Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for the first time in a long time I feel proud of myself, love myself, trust myself and love how it’s reflecting more positively on others.


I’m grateful to read all these wonderful posts here daily which in turn reminds me to be grateful for the big and small things in life that I forget about.

I’m grateful for the men and women who plow and salt our roads. We got a foot of snow on Tuesday and another 5 inches today. I’m grateful for my exceptional driving skills, especially in this weather. Driving to work today, a couple cars spun out in front of me on the highway. I saw it coming, when their break lights came on. They had no business being on the road. I’m grateful no one was hurt.

I’m grateful hubby’s new knees and hip are working perfectly fine nowadays. This is the first winter in 3 years that he’s been able to take on all the shoveling, saving us a shit ton of money. I’m grateful he makes it a priority to have my car warmed up and cleaned off in the morning. Being that I’m the one going to work, it is in his best interest though but I’m still grateful I don’t have to do it myself. I did let him off the hook at 4am this morning when he agreed to walk the dog instead.

I’m grateful my daughter’s meltdowns have seemed to subside a little. They got out of control the past couple weeks and I was seriously considering medicating her again. I’m grateful it finally came to me that her meltdowns were the result of my stress. I’m grateful for my patience and ability to walk away when it gets too heated. I’m grateful for cold late night walks by myself to reset.

I’m grateful when I got sick this week it only lasted a day. High fever and body aches came on out of nowhere at work. I’m grateful my boss told me to go home and rest even thought we’re buried in work. I’m grateful I went back to the office the next day feeling my normal self. Maybe the stress finally caught up to me.

I’m grateful I get to go to my ladies only AA meeting tonight and probably dinner afterwards. I love our meeting after the meeting, especially when a newcomer joins us. If we can keep another alcoholic from picking up a drink for an additional hour then our 12th step work is a success. I’m grateful for the AA saying…“Give it way to keep it”. Makes so much sense now that I’ve been on this journey a few years.

I’m grateful for each and every one of you helping to keep me sober today.


I’m grateful for another day.
I’m grateful it’s sunny outside today.
I’m grateful for the haven we made out of our plot of land. Turkeys and deer and rabbits meander through every day. I’d be more grateful for them if they’d leave the vegetable garden alone in summer, but we all have to live.
I’m grateful my neighbors kitties are ok with me barging in on them daily to take care of them while their parents are gone.
I’m grateful for music.
I’m grateful for TS, and all you lovely kind people. I’m so glad I found you.


I am grateful I rescheduled seeing my parents to Tuesday, so I can also join my dad to the hospital. I’m grateful to have this Saturday for myself.

I am grateful the temperature is rising, hopefully we’re moving towards springtime. I’m really looking forward to summer :parasol_on_ground:

I am grateful for finding a dirt cheap bikini for the holiday with the fam, in stead of spending another 50 bucks on a small piece of fabric. I am grateful I lost some weight, but I’m in dire need of some clothing updates. Quite the challenge as I dislike shopping…

I am grateful for the relaxing evening yesterday, watching murder series and having pizza.

I am grateful I had a moment of retrospection yesterday. I was walking home with my groceries, normally the most important thing in my bag would be a bottle of wine and some extra beers just in case. This time I had pizza and sparkling water for the Friday evening. It made me proud of myself, knowing the morrorow me will be grateful I didn’t drink.



It’s late afternoon and I really need to come here.
Today I’m grateful for frozen pizza. With a little bit extra cheese, ham and mushrooms it’s a quick, tasty meal. I’m grateful I can afford grocery shopping. I’m sure one day I will faint facing the bill at the supermarket. I’m grateful I stocked up on catlitter.

I’m grateful for all the work I put in myself and my life. Guess what? The ex showed up at the farm today to fumble with his stones. A coincidence as I moved back here yesterday? He didn’t know I’m back. It’s very, very strange. I’m grateful we were civil, I was able to address my questions and issues, I am content with the information I got and he removed a tree from the drive-up to the tractor parking. I’m grateful I didn’t have to ask, he had this idea himself. I’m grateful I stayed neutral when he talked about his new leasing car. He obviously can afford 2 cars.
I’m grateful my codependent mimimi was civil too and I sayed good bye when everything was said & done. I’m grateful I allowed me to cry a bit and feel a little upset. I’m grateful I treated myself to a yummi breakfast at lunchtime soon after, checked HALT, petted cats and took a shower. I’m grateful the mimimi was gone after the shower. Progress!

I’m grateful I laze on the couch, the cats are sleeping, the fire in the woodstove makes the room warm and cozy, I have a second glass of milk with a second cookie.

I’m grateful for freedom, for my peaceful life, that resentments come and go and sometimes fade, that my brain is in good shape again (at least for this week it was ok), that I’m grateful for all my blessings, that I’m a kind and warmhearted person, that I have both feet on the ground.

