Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

oh my – what a way to celebrate your 300 days Patty. I hope you heal quickly - grateful your hubby is telling you to rest up. :hugs:


Congrats again on the 300 ODAATs Patty.
Hope you have a good ice pack for the back pain.


Today I’m grateful for air conditioning.


Hey, @JazzyS and @Dazercat , Jasmine, and Eric, thanks and love to you both! I got my heating pad, ibuprofen, ice packs, and a great excuse to binge watch stuff on Roku. :pray::pray::heart::heart::heart_eyes_cat:


I am grateful that I got a fantastic nights sleep last night! A full 10 hours :blush:! I am grateful that I had time to go on a quick walk before I had my endocrinologist appointment! I’m grateful that I am still cancer free 11 years later! I am grateful that after all of this time all of my meds are consistent and aren’t being constantly changed. I’m grateful to have been able to do an hour long workout at the gym! It’s been way too long since I have either had the energy or will to workout! I am grateful that I attempted to eat as healthy as I could today, still a work in progress!
Wish me luck… I am going to see my husband for the first time since the incident and him being arrested 2 Sunday’s ago. We will have someone present luckily, but I’m still nervous. We have only had 2 chances to talk and they were in the same day…. The first conversation he blamed me and wanted me to take accountability and the second he was apologetic and sorry for what happened. After that I had my victim advocate talk to his commander and put the no-contact order back in place. I don’t know what I’m going to walk into tomorrow, but I’m ready to start the process of finding some civility between us if that is possible.


Grateful my body can still handle 16 hours of work. Grateful I made it home in time to get a few hours of sleep :sleeping: Grateful I get to do it all over again tomorrow. Grateful for my sobriety!


I’m so happy to read this Sara. Great news!!

Good luck tomorrow. I’m not fully aware of your situation but in Al-Anon we got a great acronym I like to use when dealing with my active alcoholic. Pause and……
When talking is it


I want to practice this everyday.


I like that a lot! I’ll definitely keep that in mind! To my knowledge he has not had a drop of alcohol since the incident as well (he is military and is in big trouble because of this right now and under a microscope) but we’ll see. I don’t think he’ll admit it at the meeting if he has had anything to drink since. I just know my truth and that is I have not had anything to drink and am hitting day 9! Almost to 10!!


This is HUGE Twizz. I really feel this is my key to my recovery. I’ve been told many times by people on TS and at both Al-Anon meetings and now AA meetings how vulnerable I am sharing. It helps me so much to just dump it all out and leave it behind. Tears and all. I don’t have to be that strong guy anymore. I don’t know or even have to know what’s best for me. And I’m grateful for all of that.

One of my favourite quotes.
But, it’s the sharing that heals. Not the person that listens.
Believing In Myself


I am grateful that my kids are growing up. My youngest got his drivers license today, grateful he passed his first try. Grateful my daughter has a good college plan going forward. I’m grateful that fall semester they’ll be going to community college and living here at home. Grateful for every minute I get with them now, because I missed too much over the years. Grateful for a steady paycheck. Grateful for you. :hugs:


I’m grateful for a beautiful morning hike with the dogs and for having such a sunny day. I’m grateful for good physical exercise today and working on the new toilet for my neighbor friend. I’m grateful for the kids who came to ‘help’ they kept good company for us and made me laugh. I’m grateful for a good dinner together and now for being at home relaxing with a pot of tea. I’m grateful for whoever put the chocolate on my counter and filled my water buckets. I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.


@diamonster grateful the stitches come out today. Hope the healing is complete :pray:t4:

@Dilettante grateful for the flexibility in your job. Hope the symptoms subside quickly. Sending you healing energy

@Saraboobear23 so grateful for 11 years cancer free!! Hope all goes well today with you face to face conversation with your husband… :people_hugging:


I think I’m grateful Norma keeps asking for Nanny and Pop Pop :cry: I’m grateful I told my son I’m available for FaceTime and it can just be a quick one. I’m grateful he called me and I got to see them. I’m grateful for technology. I’m grateful for that kind of a quickie.

I’m grateful to get back to my morning gratitude. I’m grateful Alice is on my lap and my black cashmere hoodie is :100: covered in cat hair and it doesn’t bother me a bit. I’m grateful Norma saw “Meow Meow,” she loves seeing cats and gets all excited.

