Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

That’s pretty good! Or try this…


I am grateful to have experienced the life of having a brother and the ups and downs that came with it.
I am grateful for being able to put aside the wrong doings that occurred between the both of us and find peace and love for one another.
I am grateful that he is in a state of peace and calm now.
I am grateful that I am better equipped for a day like today and that I can be supportive towards others in my family while still being able to go through my own grieving process authentically.
I am grateful for the rain today as I believe it’s helped me to lessen the amount of tears I’ve shed and instead have it come from above.

Most of all I am grateful for life because without it I would have none of the above or any of my other posts I’ve made.


@lulu87 welcome back to the community friend :hugs:

@naomi oh how lovely to have that beach so close to home :heart:

@davina_davis Congrats on your double digits! :muscle:

@chiron so feel you on drivers not knowing how to drive in snow – same shit when we get a proper sunny spring day – like the not having snow then also throws them off :woman_facepalming:

@dazercat @pattycake @its_me_stella @chiron — love the M.O.I.S.T







Sunday afternoon gratefullness
I am so grateful for a wonderful day! Grateful to have gotten some decent sleep. Grateful for spending time with my parents and sis this morning. Grateful for face time with my aunt in England!
I am so grateful that my mom made me a wonderful yummy savory pancake this morning.
I am so grateful for having my one cup of coffee with the pancake - it wasn’t my blend but still better than the crappy stuff i got last week.
I am so grateful that i got to come home and rest in my bed. I am super tired but not enough to fall asleep.
I am so grateful that i feel light and airy in my heart today.
I am so grateful that it snowed enough to lift up my sister’s spirits today. I am so grateful that it was not too much that i have to shovel - a win win :wink:
I am so grateful for feel good movies.
I am so grateful for my practice of gratitude.
I am so grateful for that i have decided to sell most of my stuff / furniture / work out equipment – taking up so much room at my parents place. Grateful that my sister was in need of a stand up freezer and bedding - already feels like we’ve made space LOL
I am so grateful that i have enough. This past year has really helped me let go of materialistic possessions.
I am so grateful for my HP - thank you for staying by my side. Grateful for the inner peace and serenity!
I am so grateful for this community and my family - love the support i have in my journey!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - HAPPY SUNDAY! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful I was able to fall asleep again in the wee hours after I woke up completely overwhelmed and panicky. And very grateful I was able to finally get out of bed a few hours later far better equipped to deal with life. I’m grateful I even managed to move and meditate.

I’m grateful I saw the need to take care of myself and managed to be compassionate with myself instead of being angry at my body for not complying with my ideas how it’s supposed to be.

I’m grateful I was able to make delicious food for my family. My kid finally ate something substantial after having no appetite for a week.

I’m grateful I had an hour left before sunset to take a walk and enjoy the cold.

I’m grateful I can go to bed in a few and I hope for good sleep.





@Dazercat , @Pattycake , @Its_me_Stella , @JazzyS I never thought I’d be so amused by engaging in a conversation about “moist” as I am right now. This is the moist interesting conversation of the day. :laughing:

How about:

@JazzyS I think it just goes to show that people drive on autopilot too much instead of engaging in critical thinking skills




I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and gratidudes. I’m grateful for acceptance that January doesn’t have to be blah because of it being tied to the death of my Dad 35 years ago or lack of sun and warm weather. I’m grateful my Sisters birthday is today. I’m grateful I found a speaker today for my AA celebration at the end of February, one of my grandspsonsors who I don’t really see or talk to often. I’m grateful that I get to facilitate a NA step work group in about 15 minutes for a couple hours. I’m grateful the Bills game is tonight and I have no desire to drink over it, gamble on it and can take a cue from @Dazercat and chose to attend a meeting instead, maybe :thinking: I’m pretty grateful for this :point_down:

I’m grateful the kitty has been sleeping on me for the last 15 minutes. I’m grateful I attended my work Christmas party last night where people were drinking and had no triggers, just a nice time all dressed up. I’m grateful my work schedule for the next 12ish weeks is Monday to Friday 6:30-3:30 with every weekend off. I’m grateful I got almost all the laundry done today. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation, the 12 steps and traditions, humor and laughter.

May our higher powers give us hope.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!

p.p.s. M.ainly O.ver I.nitial S.obriety T.reatment


Happy birthday to your sister Brian!

Congrats on your 11 months friend!!! this is so amazing - grateful to see you doing so well on your journey. Keep that amazing momentum going :muscle:


Congratulations on 11 months!!


Congratulations on the 11 months my friend


Congrats on your 11 months.


I’m having way too much fun. Must be the lousy weather. And a bit of boredom.
I like @Its_me_Stella for us folks doing abstinence.

I like yours for people futilely trying to manage their addiction.

Can you take your MOIST fun over to the stupid polls thread. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and we can put it to a vote.

That ought to kill the rest of your day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Great idea. I’m grateful for fun and laughter. Life would be too dull without it. That thread will definitely make the most mature and well thought out choice. :rofl: I will make this poll.

Edit: Done.


I’m grateful I’ve come on here for my gratitude and caught up with a moist interesting debate. I’ve cast my vote on the polls thread :rofl:
I’m grateful for sunshine.
I’m grateful for breath work and meditation.
I’m grateful for my goofy dog.
I’m grateful that even when adulting is hard, being sober makes it so much easier.
I’m grateful this site helps me find strength, and even a smile.
You guys are all awesome!


Congratulations @I.cant.We.can on 11 months
:tada::tada::tada: you are doing so well stacking those days!


It sounds like your brother died. I’m sorry. I’m grateful that you were able to find peace and love for one another.


Thank you Alisa. He did die early this morning. I appreciate your kind words!


I’m so sorry @anon68572606, your gratitude list is a big deal being grateful for all the wonderful things, big strongs to you and your family today.

I’m changing what I was going to write, today I’m grateful that you reminded me to look at all the wonderful things even when times seem dark, dark times are just a small part of much bigger, brighter picture, thank you will carry this with me going forward.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m grateful you could share it here, with us.

I’m grateful for your example, to still be grateful in the midst of grief, and also to go through it sober and clean and committed.

Sending peace, comfort, and strength to you and yours. :orange_heart: :pray: