Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Monday afternoon gratitude.
Boy, I will kill those fucking nightmares one day. Before they kill me. I fucking hate nightmares. Each and every fucking night :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::skull_and_crossbones::exploding_head:

I’m grateful I get to function, think, live and manage the day despite of this bullshit.

I’m grateful it’s rest day for me today. I wonder what part of my body is not acheing. I’m grateful this comes from mowing for hours with the tractor yesterday. I’m grateful for my neighbour’s help and the things I learned. I’m grateful the mowing unit lasted until the last rounds before it smoldered to tell me it’s enough and next stop is the garage. I’m grateful for all my mechanical thingies that ease my life and need attention and care too. It hasn’t been used for years and waited patiently to be needed again. Well, I hope it’s repairable without complications.

I’m grateful the fields are cut down. Next time it stopps raining and gets dry enough it’s time for rototilling. I’m grateful I prepared the seedlings for planting today. The perfect work on a rainy monday.

TMI & rant hidden

I’m grateful for HALT. When I feel exhausted and tired after heavy work there’s always this longing for chats & beer & schnitzel. How many lovely, funny evenings did we all spend together in the last decades. today the chats are on the phone or by text instead of sitting together at our favourite inns, they have been closed long ago, the last ones during the lockdowns to never reopen. no more schnitzel, i don’t even know where to find a really good one, not this frozen, deep fried pre-processed crap you get if they have it on the menu. and beer never was an option when driving which now is always because living rural means car for everything. i am fucking pissed today and want my downtown flat, my inns and the get togethers with my friends back. I’m grateful this määäähhh mimimi will pass when the feeling of satiety sets in. I’m grateful I had good times I miss and friends who are still there. And also miss a good schnitzel!

I’m grateful the old boy is dreaming behind my back, I can feel him move and hear him snore a bit. I’m grateful no errands today, only home time. I’m grateful the chewing and thinking how to tackle some tasks might lead to a good solution. I had some pretty practical pictures in my mind today. After brooding over it for weeks? months? I’m grateful brain functions and comes up with useful stuff. I realize step by step how ennervating, draining and half life has been for years. I’m grateful I took and still take my time to build up a nice, good, comfy life. I’m grumpy and not grateful it takes ages. I’m short of patience these days and right now I try to ease it with gratitude but that doesn’t work too well. At least I find tons to be grateful for …

I’m grateful for rest days, homemade chickpea curry, cats around me, interesting documentaries, stealing ideas from advertising leaflets for DIY, hot showers, heated pillows, a deep cleaned washing machine, fresh laundry, seeds sprouting, seed arrivals from a nice colleague, my indoor sneakers, online everything, comfy furniture, cozy jackets & shawls, candles, tea, honey, my tractor, a fridge with everything I need, of course the dishwasher, so many nice & lovely people in my life, meditation for not giving a fuck :pray: ODAAT


I’m grateful I’ve been checking the sober selfie thread and seeing all those sober beautiful peeps. Grateful TS is not going anywhere and open 24/7. Grateful to see some new folks joining the team. Grateful to see the old folks also checking in :kissing_heart:
I’m grateful for heading to 6 months AF and for being over 50 days nic free! I’m still struggling with the latter, but it’s even better that way :no_smoking:
I am grateful the weather is clearing up and we’re having some proper hot sunny days.
Grateful for the smile I get from checking in here :blue_heart:


I’m grateful for my coffee in the desert.
I’m grateful to check in at TS for some fun coffee memes and some bullshit to get my day going :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I’m grateful that incredible Sunset Smores dessert I had last night didn’t give me a headache.
I’m grateful the coffee wasn’t that good but it’s doing its thing. I’m grateful I’m ready to get movin!!
I’m grateful I’m as ready as I can be and I’ve done my best and it’s out of my hands now.
I’m grateful my back doesn’t hurt.
I’m grateful I got a nice little hike in yesterday.
I’m grateful I get to be sober during and deal with, enjoy, let happen, all this amazing sometimes stressful always adventurous stuff going on in my life. I’m grateful it truly is so much easier.
I’m grateful for my last Sunday night meeting here in Scottsdale as it was the new, second, beginning of my Al-Anon recovery. I’m grateful I can remember balling my eyes out, almost exactly 2 years ago, about my alcoholic wife and what she did. And what she’s doing to me. And how could she?
I’m grateful because of the Al-Anon program my life is manageable. It’s better than fucking manageable!! I’m grateful I can see it getting better and better each day, whether the alcoholic is drinking or not. Of course it’s sad. I’m grateful I know it’s a disease and it’s not personal. I’m grateful I’ve chosen to stick with this life I have and make it work. I’m grateful not once in Al-Anon has anyone ever told me what I “should” do. Except this one guy. I’m grateful after the meeting he said “why don’t you just divorce her!” He’s about 80 years old. Been around for ever. Calls them “alkies” anyway. I’m grateful for him as I took that as quit complaining about her and work on yourself!! I’m grateful I can learn something from anyone. Even if I don’t agree with or like them. But I can learn from everyone.

