Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Not losing my shit on hubby when he forgot to take out the trash, again
Boscoe cuddles
Hot coffee
Sleeping in
I expect an easier day today at work
Looking forward to my ladies AA meeting tonight
A new day full of possibilities


Glad you enjoyed that post Eric, that’s my peaceful place!


Grateful for another day to do things better! The team is doing good, we are undefeated in conference play and we square off with the other undefeated team in our conference in a two game set next week. It’s the biggest week of the season for us but if we can split or take both games I really think we have a good chance to win a title.

I’m grateful for the new baseball strategy book I got for my birthday. I am always studying my craft as a coach whether through watching games, reading, watching videos. I’m always looking for the edge that can make the difference in a game for my players to be successful.

I’m thankful the warm weather is finally arriving, I put down fertilizer on the field and am hoping the grass starts to explode!

I’m thankful to be about a month away from 500 days sober. I truly can’t believe how fast it’s gone since I started my journey. I really think immersing myself in work and my community has just helped the time fly by.

As always, I’m thankful for this place because every now and then the days get tough and this place is always where I come back to when I feel the urge to get off track because of stress. So, thank you everyone for continuing to be here :heart:


I’m grateful for my warm cozy tushuk, hot tea, audio books and my amazing neighbor who took care of all my chores. Bringing me buckets of water, keeping my fire going, making me soup and doing all of the milking for me. So thankful for having people around who care for me and help out when I need it.


I am grateful to wake up to a beautiful sunny day, a positive outlook and a smile on my face. I am grateful that I made a difficult choice to have a hard conversation with a sponsee yesterday but I feel lighter for it. I am grateful that I put my recovery first.
I have a hard time letting go of people I might write about it on the CDoD (Character Defect of the Day) thread. I call it loyalty, my therapist calls it trauma. I am grateful for other peoples perspective and time to let that sink in. I am grateful that I can be openminded today and accept when my actions are not aligned with the principles I think they are. I am grateful I am clean.

:sparkles: :pray: :sparkles:


Im grateful i found the strength again to deal with unreasonable people :pray:

Im especially grateful for being a straight head eventually :relieved:

Also my wife said today quitting smoking (day 40 ) was the best thing we’ve done together :heart:


Grateful for everyone here, my dad, addiction therapist, sponsor, etc! Also grateful for another day sober, and I’m grateful for starting to realize that not every day will go my way and that’s 100% okay and something I just need to accept :smile_cat:


40 days is amazing friend – 40 days of no smoking and 40 days of no drinking… way to go with leading a healthier lifestyle :muscle: :tada:


Appreciate the Thanks & support by yourself and other forum members

@john_connor1337 you’re doing great :+1: keep it up


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful I can now look forward to @erntedank‘s chainsaw pictures. I like heavy machinery.
I am grateful I am somewhat getting better organised and managed to get everything done in the morning to be on time for coffee with my friend.
I am grateful for the wonderful time I spend with my friend this morning. She is a very special friend to me, we don‘t see each other much, but we always get each other on such a deep level. We have been friends for a very long time now and have been there for each other through all kinds of happy and hard times. She is someone I can always count on in good and in bad times. Today she helped me to get a lot of stuff sorted out regarding my marriage. I am so grateful for having such a precious person in my life.
I am grateful for the very strange things going on with my satiety signals. This whole food journal and recovery thing is really a kind of discovery channel to be sure.
I am grateful for a nice rowing session, for my endurance and strength increasing. Grateful for yoga stretches afterwards.
I am grateful for my husband‘s visit today. For me being far clearer in my position and emotions and this then being a quiet affair. I am grateful he could check up on my health issues. I am very grateful I can still rely on his help as a physician.
I am grateful I will be off to bed soon.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Morning here is Australia.

  • I’m grateful for a Friday off to spend with kids on their school holidays
  • grateful for our public health system and that my mum is recovering well from her total hip replacement
  • grateful for clear skies this morning so my daughter can take her new bike for a whirl
    -grateful for new and exciting work opportunities for my husband and I despite living in a small rural town.