I’m grateful I got notice yesterday that a farther schoolmate commited murder last year. A friend of mine stayed loosely in touch with him over the years, she told me he contacted her last summer as he moved back from abroad. We three had a nice, short phonecall in summer but he seemed to be physically and mentally in bad shape and paranoid, obviously using some kind of drugs. We didn’t hear from him since. He killed a person he had big resentments on at the end of last year. Media stated that he was prisoned at a psychiatric-forensic ward due to his mental state.
I’m grateful my mental health is good besides the mimimi and brainfuck everybody suffers from time to time. I’m grateful that I was dismayed but not surprised when I read about it. I had a bad feeling about him returning from abroad and being quite a wreck. I’m grateful my friend lives far away from his place, the information took 2 months to reach her. I’m grateful we can grieve together a person we were friends in school 35 years ago.

I’m grateful for ODAAT, OFDAAT, FUBAR and FUCK :pray:
And for my lovely cats who enjoy the farmhouse so much Where my cat people? #3 - #1538 by erntedank

Edit to add: I’m grateful I fell asleep after typing my gratitude, woke up 1,5 h later, fed the cats, did my evening routine and moved from couch to bed. After this week the perfect saturday evening. Night folks :zzz:


Practicing gratitude on this beautiful Saturday morning… full of gratefulness
I am so grateful for my comforting morning coffee. Grateful that i waited till 8 am to start the coffee as i’m sure the smell of coffee would have bothered my brother in his sleep.
I am so grateful that i was able to have coffee time with my mom this morning.
I am so grateful that a friend sent me some great lymph massages that are supposed to help with getting my body flow back
I am so grateful that i am doing well enough with little sleep. I’m sure i am due to for a crash very soon LOL
I am so very grateful that the sun is shining (well it’s playing peek a boo). Grateful that we did not get much snow so far this winter. I am so grateful that i didn’t have to shovel.
I am so grateful that for fun movies and gathering an arsenal of tv entertainment for my recovery. Grateful to be setting up my space at my parents place for my recovery.
I am so grateful that i was able to have a lovely chat with my cousin at 3 in the morning… grateful it was early morning for her in England and i got to give her company with her morning coffee.
I am so grateful for enjoying Somethings Gotta Give - do love this romcom
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful that my brother is going to visit my sister tomorrow. They both need connections right now and glad they can be there for each other.
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful that i know whatever i am going through will not last forever. Grateful that this too shall pass.
I am so grateful for peace and quiet. Grateful to not feel the need to be on the go go go.
I am so grateful for TS. Grateful we have a space place here to share our journey (the triumphs, struggles and milestones).
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending all you beautiful souls so much love :heart: :heart:


Before I get into a hot bath, time for my evening gratitude.

I am grateful for sleeping in, taking my time and still being on time - have no idea how that happened.
I am grateful for all the people walking with us on the demonstration and all those who organised.
I am grateful for meeting a friend there and having a nice long chat.
I am grateful for emotions moving in waves, ups and downs, but moving and not feeling stuck in a place of suffering.
I am grateful for letting go today, for taking it easy, for taking a nap.
I am grateful for yoga, for breathing and meditating.
I am grateful for my family, my partner, my child.
I am grateful I can look forward to a nice read in a hot bath.

Have a cozy night everyone :night_with_stars:


Sunday morning gratitude
Grateful for hotel instant coffee
Grateful we got sleep in till 730am
Grateful my wife seems ok after her big trail run yesterday, she took a couple spills, but by the look of it there were a few people finishing bloody and bruised.
Grateful I was able to act as support crew for her
Grateful for another day hangover free and sober


Grateful for getting more jobs done in the garden today, it’s looking better.
Grateful for my partner for taking my bike to be serviced, hoping to get out on it soon.
Grateful for listening to my body this weekend, I’ve been feeling tired this week so cut out a scheduled run today.
Grateful to let it go today when something someone did annoyed me but I won’t be taken advantage of.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful I’ve got my kids this weekend, grateful I took them out for dinner and had a milkshake with them last night, grateful I still haven’t drank in 2024!


Hi grateful people!

I am grateful for you. Reading these posts every day lift my spirit immensely.

I am grateful for my hairdresser. She is a hair magician. I am grateful for my car. She’s taken so much abuse and still chugs along. She’s paid off in 3 months so I hope she hangs in there for a while.

Im grateful for pillows, my doggie’s love and a 3 day weekend.

ODAAT :purple_heart::blue_heart:


I’m going to research lymph massages @JazzyS , that sounds amazing!! :star:


I’ve had professional lymph massages and found the at home ones way more effective.

I have enjoyed Imi on YouTube and funny enough she is who my friend recommended to follow as well. She has many videos for different lymph areas of the body. The stomach is one I worked on today. (Imi is a bit over the top but her moves are very effective).

