Gardening In Recovery

I want to see allllll the produce :smile:


My favorite flower is about to bloom!


Ah shoot, don’t lettuce miss it bud! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Update: It will soon be time to plant everything, they are outgrowing their quickpots.

Curious how many squashes will survive

This year’s seed propagation for Arche Noah: peas. Waiting for sprouts.

Salad soon ready to eat

Monardas already with mildewy, fuck the weather. Gave them an antifungal BATH today. Let them dry overnight. Same procedure tomorrow and then planting. Boy, I’m pissed.

And there are plants you want to pet because their leaves are so fluffy, cute and good smelling: some plectranthus variety :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The weather is not amusing but as long as there are no hailstorms it’s ok :pray:
May all your plants grow and prosper :blush:


It‘s obvious who loves their plants :hugs:


Dear fellow gardeners and gratitude folks!
The TS born idea of turning the still unfinished dry stone wall my ex has been building for 2++ years by now into a gratitude wall planted with all kinds of plants comes to life!

My resentments decreased over time, still it is a monument for his choosing stone fumbling and drinking, ignorance, lovelessness and silent treatment above being my loved one and investing in our relationship.

As I can’t find the original post where the idea was born, I hope the idea-giver gives a shoutout here! I’m so sorry that I can’t remember who you are as this idea is fabulous :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkling_heart:

I’m tagging @M-be-free49 @Alisa @Lisa07 @Dazercat @JazzyS @acromouse as I remember you liked the idea. And I apologize to the ones I forgot, please feel all invited to contribute.

And there we go:
Every plant comes with a specific gratitude to the wall. As you can see I have started planting lots of gratitude. If you want a gratitude plant added to the wall you can post here or send me a PM. I’ll add your gratitude plant to the wall and send or post a picture.

Oh I’m so curious how this idea will bloom - of course some will not survive, I’m just learning how to plant on a stone wall. That’s ok, the spots will be replanted with new gratitude plants :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkling_heart:
I’ll keep you posted about the growing!


This is so awesome… Thank you for the update and share

looking forward to progress pictures :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That is a lovely and very thoughtful of you :blush:
I’m grateful your here :pray:


Not sure what will survive year round where you are but please plant that for me. I think you’re saying that at this point you’re not sure.
I once made a ‘walkway of time/thyme’ with thyme. The thyme between the rocks on the ground didn’t make it but the thyme one small area of dirt against the wall has grown for 20 years.
Thyme. Or something that will grow all year.
How beautiful your rock wall. Thank you for the opportunity, honor to be a part of it.


Wow, what a way to transform something and the whole trajectory of ones thinking :star_struck:
If you have place for a plant for me, I‘d like to add something to express my gratitude for the fact that my life is so precious. In order for me to exist so many people have had to give so much goodness. It‘s a miracle really. Every day is a miracle.
I have no idea what would work on your wall: climate, amount of sun, etc. I really like grape vines, but as they climb everywhere this might not make much sense. Otherwise sage is also great. But honestly I‘ll leave the decision to you.
Thanks for sharing your wall with us :heart_eyes:


Lovely idea Erntedank

Have you got a spot for some Edelweiss?


I absolutely love the idea of your gratitude wall, @erntedank ! Perhaps you can plant some German Chamomile for me? And brew a cup of nice relaxing tea with it sometime. :pray::pray:


You are heartfelt welcome all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s a TS idea, developed together and I’m happy and grateful to share it with whom ever wants to.
@Alisa Thyme is fine, I will plant some for you
@acromouse Sage is fine too, grapevine is too invasive, I will pmant some for you
@Dazercat Edelweis is fine, I will plant some for you
@Pattycake I will try and seed German Camomille, let’s see how it works

Tomorrow I’ll see if today’s plants are still in the wall. It rains. So this is the first test for my first attempt. Enough material & plants left for further learning experiences :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Owww, what a lovely idea @erntedank :heavy_heart_exclamation:
If you have some space left then maybe a Muurvaren - Asplenium ruta-muraria for me? It’s called Wallfern and the name says it all :hugs:
Maybe it’s already growing on your wall in itself?
It’s a little tough persistent plant, a bit like me :hugs:
Grateful for a bit of light, water and soil and grows even on church walls and such.
Again, great idea turning something “bad” into something powerful like this! :seedling:


Beautiful idea. Of course there’s space for all kinds of ferns :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: This variety I have to go searching, it’s not available to buy. Asplenium trichomanes ok too until I find an Aslplenium rura muraria? What a lovely reason to visit the churches and ruines in the region!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Keep us posted on your hunts :male_detective:t2:


Just finished been out in the garden since 11am it’s 7pm :sunflower:

Will be doing some plant stuff Tomo hopefully so will get some pics of what I have.
My sunflowers sprouted not sure if it’s too late or what will happen with their growth but I’m interested to see :sunflower::sunflower:


Looks great!!!
It’s never too early or too late for sunflowers exept it freezes :blush:


Bravo!!! @Twizzlers


What a brilliant idea! This is great!! Can we really ask you to plant a gratitude plant? Can I ask for one, please? :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::smiley: