Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

The California Brown Pelican is one of my favourite birds, and very common on the California coast. They are fascinating to watch.


Happy Sunday everyone. I’m grateful to be home. I was in CA for a couple of weeks house sitting and returned home a few days ago.

I’m grateful that it’s warm in AZ but not too warm. Grateful my kitty did not get sick while I was gone. He seemed to enjoy having music on while we were gone.

I’m grateful for my sobriety and all of the joy it’s brought me.


I’m grateful for waking up feeling refreshed and sober on my last day at my current store! I’m grateful to have worked with such amazing people and to have finished my last day with those amazing people! I’m grateful to be able to grill a great meal for my kiddos here in a minute and I’m grateful for the absolute beautiful weather here in Monterey! The sunshine and breeze are absolutely beautiful today! I’m also grateful to start my vacation before training for my new position and looking forward to walking down to the beach everyday while the kiddos are in school! I haven’t been to the beach in so long even though I live right down the street! Happy Sunday to you all! :blush:


I love it. Great picture.


Grateful for self care Sundays. Grateful to fill my cup up for the work week with meditation, a meeting, a face mask, some relaxing music and games. Grateful to know you’re all here, as always :heart: 🫶🏻


@williambloke Love the picture William – great to see you here with us :pray:

I loved reading this and I am so grateful for it too. I also love being grateful all day long (many times not getting it down on paper but feeling it and living it and that is what counts.

@soberbilly I do love the spur of the moment escapades. Grateful you were able to enjoy such a lovely day today. “feel liquid” omg – I love this and may borrow it in the future :heart:

@tailee17 Thank you so much Lam – appreciate your encouragement and friendship.

@danam56 so lovely to see you posting here Dana. Was just thinking of you yesterday. Glad you are doing well my friend.

Amen to that! I will second gratitude for self care Sunday’s and working to fill up the cup for the week ahead :hugs:

Practicing Sunday gratefulness with you beautiful souls :hugs:
I am so grateful for a decent nights sleep.
I am so grateful for waking up in time to offer making breakfast for my brother before he went to work. Grateful that i was able to pick up already kneaded and fermented dough from my mom’s so that i could make him a traditional Indian breakfast. Grateful that i have learned to make the Indian bread over the past weeks while i was staying with my folks.
I am so grateful that i was able to do my quick 25 min workout prior to cooking (don’t think i would have wanted to afterwards)
I am so grateful that i was able to use my trolley to go grocery shopping. Grateful it didn’t get super hot on the walk. The sun came out blazing when i got home.
I am so grateful that my olive loaf finally finished its 24 hour rise. Luckily i had time to let it do it’s 2 hour 2nd rise and found the perfect dutch oven to bake it in. So very happy for how it turned out. It will be perfect for tomorrow’s meal.
I am so grateful that i was able to make a lovely Mexican meal for tonight and originally had thought of making spicy Mexican brownies for dessert but settled on double fudge dark chocolate chip walnut brownies instead.
I am so grateful that i am feeling tired and worn out today. Grateful that the pain and other symptoms are manageable and that i was able to as much as i did today.
I am so grateful i was able to take a lovely evening walk with my parents.
I am so grateful to be sitting with my feet up.
I am so grateful for eyeing some beautiful plants at the nursery today - may go pick some up tomorrow.
I am so grateful for another day living a good life surrounding by loved ones.
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful for the energy and endurance to keep moving forward.
I am so grateful for TS and all you lovely people.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


That all sounds ridiculously delicious!!:raised_hands:


It’s playoff time for baseball, so it’s definitely a good time to count what I’m thankful for. I’m thankful to have made it through another year of hard work developing my team. This is the hardest working team I’ve ever had the opportunity to put on the field. They secured a 2 seed in the playoffs and for the first time in three years since I took over as head coach we enter the playoffs with a winning record.

I’m thankful to have a team with a good chemistry and skill to have a chance to win the title. We faced adversity this year and learned from it and came back better each time. I think this team is fired up and wants to do whatever it takes to get the ring. No matter what happens I’m very proud of my guys and what they’ve been able to do this year.

I always tell them “we work all year for just 10 short days in May…10 days where we find out what we are made of and what the team really can do when it matters most…10 days in May, my favorite time of year probably more than the holidays which says a lot because I love the holidays.” So, once more into the breach we go with clear eyes and full hearts, we can’t lose!


