Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Aww thanks! I sure will :smiling_face: Gratitude is the way, man! Always much better.


So much to be grateful for in making it to 100 days. Congratulations on the achievement. 45 is not too old, im in my early 40s and hopefully we have another 40 sober years


Congratulations on your hundred ODAATs
You Go Gurl :clap: :clap: :clap:


Love this Naomi – you sure shouldn’t and I’m glad that the replies here helped :hugs: Woot Woot 100 days girl – triple digits and stacking up the days :muscle: Looking forward to celebrating your birthday next week :hugs:
@holysquid I do hope you get good results from the new antibiotics – sorry that it took so long to realize that you had a resistance to the other stuff. :pray:
@erntedank The Little Prince – ooh, so excited for you – hope you enjoy!
@pattycake love spring cleaning when the weather is perfect and inviting – hope you got around to working on that landscape. Great work on your 8 months of sobriety!! :muscle:
@tailee17 2 weeks and kicking ass Lam! Keep this going strong :muscle:
@lighter way to go Marie – 11 days and faced your first outing and persevered :muscle:


Tuesday gratitude’s –
I am so Grateful for another day sober. I know that in sobriety i am learning so much about myself and my able to work on my shortcomings.
I am so Grateful for a lovely warm sunny day. That spring feeling in the air and the longer days really helps boosts my sunny disposition :wink:
I am so Grateful for warm drinks that help ease my tummy
I am so Grateful for energy and ability to get what little work i am able to accomplish daily
I am so Grateful for naps
I am so Grateful for being able to be able to take care of my mom.
I am so Grateful that my mom and I are getting this quality time together and enjoying each others company.
I am so Grateful for deep breathing exercises.
I am so Grateful for my HP and my connections with Him and myself.
I am so Grateful for this community and so grateful to be celebrating so many milestones each and every day! You all ROCK! :muscle:
Wishing you all a addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Congratulations on 100 days @Naomi :partying_face::kissing_heart:
I’m grateful for my purring floofball sitting practically on my face :joy:
I’m grateful for good food and having enough to eat.
I’m grateful for jigsaws, I’ve only just got into them, but I’m finding it relaxing.


Greatful @Lighter made it to the store and back without issue! Baby steps my friend


Greatful @Naomi got to 100 days!


Always so grateful for you, Jazzy! You are a true blessing here!:pray::kissing_heart:


Awe thank you Patricia. So grateful to be here with you. Grateful that my recovery has allowed me to cross paths with you and the others beautiful souls here :people_hugging:


Today I feel so much gratitude because life, my mom had a terrible accident but she’s perfectly fine! God always bless us but sometimes we don’t realice till this stuff comes! I’m grateful so much for all the opportunities, to take life one day at a time!


Oh my goodness :scream:
I’m so grateful your mom got out of that perfectly fine. I’m sure she is shaken up as you are. I’m glad you can be there :100: for her.


Thank you so much!!! When I saw the picture I was shocked!!! God is good! :white_heart::white_heart:


Wednesday morning gratitude.
I’m grateful I was up very early.

I’m grateful yesterday was a super intense day finished with a nap and afterwards going to bed. A good night nap so to say.I’m grateful I managed to pick up a thing I bought 6 months ago yesterday. I’m grateful I packed the car full of stuff of the townhouse I want at the farmhouse. I’m grateful the office @ home is now fully equiped at the farm.
I’m grateful for therapy. I tend to repress the fact that I’ve gone through a lot and that I’m still recovering, emotionally, mentally and healthwise.
I’m gratefulI got my reading glasses fixed, I definitely sit on them too often.
I’m grateful I partly unloaded the car yesterday and already fetched the rest today.
I’m grateful I asked for eyedrops at the pharmacy and have to do it again. This one are helping but taste awful when running down the nasolacrimal duct. Still having an intense bitter taste after hours and it won’t go away. I’m grateful for varieties of meds.

Today I’m grateful for sprouting seedlings and the heated plate I put seeds with warmer germination needs on. I’m grateful two generations of cats didn’t destroy the plate (crossing fingers, knocking on wood). I’m grateful the old boy lies on me and is comfy. I’m grateful we enjoy couch time after being up working for 2,5 hours already. I’m grateful I accomplished so much before 7 a.m. I’m grateful today is trash pick up, the trashcan is full. I’m grateful the wood fired stove makes the room cozy and warm. I’m grateful for nice weather today.
I’m grateful for HALT, it helped me find my balance again after intrusive thoughts of codependent patterns and longing for sharing everyday life with a partner. I’m grateful I clearly feel that I was not capable of living together with my ex anymore then. I’m grateful I can work on myself. I’m grateful I now know that I never had a chance to change his behaviour, that addiction is not only stronger than love, it can erase every kind of feeling and responsibility. I’m grateful it’s ok to be sad about it. I’m grateful I work on letting go, especially questions I will never get answers.
I’m grateful I know this turmoil is caused by the upcomming expert appointment on friday and will fade afterwards. I’m grateful I take extra good care of myself these days. ODAAT :pray::sunflower:


Holy crap…so grateful your mom is ok. That is some accident. Grateful for God and miracles :pray:t4:
Sending calming and soothing vibes your way. :people_hugging::heart:


Wow that’s quite a crash. The outcome of car crashes can be so random, some that look so bad initially and the people are fine like your mum. Others may look far less but someone may be dead. Thankfully your mum is all good


What a close one! Glad you and your mum are doing ok.:pray:


I’m grateful to not need laser eye surgery
I’m grateful for Talking Point game creating interesting dinner conversation
I’m grateful for eating dinner with my family at the table
I’m grateful for my partner’s culinary delights
I’m grateful for a healthy broccoli plant in our garden


@JazzyS @MrFantastik @50ber thank you guys!!!


I am so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Woke up in time for coffee and TS
Hubbys love
Boscoe cuddles
Baby steps
Heres to hoping my brainpower is restored
Our safety
Deep breaths


I am grateful for my kids loving family and traditions as much as I do. Even though they’re 17 and 20, they help decorate every holiday. This past weekend was decorating for Easter. I’m grateful that the house is filled with spring colors and cherished memories because of my kids. ODAAT my friends!! 🩵🧡🩷💚