Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Hi grateful people!

I am grateful for you. Reading these posts every day lift my spirit immensely.

I am grateful for my hairdresser. She is a hair magician. I am grateful for my car. She’s taken so much abuse and still chugs along. She’s paid off in 3 months so I hope she hangs in there for a while.

Im grateful for pillows, my doggie’s love and a 3 day weekend.

ODAAT :purple_heart::blue_heart:


I’m going to research lymph massages @JazzyS , that sounds amazing!! :star:


I’ve had professional lymph massages and found the at home ones way more effective.

I have enjoyed Imi on YouTube and funny enough she is who my friend recommended to follow as well. She has many videos for different lymph areas of the body. The stomach is one I worked on today. (Imi is a bit over the top but her moves are very effective).

Imi lymph massage video


Oh perfect, I know what I’m doing tomorrow!! I really appreciate you sending the link :purple_heart::purple_heart:


I am grateful for sunshine and the smell of spring.
The purring cat on my righthand side.
The prospect of inline skating with a friend later on.
My granny’s 94th birthday and some laughs we shared yesterday.
I am grateful for beauty, art and music, the great book I am reading and the roof over my head.
I am grateful I don’t have to have life all figured out today. I can just take it one moment at a time.
Have a fabulous day, grati-people. :orange_heart:


I am grateful for 11 hrs of quality sleep and waking up well rested. Sleeping in isn’t really useful while trying to adjust my bed time routine, but I felt I needed the extra hours of :zzz:.

I am grateful waking up to some messages from friends and family, just saying ‘hi, how are you’.

I am grateful for living in NW Europe, for living in abundance. I was watching Girl in the River yesterday, a documentary about honor killings in Pakistan. I feel so sad for those women and at the same time so grateful to be born into freedom.

I am grateful I resisted the urge yesterday to order take out and made myself some fried rice and veggies.

I am grateful for science and unbiased researchers who share their findings with us.

I am grateful it wasn’t raining yesterday during dog training. Today it’s rainy, so we keep the dog walks short. I am grateful for my dog and that he let me sleep in today (as he normally would wake me up as soon as he’s awake).

I am grateful for having another day to myself. Having tea later with a friend, but the rest of the day I can read, plan the week ahead and just chill. Life is good.


I’m grateful for my day off. For the time I can spend reading today, maybe a bath too?
For candles, insence and my heated blanket so I feel comfy. For the fresh croissants I’m going to bake in 1 hour :yum:
For that walk we are going to make after eating those croissants.
Grateful for having some “me, myself and I time” as wel when hubby is away because of a meet up with family at the end of today.


I’m so grateful I just don’t know where to begin. On one hand I’m so grateful we got the house and my life is seriously about to change for whatever gods will has in mind of me. And on the other hand I got this gorgeous creature, Alice, meeting me every morning at the microwave where I put together my coffee, and I scoop her and my cup up to sit in darkness and she warmly snuggles in a purrs on my lap. I’m really grateful for Alice my little hp in the morning granting me the serenity I love, if I let her.

I’m grateful we have a contract on the house in Cali :scream:

I’m grateful, although my mind gets on that hamster wheel,
One Dat At A Time.
First Things First.
And today, and tomorrow, with a holiday that means I got nothing that can be done. And grateful I get to help take care of my poor wife and her arthritic knee. With love and compassion.

I’m grateful for my recoveries as usually it’s the other way around; where I’m laid up with a back or hip issue or hernia or appendix or heart problems. Torn meniscus. Fuck I been a mess :worried: And she always takes care of me. I’m grateful at the end of the day it’s not about more me. I’m not the victim here. And I don’t have to make it about me and get trashed drunk because I have to do everything around here because it hurts her to walk. And she’s laid up.

I’m grateful I get to be present and take care of her and not make any of this about me. I’m grateful recovery is an unselfish blessing we can treasure. And I’m grateful I’ll wake up without a hangover and I’ll do it again!

I’m grateful I know how uncomfortable it feels to have people wait on me and not want to ask for help.

I’m so grateful for my health. Today.

I’m grateful I’m kind of shell shocked we are in a contract for this house. I’m grateful I know I can do this. I feel like I move for a living. I’m grateful I get to look at this house as not a stopping ground in my life until we figure out where we are going next. I’m grateful I get to have the attitude that this is going to be my home. Fuck! I started in Boston and I’m going to be 20 minutes from the Pacific. I can’t possibly go any further west. :thinking: Hawaii :grimacing: No fucking way. I’m grateful it’s time to settle down. I’m grateful for the education I’ve gotten living in so many different cities and towns and even a different country once.

