Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

What a close one! Glad you and your mum are doing ok.:pray:


I’m grateful to not need laser eye surgery
I’m grateful for Talking Point game creating interesting dinner conversation
I’m grateful for eating dinner with my family at the table
I’m grateful for my partner’s culinary delights
I’m grateful for a healthy broccoli plant in our garden


@JazzyS @MrFantastik @50ber thank you guys!!!


I am so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Woke up in time for coffee and TS
Hubbys love
Boscoe cuddles
Baby steps
Heres to hoping my brainpower is restored
Our safety
Deep breaths


I am grateful for my kids loving family and traditions as much as I do. Even though they’re 17 and 20, they help decorate every holiday. This past weekend was decorating for Easter. I’m grateful that the house is filled with spring colors and cherished memories because of my kids. ODAAT my friends!! 🩵🧡🩷💚


I’m grateful for my coffee making skills and the Hairbender Stumptown beans. I’m grateful my one cup in the morning, this morning, was Fabulous!!

I’m grateful when I dribbled some coffee on the floor I pulled out my Bona mop and cleaned more of the floor than anyone should before coffee. I’m grateful the half ass job looks nice.

I’m grateful Alice is back for a refill on her daddy.

I’m grateful wifey wants me to go to the orthopedic guy with her today about her knee.

I’m grateful for all the stress I got going on and I’m learning to recognize it. I’m grateful I’m not numbing myself over it. I’m grateful I can stop and meditate and get done only what I can get done.

I’m grateful it’s a very cold beautiful desert morning that will probably warm up nicely.

I’m grateful for First things first. And the serenity prayer.

I’m grateful for another day to try and remember to turn my will and my life over to the care of god. Almost forgot didn’t I :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful I already said the Serenity Prayer at least twice this morning. I’m grateful when I lead meetings I get to pick the topic. I’m grateful I’m really listening to other people’s shares about the serenity prayer and how often people actually use it and how. I’m grateful I’m going to up my game.

I’m grateful for my life! My amazing journey! My wife! And things are good. No great! Right now. That’s all I got.



Crockpots are awesome. :+1:


Just for today, I am:

Grateful to have a day off today.
Grateful to just take it easy.
Grateful Mom is resting quietly right now.
Grateful for a quiet and peaceful morning.
Grateful for kitty :smiley_cat: snuggles during the night.
Grateful for grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. :yum:
Grateful to have a job that I actually like.
Grateful for the music of Tears for Fears to get me through the blues.
Grateful for my HP.


I am grateful for today’s AA Meeting. Topics all week have been what I needed.

I am grateful for groceries to prepare some great meals.

I am grateful for the beauty outside my windows. Rain no where today and SUN shining bright.


Grateful for Day 12
Grateful for a soaking tub
Grateful for big changes


I had a very challenging and extremely grounding yoga practice today. I connected with my deeper power and felt so much trust and surrender. I am very grateful for that.
I am grateful for this day, for waking up, for being alive.
I am grateful for this community here, for this community having become my community, my people.
I am grateful for good food, a nice walk, good work and a relaxing evening. One day at a time, in good and in bad times.
Sleep well :night_with_stars:


Thanks @Steve14, @MrFantastik, @Dazercat, @JazzyS, @Dilettante, @Cjp. Appreciate it! 🫶🏼

I am grateful for another done day of work and chores.

Grateful to be asked for an interesting project today. I am so much more outspoken at work sober and ideas are flowing. A sharp contrast to sitting at meetings with a hangover from hell, counting the seconds, wanting to go home/bed so badly. Not being present, anxious, with red eyes and a dry mouth… Any how, I am so grateful to never have to go through that horror ever again.

Grateful for having a laugh with my favourite person, my son.
Grateful for another chill night, watched a beautiful but sad movie, Wit.

Grateful for going to bed early tonight!


Grateful for a quiet day at home before nightshift tonight
Grateful the body is feeling ok after a big couple of days
Grateful for leftovers for lunch


I’m grateful my chilli and ginger, tofu stir fry was super delicious. I needed a warming, nourishing meal and it hit the spot.
I’m grateful to be going to bed peacefully, because I have learnt to pick my battles witn my daughter (most of the time). Tonight was one that could have erupted, but didn’t need to. We can talk it through in the morning.
I’m grateful I’ve been prescribed something to help me sleep and I am drifting off more easily.
I’m grateful for beautiful flowers bringing a touch of spring to the house, even though it’s raining sideways outside :rose::wilted_flower::hibiscus::bouquet::cloud_with_rain::cloud_with_rain::cloud_with_rain:


I’m grateful not to be Buddhist because I’m not sharing my home with 100 million precious ant lives of infinite value.

Sorry Buddah.

@Naomi congrats on your 100 day!
@Alejondra glad your mom is okay!
@WilliamBloke Tears for Fears is awesome.
@Dazercat Alice :smile_cat: :heart:
@JazzyS I’m glad you can have some good quality time with your mom.


Last year we had tickets to see TFF in concert but had to cancel because of illness. I was bummed. :unamused:


Oh no! I would be bummed too. :frowning:


I am Grateful to breathe and know I can get through this life.
I am Grateful for past lessons.
I am Grateful that I learned from those past leasons
I am Grateful … I will NEVER go back.
I am Grateful for me … now.
I … and all of you deserve to be Grateful. :purple_heart:


I’m grateful for listening to my body and resting it
I’m grateful for strangers returning my smile
I’m grateful for finding joy in sobriety
I’m grateful for feeling nervous about starting a new job on Monday
I’m grateful for stepping into a challenging role and stepping out of my comfort zone


Mama needs some gratitude

Im greatful i met with my sponsor last night
Im greatful my mind isnt so manic rn
Im greatful for therapy
Im greatful for the pause
Im greatful im reminded to let go
Im greatful for AA, the 12 steps, and my sobriety
Im greatful today i will practice patience with myself and others
Im greatful for Boscoe cuddles
Im greatful its Thursday and i have my ladies meeting tonight
Im greatful today is a new day