I’m grateful we got done what we could yesterday.
I’m grateful I’ll get done what we can today. I’m grateful whatever we don’t get done the movers and cleaners and agent will take care of the rest.

I’m grateful I called to confirm the movers for Monday next.

I’m grateful for my coffee time in the morning.
I’m grateful I got my Moka now.
I’m grateful I can stick it in the car with me tomorrow.

I’m grateful for the lovely smell of Jasmine that permeates my back yard here this time of year. I think I have some in my new catio I hope will be blooming.

I’m grateful for my meeting last night.
I’m grateful for the bursting desert flowers.
I’m grateful there are 2 owlets now. Or I’ve seen 2 of them together last couple of days.

I’m grateful for my road ahead literally and figuratively.

I’m grateful for y’all.

Gratitude makes sweet miracles of small moments.
Mary Davis


Grateful my new electrician helped me at no charge. Now I can spend the money on a whole house surge protector!
Grateful to be looking and feeling better and stronger.
Grateful I’m strong enough to push through when insomnia is bad
Grateful to have a great house to improve.
Grateful I’ve made up my mind about living sober. I’m in.
Grateful for 68 days


Im greatful i have the opportunity to work from home
Im greatful for the love hubby and i share, most days
Im greatful im self aware and realize i have stinking thinking today
Im greatful i got my ass to the gym
Im greatful for Boscoe cuddles
Im greatful we’ll go for a walk over lunch
Im greatful everthing, even this shitty mood, is temporary


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:t3:
I’m grateful my anxiety/panic subsided and later even went away at some in the day.
I’m grateful I could talk to my ex and my mom through the worst of it.
I’m grateful they helped me to get on that train and go on my journey.
I’m grateful my digestive symptoms did not get worse and even lessened through the day.
I’m grateful I was able to attend the festival already and have seen some very inspirational things.
I’m grateful I have a cozy place to stay and rest now.
I’m grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends


Wednedsay evening gratitude.

Boy am I grateful to be home, resting on the couch with purring Missi on me, this incredible fluffy furball.

I’m grateful the appointment to discuss the gastro- and coloscopy went well, I feel ok with this doctor. I’m grateful I scheduled the procedure in october, no way I deal with the preparation during summerheat. I’m grateful I know what I DON’T want, need or can deal with :pray: I’m grateful I’m clear about my points and needs.
I’m grateful I got sidetracked at the shopping mall where the health center is located and bought 3 books. I’m grateful I started reading one while I treated myself to running sushi. I underestimated the hell of traffic today, it’s a long weekend here with a holiday tomorrow. Everybody is heading south. Everybody. All main routes delayed or collapsed due to traffic overload. Crazy. I’m grateful after more than 1 hour I made it home. I’m happy that my godson passed the theory test for his driver license. I’m grateful we will celebrate later, the only thing I wanted when I got notice was home, tea, couch. Too tired from weather, traffic and the day.

I’m grateful for the wonderful contributions to the gratitude wall. This for sure is a beautiful long-term project.

I’m grateful for a nice text chat with the nice man I met last summer. We still text every day. It’s nice. Not more. I’m grateful for nice.

TMI hidden

I had horrible, terrible dreams about my ex being in danger and injured last night. So disturbing that I texted him if he is ok this morning. Didn’t get an answer, didn’t reach him on the phone in the evening. Have to meditate how to deal with this. I’m really worried because for all my life such dreams occured when something went terribly wrong with someone I was close. This time I have to ponder if reaching out and accepting no reaction is something I can live with as the reality is: It doesn’t matter to me because I can do nothing and if there was something I could help with, people would call and inform me. It’s not my role anymore to care and me caring is not appreciated. A new situation I never experienced. I’ll ask the universe for guidance and hand over my sorrows to let go :pray:

I don’t know why the cats have exploded into fury fluffballs, their fur is so neat, thick and fluffy, I want to pet them all day and burry myself in their fluffyness. Wait. I DO this :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Grateful for beloved furballs.
Off to bed, I’m tired, it was a short, horrible night and a busy day. I’m grateful the short night was due to listening to Beethoven’s 9th symphony on TV yesterday, it was marvellous and filled my cup, lightened my soul and made me vibe with joy. But I should have abstained from late eating, it took its toll. ODAAT


I’m grateful her name is Norma. I absolutely love it❤️


Norma Jo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’ve always loved it too.
Wifey? Not so much :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: