Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Grateful for another day above ground. Grateful for the decisions I am making and that’s a switch :smile: Grateful for the crew at the shop. Grateful that I finally get to eat dinner and relax for a bit. Grateful for this community that is filled with people who inspire me. Thanks all!


I’m grateful you are here and always give me a little chuckle.
Enjoy your vacation I hope to see pics on the travel thread or somewhere.


Hello all! 16 days and counting! :blush:
I’m grateful to have been able to talk to my dad for over 2 hours today! It was really crazy that I reached out to talk to him today because he had surgery this morning and I had no idea. We haven’t spoken in months, so I’m glad I was able to speak to him. I am concerned for him though because he had this hernia surgery this morning, but was drinking beer when I called him. I hope he doesn’t hurt himself!
I’m grateful to have FINALLY gotten my official offer for my promotion! I got a 40% raise and got wayyy more than I was anticipating! Definitely much needed considering what I have been going through these last almost 2 in a half weeks and everything changing so fast!
I’m grateful for such beautiful weather here in Monterey! I’m waiting for this sunburn I got on Saturday to heal up more before I get back out in the sun again for walks, I don’t want to irritate my skin more than I have already done so.
I’m grateful for all of you guys and all of the support and encouraging words! I love hopping on here when I can to see how everyone is doing day to day!!


Congratulations on your new official offer promotion and pay raise. They say good things happen when we don’t drink. But dang girl. Look at you go!! I’m so happy for you. And grateful to see you pop in.


I am grateful for two very different things happening at work this last week. The first was a reprimand that I deserved, I dropped the ball and that is not like me. I’ve been putting a lot of energy into my sobriety and my family, and I’ve been a bit absent ( mentally) on the job. The second thing I’m grateful for is that I got a nice raise because they do know that in general I’m a great employee worth retaining. I’m grateful that I’ve really been stressing about this reprimand, because it means that I care. I am grateful to move forward and try to be enough for myself, my work, my family, and my sobriety. ODAAT🫶🏻🫶🏻


I’m grateful to have recovered quickly from illness
I’m grateful for the loving care my partner gave me
I’m grateful I can kiss and cuddle my family again
I’m grateful for overcoming work challenges
I’m grateful for possibly returning to the gym tomorrow


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
My husbands more present now hes sold his game station
Boscoe’s cuteness and his upcoming, much needed, haircut
Got a workout and a run in yesterday
A productive, sunshine day yesterday
Hope for a good day today
Hot coffee
My mom loves to babysit boscoe while mom and dad are at work
Hubby waking up to wash and lotion my new tattoo without me expecting it
Rain fueling our spring
A reliable car


Welcome to California! Now we’re neighbors! :star_struck:


I’m grateful that today was an easier day for me. I’m grateful to get caught up on chores and get my place cleaned up. I’m grateful for the sunny weather. I’m grateful that I could spend time with 2 good friends tonight and relax after a busy day just talking and laughing together. I’m grateful for music and dancing. I’m grateful for fresh salads and saffron rice. I’m grateful for my neighbor kid who gave me a knuckle bone to add to the collection…it was very sweet of him. I’m grateful for a comfy tushuk and for the new light in my toilet that my neighbor put in. I kept dropping flashlights in mine and I just would have this weird glow shining up for days after :rofl: so was surprised to come home to a light built in! I’m grateful lavender tea and a relaxing evening.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
Today I felt so much better then my last view days of tummy bug. I‘m not symptom free yet, but I am so grateful for renewed energy and health.
I am grateful for food. I have not been eating much the last days and mostly rice at that, so having a real breakfast, lunch with veggies and meat and dinner was such a luxury. It‘s the best thing.
I build two prototypes for my game today and tested them a bit. It‘s still a long way but I am grateful I am moving forward on this project and grateful I can spend my days doing what I frackin love.
I went for a walk in the afternoon and had a nice easy yoga session. I am grateful I am getting to the point where I can tax my body again.
My daughter is at home also down with this tummy thing I had. I am sorry she got it too but I am grateful it‘s a rather mild version, only some tummy pain, nausea and not feeling well. I am also grateful I am so much better and can take care of her. I remember having a really nasty episode of norovirus all of us at the same time. Suddenly two toilets were not enough.
I am grateful for this wonderful day, for longer days, sunshine, rhododendrons, birds and all the wonderful things spring is giving us.
I am grateful I will attend a dharma meeting soon. I always feel rather apprehensive before and soooo good after. I am grateful my mind is capable of building new pathways and can start linking dharma meetings with something nice.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful there is so much gratitude here I can’t catch up. It has been over a week since I came here though.
Grateful my car is at the mechanics which meant I had to ride my bike to work.
Grateful the rain wasn’t too heavy on my ride
Grateful for good crews to spend my 24hr shift with. Feels like its going to be a busy one.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Grateful for:

Day 138.
Being the Prez of local PFLAG and leaning into National when things run amok. They are so helpful - always.
Being ungrateful at moments, because I am human and I can sense it and I can come back and recognize where changes in gratitude are necessary.
My minis.
My health rising - my income soon will…I need to make a determined action on both of these things.