Sunday night. I am grateful for 68 days sobriety
Grateful for a wonderful weekend
Grateful pain from surgery lessening every day.
Grateful for God helping me stay positive through my days


Monterey is one of my fave places in the world :heart:


I’m grateful for going camping with best friends
I’m grateful there was no internet reception at camping so we were all present and technology free
I’m grateful that my sore achilles didn’t hinder our camping trip
I’m grateful for incredible star gazing due to low light pollution
I’m grateful to have coped well while everyone was drinking around me
I’m grateful I had an exit plan in place that I didn’t have to use


Day 129. Thankful to continue to read tidbits despite where I am. Also that I know speaking nicely to myself is as important of how I speak to other people. I am grateful that I am trying to deal with my high level depression, rather than just sit with it. I am grateful that though I am not using what I know, that I do know. I.do.know.


Today i am greatful for…

736 days free from weed and alcohol
Hot coffee
Boscoe and hubby cuddles
Good sleep
New week full of new possibilities
Protein powder
This fantastic community



I’m grateful for a beautiful sunny day, a successful work meeting and plov for dinner. I’m grateful for radish and cucumbers becoming cheaper. I’m grateful for my plants and garden looking good it’s fun seeing everything starting to pop up! I’m grateful that I could have a phone call with my friend in the states who gave me good news that she will be able to visit me this year! I’m really excited about that. I’m grateful for my friend who sewed me new trousers and a shirt. I’ve needed a new set😅


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful my digestive upset went away today and now I am feeling sooo much better. I was afraid I would have to cancel my trip on wednesday but now all looks good. I am grateful my mood and brain fog lifted.
I am grateful I got to spend most of the day on the couch reading and watching anime.
I am grateful I got some good ideas and moved forward on a game I am designing. I have been stuck on it for quite a time and currently things are starting to get a shape again. I am grateful for times of inspiration.
I am grateful for all the game designers that have been sharing their knowledge and experience through books and other publications, and I am grateful I have access to them.
I am grateful I have a place I could put a bird feeder and now I could watch all those birds come and go through my sick day.
I am grateful for relaxing yin yoga, breathwork and meditation. I am grateful for buddhist teachings helping me welcome my discomfort in life.
I am grateful my in-laws took my daughter today after school for play and shopping. I am grateful they are close by and always active in our life.
I am grateful for good food, lots of rain, a short walk, a good working health system providing me with all the medication I need.
I am grateful for seeing my anxiety and fears, my aggressive thoughts towards myself, all the discomfort of being human. I am so grateful I can welcome these experiences sober and don‘t have to run away and try to numb them with food or some other misguided behaviour.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful I am loved.
I am grateful yesterday is staying in yesterday. Meaning I relapsed but the last one was over 3 weeks. This time I can make sure it stays in yesterday.
I’m grateful for everyone of you :pray: for the good times and the shoulders of eachother we lean on when things aren’t to good.
I’m grateful I’m leaning that humility and feeling vulnerable are what is going to help me get a grip of myself. Meaning when I go to meetings I now know I can not sit in the back just listening - I need to be vulnerable and open and feel the humility to get the support AA can help with and help me help myself.
I’m grateful I am alive today.
I’m grateful although this is a scary time for my son having to deal with me yesterday, that things could of been worse. We have been through so much together and we will get past this.
I’m grateful I feel scared because if I didn’t I would have learnt nothing.
I’m grateful for this chance I have to do right, be me the real me.
To myself, I miss you the strong you that is still there, please bring her back to surface because she knows what’s best for you, she can carry you through this and bring you out on top.
I’m grateful for all the understanding support I have received.
I’m grateful I came on here because at times like this feeling alone doesn’t exist when your all here :people_hugging::sunflower:


Monday evening gratitude.
I’m gratefully lying in bed with a heated pillow on on my back and a cat on my hip.
I’m grateful the first half of the day was good. I’m grateful the mood swing in the afternoon will pass. I’m grateful I did some plant fumbling and chores in the evening. Felt a lot better afterward and I know tomorrow me will be happy and grateful I cared to do it. I’m grateful for all my blessings. Nighty night.


I agree with you. This platform to share and relate to other friends dealing with the same issues as ourselves is a valuable resource. I am finding expressing my emotions helps me stay sober.

Thank you for sharing. Stay strong my friend.


Yes!! I’m so lucky to be able to live here right now!!


Today I’m grateful for my career and the boss that I have. He always has my back.