Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Why don’t Buddhists vacuum in the corners?
They have no attachments. :smile:

I’m also grateful for jokes and humour and laughter.
For the well-wishes days ago from @Soberbilly and @JazzyS for this cuckoo week I was about to have. I was supposed to travel and didn’t want to.
Oh, saved by the snow! :snowflake: I’m grateful for spring snowstorms, that I stayed home and did long days of virtual meetings with the dog girl at my feet. Grateful I could reschedule things I need to for the weeks ahead, that I feel more mentally and emotionally ready.

I’m grateful for more posts to catch up on :point_up_2:, at my leisure. Grateful for your words.
I’m grateful to go to bed now.
I’m grateful I’ll wake up to a nice slow Saturday and take my first cup of coffee back to bed. (Sober Saturday Morning ritual. Beats the hell out of a hangover.)

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Good morning and happy Saturday from me, my unusually friendly cat, and my favorite coffee time of the week.

I’m grateful to be sober and well rested this morning after the great sleep I get on Friday nights.

I’m grateful to be alive. I learned of several sad deaths this week. Life is hard and suffering is real. I’m grateful that these losses were not people who are particularly close to me, it is a powerful reminder to appreciate the time we get.

I’m grateful for work that I mostly love. The 6th graders are hitting the age where puberty is very real and the mood swings and whining are something the little darling should share with their families now for a couple of days.

I’m grateful to have bosses who include me in planning for the coming year. I’m grateful that my schedule for next year is getting built with my input. Wooot!

I’m grateful to be physically healthy and to have gotten myself out of bed for three early swims this week.

I’m grateful that I have the resources to eat nutritious food and take vitamins and be able to avoid many of the viruses spewing around my school.

I’m grateful to be married to a man who is sober and who knows that this is a journey we each take on our own, next to each other.

Im grateful it is spring and that today we will get some mulch out on the garden.

I’m grateful that summer and it’s break from work is on the way!

I’m grateful for the kind words and support that people shared when I celebrated my 900 day milestone this week.

I’m grateful that I found the sober time app and have been involved with this community over the past 900 days. I’m grateful for all of you.

Enjoy your Saturday! Weekends are nice and long in a sober life. Peace!


I’m grateful for spending a fun rainy day with visitors looking for Australian wildlife
I’m grateful for when heavy rain and cool set in we lit out first fireplace of the year
I’m grateful for getting a renovation quote after several attempts
I’m grateful for brainstorming renovation ideas with my partner and finding we are on the same page


I’m grateful for the flexibility to leave work early, especially when exhaustion sets in. Technically, I worked a full day Friday (9.5 hrs), but I did leave an hour earlier than expected. The traffic was insane, and I didn’t get home until regular time anyway.

I’m grateful I didn’t get a speeding ticket when I was pulled over a few nights ago. I’m grateful the officer was kind and gave me a ticket for a broken license plate light instead. I was speeding but didn’t know it because I was talking on the phone with hubby. Grateful I didn’t get a ticket for that either. He asked where I was coming from, and when I said an AA meeting, he shared that his MIL is in AA too. We then chatted about sobriety. She’s 8 years sober. How cool! But we attend meetings in different cities, so we’ll probably never run into each other. Grateful I no longer worry about drinking and driving or driving on the suspended. I still have a lead foot but at least I’m legal these days. Progress not perfection.

I’m grateful my old car insurance company took me back after 4+ years, saving over $500 a month. I’m grateful I finally satisfied all debts due to that DUI accident that caused them to drop me. Grateful for that incident anyway, it was the push I needed to take sobriety seriously and surrender.

I’m grateful for the senior discount I got at dinner with my daughter. When did the age change to 55? :astonished: I sent hubby a pic of the sign and we had a good laugh. :laughing: I guess I’m now officially considered a senior. I’m grateful for the compliment when the waitress questioned my eligibility for the 30% discount.

I’m grateful for my AA meeting tonight, followed by dinner with about 10 of the ladies. It brings me happiness to spend some quality time with friends after a grueling work week. I’m grateful when we can talk a newcomer into joining us. Making friends in sobriety doesn’t come easy, especially in the early days.