Grateful that this thread hangs out, even when I am not and that it is floating around telling me to get on there!


Today started rough and challenged me. I prioritized somethings I had on the back burner and feel good about it.

I’m grateful for…

  1. Staying for my son’s karate class. Seeing how much he’s grown. I watched him spar and feel so proud of him.

  2. I went for a walk with my family. I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but looking back I’m glad I went.

  3. This group, the support and kind words. Seeing how people spend their days, what makes them happy.


Have not been able to be grateful past few days. I have mentally told myself to get over self pity. I am grateful today. To be able to recover from surgery in my home is a blessing. Grateful I am self sufficient in my daily personal tasks. Grateful with the hope that I will get another chance at saving current relationship.


I’m grateful for my boys and just how sweet and loving they are to myself and to each other! I’m grateful for my family even though they live on the other side of the country, they have been as supportive as they can be with all that is going on.
I am grateful to have been able to go to my husband’s court hearing and to know the steps his lawyer is taking to help him get through this mess of ours. I’m grateful that my husband and I (although not supposed to :shushing_face:) were able to have a productive conversation as to the next steps once he is able to come home. I’m grateful that I have the ability to reach out to his 1st sgt and get his help in lifting the military protective order to get my husband home so we can take care of our children together.
I’m grateful for 17 days sober! It’s been over a year and a half since I have been sober this long!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery journey
746 free from weed and alcohol
289 free from the chains of nicotine
Set a date with my new sponsor for saturday
The convience of trash pickup
Got my ass to the gym
This fantastic community
My fav ladies mtg tonight
Hubbys working hard
Boscoes cute cuddles
Our safety
My mom
My family
My first niece is graduating high school this weekend!
Work from home day


I’m so grateful I’m stuck here with Mavy on my lap so I can’t move. But I can hunt a peck a little gratitude while I’m happily stuck here.

I’m grateful I made it home. My new home in Cali. I’m grateful all our shit got to Cali last night too and they will unload this morning. I’m grateful we will have a king size bed to sleep in tonight.

I’m grateful that cats have been smothering me since I got home. It’s great to be loved. I’m grateful the Ol Burner is by my side.

I’m grateful it’s so much cooler here and we got out of the Arizona desert just in time.

I’m grateful all my travels back and forth went too smoothly.

I’m grateful I have no idea where we are going to put all these boxes. We still have 20-30 boxes from the Flagstaff house we didn’t bother unpacking. I’m grateful for that.

I’m grateful for my movers.
I’m grateful for the birds I hear. I’m grateful they are a different bird song.
I’m grateful for my garden.
I’m grateful for my recoveries and my new slower calmer pace of getting things done when I get them done. And finally not trying to do everything all at once. I think I got there @Its_me_Stella one of your post from a long time ago mentioned doing only one thing at a time. It’s a beautiful thing to arrive there.

Well, I got to go. Great big day ahead. I’m grateful I get to walk Benson early and give Alice her fluids before my house fills with boxes and cat condos and pet beds.

I’m grateful I can live in boxes as long as it takes this time. I’m grateful I can use box’s as night stands and end tables and clutter tables :blush:
Love you guys


Good morning TS, grateful for you!
I’m grateful @Dazercat , Eric, that you are surrounded with loving furry friends and you’re safely in your new digs.
Im grateful I got to volunteer in a 4K classroom yesterday. Those little beelers are so dang cute!
I’m grateful I got the grass cut,despite the clouds of mosquitoes everywhere.
I’m grateful I fit in a bike ride.
I’m grateful for a good nights sleep after all the activity.


So happy for you and your new home. Post brought back memories. My first house with first husband we had no furniture. Two lawn chairs and an ice chest for table sat in front room. House did not come with a refrigerator so table had a double purpose. We were happy.


Welcome home @Dazercat !! 🫶🏻 One box at a time, one thing at a time, ODAAT!!!

I’m grateful for coffee. I’m grateful for Wifi. I’m grateful for adult children. My youngest turned adult a few weeks ago. I’m grateful he’s the last one to graduate, Seniors are expensive lil buggers. Grateful for you all, as always :heart::heart::heart: