Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Today I am grateful that everything I read, without a plan, and all meetings I am in, tell me that gratitude matters. I know it. I am grateful that Eric started all this here.

Despite the emotional pain I experience daily, often secondly, I remain grateful that I lived. I sometimes fight with that gratitude. However, I don’t believe you live through a serious accident without a purpose. I am grateful for THE PURPOSE, which I still haven’t defined. Perhaps the purpose was beating small-counted sobriety- 90 days in a three decade off-and-on attempt. Dunno!

What I do know - grateful to hit 5 months yesterday. Today is day 153.

Grateful for the purpose - which possibly I am working at… :revolving_hearts: :partying_face:


Grateful for the pain and suffering. Honestly thank You Lord


Congrats on your 5 months pal.
Sahweet like honey :kissing_heart:


This will be your ONE non-irritating honey (or maple) post. XXOO


Way to go with your 5 months love! :tada: :tada: :clap: :muscle:


Thought of you right away. :pray:


So gooooooood!!! congrats on you 4 fricken months. Omg im so happy!!!



I am grateful for music. I am grateful for harmony. I am grateful I got perfect seats yesterday at the philharmonic orchestra, visa vis the conductor. It was such fun to watch him let his inner weirdo run free. I am grateful for contagious joy. I am grateful for the people in my life. I am grateful I learned to play my first childrens song on the piano. I am grateful it rained and the summer smell of petrichor and linden trees. I am grateful for this journey of discovery. I am grateful for this shift in my life that happend when I quit drinking. I am grateful I am not just talking anymore. I am doing. One happy day at a time. :orange_heart:


Grateful for a new day sober after a night with temptations


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

Ive moved my body for atleast 30 min everyday this week!
761 days free from the chains of addiction
I found my bottom and my beautiful recovery journey
Ran 3 min straight today
Trying to improve distance running, i prefer intervals
Am i a morning person? People out walking early seem to be friendly. I used to despise cheerful people in the am. Funny how things change when you arent worki g a hangover
I have decided im gonna make my decision on the car repair after all my morning meetings
If michael from subaru of america doesnt call me the shop my car is sitting at will do the work
Im greatful for a powerful ladies group meeting last night
Got complimented on looking good 2x yesterday
Ive come a long way in 2 years, almost 2yr, 1mo tmrw
My mobility
My desire to learn and improve and grow
My sober tribe
Managed my mania decently this week, just need to pause and self soothe so i dont get too agitated
Self awareness
Sunshine and rain


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for hot coffee with cinnamon sprinkled on it. I’m grateful I get to sit and enjoy it leisurely because I’m off today. I’m grateful that I don’t have to take on or absorb the bad juju coming from my mother in law, or anyone. I’m grateful my body can exercise, and that a patient cracked me up yesterday when I asked “ how are you today” she answered “ well, it all works, but it hurts”! Gonna be my new mantra when I start getting down about my aches and pains- at least it works! :joy:
I’m grateful for books from Goodwill, I love finding a book that unexpectedly touches you. Everyone have a good day♥️


I’m grateful for strawberries and cherrys. I’m grateful for a beautiful day…was so sunnu with cheerful clouds. I’m grateful for music and laughter. I’m grateful for good exercise and hiking today. I’m grateful for the ability to take a step back from my usual busy life to focus on myself. I’m grateful for my friend S she is SUCH a good friend. I’m grateful for my neighbor friend who sewed up all the holes in my clothes so I don’t have to buy new ones. I’m grateful for the hospitality I’m always shown. I’m grateful for learning new coping skills through this workbook and also from people in this group. I’m grateful for this group it is encouraging for me to read on here. I’m grateful for a fresh tushuk and clean sheets.
I’m grateful that I will take this work trip to Uzbekistan despite some of my worries about it. I’m grateful my friend can come with me. I’m grateful for my dogs who are sleeping beside me looking so cute and peaceful. I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.


Friday gratitude.
I’m grateful I’ve been sleeping more or less well without sleeping meds for over a month. I’m grateful I get enough sleep and nap away during the day. It feels healing. I’m grateful sleep has been a source of healing, recovering and relaxing for all my life. I’m grateful after having to take sleeping meds for years to get some kind of restful sleep my body and mind make a so far successful try to get back to sleep without external help. I’m grateful this shows me that my life has changed so much that I don’t need to “cope” with shit anymore and I don’t have to “function”, I just live my life and it’s good as it is :pray: All the “too much” left, the longing for being loved subsided to a bearable level, I’m mostly good with living alone.
I’m grateful I never gave up on this long, long road that started long before I split with the ex.
I’m grateful I start to feel ready for the next chapter in life, whatever it will be.
I’m grateful for a roofed balcony where I can sit among the seedlings, watching the rain and thinking about the above.
ODAAT :pray:


I’m grateful for the weekend!! I’m grateful for sober Friday nights. I’m grateful for my doggy. I’m grateful that we got the AC replaced last year because it’s working beautifully on this hot day. I’m grateful for a wonderful team at work. I’m grateful that I don’t have to see them until Monday. ODAAT :people_hugging::blue_heart:🫶🏻


I have missed 2 days now, but I refuse to miss a third! There has been a little more stress between my husband and I in the last few days, but I’m grateful to have found things to help me with that stress that has kept me away from turning to alcohol.
I’m grateful that the family advocate helped me to fix my referral so that the intensive outpatient treatment program I went to enter will finally get the referral for me to start.
I’m grateful that my home has multiple rooms in it as I have had to move into another room of the house temporarily till I can clear my head of all of the negativity that continues in my relationship.
I’m grateful to be halfway through my training at work and to be almost into my store permanently!
I’m grateful to have been able to pop into my old store today and for everyone to be so happy to see me! It was a really nice feeling for sure!
I hope each and every one of you have a fantastic Friday night!!!


I’m grateful…

  • for my wife, who lives a full and rich life at home and at work and who is doing some deep emotional work recently (and it is paying dividends in our marriage)
  • for my father and several of my colleagues, who have been available to coach me in my entrepreneurship journey
  • for Talking Sober, where all the weirdos hang out
  • for my counsellor, who helped me reach a new level of personal emotional insight today

I need to get back into my reflecting and remind myself of all the good things I’ve got going on in my life. Today I’m grateful for…

  1. The drama ending… This was the first disagreement since becoming sober. Before, I would always give in when it was time to sleep. Wake up the next day and not remember there was a disagreement.

I don’t know why I pushed so hard this time, in 14 years I’ve never left my bed because of an argument. I was in full silent mode and gained the ability to not respond to text. I was out of character and couldn’t snap out of it (not fully out of it yet). Something to figure out another day.

  1. My morning routine. Even though I felt out of sorts, I didn’t break my routine. I did the same things in the same order.

  2. My bed! Laying in bed reflecting and writing this. For days I was in a child’s bed, my feet were hanging off the end, no room to roll. I didn’t realize how much my body was hurting until I laid down in mine.

Time for a deep sleep… Goodnight everyone!


Grateful it’s Friday, I’m alive and I didn’t lose it on anyone this week. :raised_hands:


Oh nice one. Diddo @Steve14 gratitude


Tonight, tonight I am sitting here with my folks currently experiencing emotions of grace and gratitude. I’m grateful for the lowest of low points that got me sitting right here. For a 40 year old man to break and surrender. Because of that I have another day on this earth. Even the low points can be grateful for where they lead you.
God can turn your mess into a message. Happy to be here. Have a blessed night