Y’all have a grateful sober day and keep learning and doing the best you can from everyone you see today.


I’m grateful for the beautiful weather today, for a good hike and taking the horses out for a while. I’m grateful for a soak in the hot spring. I’m grateful for having hope and good friends.


Good morning, TS friends. I’m so grateful for you!
I’m grateful the Crabtree on our front lawn is blooming and fills the view out of the bay window.
I’m grateful to be able to work outside on gorgeous spring days, listening to the songbirds and the breeze wafting through the evergreens.
I’m grateful for the hard discussion I had yesterday with husband, it was hard to hear his complaints and hard to hear what I have done to tangle us up but I needed to listen and now I need to refocus my efforts at being a better wife. Try to get my head straight. Try not to be so codependent. Try to give more affection.
I’m grateful for another chance to grow.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful I only seldom experienced pain, nausea and other symptoms today. Also no panic attack and only one time where I felt really bad and only for a short time.
I went to the pharmacy today. I am grateful I could take that walk, get out of the house, enjoy the great weather. But it was a bit too much for my body. I am not ready yet.
I worked on my current game today - codename ‚martwa wisła‘. I managed to sort all my material on it, get an overview, put everything on one dashboard. I am grateful I had the time and energy to do that, work concentrated and now I have a great point from which to start working tomorrow.
I also continued to listen to talks from my festival, getting a lot of inspiration and interesting ideas. I am grateful all this material is available to me on the internet. Always grateful for this technology. I remember being so thirsty for all this stuff as a kid. I felt like I was starved for knowledge and access. But today it‘s finally available to me and I can actually work on video games. I am so grateful this dream of mine has come true.
I am grateful for life today, for family supporting me, for friends.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Wise words to live by for anyone.
Be swift about hearing, but slow about speaking.


I’m grateful I’m back home after driving thru about 3 hours of rain
Grateful for time spent with my mom for Mother’s day
Grateful for my feeling liking crap yet, not as bad crap as yesterday’s , so today’s crap is better
Going to my hometown and not feeling like i miss it because - now i couldn’t wait to get away from it.


@saraboobear23 WOW how sweet of your 9 year old – love that he made you breakfast. :heart: Well done on your 2 weeks of sobriety :muscle:
@lighter loved reading your gratitude and so very grateful that you are experiencing the shift – experiencing the benefits of sobriety. Keep it going friend – you def are building a wonderful recovery foundation :muscle:
@erntedank Oh love I do hope that the rant and gratitude helped. It is hard to find parts of your life missing and not being able to get them back. I do hope you are able to find a way to meet up with friends and enjoy each others company and of course find some good schnitzel
@naomi so lovely to see your timers friend – way to go with overcoming the struggle and staying the course! I also smile seeing your check in here so double benefits :wink:
@laner Oh how lovely to get a soak in the hot spring :heart: Hope you had a wonderful relaxing experience.

Monday gratefulness :hugs:
I am so very grateful for another day awakening to my beautiful life and all the comforts i could ask for.
I am so grateful for healing and getting answers.
I am so grateful for the mentality switch and the fed up attitude (in a good way) – taking charge of me and hoping for the best results :laughing:
I am so grateful that i was able to get up early enough and do the deliveries today so my brother could get the van fixed
I am so grateful that i decided to do something fun with mom since it was too hot to walk. We realized that everything (museums, the arboretum, the botanical gardens …etc) are closed on Mondays. Found a interesting museum open today a few towns over so we decided to go for the 45 min drive. Got there early so decided to check out the non-profit thrift store next door. Not a whole lot but i did find a great Vegan cookbook (i had vowed to never get a cookbook again but had to as it was for a good cause and i found some really interesting recipes). Unfortunately the museum was a bust – super dark and dingy and smelled so awful. Grateful that my mom said she wanted to leave. Grateful that we took a scenic drive back home on the back streets. It was a lovely drive with mom today. LOL
I am so grateful that i was able to get some other odds and ends done without too much pressure. Still waiting to finalize the insurance for my rental and hoping the guy calls me tomorrow. Grateful that if he doesn’t then i can go into the office and get it sorted out.
I am so grateful for leftovers.
I am so grateful that i am not beating myself up for not working out today. I will try to make up for it tomorrow with and extra session and longer walk.
I am so grateful that this is the first day i’ve missed this month (just need to plan better when i have deliveries)
I am so grateful for my loved ones and my HP. I am so grateful for funny stand ups that had me laughing last night
I am so grateful for all of you wonderful souls here.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart::heart::


