Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Today I’m grateful for a pain free start of shark week! :flushed: Didn’t even know this is possible. Oh, the freedom! :pray:


Good morning all and a happy no hangover to ya.

Im so very greatful that

I am maximizing my mania
My self awareness
My sobriety
Hopeful to find a new sponsor today
Time with hubby
Boscoe cuddles
Got a workout in even tho i didnt wanna
My accountability artner has almost made it thru her first weekend without smoking
A sober community
Set my intentions for 2024
Spiritual progress rather than perfection
Manic energy, with limited anxiety
Hubbys gonna do the dishes
Crockpot meals
Recipes to follow
Im living life not just watching the days pass
Almost met a goal a whole year in the making


I’m grateful I get to see CJ’s little Boscoe avatar as she is possibly posting her morning gratitude. The stars are aligned :wink:
I’m grateful I get to wake up without an alarm.
I’m grateful I get to be a morning person.
I’m grateful I get to have coffee.
I’m grateful I get to have my Guatemalan roast this morning and I’m grateful I get to have memories of my mission trips to Guatemala where I got to see coffee farms or plantations or whatever they call them.
I’m grateful I get to invite a new person I just met here @Kirby to our home thread.
I’m grateful I get to come here and read and post my gratitude on the daily.
I’m grateful I get to see gorgeous sunsets every night in the desert.
I’m grateful I get to live in the desert.
I’m grateful I get to enjoy the clouds and overcast and cold chance of rain today.
I’m grateful I get to listen to my affirmations meditation and my serenity prayer meditation when I walk Benson.
I’m grateful I got to hike yesterday.
I’m grateful I get to choose to go to my meeting tonight instead of watching Brian’s and my Bills play tonight. I’m grateful I get to have more of a spiritual awaking at a meeting than a football game. I’m grateful I get to maybe watch the end of the game when I get home.
I’m grateful I get to be grateful for you all.

I’m grateful for more powerful tunes that move me.

It was a wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn’t believe what I’d become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh, who would ever want to be king?

Viva La Vida
Song by Coldplay


Welcome Lulu
How’s day 2
I’m grateful you found us.
I’m grateful when I get to read gratitude from newcomers. I’m grateful it reminds me to keep going one day at a time.




I’m grateful for hot cofffee
I’m grateful I cook and make myself home cooked meals.
I’m grateful I’m constantly learning to love myself.
I’m grateful detachment doesn’t have to be scary
I’m grateful for meditation
I’m grateful I constantly grow and learn
I’m grateful for cozy pjs
I’m grateful for my inner guidance
I’m grateful that when the lights are off, I have people who stop by and light a candle so I can find my switch again :heart:


I am grateful for this sunny day and having the beach and dunes half an hour away from my home. Grateful for the train station right at the beach. I am so grateful for my dog, he is the best! I get a major dopamine rush seeing him have so much fun running around :blue_heart:
I am grateful for my home, filled with warm light and scented candles. I am grateful for this moment, while rewatching True Detective under my heated blanket. (Until I remembered I didn’t write my daily gratitude yet :))
I am grateful for the gorgonzola in my fridge, which will end up in my tagliatelle tonight :spaghetti:
I am grateful for feeling so good these days!


Happy Sunday everyone!
Today, 5 things I am grateful for are:

  • The beautiful snow and chilly weather bcuz its so refreshing
  • God and His faithfulness to me. He is always available to talk to and always guiding and supporting me
  • My tasty latte this morning :coffee:
  • Me and my familys health
  • Routine and how I have followed my healthy living routine for 1 week now (which includes no binge eating).



Might as well be M.O.I.S.T. January.


Day 10, deeply grateful for that. Grateful for clean sheets and fluffy pillows and a day off of work.


I’m grateful for another sober day and TS. People, you are amazing!!!
Im grateful for the snow today. Hoping to get out on a ski trail.
I’m grateful for sleep. Grateful I have more than one bed to sleep in.
I’m grateful for my friends IRL.
I’m grateful I have a safe car I can use to escape when I need to.
I’m grateful for the ocean sounds relaxation meditation I had yesterday. Felt so good I did it twice!
I’m grateful husband and I made a nice curry dinner last night.
I’m grateful for chocolate. I can have a little every day if I play my cards right.
I’m grateful for the Lose It! App that keeps me honest and accountable and motivated.
I’m grateful for my kitties :black_cat:


Ok, I’ll bite, what does M.O. I. S. T. stand for?


I’m grateful I don’t have to go anywhere today as it is snowing and I don’t want to deal with the influx of people who have moved to the area who don’t understand that driving in the snow is not the same as driving not in the snow. With this being the first real snowfall of the season, I expect there to be a lot of accidents being reported today, and I’m grateful I won’t be part of that.

@Spidey Great work on your 10 days!
@Lulu87 Welcome back!
@Davina_Davis congrats on your 10 days!


Today I’m grateful for a lazy sunday with the cats. For food delivery, my cozy house, pepermint oil, water & juice, my favourite blankie. I’m grateful for a personal milestone. I’m grateful it reminds me that I’m grateful for freedom, for feeling safe, for being able to pay the bills and afford a comfortable life, for being better off alone and still missing the company of a beloved partner, for being free. I’m grateful it’s enough that I just am. I’m grateful to know that every hurting passes eventually. I’m grateful I feel healthy again and go back to normal tomorrow. After 2 weeks being ill I wish I could go for vaccation. I hope this permanent tiredness liftens soon. I’m grateful all other covid symptoms are gone.
I’m grateful I’m in bed way too early. I want to be well rested tomorrow. ODAAT


I was just making it fancier. Lol



Oh! I know Eric loves his acronyms. Maybe we can play with it.


Or it could be a pun. “Moistly” dry January, where you are sober except when drinking. :laughing:

I am also curious about what M.O.I.S.T stands for @Its_me_Stella . Inquiring minds want to know.


But I like yours better.


Moistly Dry!!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: