Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

A physically active day yesterday, had 3 walks and a run on top of gym sesh
My mind seems a bit calmer this morning, yay low racing thoughts
My recovery, which has fueled my flourishing lifestyle
In love with hubby, communication does wonders
Hoping to hear back from Subaru of America today on if they’ll grant me an exception and save us $2300 on this stupid transmission
Usually i have regular transportation, and this absence of the convenience makes me appreciate it more
Taking a rest day from the gym, and not feeling guilty atm
This fantastic place and everyone doing their best at this sobriety thing
The newcomer that reminds me of my despair due to addiction


Congratulations on your 1 month milestone :muscle:t4:

You will beat your previous streak and keep stacking up the days :tada::confetti_ball:

giphy (1)


This is beautiful Sara :pray:t2::heart:
I’m so happy for you. And your children :heart:
ODAAT is right :pray:t2::heart:


I am grateful today

Doctor found break in my hip and I have medical insurance to cover all future costs

I have time and lifestyle to be able to do repair and heal

God soothing anxiety and is with me

Money for gas to drive another 300 miles today for CAT SCANS


I’m grateful it’s only a slight headache this morning.
I’m grateful for the nap me and Mavy had after the workers and Anthony Hopkins left. I’m grateful how Maverick was plastered up against my face. Purring and so warm. I’m grateful he makes the new couch look good.

I’m grateful for Goodwill.
I’m grateful to be sober when I get terrible service at a restaurant and I’m not Jonesing For My Drink! I’m grateful we just sat there and waited. And chatted. And waited. And chatted. And waited some more………I’m so grateful my body wasn’t SCREAMING FOR MY DRINK!!

I’m grateful this is our last move. Seriously :neutral_face:
I’m grateful the plumbing company I called yesterday seemed very professional on the phone and they did have a plumber call me back right away to schedule like she said they would.

I’m grateful I looked up and paused to watch Mavy slowly lick his paw and wash behind his ear. I’m grateful to watch him take a bath on his new couch. I’m grateful he’s been so lovable on me even more than usual. I’m grateful Daisy is at my feet. I’m grateful Old Alice made it to her final home and is doing well too. I’m grateful B enjoys meeting the workers and they don’t seem to mind meeting her. I’m grateful Benson and I love our new hood. And ya… I got to admit…. Not sure if it’s gratitude, but, Benson walks real slowly when wifey takes him without me looking back for daddy. And they generally cut the walk short because he’s a pain in the ass and he hauls his ass home when they turn around :blush: I’m grateful Alice is up and fed and on my lap purring.

I’m grateful I missed my 2 year Al-Anon anniversary the other day. Just been too busy. I’m grateful things are good on my end because I’m too busy to find a meeting. I’m grateful I’ll get to one when I get to one. Hopefully before I need one.

I’m grateful for the marine layer almost every morning so far and grateful most days it burns off mostly and it stays cool around here.

Grateful for y’all

What we know
matters, but
who we are matters more.

Brené Brown


I’m grateful for an enthusiastic greeting from Mop when I came home today. I’m grateful for a good ride on the horse today it was peaceful and riding for so long helps me stay present. I’m grateful for the light snow during my ride down. I’m grateful for sitting by the warm fire tonight during this chilly evening. I’m grateful for Leila laying down next to me. I’m grateful for my neighbor bringing me water earlier so I wouldn’t have to refill them in the dark. I’m grateful for my friend S and that we can talk but also enjoy each others company in silence sometimes. I’m grateful to be sober.


I sit here very calm, emotionally drained to the point of being exhausted. But not angry and not urging. I am grateful for…

  1. All of you helping me through my drama today. Putting different aspects into perspective for me. Encouraging me to turn around the day (it’s only noon). I’m in reset mode. I had my shower and prayed. I’m going to live in my own bubble today, focusing on what I need to get done. A few checked boxes I think can help get me to where I need to be.

Thank you everyone that commented on the “May Relapse” thread. Thank you everyone that reached out @tailee17 @Button83 @JazzyS


:hugs::hugs::hugs: hugs :people_hugging:


Happy Wednesday, grateful peeps.

I’m grateful for podcasts.
I’m grateful that my car is now paid off.
I’m grateful that my children are so independent. I’m grateful that I miss them when they’re gone.



Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful for all the sun and rain today and my covered balcony where I can spend my time enjoying the sun or listening to the rain.
I am grateful I was able to work on my prototype today and all the insights I got from that work.
I am grateful for podcasts and music.
I am grateful for good food.
I am grateful my daughter spend her day with a friend and grateful my mum took her to ballet lessons.
I am grateful I bought the train tickets for my trip to Rotterdam next month. Now I‘m all set with transport and a place to stay for six days.
I am grateful I can spend the evening in peace and quiet.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful for a slow day. For a long talk with a friend. For the fact that I can do whatever I want. For a helpful therapy session. For escaping the long weekend traffic on a not so busy route. For being missed by my downtown neighbours. For the professionals who mow one of my properties. For still being fucking proud of myself. For cat cuddles galore. For leftovers. For lots of tea. For feeling peaceful and content. For a nap. For living alone and ignoring housework. For doing a little bit of housework. For lounging comfy on the couch and bingewatching series. For feeling safe. For enjoying the sunshine. For drinking water from the tap. For my blankie.