I have been kind of lazy yesterday and today, but one thing I don’t want to get lazy on is getting on here and reminding myself what I’m grateful for.
I’m grateful for the ability to have lazy days! I’m grateful that I was able to find some energy to get out in the front yard and clean up my Calla Lillies in the garden. We got hit with such heavy rains this year in Cali that it killed my garden. I was so tired of seeing all of the dead calla Lillie’s, so it was nice to get out there and trim them up and now to wait for all of the new ones to grow in!
I’m grateful to get back to work tomorrow and am really hoping to get my official offer to be able to see how much I’m finally gonna make and find out when my training will begin for my new position!
I’m grateful to be keeping up with the journal prompts this app provides because today it asked how much money I have spent on my addiction and it made me realize how much I have actually saved in the past 2 weeks. Of course that money went to childcare because my husband is not allowed home right now, but wow! So much money wasted these past several years. Hindsight I wished I had made better choices, but at least I’m here making them now!


Preaching to the choir. AMEN.


Grateful for life’s struggles!


Good morning gratidudes,

Im so very greatful and thankful for…

My recovery
@Soberbilly putting the idea of wise speech into my mind
Having a tough convo with hubby last night, tough but fair
Got a run in last night
It wasnt too painful to wake up today
A job that pays the bills
Worktime to feel like i can accomplish something
TS community


I’m grateful for a good hike down today and coming home to a very enthusiastic greeting from Mop. I’m grateful to sleep on my own tushuk tonight and be sitting at my table drinking a pot of tea and looking at all my plants. I’m grateful for my neighbor getting the sauna going for me so it was ready when I came home. I’m grateful to have a good friend who cares about me. I’m grateful for clean clothes and a quite night in. Am grateful for everyone who gave me book recommendations and have given me good advice on here. Am grateful that I have so many resources available online.


I’m grateful I can’t think of a better way to start my gratitude than picture this. I do love that name and that dog.

I’m grateful I’m sober and I get to work 2 recovery programs.
I’m grateful for the clusterfuck of a great day yesterday.
I’m grateful my movers are incredible!! I’m grateful they are amazing!
I’m grateful they labeled the shit out of my boxes with lots of details about what’s in each box.
I’m grateful they asked me to move one of the cars and I found a fluid leak on my garage floor.
I’m grateful the dealer squeezed me in and the repair is a big deal and could have been a safety hazard for anyone driving it to Cali.
I’m grateful the dealer can eventually fix it and ship it. I’m grateful it might not be the best decision and it’s going to cost more money but I made it and it’s out of my hands now.
I’m grateful after hanging out at the dealers for too long I got home and the movers had me all packed up. EVERTHING!
I’m grateful I can dry myself after a shower with a hand towel :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: they even packed the towel I had draped over the tub for 1 last shower.
I’m grateful I didn’t have a heart attack when I saw this huge colorful lizard crawling down my hall. I’m grateful he went to the guest bedroom where there there is a door out to the courtyard. I’m grateful he stopped to hide behind the toilet so I could get dressed and find something to sweep him out of the house.
Post your most inspiring photos of nature #4 - #2678 by Dazercat
I’m grateful I didn’t know it was a venomous Gila Monster, who hissed at me like a large cat!!
I’m grateful I didn’t hurt him.
I’m sooooo grateful I’m at a hotel because I don’t think I could have slept in that house last night. Suppose he wasn’t alone :scream:
I’m grateful dealing with the cable company was a breeze even though the place was packed they got to me right away.
I’m grateful I got to finish my day with a nice massage.
I’m grateful the masseuse listened to me because I told her I will not be able to relax until I tell you about my day. I’m grateful she was appropriately shocked about my Gila monster in the house story. And I’m grateful she gave me the best massage ever.
I’m grateful I got one more day here as they load up the truck today.
I’m grateful I get to chair my last Tuesday night Al-Anon meeting :cry:
I’m grateful they are a special little home group and sometimes we go rogue and don’t follow the rules and it seems like+we are all ok with that. And it’s a wonderful thing too.
I’m grateful one of those rogue meetings save my life one night. It wasn’t Al-Anon approved topic, and I didn’t really approve of it either, but I was able to keep an open mind and I was able to use what I learned that night to possibly save my marriage last summer when things were extremely unmanageable.