I’m grateful for each and every one of you helping to keep me sober today.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful

To be up early on a saturday, in the before times i wouldnt roll out of bed until 11 and then just plop on the couch
Movement, getting nervous for my first 5k in years, 1 hour countdown
My sobriety
I love our new healthier lifestyle, hubby and me
Progress rather than perfection
A saturday full of selfcare
PT xercises to prep me
Protein shakes
Time with hubby


Saturday afternoon gratitude.

I’m grateful I fall asleep like a narcoleptic instead of getting a migraine with this weather. I’m grateful it mostly happens on the couch, only one nap attack in front of the PC this week.

I’m grateful the cats enjoyed the sunny morning on the balcony while I was catching up on chores, falling asleep while reading the newspaper and chatting with a friend. Where my cat people? #3 - #1876 by erntedank

I’m grateful I discussed the latest interaction with the ex with my counsellor yesterday. It was weird, I’m sure he was drunk then. I’m grateful it didn’t bother me and I shook it off.

I’m grateful the solar plant provides enough hot water. I’m grateful the bathroom gets cozily warm within an hour and I can take relaxing hot showers. I’m grateful for the big bathtub where I can wash all the flowerpots I need for repotting. I’m grateful the seedlings grew BIG.

I’m grateful the wood fired stove makes the living room cozy and warm when it’s chill and windy outside. I’m grateful I designed the house to have enough space for lots of seedlings on the windowsills. They are inside again, too cold outside.

I’m grateful for HALT and babysteps. It’s a busy time and I do my best to stay balanced and up to date with work & life as good as possible. I’m grateful I get enough rest & sleep. I’m grateful I accept that my thumb inflammation must heal before I start garden work or anything with heavy using of the hands again. I’m grateful limiting phonetime is no problem allthough I miss catching up here! I’m grateful it already got better, the joint bandage and ointment help.
Enough typing for today.
Have a peaceful, relaxing weekend or ok workdays dear sober folks! ODAAT :pray::hugs:


I’m grateful that today was warm and sunny. That I could go on a hike and spend some time with the horses. I’m grateful for 2 healthy baby horses that were born this morning. I’m grateful for being able to spend time with my friend who always makes me laugh.


Grateful for:

Day 113.
Poor emotional feelings, because I wouldn’t have them if my brain wasn’t working in some way.
Food that is there, and more so when I eat it.
Money, though limited, is paying some bills.
Owning a car, though I can’t get it registered because of that :arrow_up:
All the things keeping me alive and working to take time being thankful of them


I am grateful I don’t have to constantly apologize anymore. I used to have weekly excuses and apologies. I had to apologize for cancelling appointments, making rude ‘jokes’, leaving friends at the bar, etc etc.
Now I do what I promised and I try my best to be nice and patient. Also no more road rage. I never drank and drove, but I was always on edge…
I’m grateful to be honest, kinder, happier and more reliable.

I am grateful for doggo, son and his GF. Our door is always open and I love to see my son’s friends hop on by to say hi.

Grateful for the warriors that demonstrated today at a big cult convention in our capital. I am proud of my friends who won’t give up that fight.


Thank you for this day :prayer_beads:
I am very grateful for the silly buddhist jokes @Soberbilly and @M-be-free49 made. As a follower of the buddha’s teachings I really dig them. Had a good laugh. Especially the vacuum cleaner :rofl:
I am grateful the digestive fallout of my dairy experiment is rather mild today compared to the malady after my gluten one. I am grateful I even could sleep the whole night through.
I am grateful my cousin’s little daughter is doing better. She had some kind of allergic reaction and had to be taken to the ICU some days ago. Today she was able to look at a picture book and listen to stories. She even ate something. I am so grateful that little child is getting better and that the parent‘s and the whole family‘s pain and worries can lessen now.
I am very grateful my husband is still the reliable physician he is and that he stepped up to help with the situation in the hospital.
I am grateful I am only having a minor cold and my daughter some mild feverish infection. I am grateful the meds helped her and she was able to sleep during the day and even play some nintendo in the afternoon.
I am grateful my IT-systems behave the way I like them to and are prepared for next week‘s challenges around game design.
I am grateful for all my wonderful plants at home and on the balcony. Very grateful my husband made a lasagna for our daughter and brought it to us, so I won‘t have to bother with cooking for her while ill.
I am grateful for podcasts, books, tv series and all kinds of wonderful entertainment to take my mind off my moods today.
I am grateful for coffee, fika, and life itself.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful to still be alive after my relapse last night, I guess.


