Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I do hope that he is ok but this is so on the mark and a great realization. Why twist yourself into a pretzel worrying about someone who would not appreciate it especially when you are unable to do any more than you already have done. You have reached out and like you said - if it was something serious or if you were needed then someone would have reached out to you.

this made me smile :blush: hope you got to bed and are in a lovely slumber by now – sweet dreams dear friend. :hugs:


Grateful for another day. Grateful I can handle my feelings without the need to medicate. Grateful for lifes challenges and grateful I no longer want to escape from everything. :v:


Grateful today

71 days sober
Therapy session
Raleys grocery store curbside service.
Tomorrow hubby returns for weekend
God talking in my ear all the time

I am grateful I have what I need


I am grateful for the busy day that I had, it helped to keep my mind engaged and kept me from anxiety… for the most part.
I’m grateful that the meeting with my husband today went well and we set some clear boundaries for whenever he is able to return home. I’m grateful that his chain of command reached out to be able to figure out some type of supervised visit for my husband to see our boys tomorrow, they miss their dad!
I’m grateful that I took the step to set-up a virtual appointment with my primary to get a referral to enter into outpatient therapy for alcohol abuse. This is the first step I have ever made where I’m being up front and honest with those around me when it comes to my addiction and taking steps to meet in a group environment and individual therapy for alcohol specifically.
Today was probably the most anxious I have felt since the incident with my husband and I. It was hard to pinpoint if it was because of the meeting with my husband, maybe overstimulation from the day, if it was the sudden change in my diet of trying to eat healthy, or if I was stressed and wanted to drink because that is how I always dealt with stress. I’m grateful that I took that anxiety and put it into a good workout! I went for a 20 minute walk and then an hour long cardio workout! I came out of it feeling great! Anxiety gone! 10 days!! Counting down to 2 weeks, 1 day past 2 weeks will be the longest I have been sober in a year! 1 day at a time!


Sounds like you have a plan. Congratulations on taking the sobriety path. :heart_eyes::hugs::thinking:. Sending loving thoughts your way.


:point_up_2: It was this :point_up_2:
It was for me. And I bet we’re not alone.

Great job in taking steps to further strengthen your support for your sobriety.

Oh and major congratulations on your ten days. Thats BIG!


Morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
739 days free from weed and alcohol
282 days free from nicotine
Hubby and i both like comedy and watched the Tom Brady Roast on Netflix
Boscoe cuddles
Later starts in the morning
2 working days before the weekend
Acknowledging the ebb and flow
Asking for grace and the power to let go daily
Sober buddies
Ladies AA meetings
Hot coffee
Modern luxury
Sparkles of hope


I’m grateful for todays hike and that it was such a beautiful day! Super blue with sunny and could go in shirt sleeves for a while even. I’m grateful for being able to have a good conversation with my friend today about some deeper things I often have trouble talking about or expressing. I’m grateful for making good time and distance today and getting closer to our destination. I’m grateful that we didn’t get the snow expected over the pass- it stayed dry and sunny although we could see it snowing on the next pass along the way. Anyways I’m grateful for my dogs and the animals. I’m grateful for the wild animals we saw today the eagles and lizards are always fun to see. I’m grateful to be healthy and the beautiful mountains and nature.


A grateful good morning TS family. I’m grateful for you all!
I’m grateful…
That my back is healing. I’m looking forward to getting my salad garden planted.
I’m grateful for all the veggie seedlings we started, and soon they’ll have their permanent home in the garden.
I’m grateful I got a good nights sleep.
I’m grateful my cats kept me company most of the night.
Im grateful for the lovely sunshine today.


I’m grateful that my problems I am having, if I look at the world and put them into perspective - I don’t have any problems. None that should be detrimental anyway.

I’m grateful for water, grateful to still have cold water and not be left with none. Grateful to live in a part of the world where I don’t have to worry about water.
Grateful I think about those who don’t and care.

Grateful I got so much done on the catio and garden yesterday and that I can see I did get alot done. It’s okay I couldn’t get back out there today.

I’m grateful for the lovely weather.

I’m grateful Its just gone 5pm.

I’m grateful for choosing sober life.



Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful I bought some groceries yesterday on my way from the train station, so I had some food today to cook.
I am grateful I was strong and healthy enough to cook some good food. I am grateful I am healthy enough to eat that good food.
I am grateful I got to visit the festival area for a time today.
I am grateful I discovered most of the talks are being live streamed and I could watch one from my room.
I am grateful I’m staying in this one room appartement where everything necessary is just around me and I don‘t have to walk anywhere.
I am grateful for the sun and fresh air today.
I am grateful for anime and some reading.
I am grateful the festival has already inspired many ideas and I am grateful I have the time and mental capacity to do something with them.
I am grateful my anxiety, racing heart and panic from this morning subsided at some point during the day and I could spend the rest with easy resting.
I am grateful I slept well last night.
I am grateful I still have two days here and can hope for better health.
I am grateful the shops will be open tomorrow again and there is a grocery store just a short walk away.
I am grateful for a very slow sick day yoga vid on the net.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends.


Thursday gratitude.

I’m grateful I’m a mostly calm person in general and don’t get angsty easily. Yesterday I brushed my teeth when the lights suddenly went out. general power breakdown, not uncommon in my part of the region. I’m grateful I always, ever since have candle holders with mirrors mounted on walls in strategic spots. I’m grateful I went outside to confirm that’s a general breakdown - no light in any of the houses I can see from my front door. I’m grateful I did not get angsty when I heard weird noises on the hill opposite of my house, like a zombie-dog caughing and barking its way out a grave. That’s the fucking deer. One day I will hit that beast with my big shovel. I’m grateful I am cautious and don’t deal with deer in absolute darkness. When the lights went on again I was in the middle of a bad dream. I’m grateful waking up and putting out the candles shooed it.

I’m grateful I spent the morning at the office doing some creative stuff on the PC. It was fun.
I’m grateful weather was nice today. I’m very grateful I practised with the string trimmer a bit. Need more practice and routine but it was very ok for this year’s first time mowing a bit with it. I feel ok now to tackle some spots I can’t do with the lawn mower. Little steps add up :pray:

I’m grateful I cooked delicious food, had lots of cuddles and play with the cats, read the latest garden magazine, had two calls with friends and enjoyed the day.

I’m grateful the universe took my thoughts and sorrows, they are gone. I’m grateful the universe is a wonderful place to hand over and let go :pray:
I’m grateful for black & white miss marple films, I will spend the evening watching the marvellous Margaret Rutherford. ODAAT


Hi Eric! I’m fine, thank you for thinking of me :blush: I’m still going strong, no booze and nicotine :muscle:
I’m really busy these days, working on my parents house plus I’m in the process of buying a van so I can travel the coming year. Im going to build my own camper so the research consumes every free minute of my days atm.
I will be back here again, as I do miss all of you guys. I hope you are well (and everyone else here on the thread!) :blue_heart:


@saraboobear23 Congrats on your double digits! Grateful your meeting went well with your husband. We really do need to be so vigilant with our recovery as our addict minds find ways to sneak in thoughts and urges at just about any moment (anxious, happy, sad, mad – our addict mind tries to fix our feelings with alcohol). Grateful that you are staying on track :muscle:
@acromouse So grateful that you are able to see the livestream of the festival so that you can enjoy while recovering. Grateful that you are feeling better. Continued better health my friend.
@naomi so lovely to see you Naomi—grateful to see you doing well. Hope you take time for yourself in all the busyness you got going on. :hugs:

