Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful that people use the @ symbol to reply to everyone at once in one combined post instead of posting individually
It works
So do it


Morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful…

Its friday
For my sobriety and recovery
740 days of freedom from the incessant thoughts of when i can get wasted
Got my ass up and worked out
Almost ran a 5k this morning
Protein bars and powder
Hubby tending to my tattoo cuz its hard for me to reach my shoulderblade
Tattoo doesnt itch too much rn
Boscoes cuteness
Able to fix my car even though it hurts my savings
Being fiscally responsible


I’m grateful for getting all the animals into pasture safely. I’m grateful for my friend S. I’m grateful to be alive and healthy. I’m grateful that I’m in the mountains where I love to be the most. I’m grateful for laughter and that tonight I’m in a place completely away from temptations.


Thank you for this day :prayer_beads:
I am grateful for this day. Grateful for an anxiety help insight timer talk that was available to me last night when I had an anxiety attack in the middle of the night. Grateful for good sleep afterwards. Grateful for waking up so much more rested.
I am grateful I was fit enough to do some grocery shopping and cook good food.
I am grateful I made a short walk to the festival grounds and experienced some great stuff there.
I am grateful I could spend the rest of the day in my comfortable appartement, resting, working, thinking.
I am grateful I could follow the festival talks on the live stream with some really great ideas and people there.
I am grateful I am here in Berlin, semi-attending the festival. So much inspiration and such a strange experience to be here in Berlin, only a few hundred meters away from the festival grounds, but at the same time sitting in a room and watching what is happening at the festival through a live stream. It has some surreal qualities this experience.
And I could have never had this experience if had not made this trip and if I was not sick and in bed most of the time. Life is strange.
I am grateful for coffee and tea.
I am grateful my anxiety subsided significantly.
I am grateful I‘m feeling much better today then I felt yesterday.
I am grateful I‘m confident I‘ll manage to make the trip on Sunday back home.
I am grateful to feel connected to my higher power, to see how things are happening as they should and to trust to always be held.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful I’m fried and in a coma :neutral_face: in a good way.
I’m grateful I’m so fried I can’t possibly do anything or anymore work around here.
I’m grateful I wouldn’t know where to begin.
I’m grateful to just sit here check in and do some gratitude with Benson at my feet.
I’m grateful I love it here.
I’m grateful for a good dinner out last night. Grateful for a good lunch out today.
I’m grateful for my new hood and all the gardens and flowers and trees.
I’m grateful for roses.
I’m grateful for citrus trees.
I’m grateful for the marine layer keeping it so nice and cool.
I’m grateful the cats are doing so well.
I’m grateful to watch Benson be afraid to walk on the cold wet grass at night with the froggy choir in the background. Poor guy. Grateful I get to laugh about it.
I’m grateful these guys never have to move again. Including myself.
I’m grateful the biggest part of my anxiety on this move and the last 2 months are over. That’s the drive with the pets. And everything preceding it.
I’m grateful the rest is in the movers hands and out of my control.
I’m grateful what’s important, wifey, cats and dog are here safely.
I’m grateful.
I’m blessed.
I’m pretty dang happy.
I’m exhausted mentally and physically and emotionally.
I’m sober. And that’s the most grateful thing.
I’m grateful for my new view.


I’m grateful for waking up another morning sober and with a clear head! I’m grateful that I had zero anxiety today which is a nice change from the last 2 days.
I had a moment today where I broke down in tears from stress of finding child care for when I return to work and how I was going to afford it since my husband did not seem like he was going to help out, but luckily after a clarifying phone conversation we were able to come up with some type of financial agreement to help until he is able to return home and I am so grateful for that!
I’m grateful that my HR manager is so understanding and has been using sick time to cover down for my “vacation” and the days these next 2 weeks that I can’t work due to not being able to afford childcare. She is saving my vacation time since it will rollover once my promotion takes effect, but my sick time won’t and she is making sure I get the opportunity to use every hour! I’m grateful that I never called off from work to use those hours and had over 150 hours to use!!
I’m grateful to have taken this time while not at work to focus on my physical and mental health! I’m grateful to have been able to work out the last 4 days in row and making myself stick to it! I’m grateful that my oldest is old enough to watch my youngest for a small amount of time so that I can go workout really quick.
Lastly i’m grateful to have good health insurance! I was able to get the referral from my primary to enter into the intensive outpatient treatment that I looked into! I can’t wait to start and be able to meet people in person that are struggling the same way I have been! I have struggled to make friends in person here and am hoping this might open me up to some new friends who understand the struggle that we all have and are going through!
Almost 12 days! Thank you all for the support! I really enjoy jumping on this app multiple times a day to read all of your grateful posts!


Im greatful i got to read your gratitude (my tonight) @Saraboobear23 good for you reaching out for support. Thats a great sign!


I’m grateful for you @Dazercat @JazzyS @Cjp @Saraboobear23 @acromouse @Laner . You really brighten my day. I’m grateful for Turner Classic Movies. I’m grateful for peppered salami and sharp cheddar. I’m grateful that I’m still here, still sober. Thank you all 🫶🏻


I’m grateful for deciding to train at a more suitable level for my body
I’m grateful for finding a good physiotherapist
I’m grateful for slowly recovering from injury ODAAT
I’m grateful for watching my children develop good Muay Thai technique while having fun
I’m grateful to realise that although I’m not a Spring chicken anymore there’s plenty of fight left in me


I’m grateful for nature and having a good friend around who cares for me. I’m grateful for pots of cardomon tea and camel cheese with naan. I’m grateful to be healthy and alive. I’m grateful for books and good music. I’m grateful for my friend S who has spent the day trying to distract me and talk to me.


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful im back to working out
Im so very greatful for

Being up early, without a hangover, enjoying a quiet sunshine filled morning
Early morning walk with Boscoe
How Boscoe and i communicate with one another
Neighbor calling me beautiful and complementing me on my weightloss
Ability to buy what groceries we need
In a can do mood this morning
Time with hubby
Growing trust bw us
Wearing size medium!
My folks
This amazing space


I’m grateful for those that are posting the lights in the night sky from the north, on the nature thread.
I’m grateful when sober friends and people here post things like that and any other news worthy stuff it just seems more real to me.

I’m grateful to be up too early after a great nights sleep. I’m grateful we figured out the back yard lights on the timer with the help of my SIL. I’m grateful for family.

I’m grateful I live near family for the first time in forever. I’m grateful they asked to come over and I said sure :+1:

I’m grateful the wife was taking a nap and I just said “sure c’mon over!” I’m grateful I didn’t check with the wife first. I’m grateful it may not sound like much, but first instinct I have about anything, even the above mentioned, I think I have to ask her if it’s ok.

I’m grateful I was so excited, like my father, when I drove by my daughter’s street on the way to the grocery store. I even told my wife to take a pic :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: She didn’t :joy: I’m grateful that brings back memories of my dad joyously yelling at “Erics pond!” “Where’s Eric?!” When I’d drive him by as the old age and dementia started to show up. Or was it :thinking: maybe he was just happy and grateful. I’m grateful I can admit I found it annoying sometimes but I get it now Dad. Love you :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful my SIL asked me what I was puttering around with yesterday on their short visit. And he said he loves to putter around. I’m grateful he’s actually the one who figured out setting the timer on my lights. I’m grateful he knows a good contractor. I’m grateful he’s already pushing me to get in touch with him.

I’m grateful I can be sober, and willing to just let this family stuff happen. I’m grateful so fucking grateful :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears: I’m not wondering when they will leave so I can have more to drink. God damn I’m so fucking grateful for my sobriety :smiling_face_with_tear::face_holding_back_tears:

I’m grateful when the gratitude list makes the tears of happiness and gratefulness flow.



Grateful for some decent sleep and feeling refreshed after a long week. Grateful for Saturday mornings with the windows open and hearing the birds chirping. Grateful I can spend some time outside today. Grateful I can read through all the gratitudes on here and it helps me realize my own at times that I’m not feeling it because I’m being a cranky ass! :smile:


I am grateful I made the choice to go visit my happy place for a few days :mountain_snow:. Gosh, I really missed them. Sometimes I think I must have been a mountain goat in a former life :smiling_face:.
I am grateful I am at liberty to make spontaneous decisions like this. I am grateful I know what to do when I need to fill my cup. I am grateful I have the means to do this. I am grateful my own company is enough right now.
I am grateful for the shares of the aurora borealis. They are truly beautiful. Grateful for people who still look at the world in awe and wonder. Grateful for this place and you guys :orange_heart:


Saturday gratitude.

I’m tired. Very tired. I’ve overdone it today. Or maybe short nights with lousy sleep and bad dreams take a toll. I’m grateful tonight I’ll take sleeping meds to hopefully get a restful night.

