Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful that I was able to sleep in and take my kids to school instead of being up at 2:25 am and off to work for the morning. I am grateful for this impromptu vacation happening at the right time. I was a little anxious about having all of this free time on my hands considering that I used to drink wine and clean on days I had nothing to do, but am grateful I decided to get out of the house and walk down to the beach for an hour and do Sodoku puzzles. I’m grateful that I can walk to the beach, I took that for granted for so long! I am grateful to have been able to take my kids to the pool and to actually swim with them! They were so excited! I used to sit on the sidelines with my wine in a cup and watch them, but instead got in with them this time! And finally I am grateful for 1 full week sober. It has been a full year since I have had 1 week under my belt! 1 day at a time!


Congrats Jake – so happy for you and your team. Love the winning spirit!
@tailee17 So happy you are recovering well from surgery :pray:
@50ber so happy you enjoyed your technology free camping trip. Love star gazing when you can actually see the beautiful sky
@acromouse so grateful that you are feeling better and will not have to cancel the Berlin trip. :hugs:

What a lovely request to yourself. A nice gentle plea and I know you were heard and will be helped with all the support you are reaching out to. Much love to you my dear friend – you are in good company here and I’m so grateful that you could come here to seek support.
@saraboobear23 Way to go friend – 1 full week is amazing work :muscle: Grateful that you didn’t have to wake up at 2:25 am (oof that’s early to start the day) – I am grateful those early days are way behind me. Grateful you were able to enjoy quality time with the kids and time on the beach! So happy for your sober journey :heart:

Monday night gratefullness
I am so grateful for waking up to another day on this earth.
I am so grateful that it did not rain all day like it was supposed to.
I am so grateful that i was able to get in 2 - 2 mile walks with mom and was able to do a 25 min work out session with her. Grateful that she needs it as much as i do and knowing that keeps me going. I am so grateful for my TENS unit as it is what helps me fight through the pain and keep going. Grateful that our pace is improving.
I am so grateful that i was able to get a few of the important phone calls completed today and i did not loose my shit when calls were dropped after a long wait time or the end result was useless leaving me with more calls to make tomorrow. I am grateful that i was cool and collected and managed to get work done while i waited. No sweat!
I am so grateful that i got to try my olive loaf today and it is unbelievable. My first time baking using a Dutch oven and i am in love. I am grateful that it paired really well with the mushroom pesto pasta and i was able to put the meal together relatively quickly so it was ready when my brother came home.
I am so grateful that the weather has been decent enough for me to enjoy the outdoors without aggravating my symptoms or inflammation.
I am so grateful for being able to haul the large foldable table to the basement so that i can have a large flat surface to do my puzzle on.
I am so grateful that i have caught up with all the accounting work so that i can start the puzzle (i have been planning to start it for over 2 weeks). Tonight is the night LOL
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer that i am trying to do more religiously throughout the day to help keep me grounded and connected to my HP. I know many times i question my HP or am on the verge of losing faith but grateful that i am able to stay on this path and not stray from my connection.
I am so grateful for my loving family. Grateful for WhatApp and how it allows me to stay connected with so many family members all over the world.
I am so grateful that i have you all in my corner. Grateful for our community and the love and support that is offered here.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful to be alive. Grateful to have a roof over my head and I am able to work and pay my bills. Grateful for the opportunities life brings me and today especially Grateful for a comfy bed :sleeping_bed:


Wow, congrats on your 2 years clean. :pray: :heart: :sparkles:


I’m grateful for thriving during a busy work day
I’m grateful my achilles exercises seem to help the pain
I’m grateful for learning to be as kind to myself as I am to others
I’m grateful to have the means for food, shelter and water
I’m grateful for spending time with my family just talking about anything


Afternoon gratitude on tuesday.

I can relate to @Saraboobear23 A beach in walking distance must be absolutely great. I enjoy having the farm around me so much, just a little walk to the next delicious fruits or having some quiet time walking around to sort my thoughts. I’m grateful for this wonderful place.

I’m grateful I took a long pause to rest. After a night with multiple horrible nightmares (NOT grateful for that) I had a wonderful morning with cats, plants and good thoughts. I’m grateful the grumpy, nervous, bitchy, whiney mood I felt yesterday afternoon is gone. I’m grateful I started to tackle the next step: turning the unfinished dry stone wall, this monument of my ex’s love for stones instead of me, into a green gratitude wall.
I’m grateful I stumbled about a gem of reflection when searching through my bookmarks for the gratitude wall. I’m grateful sometimes I’m quite a smartass, too bad I forget about it soon :woman_facepalming:

As always I still can’t find the original post to honor the idea giver :see_no_evil:

I’m grateful I again work in my morning gown. Kind of a very weird flaw. Maybe I’m pyjama rebell? An ambassador of comfortness? A symbol of nonconformity? Or simply experimenting with new patterns :wink::blush:

All you fellow gratipeople are invited to join in.