I’m grateful it’s always been kind of a little dream of mine, getting a one story Spanish style house. God willing we close, and I get to live that dream at the end of my bronze years and not have any steps to fall over.

I’m grateful I get to share all this with you all. It means a lot to me.

When life brings
Big winds of change that almost
Blow you over,
Close your eyes,
Hold on tight, and believe.



I’m digging deep to find some gratitude today. That one day sickness I had Thursday came back with a vengeance just after posting here yesterday. High fever, body aches, congestion, no energy, no appetite but thirsty AF. Definitely not covid, home tests are negative and just had it a month ago. My baby girl has it too but worse and puking. I’m grateful daddy says he will take her to urgent care later, but if he doesn’t, I’ll muster up the energy to do it. Probably the flu, too bad we don’t have home tests for that.

I’m grateful for over the counter meds.
I’m grateful for heat and warm cozy blankies.

I’m grateful for today off from work to rest and recover. Grateful tomorrow is a holiday even though I don’t have off, but grateful I can work remote and take it easy. Most clients are closed so it should be a slow day.

Grateful for online meetings even though I don’t share. It’s an ok substitute, but I miss my girls and our Sat night out.

Congratulations @Dazercat! I’m grateful you found your forever home.


I’m so sorry you’re sick Lisa. Again :grimacing: Dang. I hope the gratitude check in helped a bit. Rest easy if you can. And I’m sorry about your daughter too. Hope hubby stays well.


Good morning sober family,

Im so very greatful…

Im not hungover today…there was a time that i just accepted i would feel like shit and waste away my sundays…no longer!
My sobriety and learning to find balance with my recovery and routine
Boscoes cuddles
Time with hubby today
Got a good workout in. Ran a 10min mile uphill
Workout data…numbers keep me moving
Hopefully a family walk today
Sober friends
Now i get to look forward to our trip to TX in april for the total eclipse of the sun
Our safety
Our family
Moments of peace


Congrats! California is huge, so you may be a 10 hour drive away from me even living inside the same state :star: so happy you get to live

That’s lovely


Omg congrats!!! I’ve been reading and waiting… I know how much you’ve wanted this house! I’m so so so happy for you! You deserve it!!!


@soberwalker OMG those looks amazing :yum: Hope you enjoyed the croissants and the walk
@dazercat So grateful that you got your beloved home! Grateful for First Things First – you are doing amazingly well in your recovery my friend. Grateful that you can be there and present for Kelly (i know it sucks to be waited on but also grateful to know someone is available to do so). Hope her knee doesn’t give her too much trouble today
@lisa07 So sorry that you are under the weather Lisa. Sending you so many healing vibes my friend – do hope that you and your daughter start feeling better very soon! :pray:

Sunday morning gratefulness with all you beautiful souls
I am so grateful that i gave in and took an Aleve last night. The migraine was getting intense. Grateful to be back to a dull headache.
I am so grateful that i did manage 4 hours of broken sleep. Seems to be enough to keep me going.
I am so grateful that i spent the morning with my parents. Grateful for lovely coffee time.
I am so grateful that i got my room set up at my parents place for my recovery. Grateful that i ordered Chromecast from Amazon so that i can stream on this old not Smart TV.
I am so grateful that i have enough mental clarity (head is not so foggy today) to get paperwork that he requested.
I am so grateful that i know i need to focus on my HP through meditation and prayer. I know that i shy away from my daily practice or do not spend as much time in my practice when i feel down and in pain.
I am so grateful that being around my mom i find it easier to dive into my practice.
I am so grateful that I mustered up enough energy to clean up the bathroom (mainly the tub as it was ruined with the damn hair dye). Hoping to have a nice hot bath to relax.
I am so grateful for researching healthy recipes that will be delicious and easy to make and of course digestible after my surgery.
I am so grateful for my connections in real life (love my family) and on this site - love all of ya :hugs:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


The day is almost done and it‘s time for my daily gratitude.

I am grateful for the restful sleep I had last night, grateful for a lazy sunday morning, for time for movement and meditation.
I am grateful for digging deep into my feelings, sorting them, voicing my concerns. I am grateful for my partner listening, taking my concerns seriously, sharing his own.
I am grateful for the nice lunch we had with my mother and brother to celebrate my mother‘s birthday. For the walk I took afterwards to explore corners of my city I haven‘t been to in a long time.
I am grateful for good coffee, finishing my weekly review, having a good idea what I want to tackle next week. I am grateful for emotional peace now.

