Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for a day filled with naps.
I’m grateful I had some energy to sweep and hoover.
I’m grateful for a family night out to a comedy gig.
I’m grateful I have face ache from laughing so much.
I’m grateful for my furry, purring hot water bottle.
I’m grateful for 7 months of freedom today.
I’m grateful to this community for helping me to achieve that new milestone.


@Button83 Way to go with your 7 days of sobriety Julia!

@Dilettante Nicely done with 7 months of AF Kiki!

Keep up the amazing hard work ladies - doing a great job :muscle: :tada:


This :raised_hands: I feel the exact same way- gratitude and checking in on this thread. I try to keep up with the others but get lost :sweat_smile: I am trying to do a better job checking in everyday. Soooo

Ill start of with I am grateful for you all and this thread! I am grateful for my day, and the whirlwind it was. I am grateful I got to spend it with family. I am grateful that I got to find time to cross stitch even thou it was in the car and only for an hr. I am grateful for my quiet evening (where does the time go) and I am grateful for my fellow friends following up with me on donating to families in need. I am grateful that I was able to read a chapter of my book tonight (reading Remarkably bright creatures. Has anyone read it? Im not very far in but so far I enjoy it) I am grateful for my job and look forward to work tom. I am grateful for my health, little ones and my husband.

Lastly I am grateful for my sobriety! ODAAT. Thank you God, I am blessed. :black_heart:


Congratulations on your 7 months Kiki.
Look at you GO!!


Congrats on you 7 ODAATs Button


I havn’t read it but I would like to link you to the book thread, may have a look if someone mentioned it there and add :books::blush: Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

Morning gratitude.
I got lost in reading yesterday evening, went to bed far too late (after midnight), had crappy nightmares and got up at 5 to shoo them. I’m sure one day this nightmares will kill me.

I’m rooting for gratitude to lift my spirit:
I’m grateful for the wonderful farmhouse I’m currently living in. I love it. The possibility that I might loose it breakes my heart. The waiting for the new expertise of market value exhausts me. My nerves are wrecking every day a little bit more. I’m grateful I work every day on letting go. On giving all my feelings and thoughts to God and the universe as it will be as it is supposed to be. I have no control nor influence on the outcome. I’m grateful I’m responsible for myself. I’m grateful I surrender to the fact that I’m powerless over others. I’m grateful I take good care of myself. I’m grateful it helps me to cope with the situation as good as I can. I’m grateful for ODAAT.

I’m grateful for my cats and their love, the fun we have, that the old boy is in good shape and talkative. I’m grateful the youngsters are in good shape and run around the house a lot. They are great company.

I’m grateful that I’m aware I avoid tackling certain tasks. I’m grateful I don’t beat myself up for it. I’m grateful I question why instead. I’m grateful I am able to sit with the urge to do something and to avoid doing it. It’s uncomfortable and I’m grateful I take time to dig behind the anxiety, the feeling of not being capable to do something, the fear to fail, the discomfort of probably needing help and organize it. I’m grateful for many posts from the mental health thread that help me to keep calm and sit with it. Like this one

I’m grateful I am free, live a peaceful life, my health is ok, I have dear friends, reading enriches my life, my spirit is light again on some days. I’m grateful I don’t engage in the concept of hope anymore, it always led to loss, resentment, frustration, disappointment, letdown and hurt. I’m not able to to really differentiate between hope, wish and expectation, never was. They always become blurred and converge. I’m grateful I’m fine with let be, let go and let God.

I’m grateful for all I can do and that it’s ok if all I do today is breath and survive.


Good morning beautiful people of the internet :sunrise:

I am grateful for sitting down and write my gratitude, even though my mind is occupied with the work appointment I have in half an hour.
I am grateful for only one work thing today, after that I’ll join my mom to the cardiologist and after that Ikea for a bigger desk table top and some cable management stuff. I am grateful I’m not tempted anymore to buy more than I need.

Grateful for doing laundry yesterday so my today’s outfit smells like fabric softener.

I am grateful for being back on a regular diet, no more unhealthy snacking. Still need to focus more on sleep, but that’ll be okay too.

Wish you all a beautiful sober day!