@m-be-free49 Grateful you got to do the virtual meetings this week and can schedule the trip when you are more ready. :hugs:

So very true. Scary of all the death I am hearing about lately. Really does give you a moment of pause to re-evaluate my life and my actions. Seeing how fragile life really is- gives a different perspective on letting go.
@50ber sounds like an adventurous day looking at Australian wildlife. Hope you had fun. Love the different types of wildlife available for viewing in your part of the world. :heart:

Your hard work in training coming through for you today. So excited for you. Looking forward to seeing what your next challenge is going to be :wink: Hope you did take it easy afterwards and practice loads of selfcare. Be proud of your accomplishments CJ!

OMG so adorable. Grateful for healthy baby horses :heart:
@john_connor1337 So very grateful that you did not hurt yourself during a relapse and are right back here with us working towards your day 1. Do not give up on yourself friend. It does get easier (just need to keep away from triggering situations and people). Sending you strength. Hope you get plenty of rest and allow your body to heal from last night :pray:

Saturday check in …
I am so grateful for a lovely day - i woke up with fresh breath in my lungs and a lovely light positive feeling in my heart!
I am so grateful that i was able to do more today in terms of moving around. I am grateful that i was able to go see my brother at the Earth Day Festival. I didn’t really get to help out much but wanted to give him a break if he needed to use the bathroom or eat.
I am grateful that i knew my limits and even with the machine on i was only able to do so much walking and standing.
I am so grateful that i did get to see a dear friend while I was there. I was hoping that she would show up and it brought tears to my eyes to see her and hug her. I was able to tell her in person about the passing of our friend. I am glad i didn’t just try to text this to her.
I am so grateful that i am back at my parents and resting now.
I am so grateful that i have the house to myself as my mom went to the restaurant to just give my dad some company. We both ventured out today :smiling_face: It felt good!
I am so grateful that it was not super hot - love a good hoodie day!
I am so grateful for meditation and prayer practices that help me stay connected and help keep a positive mindset
I am so grateful for my loving supportive family. Grateful that i will test out walking stairs this weekend and hopefully will be good enough to then go back to my brothers house. Will be nice to have my own space again.
I am so grateful for my neighbors son - he is mowing my lawn for me today. I went by the house this week and saw that it was in need of its first cut. He is so sweet to do this on a chilly day like today.
I am so grateful for this community and all you beautiful souls!
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - senidng you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful you are alive. No guessing.
I hope you get to your day1 and then to the next one and all the days to come with freedom and peace.


I’m grateful for spring sunshine after lots of days of rain.
I’m grateful I could get out and potter around the garden to see what needs doing out there.
I’m grateful for my dog who is always so excited when we play in the garden.
I’m grateful to he alive and sober to enjoy this weekend.


Grateful for being busy.
Grateful this app finally loaded up today, was really taking its time
Grateful for yesterday, we had my daughter’s bday party during the day and then my wife and I went out to a local fight night. Grateful I was sober and able to enjoy the fights.
Grateful I wasn’t hungover for work this morning


Ooh we had our first fire for the year yesterday as well.


I had a vivid dream where our country was under attack. I am grateful to live in a relatively safe part of the world. I try to live my life and not to worry too much about geopolitics as they are out of my control.

I am grateful the beach is on the menu today, as nothing beats a happy, free running dog. My son’s at work so I’ll be entertaining the GF and buy her lunch at this cute beach bar. It’s cold but the :sunny: is out!

I’m tired as I had a broken night with a restless dog, but I’m grateful it’s just that and not a hangover.


Any excuse for an indoor or outdoor fire for me🔥


I’m grateful for a weekend with friends leaving my heart full
I’m grateful that during lunch at a pub they drank but I didn’t get the slightest urge to join them
I’m grateful for watching my children learning to read
I’m grateful for sharing a love of reading with them
I’m grateful for sharing bedtime stories, no matter how tired we are


I’m grateful for a beautiful day here and now a beautiful sunset I’m enjoying. I’m grateful for my friends who are very supportive and understanding of me. I’m grateful for my seller friend who surprised me by bringing me a lemon tree to plant because she said I looked sad last time she saw me and she thought it would cheer me up.
I’m excited to add it to my collection!
I’m so grateful for all my animals I have a great flock this season! Last year I lost a few and was worried to have a repeat this year but so far all good! I’m grateful for internet access that allows me to interact with other English speakers and resources that can help me like this group.