I’m grateful I was up before sunrise. The mornings are astonishing, beautiful, like out of a fairy tale these days.
I’m grateful I asked my neighbour to help me tomorrow. I’m not able to mount the mower on the tractor alone. Fucking cardan shaft. I will learn to do that alone some day. Not today.
I’m grateful I proceeded with planting the stone wall.
I’m grateful I got to practice with the trimmer a bit again.
I’m grateful for a nice chat with a neighbour.
I’m grateful the catnet is fully mounted now. Working step by step adds up. I’m grateful babysteps and not so small work add up.
I’m grateful I thought a lot about some arrangeing stuff where I want to plant the rest of the herbs. I have to think a lot before I start doing things. It’s ok, that’s my way. I’m grateful I allow myself to rediscover my way at my pace. It’s straining sometimes.

I’m in a mixed emotions mood today. Missing the ex, feeling competent, grateful I got things done, cranky because things don’t go as smooth as I prefer, thinking about how ex and my late mum always ruined things I was happily looking forward to or was proud of. Their comments made me feel like crap. I’m grateful nobody ruins anything anymore and I’m fucking grateful and happy about all the babysteps I take. Tomorrow it’s Mother’s Day here and the commercial hype is gross. I’m grateful for my late parents, I’ll light a candle tomorrow. I miss and don’t miss my mum at the same time. Don’t know why I miss my ex. And I don’t care. It will pass.

I’m grateful for a bowl of strawberries and vanilla ice. A better close of the day than a sixpack. I’m grateful I don’t borrow from tomorrow anymore. I’m grateful for HALT.
I’m grateful for lounging in the deckchair, listening to the noises of countrylife, smiling with the cats, writing gratitude. This might be a start to a nice summer routine. I’m gratefully experimenting with new routines. ODAAT


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful I could call my ex while I had a pretty nasty panic attack.
I am grateful he helped me to see clearly and suggested I come home already today.
I am grateful he helped me with groceries.
I am grateful my mum picked me up at the train station.
I am grateful I am now back home and don‘t have to stay one more night in the tiny appartment.
I am grateful I had a nice simple dinner.
I am grateful I‘ll be sleeping in my own bed tonight.
I am grateful for an uneventful train ride.
I am grateful I‘ll be to bed soon.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


FOMO=fear of missing out. I had to look it up. Ya I thankfully don’t feel that either.



Early Saturday evening here in beautiful Wisconsin in May and I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.

It’s been a very busy week, including early this morning so my gratitude practice is just a little late. But it is important for me to stay grounded in gratitude during these busy days.

I’m grateful to be healthy and alive and sober. I’m grateful for work I mostly love and I’m grateful to have the resources to care for myself and my family. I’m grateful for a happy and sober marriage and for the support of my family.

I’m grateful that in 4 weeks I get to start my summer break and have some days of peace and quiet.

I’m grateful that my family will gather tomorrow at my house for Mother’s Day and I’m grateful that we can all do this. I will be extra grateful if I can limit my anxiety and relax into the day.

It will be fine. Right?


I am grateful for such a wonderful day!
I’m grateful my husband’s 1st sgt was willing to spend 4 hours of his day with my husband so that he could have a supervised visit with our boys! I’m grateful the boys had a great time with their dad at the park and arcade and even got some fast food (we have been on a long hiatus from fast food since funds are low lol). I’m grateful that my husband thought to get me a Mother’s Day card even though we are not allowed to talk to each other right now.
I’m grateful that while my husband had the kids I was able to get to the beach and tan… I mean burn, but still enjoy the sunshine and beautiful weather!
I’m grateful that I had some delicious healthy meals today and that I was able to get a really good run on the treadmill after the beach!
I’m grateful my bruises from the incident a couple of weekends ago are healing up and just about gone finally! I’m actually grateful that the incident happened even though that it led to all of this legal stuff and separation. If it wasn’t for that night I wouldn’t be closing in on 2 weeks sober (it’s been a year since I attempted 2 weeks sober) and I wouldn’t be taking these steps to be healthier and stronger!
Happy Saturday everyone! And for all of the mother’s on here fighting the good fight HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!


I am grateful for a hot sunny day. Air conditioner, neighboring city Vets Hall fundraiser dinner for volunteer firefighters. Dinner was great we got there early
Conversation was lovely. Grateful no conflict day. Accomplished chores. God helping me stay focused on what is important and let small greviences slip away quietly.