I’m grateful for attending my fifth SMART meeting
I’m grateful for attending my first fight gym in 14 years
I’m grateful for the aches and pain from the fight gym
I’m grateful for becoming a role model for my kids
I’m grateful for feeling tired from making the most of my day


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I had a great weekend. I’m grateful hopefully that will carry me through the week. I’m grateful for the small preparations I did to make life easier this week. I’m grateful I’m working hard to be open to change and possibilities in my work life. I can also admit that I’m scared of the change, and uneasy because I don’t know if/when if even at all, it will happen. I’m grateful I’m sober so I know I won’t drink to numb the unease. I’m grateful for the homethread and everyone on it♥️


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
I did ok on my outdoor run
I have new running shoes coming
I bought a kitchen pantry so our counters arent covered
Time with hubby
Boscoe tells us when hes done walking :roll_eyes:
I had a chill weekend
Hot coffee
Good weather this week
Im actually excited for swimsuit season this year
I can talk running with my sister
Im not back in active addiction
Good talk with hubby about money
A new week full of possibilities


I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful I’m learning how much I take personally, with her especially.
I’m grateful I don’t know how I got here but grateful I can recognize it and work through it.
I’m grateful I have my therapist to talk to about it today.
I’m grateful, not grateful, my little Sunday night Al-Anon meeting was bursting at the seams with 25 + people. Usually it’s 7-10 of us. I enjoy the small group. But grateful people can come and get support and see that they are definitely not alone and this Al-Anon program is not about me. It’s about the family disease of alcoholism and it’s a we program. I’m grateful I recognize this as many times I look forward to sharing on Sunday night because there’s plenty of time. I’m grateful I was humbled and got to be last with only about a minute to share. I’m grateful I got to listen to everyone.

I’m grateful my new home stuff is moving along without any big pot holes in the way. I’m grateful there are only a few minor hiccups that we can take care of. Quite a few actually. But very grateful they are minor.

I’m grateful to be working on a balance of meetings. Still going to them all so far but communicating with wifey about them and not planning our week around them but if there isn’t anything going on then I’m going to my meetings. I’m grateful there will be plenty going on soon enough and I’ll be jonesing for a meeting.

I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for phone calls with friends.
I’m grateful for oatmeal.
I’m grateful to be able to cook dinners in.
I’m grateful I get to go out for dinner too much.
I’m grateful for season 12 of Curb Your Enthusiasm. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I’m grateful I get most of my news from the late night talk show guys on my DVR.
I’m grateful for the meme thread.
I’m grateful I get to have coffee with meme buddies this way. It would be more fun IRL. But, grateful to be able to have coffee this way if that’s all we can do. I’m grateful for the comfort it gives me.
Grateful for my Guatemalan Italian Roast beans that I mixed this morning.
Grateful for this thread especially.

Life is like a Camera Focus on What is important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot..
Creative Craft Rooms on Pinterest


Time for my end of day gratitude.

I am grateful this tummy bug was quite intense yesterday but subsided today. Fingers crossed I‘m back to life tomorrow.
I am grateful I could spend most of the day switching between the recliner and the sofa.
I am grateful I could catch up on my favourite anime series.
I am grateful I did not spend to much time on reddit.
I am grateful for being clear on my emotional boundaries and being able to communicate them to my partner. I am grateful for my resolve. I am grateful I‘ve gotten so much more patient with time.
I am grateful for my prayers, for connecting with the present moment, for all my self care skill. I am grateful for tarot cards that let me work with symbols and ideas in a great way.
I am grateful for my family.

Sleep tight friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful for that amazing weekend I had. Grateful to be healthy enough again to be back at the gym. Grateful for a long long walk in beautiful (cold) weather yesterday. Grateful for eating out, so I didn’t have to cook.
And most of all I am so grateful for the love and understanding my other half gives to me.


Midday gratitude
Grateful for sore legs rather than a sore head.
Grateful for friendly faces
Grateful for time alone
Grateful for Midday naps before nightshift
Grateful for dogs who are always good nap buddies

@50ber what are you training in? I recently switched back to boxing from many years of kickboxing/muay thai.

Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Grateful for being able to be functioning the whole day although the tiredness
Grateful for people and being capable to help and listen


@MrFantastik wow you must’ve built up some skills and fitness over time. I’m training in Muay Thai and may add boxing when my fitness improves. It’s been 14 years since I’ve trained, as alcohol took precedence in my life. I spent a whole sparring season doing my best impression of a punching and kicking bag🤣 today I hurt so good!


Grateful I trained through the drinking pretty well, some morning’s I must have looked pretty rough haha the drinking vs training ratio definitely got worse the last few years
the last 6months-1year I injured my foot and couldn’t train kickboxing then there was nothing stopping the drinking. Took a few months off training then got back into boxing, just before I quit drinking. Now im back, sober and training 2-4times a week.


Kudos to you for sticking to training while drinking. What happened with your foot?


Unrelated to kickboxing. Plantar fasciitis, meant I couldn’t train barefooted. Went into a hole of self pity. Realised I needed to pull myself out regardless of the injury. Got some boxing shoes and away I went. Realised I really needed to quit booze if I was going to get fully out.


Plantar fasciitis is no joke. Definitely not helpful with barefoot training. I went down a drinking spiral when I had it too. Glad I’ve given myself an uppercut to get my head out of pity mode. What’s the transition to boxing been like?