Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

love that you did check in with some gratitude even when you didn’t feel it – hope that the practice helped :hugs:


It’s been a while but I’m back with gratitude :heartpulse:
I’m grateful I can’t possibly catch up on all the gratitude.
I’m grateful to read @Dazercat is getting his dream house :hugs::house_with_garden:
I’m grateful for my awesome husband who surprised me with a trip to Prague.
I’m even more grateful that he spent two days at the hotel, resting with me, after I overdid it energy wise on the first day. He didn’t complain, or make me feel guilty (even though I did), he’s a keeper! I’m grateful he helps me laugh about my chronic fatigue when it is getting me down.
I’m grateful for a nice girlie night with my daughter, dying her hair and chatting.
I’m grateful for sunshine today.
I’m grateful for each new day.


Checking in grateful on my first day of my vacation. I’m grateful for a healthy body and a brain that is always learning. I am grateful for change and plasticity in my thoughts.
I am grateful for good friends who have known me for years. I am grateful I got to share a meal with them tonight and that I’ll get to spend a weekend with them soon.
I am grateful for chocolate on the couch in front of the TV. I am grateful for my sobriety.


I’m grateful to be back in my cozy little home.

I’m grateful today was “off” here, as it was for many of us, it sounds like. The airport was full and so were the watering holes. I’m grateful I got a coffee, sat by the sunny window and read one of my new books at the gate. I’m grateful I don’t feel like I’m missing out. Honestly, the strangers sitting elbow-to-elbow at crowded bar counters reminded me of me - calculating whether I had time for two 6oz or just one 9oz. I’m grateful I’ve let her go, old M.

I’m grateful for the quick visit and kiss goodbye to my dear Mom. She may not always know exactly who I am, but she never turns down a cuddle. She may be losing her words, but she can still say i love you. (It reminds me of her auntie, my great aunt, who - near the end - said to my Mom “well, I don’t know who you are but I love you too!”)

I’m grateful I cooked a nice meal for myself. Unpacked. Did my laundry. About to soak in the tub and probably read a bit too late. Doesn’t get much better than that. :wink:

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Oh I love the meme! I tell ya, if false spring keeps up, I’m tempted to make it sooner than later!

I’m grateful I’m hardy. Maybe not “winter camping” hardy, but hey - sounds like a reason to go “gear” shopping to me! :sweat_smile:

Congrats on the house dear friend. I hope it is home for years to come, if that’s what it feels like to you. :orange_heart:


Aww. Breaks my heart but is soooooo sweet :face_holding_back_tears: I’m glad you got to visit your mom. I bet she knows in her heart and her head exactly who you are M :people_hugging:


I feel it. I really do.

I’m grateful I’m not alone in this. Sooo many people on this thread alone are having or have had variations of the same story.

I’m grateful she used to sing me a song at bedtime. I’m grateful when she’s losing her words she starts singing random syllables and humming, and now I just sing and hum back. I’m grateful she knows a lot of tunes, and most of our visits now we just cuddle and sing songs, sometimes with nonsensical words.

Probably just like she did for me when I was a toddler. :face_holding_back_tears: :pray:

Ok, M. Wrap it up!

G’night, big huge love to all. :orange_heart:


I am grateful for finally ordering a standing/walking desk. I’m still looking for the right walking pad.
It’s an investment, but an early birthday present for myself. Selfcare galore!

I am grateful for cleaning up my Gmail inbox, I feel so much lighter when I do that. Mental clutter… I am grateful I found some vouchers for a store and the cinema i totally forgot about.

I am grateful for still waking up early and well rested after a short night from all the screen time yesterday evening.

I am grateful for being back on track with weightloss.

I am grateful to see my dad this morning and accompany him to the hospital. He has a hard time taking care of my mom while he’s sick himself. We’ll have a coffee and talk.

I am grateful for finding my slippers in the dog bed every morning. Grateful he doesn’t chew them.

Wishing everybody a happy sober Tuesday :pray:


I’m grateful i keep choosing not to drink.
Im grateful for yoga practice
I’m grateful for my dogs that love me unconditionally


Midnight gratitude.
Grateful for relatively comfy beds and air-con.
Grateful for downtime at work.
Grateful for lofi playlists on YouTube to help relax.
Grateful for this thread and being able to read everyone’s positive energy.
Grateful to have had another hangover free and sober day, and looking foward to another tomorrow/today


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

Longer days…spring is on its way
My sobriety
Family time last night
Boscoe cuddles
Skipped the gym but wont beat myself up over it
Got in a couple walks yesterday
Protein shakes
Fresh cold water
My folks
My mobility
Data and numbers
My job
My sobriety and the 12 step promises coming true in my life


Good mornining fellow gratidudees!

Since I had a holiday off of work yesterday, I am grateful for the long weekend that I just had. Sleeping in is always a treat for me.

I am grateful for audiobooks. They make my commute actually enjoyable.

I am grateful that my husband did our taxes this weekend and that is over for the year.

Have a wonderful sober day, all :people_hugging:


I’m grateful I woke up at home in my own bed sober and hangover free.