I’m grateful I know I need to do the work in AA and Al-Anon, but when life is happening, and I’m too busy or whatever the excuse. I know all I have to do is show up and put my ass in a seat. That’s it. One fucking hour of any day. Just show up. If I don’t do anything else, just show up. I’m not advocating for this. But sometimes if that’s all you got. That’s all you got to do.

I’m grateful for y’all.
From today Courage to Change.
Today’s Reminder Whether or not I see immediate benefits, today I choose to keep coming back.

“Patience is the key to paradise.”
Turkish proverb


I’m grateful to be caught up on over 100 gratitude posts.
I’m grateful to read @Dazercat has made the move to Cali with the zoo safely :hugs:
I’m grateful I’m here and searching for gratitude, it has been difficult the last week or so.
I’m grateful I’m feeling better physically.
I’m grateful I finally have my first appointment at the long covid clinic booked in next month. Hopefully they might be able to support with this chronic fatigue :pray:
I’m grateful for a few days without hubby. We haven’t been seeing eye to eye recently and it has been making the homestead unusually tense.
I’m grateful I read @Dazercat 's reminder to use HALT. Sometimes saying nothing is the infinitely wiser choice.
I’m grateful for my sobriety, everything in life is easier this way.
I’m grateful, always, for TS and the community here.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful I am getting better every day. Today was less pain, less nausea, less symptoms overall. Instead more energy, more focus, feeling much better.
I managed to move forward on my current game and came to a point where I have a first concept of how the game mechanics might work. Tomorrow I can start working on a first digital prototype. I am very grateful for this kind of work, for the energy and inspiration I had all day and the progress I made.
I am getting better at accepting that I am human, that I am the same kind of mess like everyone else, and that I really don‘t have to try so hard to be anything else. I am grateful for the peace and freedom being a mess is giving me.
The sun today was wonderful and so life affirming. I spend some time on the balcony, kept all the windows open and even managed to go down to the garden. I am very grateful I had the energy to move out of my flat today.
In the afternoon I did an easy yoga class. I am so very grateful I am well enough to start doing some easy peasy kind of exercise. I really am very bad at being ill.
I am grateful my ex‘s visit was not too upsetting. I kept my distance and did not get involved in his drama.
The day is done now. I‘ll chill with a story and some stretches before bed. I am grateful for my easy evening.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Tuesday evening. Quick stop by for some gratitude.

I’m grateful I’m tired beyond words. It’s ok. It was a hell of a night, I was up at 3.40 a.m. fleeing a nightmare, stumbled, crashed the bedside lamp, had to remove the shards and vacuum. I’m grateful I just shook my head. I promise today I wear sunglasses in bed. Brilliant weird ideas on the FRO thread sometimes :sunglasses::+1::blush: I am deeply grateful for the outlet the FRO threads provides :pray:

I overate horribly yesterday, didn’t even notice in the evening, too tired, brain already shut down. OMG was I grateful for the relieve bathroom visits brought me. I’m grateful I caught an hour of sleep after showering.

I’m grateful I’m kind and gentle to myself and others, deliberately and even more when I’m exhausted and drained from a crappy night. I’m grateful the cats are ok with my needing quite time without cats on me.
I’m grateful I was on time for the early appointment. I’m grateful the next important thing is fixed at the flat and off the to do list :pray:
I’m grateful I went grocery shopping and came home with lovely vegetable and bread varieties. I’m grateful for delicious bread.
I’m grateful a visit to the garden center went completely off the shopping list :see_no_evil: It’s ok, my bank account will survive it and oh oh do I have plants to add to the gratitude wall … pictures will follow on the garden thread.

I’m grateful I stopped by at my late mum’s house. The garden is jungle, everythng else is ok :pray:
I’m grateful I stopped by at my townhouse, collected mail and fetched things I need at the farm. I’m grateful babysteps add up, you can see that the house gets more empty and rearranged. I’m grateful half of the stuff is food from the pantry that gets used up with time. I’m grateful for resizing, downsizing and rearranging stuff that is already there. It makes me feel in control of my life.

I’m grateful for a good talk with a friend while driving. Talking about the nightmare horror lightened its weight. We even laughed as this brainfuck-films should be nominated for the Razzies. Talking helps. I’m grateful I am not alone :pray: ODAAT


Damn thats a hell of a way to wake up – a nightmare and then having crashed into the lamp. So grateful for the FRO thread. Hope you have a peaceful restful no nightmare sleep tonight :hugs: :sleeping:

wearing sun glasses to bed — absolutely love it!


Grateful this old body is still holding up and even thriving putting in the hours at two physical jobs.
14 hours today, 13 yesterday and still 3 acreages to go this week with potentially another client coming on board.
Grateful my wife is still able to slam out the physical work right alongside of me.

Grateful for sobriety!