic environment

Grateful my brother will be home in less than a week after being gone for 5 years

Grateful for having my own room and privacy and peace where i can have mental and physical personal space to collect my thoughts


It seems from your posts like you are one exactly the right way :blush:
You make the best out of the situation you are in and that is so valuable.
I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I am grateful for friends :white_heart:


I meant to write one last night and forgot so here I am bright and early :slight_smile:

  1. Im grateful yesterday was a craving free day. :pray:
  2. Im so grateful I have a husband who is there for me.
  3. Im grateful for my beautiful children.
  4. Im so grateful for this new job. I love working with kids, it is a lot of fun.
  5. So grateful for my volunteer position too.



Happy New Year and thank you for being here one day at a time.

I’m grateful it is early Saturday morning and I woke up to snow! It’s a magical feeling to be out early with the dogs while flakes are falling in the predawn time.

I’m grateful to be sober. Being sober has significantly reduced anxiety in my life. I sleep well, my stomach doesn’t hurt. I don’t get headaches much anymore and I enjoy exercising!

I’m grateful to be sober and therefor have patience and kindness for my students. I even manage patience and kindness for my colleagues! :joy:

I’m grateful to be sober and enjoy my home and my pets and my books. I am not in a constant battle with alcohol about how I will spend my time and energy. I have more money too!

I’m grateful to be sober and to be able to tell people what it has done for me. Talking about the decision and embracing the opportunity to be sober has helped some others in my life to give it a go as well. #normalizesobriety

I’m grateful to be sober and have a bit of energy and love in reserve so I can take on new learning and new responsibilities in my work and in my family.

I’m grateful to be in January with the start to the new year in good mental and physical health due to eliminating alcohol from my life.

I’m grateful for all that I learn from this community. I read here every day and I’m grateful to have such easy access to a caring and committed community of humans.

I wish you the best for a peaceful and happy weekend of truly taking care of yourself.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 615 days free from my shackles
Reading people talk about fitness and endorphins giving me the motivation not to flake on my 90min scheduled workout at the gym
My mom
The ability and privilege to travel: 2nd honeymoon in coasta rica in feb and texas for the total solar eclipse in april
AA and my sober sisters
Putting in the work into my recovery
Modern amenities
Hubby and Boscoe
My mom, shes the best
Self reflection and insight into my mind and emotions
Time to chill today, well do laundry and chill


I’m grateful I have a sense of humor because it seems taking Ibuprofen before bed didn’t help me get to sleep any faster, though I was more comfortable. I’ve experienced poor sleep after quitting caffeine before as well, so it’s likely that plus reducing the OTC sleep aid is the prime cause. I’ve also been reducing another nighttime medication, which likely contributes as well.

But I’m grateful for the understanding that eventually my body will find a new homeostasis and sleep will become a more regular thing. I’m grateful that having understanding of the "why"s and "how"s is something I’m able to find comfort in during difficult times. I’m also grateful that I understand nothing lasts forever.

@Naomi I am similar. Sleep is also my #1 focus atm. I’ve been chronically sleep deprived for the last few years as I took care of my aging cat’s medical needs, and I’ve gained a tad bit of weight from eating for energy, which I am now addressing. I’m happy to hear taking paracetamol works for you. I’ve never had much success with it beyond fever reduction, and if I take it over multiple days I get stomach issues. It’s a weird thing. :sweat_smile:
@JazzyS I hate pain too. It’s such a pain! :rofl:
@Cjp I’m going to pass the name of this website on to a couple people I know who are also motivated by money. Thank you for sharing!
@Dazercat “damp”… “wet”… Different name, same bullshit. We should start a movement to call it “moist January”. Maybe the name itself would urge people not to do it. :laughing:
@M-be-free49 You’re right. That sounds strange. Get out. :laughing: :wink: Just kidding.


Grateful for your sense of humor friend.

Love this…so true… easier to go through the difficult times when we know the underlying causes. I do hope your body regulates itself quickly. Wishing you some blissful sleep :sleeping::people_hugging:


I am grateful to be sober and therefore present for my son and his girlfriend who’s staying with us for the holidays. I’m always clear minded, can pick them up by car if needed and I’m just proud for being sober in their presence.

I am grateful for hangover free morning dog walks! I remember the days looking like a zombie and wanting to go back to bed asap.

I am grateful the bill from the bailiff is only 21 euros. It was unpaid toll from my holiday in Italy over three (!) years ago. Toll was 3 euro, 18 euro fine :see_no_evil:

I am grateful for fresh bread from the bakery across the street.

This morning I was listening to a YT video where they talked about the feeling of missing out on fun during parties. Some sober folks say that’s BS and we don’t need alcohol to have fun. But I sometimes still miss the feeling of getting tipsy. The guy said he felt that way too, but it’s only a small time frame where the fun is optimal. It’s no more than that, a brief moment.
I once read we only have a 20 minute ‘high’ when we drink, it’s the sweet spot we’re looking for. But after that brief moment we won’t get there again. We either get wasted or feel unforfilled (when we stop or even moderate after that high). I put it to the test when I was trying to moderate and it is definitely true.
I am grateful for this reminder, these are the things I need to stay focussed :pray:
He also talked about the awkwardness and insecurity we sometimes feel in a group and that that’s totally normal. We are programmed to be liked by the group (evolutionary). I’ve read it before but to hear it again makes me more secure in my sobriety.

@Chiron Moist January, I like it :joy::joy: Or soggy January lol


Thank you so much, you too :pray:t2::pray:t2:


Today I am grateful for:

  • My job and having the ability to work
  • God and how he helped my husband yesterday with his dental procedure
  • For exercise and how I get to move my body
  • That I have 5 days under my belt of healthy eating
  • Warm clothes as I head out into the cold to work

How wonderful to be grateful for your mom!