Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

It’s a classic! This is my third season at the helm of this team and I think we have a good shot at a title. Hoping to celebrate good news and gratitude here in a few months!


Grateful for free annual 30 days of yoga, always a good start to the year.
Grateful for dog dry shampoo since mine has decided no more baths but he likes being brushed.
Grateful for glazed lemon loaf tea for helping me with my sweet tooth.


I’m grateful I just remembered I haven’t done my gratitude list.
I’m grateful I get to do it now.
I’m grateful I got up and out early with the Burner, filled up Alice’s tank and got myself to my Al-Anon meeting.
I’m grateful for the big golden nugget I got from going to my meeting. I’m grateful I realized my spiritual tank has been running on empty. I’m grateful I realized I have only been to 2 meetings in the past 4 maybe 5 weeks :thinking:
I’m grateful because of that one meeting, there wasn’t even time for me to share except to say welcome to the new comers. I’m grateful I realized at the meeting and felt my spiritual tank fill up and heck even over flow. I’m grateful for the crowded Thursday morning meeting. Wow :open_mouth: I’m grateful I really needed that meeting. I just didn’t know how bad I needed that meeting.

I’m grateful I can use the power of my meetings as a higher power and I have. I’m grateful I can also use the rooms as a spiritual awakening. Holy Shit guys! Something just came over me in that meeting. @Its_me_Stella

I’m grateful my sponsor was at that meeting. He doesn’t usually go to that meeting.
I’m grateful he asked me to get a cup of coffee after. I’m grateful as I started himming and hawwing and thinking I better check with the wife…….I SAID YES! “I’ll text my wife and tell her I’m going for coffee after the meeting.” I’m grateful I know this is HUGE for me!

I’m grateful I listened to the serenity prayer meditation on my walk with Benson this morning and it ended with 2 thoughts :thought_balloon: I’m grateful the thought I won’t forget is:
What would it feel like if I let go of being right? Holy Shit again! I’m grateful I let out a loud crack of a laugh that could have been heard down the street.

I’m grateful I can usually let go of not being right in the trivial sense of things. I’m grateful I know my wife is doing her recovery all wrong and it’s affecting me. She’s doing a wet January. :scream::grimacing::confused::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Not even a dry January. She’s figured out how much wine she can have a week divided by the number of times we go out to dinner times pi R squared :face_with_monocle: It’s so fucked up! I’m grateful I know it’s her recovery and I know this ain’t gonna work either. I’m grateful I try to support whatever she is doing but my body language and the rolling of the eyes says otherwise. Moderation doesn’t work! And that’s right! I know I’m “Right.” In this. I’m grateful if I can just let go, in this instance, imagine how freeing I can feel?

I’m grateful to continue my day grateful and still working both my recoveries. And grateful the spiritual tank is running on full. Currently.

“The movement of grace toward gratitude brings us from the package of self-obsessed madness to a spiritual awakening.”
Anne Lamott


Happy birthday @Pattycake :birthday::birthday::birthday:
Congratulations on 1 year @Jwfletcher4792 :tada::tada::tada:

I’m grateful my cat is pretty much laying on my head as I type this and his purr is vibrating all thoughts out of my head :heart::cat:
I’m grateful to be safe, dry and warm in my house amidst all the floods we have here in the UK.
Grateful I think I am being purred into sleep.
Night all.


Thank you! :blush: it’s been a great day


Today was a very hard day, and as suggested by a wise soul on here time to get back to basics. Part of that is checking in more regularly and the gratitude lists are so important when Im feeling crap & disconnected. Thank you for being here!

  1. My life. I love my life and am so grateful for my beautiful family and home. I do not want alcohol or addiction to stop me from being the best person I can, the best wife and mother, daughter and friend.

  2. Things are not in my control or up to me to fix & handle. This one is hard for me, particularly now and probably particularly aince becoming a mom. I am not very good at remembering to let go, to stop going, to allow…I tend to feel like there is always more I can do to remedy, help and care for my family especially. I am grateful today for this moment to acknowledge that it is not up to me.
    The outcome of my sisters trial is not up to me.
    My mom and dads happiness is not up to me.
    Even my nephews future is not up to me.
    And a very hard one to admit, my childrens future is not up to me.
    The idea of this is so scary, and my response is almost always to try harder, go harder, be stronger. Its not up to me. In this moment, i can put it down.