I’m grateful boundaries can be moved.
I’m grateful I didn’t react or overreact when she had 3 glasses of wine last night. I’m grateful I see the progression creeping up in my loved one’s alcoholism. I’m grateful I get to share that here. I’m grateful I get to go to my Al-Anon meetings and I now am able to keep the focus on myself and not on my alcoholic loved one. I’m grateful for the hope and strength and spiritual fullness I get from going to a meeting. Hell, I get that from just knowing I get to go to a meeting tonight.

I’m grateful Julie and I and Benson are planning a chat this morning on our walk.

I’m grateful my agent is all over the inspection process for my new home. I’m grateful for the lousy weather in Cali now as the inspectors can see how the house is holding up.

I’m grateful all my Al-Anon friends are mad at me because I found a house. I’m grateful it’s because they love me and will miss me and don’t want me to leave. I’m grateful my tears will be flowing because of all their love. I’m grateful I get to bring them all with me in spirit and share all their wisdom they have taught me.

I’m most grateful I’m finally learning to take care of myself. I’m grateful my happiness doesn’t depend on whether my alcoholic is drinking or not. I’m grateful I’m almost there. Another 5 years of Al-Anon and maybe I’ll get it down.

I’m grateful my future is so fucking unknown and I’m so looking forward to the sober excitement and adventure of it all, and then to maybe settle down in a house where I can call it home. And know it’s home. I’m grateful I just might have a home and not worry about resale.

I’m grateful for you all.
I’m grateful Benson is waiting.


Gratitude sweetens even the smallest moments.


🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵 same


I’m grateful for courage.

Yesterday, after work, I sat with my kids and asked them if there was something they would change or like to see me do differently as a parent… and if so… what would it be?

Technically I think I said “alright yall, what do I need to do as a parent so you don’t complain about me in therapy eventually…”

I’m grateful they said they would change nothing, except my long speeches about life. I’m grateful they said they feel lucky to have the family they have and the parents they have. I’m grateful my alcoholism was mostly hidden and only hurt me, not them.

I’m grateful I still have the fight to keep pushing forward this time around.


@naomi love selfcare – yeah to the standing/walking desk. Will change your life! Hope you and your dad had a wonderful morning together. Hoping he feels better soon :hugs:
@davina_davis Yeah to completing your taxes! What a load off.

I love this Tiffany. Love that you have such an open dialogue with your kids. :heart:

Tuesday morning gratefulness…
I am so grateful for waking up. Grateful that i am not all twisted cause i went back to crappy almost no sleep night of “rest”. Grateful that i was up to get ready and head over to parents early. Grateful to sit and have coffee and laughs with mom. Grateful that my dad joined us for coffee time.
I am so grateful that i am home and enjoying more coffee. I have a few things to get done in prep for surgery and my temp move to parents house so need the caffeine LOL.
I am so grateful that i found a old TV show on Prime last night. Watched a few episodes of My Three Sons (this was an old show when i was a kid LOL). Enjoyed the light heartedness.
I am so grateful for a lovely sunny day. It is already getting super warm outside. I see that it will be close to 50 degrees today and reaching above 60 next week :astonished: I’m not complaining!
I am so grateful for patience and calmness. Find myself getting so damn frustrated with myself and my progress but i am able to find that zen spot and center my feelings. Grateful that sometimes i have to cry and scream to get to that zen spot and that is ok. Grateful to know that my HP is right by my side - even on days that i can’t find the strength to reach out to Him.
I am so grateful to be breathing clean air without problems. Grateful to be surrounding by so much love in real life and on line (love this community).
Wishing everyone a addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for this thread and the need I have to complete it daily.
I am grateful to be on Day 53. It’s not my largest day, but one with less craving.
I am grateful to still have a roof without knowledge of how that will end up.
I am grateful with lessons to not try to see the future about anything. My life and that of others has proven it to be true.
I am grateful to live in this moment, justifying it.
Thankful for all of your inputs here.


I totally agree. For me it’s even after years astonishing how good it feels after I had some mäh days for no particular reason and then selfcare does the trick to feel comfy again.

Today I’m grateful for:

  • having me-time in the morning
  • proceeding with chores
  • sharing things that make me think a lot with my therapist
  • being free (and not in jail, still thinking of the schoolmate I mentioned)
  • having 3 hours of lunch with friends, that was tummy- and soulfood
  • fetching things I need from the townhouse
  • laughing because of course I forgot something. again.
  • petting the storecat at the garden center when I stopped by to buy catgrass
  • 4 days in a row bringing logs to the house
  • my reliable car
  • modern anemities like dishwashers
  • tea & cookies
  • cats welcoming me home
  • comfy couch & cozy bed
  • silence, it’s heavenly quiet here at the farm
  • sleeping meds
  • being tired after a good day
  • tomorrow is another day
    ODAAT dear fellow sober folks :zzz::sleeping:

PS: @JazzyS Love your cup!


As soon as I saw this gif I could hear the music.
I never saw it in color.
And I hadn’t thought of that show in a million years v


Thank you for the tip! :smile::pray:
Going to try it. Found most of them mwah…