Thursday evening gratitude’s
I am so grateful that @cjp mentioned the roast and i am enjoying it now – had to pause it to get my check in done as i really couldn’t stop laughing
I am so grateful that i was able to get up and go this morning. I had a relatively early morning and i accidentally shut off my first alarm. Grateful i always do a back up – back in the day when i had the 3 am starts i would set up 4 alarms and one would be in the next room LOL – so very grateful those days are over!
I am so grateful that i was able to get in a 3 mile walk before the rain started.
I am so grateful that i pushed myself to do my workout and have been consistent for 9 days straight.
I am so grateful that i was able to go check out the garage door (my renters called last night and said it wouldn’t close - i had them close it manually to get through the night) – it just needed a quick sensor adjustment and was back to working – i Swear that the damn thing has mood swings
I am so grateful that i was able to get in touch with an insurance agent finally- they sent me letters saying my home insurance was not going to renew and then left it at that – like WTF! and no one was emailing or phoning me back for past 4 days. Finally got in touch and the new company that they merged with is raising the rates – again WTF. So i called another agent in the area that deals with rental home insurance and hopefully will get a quote by tomorrow.
I am so grateful that i was able to rest my eyes last night when i got a bad allergy attack. Grateful it was mild all day today and just now is starting to act up again. Grateful that i may just call it an early night.
I am so grateful that i got caught up with work and was able to clean the house.
I am so grateful for leftovers. Grateful that i did not have to cook today as i used up all my energy.
I am so grateful for family, my HP, my daily practices, the ability to move, my healing body.
I am so grateful for music, laughter and the TS Community.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Today has been a harder day for me when it comes to anxiety. Up until yesterday I had minimal anxiety and just a new zest for sobriety. Since conversations have started with my husband I have started to feel quite a bit of anxiety, I think it’s because we used to get drunk together and too be honest he is a trigger for me. Although I have struggled today I am grateful to have stayed sober another day! My husband was able to have a supervised visit with our boys today (I had to leave and go for a long walk) which I am grateful he was able to see them and they were able to see him! They miss him and I know he misses them so much!
I am grateful to have been able to go on that long walk, I was trying to figure out how to fit a walk into my day already and there was the opportunity laid out for me! I am grateful that I was able to have a good physical therapy appointment for my knee and then was able to come home and have a nice 30 minute jog on the treadmill!
I am grateful that I was able to make some yummy salmon and some bruschetta with it! I’m going into day 11 sober and day 3 of eating healthy! Since getting sober and now eating healthier I have been able to lose 6 pounds! My stomach is definitely struggling to get used to this sudden change in diet, but I know it will get there!
I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of your day and have a great start to the next!


Yay Naomi!! So good to see you on here :people_hugging::heart:


I’m grateful to be sober for 133 ODAATs. I’m grateful for many pillows. I’m grateful for AC, already in the 90s here. I’m grateful for writers; fiction and nonfiction. They lift me up, help me forget, teach me, allow me to travel places I’ll never get to go to. Writers save me. Grateful to know you’re all here 🫶🏻🙏


I’m grateful we MADE IT!
I’m grateful we still love the house we will make a home. Seems like we haven’t seen it for a month or so. I’m grateful for my new garden.
I’m grateful for the chorus of croaking frogs tonight. I’m grateful we won’t need the white noise machine. I’m grateful we can use our natural froggy noise machine instead.

I’m grateful the cats don’t seem to mind at all. They were all super pleasant traveling and same goes for Benson. I’m grateful Benson has a big grassy back yard. I think he forgot. He poop :poop: his first on the walk way out back. He hasn’t used grass for ages. I’m grateful he can poop wherever he wants as long as it’s outside. Oh and not in the pool :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful my back isn’t hurting too much.
I’m grateful I’m not rewarding myself by thinking I deserve to get liquored up.

I’m grateful @Naomi popped in and is still going strong. Thank you.

I’m grateful to think of @Davina_Davis as I drove by some signs that said Sacramento. I’m grateful I googled Sacramento and learned it’s much more north of us than far northeast of us. Big State Cali. Not as big as Texas. Just ask anyone from Texas :cowboy_hat_face:

I’m grateful I was able to program my garage door to the Highlander as I can’t find any of my remotes.

I’m grateful I have my own mailbox now. Right there on the street by my driveway. It’s been ages.

I’m grateful I get to unwind here before bed.
I’m grateful for us all having another day sober. I’m grateful that’s how it’s done now.


Yay!!! Welcome to our long-ass state!!! Woot woot :partying_face::partying_face:


Playoff update! We won our first two games and are lined up to play Saturday for a spot in the semi final game next week. I’m thankful for success of course. But more importantly I’m thankful my team has come together and is playing for each other. We played a tight game today and beat an opponent that gave us a good challenge. I watched as my players gave everything they had on every play from start to finish. I saw my center fielder make one of the most impressive catches I’ve ever seen on a field and turned a double play because the runner thought there was no way anyone could catch that ball. I’m thankful for the joy of watching a game I have known my whole life change the lives of others just as it did mine.

People often say my players are lucky to have me but the truth is I’m thankful to have them, they make me a better person every single day. Being the person they count on has been a pillar of my sober journey because I can’t afford to not be my very best for my boys every day. As I approach 500 days the amount of things I’m thankful for continues to pile up. Win or lose I’m grateful for everyone and everything in my life, not the least of which the game finding me again and once again changing my life for the better forever.