  3. The detectives & DA for my sisters case. Its no secret on here that I am not happy with the state of affairs in my country for DV…but all that aside, I know that the detectives (especially the lead detective who I speak with the most) and the representatives in charge of my sisters case are putting their all into this. I do trust in that, that all they can do they are doing and I am grateful to them every day.

  4. I am very very grateful I did not drink today and for this place. I do not know how to process sobriety where cravings come up after a period of time, as my 10 years of sobriety prior were without cravings after the first couple of months. The idea that a craving may surface, especially due to unresolved and ongoing trauma MAKES SENSE but its foreign and feels like a failure. Im grateful to this place for beinf here and I know I will need to rely on you all and this space as the trial approaches and throughoit it. I am very afraid, especially aince this craving has crept up after 5 months on her anniversary that the trial will be triggering in terms of alcohol.

  5. Grateful for some tools I have. Gratitude lists, understanding my triggers, keeping alcohol out of the house, getting creative and one days with triggers reminding myself to sit with that girl whos me and give her some attention. Thank you for reminding me the craving will pass and Lordt knows the drink dont solve a damn thing!

Thank you for being here. Xo…


Thank you Sunshine :pray:t2:
I’m grateful you found us.


Man oh man i love that you were able to get to a meeting. Replenish and overflow that spiritual cup of yours :hugs:
So grateful that you said YES to your sponsor and went out for coffee :pray: :coffee: This is super big and very proud of you for taking that step.

Ok - wait up - Wet January??? WTF is that ? Is this recovery site even legit? They just making up shit now huh?
I am so sorry Eric - it takes time for us to find out that moderation does not work. Sometimes it takes many fails before that DUH moment. I do hope that she still keeps to her 2 drink limit at least. :crossed_fingers:

Grateful for this too my friend and you do know that we are here for you :hugs:




sorry but i am laughing cause i can hear her saying that right now! :laughing: Perfect GIF – you always on point!


@Dazercat beautiful post, Eric! We all have our own path towards recovery. I heard about damp January. But moderation is torture… I am really happy you are there for your wife!

This morning I got a notification that I will receive a priority letter today from an international bailiff. I am punctional with payments so no clue what that’s about. An international bailiff?? Shit! :disappointed_relieved:
But then I thought, I didn’t check in yet today. What am I grateful for? Well, I am grateful that I have savings. So what ever it is, I can pay for it. I am grateful I don’t have financial problems. I am grateful a letter like this will not set me back to drinking today. And because I don’t drink I can handle this with a clear mind. I am a bit anxious, but I will be okay.

I am also grateful for better weather ahead. Colder, but no rain and even some sunshine is coming our way. I am grateful for seeing my friend for a long walk on the beach this weekend.
I am grateful to be able to take my mom on a holiday this March. It might be the last time for her so we will make it count.
I am grateful for the podcast I listened to yesterday about mindfulness. To be present. To put away my phone, to really be in the moment with somebody.
I am grateful for taking the step not to take my phone into my bedroom anymore. I have to get used to falling asleep without YouTube (can’t sleep without a true crime story!), but I’m positive I can fix it. It just takes time.

I am grateful my untameable hunger for snacking has subsided. I’m focussing on normal and healthy eating again.
I am grateful for herbal teas. I love the warm sensation from a cup of ginger tea. It’s such a good replacement for a glass of wine.

I am grateful for all of you. Reading your stories and being able to share mine. The good, the bad and the ugly. Not having to go through it alone :lotus: Thank you!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for today and…

My sobriety, 614 days free from weed and alcohol
5.14m free from vaping
Get to work from home today!
Get to make my favorite lunch of baked chicken and brocolli
More time with Boscoe
Weighed in today bc im sooo curious. Today, i only have to lose 1lb to meet my weightloss bet and win $1200!
If my weight fluctuates more, i still have 25 days til my final weighin
Im a sober sisters stop smoking accountability partner
Countdown to coasta rica
AA, THE 12 STEPS, AND THE GIMMICKY SLOGANS that really ring true and have such depth as you live them
Sober community

Happy friday ya’ll


I’m grateful that I might have figured out a way to help me get to sleep: Ibuprofen. :laughing: I thought I was handling my levels of pain well enough without medication, and I think that I am–during the day. But the last few nights, after some tossing and turning, I would get up and take some Ibuprofen and inevitably I fall asleep not long after. I have been very tired when I go to bed, but just can’t seem to fall asleep. I think that my body thinks I’m suffering more than I mentally realized? :sweat_smile: I am going to try taking some Ibuprofen before bed tonight and see how quickly I’m able to fall asleep. If this does the trick, I will be even more grateful.

@Pattycake In the last sevenish years of my health issue hell trip, I’ve found it a little appalling how often I’m offered SSRIs–not least because they literally have the opposite effect on me and I can’t take them, which is supposed to be in my file. I could be there for some other random health problem and they would say, “Maybe X SSRI would help,” and I would ask in confusion, “Why?? I’m not depressed…” I’m glad you got off the Prozac! And also that you had a psychiatrist who was good enough to tell you what you actually needed. Also thank you for your thoughts concerning my old lady kitty. :heart:

@JazzyS Thanks Jasmine. It has been a stressful few years with miss kitty’s health. I also used to think more of doctors than I do now, but these days I allow myself to be extremely picky because these people are just humans like me. I may not have spent a ton or money and time going to a government approved school to learn “medicine”, but I have done a lot of my own research over the years, I also have a decent amount of schooling under my belt, and I know myself. I don’t respect anyone just because they have a title or a degree. I will 100% respect an actual health care provider and not just a sick care provider that is phoning it in.

@erntedank I’m glad your magical healing cats have been doing their job and that you’re starting to feel better.
@Dazercat “Wet January”? Hm… Yes, it’s good that you’re able to let her journey be hers for sure.
@Naomi Untameable hunger is the worst in some ways. Its like lack of sleep where it can just make everything else going on even worse than what it is.
@Cjp Wooo! lose that pound, get that cash, go you!


I really needed to see it written out so plainly like this! I’ve been trying to moderate off and on for a year 1/2 and it became something of a hobby, then a job, then an obsession, then a source of shame, and then I gave up on it completely until i finally decided to get sober 4 days ago!

Today I am grateful that I am beginning to see a future for myself that I wouldn’t dare entertain before… motherhood. I didn’t want to do anything that could make my life less “fun.” “If I have a baby, I can’t be the baby!” has been one of my catchphrases :rofl:

But for today I am still young in my sobriety so I will bring it back to what I can do today:
make myself coffee
go for a walk around my neighborhood
spend most of the day producing music
have a relaxing friday

love to y’all!


Friday gratitudes….
… TS always and forever!
@Dilettante , thanks for birthday wishes.
@Chiron , hope your kitty is having peaceful day. How lucky she is to have such a caring person in her life!
I’m grateful I slept well last night.

I’m grateful for this reminder, thanks for this! I’m grateful you are here, Mira, with all of the challenges you deal with you still are a beacon of hope, and I am so grateful for you!

I’m grateful I got in some good exercise yesterday and my body told me so when I woke up this morning.
I’m grateful I can do what I want with the time I have today, and I’m gonna make good choices, ho I’ve been jonesing for some chocolate.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If I don’t sleep enough the next day i tend to eat everything that’s in my reach. Probably to get some energy, but it definitely only makes me feel even worse. My priorities atm:

  1. Sleep
  2. Sleep
  3. Sleep some more
    Hope the ibuprofen helps! If I’m really tired and have a busy day ahead I also pop two paracetamol. Works like a charm.

1200 dollar?? Where can I sign in? :smirk:


@cjp That is frickin awesome CJ – I know how much you have worked on this and to see you finishing strong with the challenge is amazing. That’s a hell of a prize – would be great to help out with your upcoming trip :wink:
@chiron So sorry love – I hate pain! I do hope that you are able to get some decent proper sleep tonight :sleeping: Thank you and well put- same thought process as you on the medical system. We also don’t need to fully put our trust in someone cause they have a title. Also – no one can possibly know our bodies like us – it is a team effort (good doctors and ourself collaborating to find the best solution). Wishing you a healing 2024 – hoping your long health journey starts showing healthy positive results. :pray:


Its a reputable app, Healthywage, you make a bet $$ you pay in to meet a weightloss goal in a timeframe you set and if you meet your goal you get your bet money back plus some! So i bet i could lose 50lbs in a year. The harder the bet you make the bigger the reward too.


It’s “damp January,”
Not wet January.
My bad :persevere:
It’s bull shit is what it is!
I’m grateful it will not concern me if I don’t let it.