Today I am grateful for a slow, easy kind of day. :star2: went to my home group. Heard a wonderful story that was shared!
My husband and I grilled burgers, I made a fruit salad, and some baked beans.
Tomorrow I am not going to leave the hill we live on until later in the evening for a grandsons baseball game.
Hope everyone had a great day!:rainbow::sunny::star2:


I’m grateful for my little home.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for a frig full of food.
I’m grateful I know I have everything I need in this moment.
I’m grateful for my sangha and for this home thread.
I’m grateful I don’t try to drink (or otherwise numb) the tough stuff away.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


happy wednesday dear sober friends…

i am so grateful for getting a few hours of sleep this morning. grateful that the coffee kicked in and i didn’t and i managed a very productive day despite my symptoms or pain level.
grateful for the 4 mile walk i did with mom. grateful for the weather being absolutely perfect
grateful for getting 90% of the baking done for the festival this weekend
grateful for catching up with the accounting work in time to deal with month end this weekend.
grateful for my brother taking care of my car’s hatch while i was cooking dinner. the part was supposed to be $300 from dealership and mechanic was charging $140 for labor and my brother got the part for $15 - grateful or all the $$ saved.
grateful to be in bed and have my feet lifted - they are hurting today
grateful that i did put some time into the puzzle - so close to being done but it ill have to wait LOL
grateful for my siblings. grateful for my family. grateful for a comfortable safe home. grateful for clean air and water.
grateful for my HP - grateful that i am seeing myself drifting away and need to focus more on my meditation / prayer practices. grateful to know what i need and hopeful to be able to buckle down and do it.
grateful for the lovely blooms on the bushes and trees. grateful to see new flowers and taking a moment to appreciate them. grateful for the Lens app to tell me what i’m looking at.
grateful for a calmer day with allergies
grateful for coffee - grateful that i was able to grind up my blend for the week today. grateful that i’m trying out some new Vietnamese coffee and loving it.
grateful for this place - grateful for all of you - grateful for daily love and support i receive here.
wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful I can feel the shift in my recovery. Today I am working on different things then I was two years ago. I am grateful for the reminder to stop and have a look back and appreciate the path. I am grateful I can see the foundation I built over the past two years. Anchoring myself and let the tides of life come and go. I am grateful for the kindness in people. I am grateful I am chosing the right company. I am grateful that today I hold no grudge towards the harm that’s been done in the past. I am grateful to only be fully responsible for myself.


Im greatful

The doctor found @tailee17 break and the fix is covered by insurance!

@Dazercat has 2 years in alanon and will hopefully get to a meeting b4 he really, really needs a mtg

@Laner getting a sweet sweet greating from Mop

@SKhan not letting outside drama affect his sobriety and leaning on this community for back up

@Davina_Davis way to go on paying off the car!! That must be a relief

Im so very greatful today…

Im using my mania to my advantage
I got my ass up and did 30min weights and 45min walk/run interval
I was just in awe that im this person whos running outside b4 7am bc she wants to…i never thought id be that person
Feeling accomplished
My moms letting me borrow her car until i get my tranny fixed
Im greatful the mechanic gave me a day or 2 to leave my car there while i wait to see if subaru warranty will come thru
Im greatful its day 3 and i will decide today, maybe reach out to michael again at subaru of america praying he takes pity on me and covers the $2100 repair
Boscoes companionship
I dont have to car pool with hubby today lol were both manic and he talks to much in the am, f’in with my routine
Not always having to follow a routine
My morning practice of surrendering my will and prayer that i can go with the flow
Good communication
Living in technocolor


I’m grateful for the trauma workbook I’ve been going through. I’m grateful that I could get together with my neighbor friends today to work on my rug we’re making good progress. I’m grateful that my expenses are less expensive here and that I usually don’t need to work about finances. I know things will work out…I’m grateful for my dogs and animals.


I’m grateful for the new people on TS that are working their asses off to not pick up their DOC. I’m grateful it helps me to stay sober and reenforces that I need to find and get my ass to an AA meeting soon. Real fucking soon.

I’m grateful the HVAC guys will not be working in the house today and the cats don’t have to be locked up in a room for hours. I’m grateful they are still working. Showing up early every day. Leaving early every day and it’s gonna get done when it gets done.

I’m grateful for the recycling center in Camarillo I was able to bring down a bunch of boxes yesterday. I’m grateful 2 weeks in today and the place is mostly cleared out of boxes. I’m kicking ass! I’m grateful my on line furniture supplier, wifey, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: is kicking ass too and the place is starting to take shape. I’m grateful for the OMG chairs on the patio and the patio table look perfect. I’m grateful for the 2 baby Adirondack chairs that I will assemble for my grandchildren to use. I’m grateful wifey has been persistent in getting the Dallas contingent out here and Gus and Norma will be hanging out here for a couple of weeks in July. I’m grateful to let go of the stress and figuring out the logistics of it all because to me it sounds like a fucking nightmare! I’m grateful whatever happens will happen and it’ll all be good. Did I mention they’re bringing the 2 boxers :thinking: I’m grateful I don’t have to be in charge of it all. I’m grateful I don’t have to be in charge of any of it. I’m grateful I just get to be Pop Pop. I’m grateful I can play it as it lies.

I’m grateful for the Daisy purr fest bashing into my legs this morning. I’m grateful for the Alice purr fest going on right now from across the room. I’m grateful Mavy is enjoying his new couch by the window.

I’m grateful Benson and I went rogue yesterday and found a cool trail on our walk. I’m grateful for the clouds (marine layer,) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: layered in and out of the mountains and power lines. I’m grateful I’m loving it here in California.

I’m grateful my landscape guys work their asses of maintaining my yard. I know it was big but I never realized how much work it entails. I’m grateful I catch myself looking at some of the stuff that doesn’t look good and try and let it go. I’m grateful there’s so much other beauty to look at and enjoy and be grateful for.

I’m grateful it feels good to be back here at my home thread.

“The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate.”
John Ruskin


Grateful today

93 days of sobriety

Later will find out how bad hip break is and plan of action

Husband returns from short road trip to spend rest of week with me

Yunna my loving dog friend

AA meeting today where I get my 90 day chip.


I’m grateful the fuckers guilty