Imi lymph massage video


Oh perfect, I know what I’m doing tomorrow!! I really appreciate you sending the link :purple_heart::purple_heart:


I am grateful for sunshine and the smell of spring.
The purring cat on my righthand side.
The prospect of inline skating with a friend later on.
My granny’s 94th birthday and some laughs we shared yesterday.
I am grateful for beauty, art and music, the great book I am reading and the roof over my head.
I am grateful I don’t have to have life all figured out today. I can just take it one moment at a time.
Have a fabulous day, grati-people. :orange_heart:


I am grateful for 11 hrs of quality sleep and waking up well rested. Sleeping in isn’t really useful while trying to adjust my bed time routine, but I felt I needed the extra hours of :zzz:.

I am grateful waking up to some messages from friends and family, just saying ‘hi, how are you’.

I am grateful for living in NW Europe, for living in abundance. I was watching Girl in the River yesterday, a documentary about honor killings in Pakistan. I feel so sad for those women and at the same time so grateful to be born into freedom.

I am grateful I resisted the urge yesterday to order take out and made myself some fried rice and veggies.

I am grateful for science and unbiased researchers who share their findings with us.

I am grateful it wasn’t raining yesterday during dog training. Today it’s rainy, so we keep the dog walks short. I am grateful for my dog and that he let me sleep in today (as he normally would wake me up as soon as he’s awake).

I am grateful for having another day to myself. Having tea later with a friend, but the rest of the day I can read, plan the week ahead and just chill. Life is good.


I’m grateful for my day off. For the time I can spend reading today, maybe a bath too?
For candles, insence and my heated blanket so I feel comfy. For the fresh croissants I’m going to bake in 1 hour :yum:
For that walk we are going to make after eating those croissants.
Grateful for having some “me, myself and I time” as wel when hubby is away because of a meet up with family at the end of today.


I’m so grateful I just don’t know where to begin. On one hand I’m so grateful we got the house and my life is seriously about to change for whatever gods will has in mind of me. And on the other hand I got this gorgeous creature, Alice, meeting me every morning at the microwave where I put together my coffee, and I scoop her and my cup up to sit in darkness and she warmly snuggles in a purrs on my lap. I’m really grateful for Alice my little hp in the morning granting me the serenity I love, if I let her.

I’m grateful we have a contract on the house in Cali :scream:

I’m grateful, although my mind gets on that hamster wheel,
One Dat At A Time.
First Things First.
And today, and tomorrow, with a holiday that means I got nothing that can be done. And grateful I get to help take care of my poor wife and her arthritic knee. With love and compassion.

I’m grateful for my recoveries as usually it’s the other way around; where I’m laid up with a back or hip issue or hernia or appendix or heart problems. Torn meniscus. Fuck I been a mess :worried: And she always takes care of me. I’m grateful at the end of the day it’s not about more me. I’m not the victim here. And I don’t have to make it about me and get trashed drunk because I have to do everything around here because it hurts her to walk. And she’s laid up.

I’m grateful I get to be present and take care of her and not make any of this about me. I’m grateful recovery is an unselfish blessing we can treasure. And I’m grateful I’ll wake up without a hangover and I’ll do it again!

I’m grateful I know how uncomfortable it feels to have people wait on me and not want to ask for help.

I’m so grateful for my health. Today.

I’m grateful I’m kind of shell shocked we are in a contract for this house. I’m grateful I know I can do this. I feel like I move for a living. I’m grateful I get to look at this house as not a stopping ground in my life until we figure out where we are going next. I’m grateful I get to have the attitude that this is going to be my home. Fuck! I started in Boston and I’m going to be 20 minutes from the Pacific. I can’t possibly go any further west. :thinking: Hawaii :grimacing: No fucking way. I’m grateful it’s time to settle down. I’m grateful for the education I’ve gotten living in so many different cities and towns and even a different country once.

I’m grateful it’s always been kind of a little dream of mine, getting a one story Spanish style house. God willing we close, and I get to live that dream at the end of my bronze years and not have any steps to fall over.

I’m grateful I get to share all this with you all. It means a lot to me.

When life brings
Big winds of change that almost
Blow you over,
Close your eyes,
Hold on tight, and believe.



I’m digging deep to find some gratitude today. That one day sickness I had Thursday came back with a vengeance just after posting here yesterday. High fever, body aches, congestion, no energy, no appetite but thirsty AF. Definitely not covid, home tests are negative and just had it a month ago. My baby girl has it too but worse and puking. I’m grateful daddy says he will take her to urgent care later, but if he doesn’t, I’ll muster up the energy to do it. Probably the flu, too bad we don’t have home tests for that.

I’m grateful for over the counter meds.
I’m grateful for heat and warm cozy blankies.

I’m grateful for today off from work to rest and recover. Grateful tomorrow is a holiday even though I don’t have off, but grateful I can work remote and take it easy. Most clients are closed so it should be a slow day.

Grateful for online meetings even though I don’t share. It’s an ok substitute, but I miss my girls and our Sat night out.

Congratulations @Dazercat! I’m grateful you found your forever home.