Im on the strugglebus this morning

Im greatful for

My recovery journey
Hot coffee
Its ok to have a late start
Boscoe cuddles


Sending you hugs and sunshiny vibes :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::sunflower:


Awe love
… sending you big hugs and loads of love…you are not alone my friend and remember that it won’t last long. Sending you strength as you work throughout this phase :pray:t4::people_hugging::heart::heartpulse:


I’m grateful we are back home for our last 2 days of being back home. I’m grateful we both think it’s pretty weird. I’m grateful we pick up everyone from the vet yesterday and they are very happy to see us. I’m grateful they get to enjoy the last 2 days here before the road trip. I’m grateful we planned this well.

I’m grateful for the video that just came in of Norma looking for Nanny & Pop Pop :broken_heart: :cry: :heart:
I’m grateful for the time I get to spend with them.

I’m grateful I’m up too early but I still got a solid 8 hours last night. I’m grateful I can get Benson walked before it gets too hot. I’m grateful the coffee and Tylonol is helping with the headache.

I’m grateful I’m overwhelmed about where to begin working around here but know all I have to do is start. I’m grateful whatever I don’t get done the movers will take care of.

I’m grateful for my morning espresso sitting watching the day break. I’m grateful after I fed everyone I got to sit and enjoy my Moka.

I’m grateful I held on to my anger for a few days about things my alcoholic loved one did during the trip and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t resentment. I’m grateful that anger got in the way of my visit in Dallas, but I know I did the best I could under the circumstances. I’m grateful it wasn’t the poor me pity party resentment I use to feel. I’m grateful my Al-Anon reading today gave me exactly what I need to let it go today.

Why do I find it so hard to accept that alcoholism is a disease? Would I blame a diabetic or a cancer patient for their symptoms? Of course not. I know that willpower alone is not enough to defeat a disease. If alcoholics could simply stop drinking whenever they wanted, many would have stopped long ago.…………
I therefore resolve to stop blaming the alcoholic for what is beyond his or her control—including the compulsion to drink. Instead, I’ll direct my efforts where they can do some good: I will commit myself to my own recovery.…….
May 7 CourageTo Change


I’m grateful for a good nights sleep with no bad dreams, for a wonderfully sunny and warm day. I’m grateful for going on a picnic with my friend and having a beautiful morning hike. I’m grateful for laughter and joy. I’m grateful for bonya night and feeling so clean after is an ideal way to end my relaxing day. I’m grateful for my dogs and a beautiful sunset tonight.


I am very grateful for this day.
Especially for my migraine lifting at some point.
For my daughter being very supportive.
I am grateful I got everything done I need for tomorrow’s trip.
Grateful for a good book.
And I am grateful I can spend the rest of the evening on the couch, reading and watching anime.
Sleep tight :night_with_stars:


Whatcha reading :books:??


Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty
Kind of a murder mystery in space


I’m grateful I’m alive and I’m sober.
I’m grateful I know my symptoms will ease with time.
I’m grateful I have a more flexible job and can take time off to get better, without feeling so much guilt.
I’m grateful reading all of your gratitudes brings me joy.


Enjoy your last 2 days!! Grateful you’re headed west soon! 🫶🏻 ODAAT


Just for today, I am grateful for the following…

Having a day off today
Enjoying some much-needed quiet and solitude
Our new NutriBullet
My re-discovery of green smoothies
Getting a head butt from the cat just now as I write this
My co-pay on one of my meds dropped way down
I passed my yearly D.O.T. physical with flying colours
Lexapro keeping my head level
Living in Southern California, despite how insanely expensive it is here
The easy accessibility of Mexican food anywhere, anytime
We have good and sound-running cars, and NO car payments
Trader Joe’s markets
We don’t have much, but have just exactly what we need. That’s good enough for me.


Cute little meme. I like this. :+1:


Im grateful for my strength :muscle: difficult day , ive cancelled the room for mr fuck up as the breakfast was on free offer :ok_hand:


I’m grateful today because
I am allowing myself time to heal my back after straining a few muscles. Never twist while lifting a heavy object. Oops, forgot! I’m grateful husband is insisting on me taking it easy.
Spring flowers are blooming and I am bringing some into the house, plum blossoms smell like Smarties candy! The mud room smells like Smarties. Sorta intense. Bleeding hearts grace the bathroom, and catmint in the kitchen.
I am on day 300. Wouldn’t be here without all you fab folks here at TS. Thanks you all.:pray::peace_symbol::heart: