Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Welcome Sara and congrats on 6 days! Lots to be grateful for.


Saturday night gratitude’s
I am so grateful that i slept with ease (knowing i didn’t have anything pressing to do in the morning) which allowed me to sleep in till 10 am :astonished: Grateful for the 9 full hours of sleep.
I am so grateful that my brother made yummy walnut pancakes for breakfast.
I am so grateful that i hit my 500 days of sobriety. Grateful that i didn’t wake up drunk and run straight for the liquor to keep me going. Grateful that i was able to go pick up my brother from the Costo when he dropped of his car to get new tires
I am so grateful that i have been fully free of all my addictions for past 500 days and working on my recovery in every way possible. Grateful for healing myself inside and out.
I am so grateful for Elderberry Juniper Kombucha - omg i am in love with this flavor! Grateful that Snergy brand does not add sugar to their Kombucha. Grateful that my tastes have adapted over the years and i actually enjoy Kombucha (i didn’t the first time i tried it)
I am so grateful that i pushed myself to do my workout today. Grateful that i pushed through the pain knowing that i do have to work my torn abdominal muscles in order for it to heal properly. Grateful that i am doing this at home at my own pace. My PT doesn’t start for another 4 weeks.
I am so grateful that i started my olive loaf and had to adjust dinner plans as i forgot that it takes 18-24 hours for it to rise.
I am so grateful that made a batch of vegan cheese using coconut milk and it is setting nicely. Looking forward trying it out.
I am so grateful for m family, my HP and my meditation / prayer practices.
I am so grateful for making some edamame for a quick snack when i wanted chips.
I am so grateful for this community and my beautiful connections i’ve made and am destined to make here.
Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening – Wishing you all so much love :heart: :heart:


500 fricking days!!! So amazing, so inspiring, rock on :tada::tada::tada::tada::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Awe thanks Davina :pray:t4:. Appreciate you :blush:


Welcome Sara,
I’m glad you found us.
I’m grateful you have your children and are safe. It must be a terrible thing you are going through. I’m so proud of you already, for staying sober in this difficult time.
Congratulations on day 6.


I am grateful for…

Long scenic drives
Early morning cuddles from the cat
Good food
A decent, quiet apartment
A job I like
Reasonably good health (for an over-50 dude)

And of course, last but not least…

A sober life.


Grateful to see you posting here William.
Sober Sunsets, cat cuddles, pelicans, and coffee :pray:t2: That’s a beautiful thing right there.
Great pic!


Where you at Naomi?
Something hit me and I felt like something has been missing around here. It’s you :pray:t2::heart:
I hope you are well :pray:t2::heart:


I’m grateful for a sunny day, lazy afternoons spent in the sun, laughing with friends and for strawberries. I’m grateful for pots of tea and couscous for dinner. I’m grateful to be sober and getting healthier. I’m grateful for having good friends who support me.


Ok. I’m grateful I get to visit my son and his family.
I’m grateful for Norma.
I’m grateful for my DIL
I’m grateful I don’t live in Dallas.
I’m grateful I get to stay in real nice hotels.
I’m grateful there’s a Nespresso machine here.
I’m grateful for air conditioning.
I’m grateful for Tex Mex queso
I’m grateful we had a nice brunch visiting my wife’s 91 year old step mom. I’m grateful she’s still got it!
I’m grateful I am able to sleep well at night. Well enough anyway.
I’m grateful all the struggles and resentments and fear and anger I have towards my alcoholic, me drinking, never crosses my mind.
I’m grateful I get to see Norma one more day.
I’m grateful I get to see my son one more day.
I’m grateful I get to see my DIL one more day.
I’m grateful I got the best DIL ever :heart:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for a beautiful, slow Sunday morning. I’m grateful to catch up on the homethread (I think), congrats on 2 years @Cjp and 500 @JazzyS , and all the other milestones I missed! @LAB , I’m sorry for your loss, I lost my old boy Luke a few weeks ago- it’s hard. I’m grateful this thread is so busy that missing a day or two gives me a lot to catch up on! I’m grateful I got to celebrate my nephews 4 th birthday yesterday, and that my much older kids were good sports at the party, even though they were bored to tears. I’m grateful to see @diamonster back- missed you :blush:. Grateful for love and forgiveness, and all of you :heart:


You’ve had so much going on lately! I’m grateful you get to spend time with Norma and your son and DIL!


