Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

LOL – yup - i am enjoying it so much! i don’t think they did the show in color.


Time for evening‘s gratitude.

I am sooo grateful for 90 days free of sugar. I have found so much peace through abstinence and have learned and discovered so much about life since starting this journey. I am forever grateful.

I am grateful for every single post here. I learn so much, I receive so much love, I can give.

I am grateful only my partner is down with a tummy bug. I am still healthy and our child is too. I hope we can keep enough precautions to not spread this virus. But how it goes is not in our hands, and I am grateful I have learned that too.

I have finished my year long game development learning project. Today I finalised everything, closed it up, and I am grateful for that. I am grateful for all I learned on the way, and I am grateful I can close this chapter and move forward.

I am grateful for the fun we had in class today. The excitement in the kid‘s eyes, the clever ideas and solutions. I love this job.

I am grateful for the hermit card that showed up this morning. I‘m on my way through the universe.

I am grateful everything looks good for sauna tomorrow. Bag is packed and everything set up. I hope it all works out.

Have a blessed night friends :night_with_stars:


Hi Friends,

I haven’t been on this thread in a few days, I’ve been in/out of the app. Seems to be a different vibe all around. Who knows, maybe it’s me.

I’m grateful I’m alive.
I’m grateful for my home. :house_with_garden:
I’m grateful for what I have.
I’m grateful that I can help my son.
I’m grateful for Buddy :dog2: and Alex :cat2: (Funny; now when I type in Buddy, the dog icon pops up, and cat icon with Alex. I started to type Riley :cat::cry::rose:).
I’m grateful for my job and working from home.
My gratefulness seems to always be the same. :thinking:

The one thing different today, is I’ve reached 50 days. For that I’m grateful. :pray:

Enjoy your day/evening :sparkles: :heart:


Congrats on 50 days!!! :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:


So good to see you Maxine! Yeah 50 days :tada: :tada:
Grateful to see you celebrating your milestone with us :hugs:


I’m grateful for good food and shelter from the rain.
I’m grateful my all day headache and nausea is starting to leave.
I’m grateful for cuddles with my human and fur family.
I’m grateful for my cosy bed.
I’m grateful to be laying a sober head down on my pillow tonight.
I’m grateful for all of you and this community.


Thank you Jasmine, you’re always a shining star! Your positive attitude is beautiful. I hope you’re taking care of yourself as much as you help people here. :sparkles: :star: :heart:


Hey Tiffany, thank you!! :heart: :hugs:. According to your pic/bio. You have the same sober date as I do! Is it correct?


Technically it’s the day before lol… but I liked the idea of putting it down as a solid January 1 :woman_shrugging:t2:


Snoopy Yay GIF200776239

Well you deserve to be recognized! :purple_heart::white_heart:

51 GIF17984277


Awe thank you so much Maxine for saying so. I am working on my selfcare as well. :people_hugging: :heart:


Nice numbers @maxwell :confetti_ball:
Hope the vibe you felt is gone now!


I’m grateful that we are moving forward to spring and warmer weather.
Looking forward to wear t shirts and feel the sun on my arms and face.
I’m grateful for having a job so I have the money to buy some new clothes to welcome the sun in when he arrives.


Late night gratitude

Grateful for being able to browse sober instagram accounts for motivation and reinforcement that this is the only course of action.
As a couple people mentioned earlier, @Cjp and @acromouse , I’m grateful for my job.
When I think back to the decision to start my career all those years ago, it was almost on a whim at the suggestion of a friend, and to have it turn out to be the most fulfilling and rewarding job, and one that I am good at. Im so grateful I went down that path.
Im now grateful to be sober to put more effort into work. To recover my fitness.
Having said all that Im grateful to be on days off till Saturday :joy:
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I’m grateful for attending my first SMART (or any) meeting today
I’m grateful to have a sobriety plan for the next 7 days
I’m grateful that this is my first gratitude post
I’m grateful to have beaten strong cravings today
I’m grateful for my family noticing I’m more fun to be around


Wasn’t expecting that :laughing: Congrats on the new home close to ‘home’ Eric!

@JazzyS I can’t wait for my new desk!
My dad had a wrong referral, so he now has to go to a hospital with a 1.5 year long waiting list though. But he stays optimistic. :muscle:
I love to read your resilience every day, going through pain and sleepless nights and still keeping your peace and positive vibe. That must be hard sometimes… So happy that you have your family besides you!

@SoberWalker I heard they don’t sell in NL yet. A friend has a liquor wholesale in Belgium and I buy them from him. He said the Carlsberg brand is moving towards NL though! :crossed_fingers:

I am most grateful for the relationship with my son. We have the same humor and the best relationship I could ever ask for. He’s 23 and studying, I’m gonna miss him alot when he eventually leaves the nest.

I am grateful for not drinking, my productivity is much higher now and I feel more confident at work. No anxiety during trainings, no fried brain. I have clear eyes and a clear head!

I was reading in old journals. The main themes over the years were 1. My problematic drinking (and smoking) and 2. My constant failing at weightloss. I also wrote I really wanted a dog once I’d move out of the city.
I am so grateful where I am now. Sober and on a healthy weight. Still living in the city but with a dog, works fine since we walk alot. I like myself and my life now and I’m grateful for that :lotus:


Love this! So awesome to read how sobriety has helped you.

Thanks friend. Won’t lie…It is hard (some days are worse than others). I am grateful for my support from family, TS and my HP to keep my spirits up and my mind in a positive track.

Oh love I’m sorry to hear this! Grateful that your dad is keeping a peaceful positive vibe. I do hope they have an opening sooner. Sending him positive energy to keep maintaining that vibe. :pray:t4:


I love that you write in journals. This year so far I’ve been making one new goal to keep per month and March I’ve decided to journal every day to see if I can make it a habit or if I even enjoy it. I’ve journaled small bits so far this year and love going back and looking at what I read. It’s funny how quickly we forget what we wrote.


Morning sober fam,

I did not want to wake up today. The post vacation blahs are real folks. Plus im blaming Boscoe’s cuteness for making it even harder to get going.

Alas, i have gratitude. I am very greatful for…

My sobriety
My job
My family
Hot coffee
Private donors
AA and the 12 steps
Its humpdayyyy
Sober friends
Progress rather than perfection


I’m grateful for the sunrise I just saw. I’m grateful I ran out and took a pic. Well I didn’t actually run, but got a great pic. That grandkid better be worth it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: gosh I love it here. I’m grateful I can let this place go. I’m grateful if things fall through I can stay here longer.

I’m grateful for my health. Im grateful I get to wake up without an alarm and take Benson out. I’m grateful I get that Daisy Cat butt in my face each morning. I’m grateful I can get out for a walk early if I just get off this app. I’m grateful I read from the forum this morning. The Forum is the Al-Anon news letter that gets mailed out monthly. I’m grateful for the real stories in it. I’m grateful it’s a family disease and that I’m not crazy. I’m grateful I can work my recovery and feel better whether the alcoholic is drinking or not. I’m grateful I’m learning my happiness really is up to me. Fuck. I’ve crossed over to the other side :upside_down_face: I’m grateful I get to go to my meetings. Just knowing last night I can go to a meeting this morning fills me with happiness. I’m grateful I’m retired and it’s not like I have anything else to do. Well that’s not true. But I’m grateful I can be selfish to my recovery a make sure I take care of myself first. I’m grateful I matter.
I’m grateful to wrap it up.
Love you guys :kissing_heart:

When I reflect on the difference between how I responded to certain challenges before Al-Anon and how I handle them today, I can see the growth I have achieved, and I am encouraged.
Jocelyn C