Grateful work training is over and I can sleep in my own bed again. Grateful for having more energy and clarity while being sober.
I’m ready for a new job. I also get used to the idea of moving out of the city. When I’m in nature I remember how much I miss it. I love the city, but I love nature more.

I am grateful I am sober. When I have busy days like these I notice how much better I cope with pressure these days. Even though I slept like shit (horrible soft mattress) I still performed and was clear headed today.

I am grateful I didn’t drink yesterday. Our company’s policy for hotel stays is only beer and wine is payed for. The hard stuff you pay for yourself. There is one collegue that drinks alot. Besides the numerous heavy beers he had, he also had to pay 40 bucks for his whiskies. Sad…
I used to order bottles of wine for our tables, so nobody (read: me and a few fellow drinking colleagues) would have to count glasses. That was sad too.
Now I’m having two NA beers and a tea and I’m off to bed. I feel so accomplished when I don’t drink on nights like this. The reward is so big :pray:


Grateful for a pretty good afternoon. The sun is finally shining a bit.
Grateful for 7 weeks of sobriety.
Grateful for change.
Grateful for the upcoming storms that will help ease the drought.


Today I am mostly grateful for Day 111. It’s a beautiful number, all ones? Yes, please.
Grateful for the fox family, coyote noise, turkeys, birds, greeeeennnnnnnnnnn(!) trees, nice and happy living place.
Grateful that the base is holding its 2nd Pride event! Yay! I will happily be giving things away there.
Grateful for my 1st, since my accident, presentation at a big ol’ corporation on allyship.

Have a good morning/day/night, all.


Good morning from Italy :it:
I’m so grateful our friends invited us on this trip.
It’s hard not to be grateful in such a gorgeous land on a beautiful trip like this.
I’m grateful sober gratitude comes easy and it comes naturally as I’m hiking/walking around Italy. And not planning every move around a drink. I’m grateful THAT is so freeing for me to really enjoy my time and the wonderful blessings I have in my life at this moment. I’m grateful it actually brings tears to my eyes. Of happiness and joy. I’m grateful 4 years later I’m still crying like a baby sometimes at all the sober blessings I have. And I’m grateful for those deep feelings. ALL OF THEM.
I’m grateful I get to share them here with you all. I’m grateful that even after a little over 4 years you all keep my sober. I’m grateful to be accountable right here. I’m grateful I cannot take this sober business for granted.
I’m grateful for my sobriety and life.


Grateful I made myself laugh this morning. I am still so very tired, that I forgot I had already made a coffee and now get to drink two cups. I am grateful it’s friday.
I am grateful I heard something in a “letters live” reading yesterday that resonanted with me. It helped me remember, that my choices in life should foremost align with my own principles and convictions. In comparing with others I sometimes forget what they are. I am grateful I am being reminded to not repress the discomfort when something doesn’t align. I am grateful I get the choice to walk away. I don’t need to sanction. I don’t need to justify.
I am grateful I wake up clear headed and I have no regrets about the night before. I am grateful for this life. :orange_heart:


Grateful for my friends! I had some good laughs with them over discord. Haven’t had such a good laugh in a long while :smile_cat:


I’m grateful for feeling ok when people talk about their alcohol use
I’m grateful for friends visiting from overseas
I’m grateful for my kids learning about my traumatic upbringing, they asked and stayed curious as we talked.
I’m grateful for their reassuring hugs afterwards
I’m grateful to be at peace with my past


I’m grateful for a sunny day and being able to just sit outside in the sun. I’m grateful for having people around me that care and help me out when I need it…even though I’m not very good at asking for it. I’m grateful for the smell of wild sage and fresh mint. And for the donkeys that have been entertaining me throughout today. I’m grateful to be alive and safe. I’m grateful that this community took me in, taught me their language, culture and have accepted me as their own. It makes me feel loved and cared for.


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful i got my ass to the gym this am
Im greatful i got a solid run in
Im greatful my only goal for tmrws 5k is to finish, this will be my benchmark
Im greatful for progress
Im greatful for health trackers and data
Im greatful its a work from home, pay day friday
Im greatful i now have regular dentists appts, it feels good to take care of myself
Im greatful for sunshine
Im greatful for this community