Thank you so much :blush:. Happy Sunday dear friend


Today i am greatful for…

A good nights sleep
A lazy day yesterday
Not taking the husbands gaslighting
Boscoe cuddles
Healthy food
Sober friends
Self reflection
Good tennis shoes
Prayer and letting go


Today I’m grateful for waking up fresh. Sunday mornings. Sunshine and the smells of spring. A good work-out. That I can spend some time outside. All of you beautiful people.


Thank you for this day :prayer_beads:
I am grateful for starting my day by reading and posting here on TS. This has become my home base. If anyone would have told me I‘d find my base in midst of addicts… Yeah, I know. Silly me.
I am grateful I got my review for last month done. I got some perspective on the turbulences of the last 30 days, on where I am standing right now, and how I would like to orient myself on various things in my life.
I am grateful for vide games, books, yoga and rest. Lots of rest.
I am grateful my digestive system has been acting up, as this is a sure sign it does not like something I‘m eating, so I can investigate.
I am grateful my daughter spend a very nice afternoon with her dad at a Kiddical Mass, even when her butt now hurts from sitting on her bike for a long ride :wink:
I am grateful I got to take care of my plants and do all kinds of other household stuff.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Oh boy, how many days did I fall asleep while reading here? 4? time flies :dizzy_face::grimacing: Will catch up some day, not now.

Beautiful sunday morning gratitude:

I’m grateful for busy, intense, interesting days.
I’m grateful I dragged myself to a talk and farm visit near me yesterday. It was very interesting and I enjoyed a new experience out of my comfort zone.
I’m grateful for deep-cleaned tile-floors, it was necessary.

Got sidetracked, watched service on TV, forgot about here, now it’s bedtime. I’m grateful I am grateful all day long. I’m hrateful I can came back here to continue writing down gratitude.

Today I’m grateful a lot of replanting was done today. I’m grateful for another moment of new routines and using what’s there. I used the dump body on the tractor as worktable. Bonus: Adjustable perfectly for my personal working height and working in the shadow of the carport right in front of the house :pray::blush:
@Dazercat Sorry, no picture of my last epiphany and mowing in a dressing gown but here’s a picture from today:

I’m grateful I cooked a healthy, delicious meal today. I’m grateful I bought bread and a cucumber yesterday for today’s breakfast. I’m grateful I only buy what I need. It helps to cut down overeating.

I’m grateful I caught up on the office work on friday. I’m grateful I can still afford to pay the bills. I’m grateful next steps to solve the overload are in progress. I’m grateful I abstained from codependent behaviour. I am able to solve all this alone without lashing out to the ex for not paying a penny. It would be senseless.
I’m grateful I did not notice when he fetched the big trailer sometime on the weekend. It’s not here and that’s not my business.

I’m grateful for laughter and fun with the cats. I’m grateful I love plant fumbling. It has been a long time since I felt this way of comfortable and fine. I’m deeply grateful for it.

I’m grateful I take time to think a lot, to rest, to read, to talk with friends, to pet & play with the cats, again to think. I’m grateful I don’t have the feeling that I’m overthinking. I’m grateful today’s service gave me good spiritual vibes to think about for the next week.
I’m grateful for all my blessings. For freedom, for peace, for kindness, for awareness, for caution, for forgiveness, for letting go, for being open to the things life presents and serves me.
I’m grateful for being tired from another day full of doing things that feel right. ODAAT :pray:


500 days. What a wonderful achievement. Way to go!


Pelicans? I want to be grateful for pelicans too. :hugs:


I’m grateful that I got to work and feel great all weekend on clients yards
I’m grateful that I’m starting a new seasonal job tomorrow
I’m grateful that most of my yard work at home is done.
I’m grateful for my focus and determination to stay on the path I’m on.