And now I‘m off to dinner and a movie with my daughter. I am grateful for that too.

Wishing you wonderful people a peaceful night :night_with_stars:


Congrats! I’d come visit you in that territory! Also, I know Lisa! :slight_smile: I have known her for maybe 10ish years.

Nice touch, Pal.


I’m grateful for flat irons. As a Leo, my mane needs to look good or else I dont feel good. :lion: :rofl:

Lazy sunday in my PJs, but hair must be done. Life is a mystery.


@Dazercat Yeah! You got the house :tada::clap::+1::notes: I’m already curious for pictures :blush:

Sending healing vibes to all who are in pain and suffering :people_hugging:

Today I’m grateful for SUNDAY. Just sunday. Not grateful for the nightmares but grateful for 8 hours of solid sleep. I’m grateful I felt rested.
I’m grateful morning routines are kicking in one by one.
I’m grateful for a guided meditation to shoo the nightmare anxiety. I’m grateful for service on TV. I’m grateful I set up my meditation & prayer spot today, it looks nice. I’m grateful I can say a prayer each time I need emotional or spiritual support. I’m grateful I did what I can and handed the rest over to the universe today.

I’m grateful the old boy finally pooped, he is constipated. Poor boy miowed in pain. I gave him butter and some paste with vitamins, its texture is quite similar to malt paste. Well, he will turn 18 in may, it’s time for geriatric bowel management. I’m grateful he likes butter, all my cats do. I’m happy he is ok again and purrs on me.

I’m grateful I brought 3 pushcarts with logs to the house. I’m grateful for fire in the woodstove, so cozy. I’m grateful I stored two boxes of books back in the shelves where they belong. Six boxes to go. Fuck my ex and his messing around with my stuff. I’m grateful I could help my niece with her schoolwork. I’m happy she asked me.

I’m grateful for tea, toast and juice in abundance today. Yeay sunday!

I’m deeply grateful I’m back at the farm. It’s so quiet here, I literally can hear my nerves unwinding and my whole self get calm.
Still thinking about the schoolmate I mentioned, I’m grateful I’m free, I don’t hate anybody, I work daily on living a good life and being a responsible, nice, kind, gentle person who uses her brain, gut and heart to navigate life. I’m grateful if that doesn’t work I can be an assholey bitch gold standard. I’m grateful this is rarely necessary. I’m grateful I prefer knitting over pricking.
I’m grateful tomorrow is another day. ODAAT :pray:


I am grateful my training course today was a success. I am grateful for the lovely people on that course and the trainer, I’ve done quite a few training courses over the years with that trainer, and she is always brilliant. I am grateful we covered everything on that course in good time and got to go home two hours earlier than scheduled.

I am grateful that I got to lounge on the sofe two more hours. I am grateful my meditation is slowly making me feel better. I am grateful that despite being unwell and exhausted I found enough energy for the training. And not just managed sitting through it, but actively enjoyed it.

I am grateful for take away food tonight. I am grateful it’s half term next week, so I get to sleep in, too. I am grateful I can take some time next week to recover fully. I am grateful I don’t feel the need to be perfect. I am grateful I can allow myself to be unwell and just do the bare minimum around the house without feeling inadequate or guilty.

I am grateful for my family and my sober future with them


I’m like Lisa who?
I get it now.
Do you know any hairdressers? Not for me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
For wifey.

Thanks @erntedank we are just in the contract phase. But I don’t see why we wouldn’t get it. See how the inspections go.

Thank you Tiffany
I can’t wait to be Pop Pop only 15 minutes away from Gus. First time in many years since we have lived near any family. I’m grateful for your support and gratitude and I still smile thinking about those Cheerios. Love it :heart_eyes:

I’m grateful to be moving back to Cali. We had a place in Santa Monica not too long ago Davina @Davina_Davis if we had only known my daughter was going to get pregnant we probably wouldn’t have moved. They had given up on trying. Little Gus is kind of a miracle. And I lived in Texas for a long time. I’ve done those ten hours and you’re still in Texas :joy: I’m grateful you are here too. You and Tiffany’s gratitude is a nice B12 shot of new blood on this thread along with some of the others new people that help me get through the day.

Y’all are very much appreciated here.

And thanks Jazzy. @JazzyS I already know where my Chemex and Bean grinder and coffee paraphernalia are going to live in the kitchen. In front of the window where there is no cabinet overhang :coffee::coffee::coffee: can’t wait for that first brew.

I hope your on the mend @Lisa07
Especially your daughter.