Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

@tifflynn07 I love that you shared a pic of the tractor run. Def made my day! Hope your son had a great time at homecoming last night.
@mrfantastik OMG that view! What a wonderful spot for your morning coffee. Glad it was such a beautiful day for you.
@dazercat grateful for my friend sharing his gratitude’s and struggles alike. Life is not always gonna be easy but it is how we approach it and deal with it that makes us who we are. Grateful that we can all come together for each other and support one another. Wishing you a wonderful evening ahead my friend. Thanks for showing us how its done :people_hugging:
@soberwalker hope you had a wonderful time at the “nothing but thieves” concert
@seb Oh wow that sounds lovely – hope you had a wonderful Full Moon Ceremony :hugs:
@lab so lovely of you to send over birthday love to your hubby. I loved that the kids all joined in the well wishes and your husband felt the love today. :heart:
@DAVINA_DAVIS hoping that you were able to rest and enjoy your hot drinks – hoping that you are feeling brand new.

Big comfy hugs to you my friend. Grateful that you are able to sit with these feelings and are able to listen to them. Huge steps made. We are right here beside you in this journey – do know that you are not alone :people_hugging:

Saturday evening gratitude’s :hugs:
I am so grateful that the surgery is over. Grateful that the haling process has started and i know in time this will be a distant memory.
I am so grateful that my mom is taking such good care of me.
I am so grateful that she heard me at 5am trying to get up and was able to come down to help me out.
I am so grateful that my throat is feeling a bit better today.
I am so grateful for all of the well wishes and all the healing energy
I am so grateful for all the hot beverages - especially my coffee.
I am so grateful that i am getting more sleep
I am so grateful for light easy to digest foods.
I am so grateful for all the beautiful gratitude’s here - really fills my tank as Eric would say. Grateful for all of you my beautiful friends.
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful for the calming effect from meditation and prayers. Grateful that i can still do this practice with ease.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful for a Saturday rest day.
I’m grateful I could sleep between my tutoring sessions, even if I didn’t mean to.
I’m grateful I listen to my body now.
I’m grateful that the housework can wait, nobody ever died of a dusty shelf (I don’t think :thinking:) or pet hair on the sofa.
I’m grateful for a snow drops and daffodils.


Mid afternoon gratitude
Grateful for another day at work. Its pouring rain and 87% humidity so its not the most comfortable but still a good day
Grateful for the skills learned at work and for the continued learning everyday
Grateful its the weekend so my commute won’t be long at the end of the day. Some from the crew will be hanging around after work for a few beers. Grateful I’ll just be going home so will be feeling 100% for work tomorrow.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Night time gratitude before bed

I am grateful for my hot tub. Night time soaks are the best. I am grateful for a delicious dinner my mother in law made. I am grateful for baby snuggles. I am grateful for the friends who stopped by this evening, it was unexpected and nice to see them. I am grateful for my husband help tonight with our wounded cat. I am grateful for this alone time. I am grateful for the snow. I am grateful that my cold symptoms have approved.

I am grateful for you all. Lastly, I am grateful for my sobriety! ODAAT. Thank you, God. I am blessed. :black_heart::pray:


I’m grateful for a weekend, for a pretty slow Saturday.

I’m grateful that the work week makes this day, puttering on housework and stuff like that, seem super relaxing. :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful there’s some conflict with a difficult dude in my work world. (Ok, I became grateful once I took a few moments for some mental name calling. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) It gives me an opportunity to respond how I want to. To be who I want to be in difficult situations.

I’m grateful for so many “basics” that I take for total granted. A home to clean. A frig to fill. A bank account to pay for the filled grocery cart.

I’m grateful the days are getting longer.

I’m grateful for all of you.
@Jwfletcher4792 Go team go! Keep us posted!
@Sunflower1 Pics of table after please!
@JazzyS Glad your surgery is out of the way.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Me too :raised_hand: gotta get that manifesting magic happening :sparkles: works like crazy lately!


Awwww right back at ya e :yum:


Grateful for the chance to make a bit of extra cash this weekend with dog walking and babysitting even though it means both Saturday and Sunday are busy.
Grateful I had my bike serviced and it’s all ready to go, waiting for me in the shed. Grateful I got gifted a new helmet too.
Grateful these 2 little dogs I’m looking after are very easy going, not at all needy.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful for being present with my family
I’m grateful for home made truffle pizza
I’m grateful to be sparking with my partner again
I’m grateful for harvesting figs before the birds ate them
I’m grateful to be rediscovering my passion for Muay Thai - starting 5:30am Monday :facepunch:


I was thinking how completely different my life is in comparison to the last time I got sober. Big difference is exercising daily gratitude. I’m not very active on TS outside this thread, as I have a tendency to wanting to keep up with everybody’s posts and it’s just too much. But I am very grateful to be part of this thread, it’s overseeable (is that the right word?).
I never missed a day since I started on Dec 18, I’m glad it stuck. Writing my daily gratitude and reading yours is so helpful to start the day in a positive way and it has become part of my daily routine. I am grateful for that.

I am grateful for my friends. Next week I’ll be three months sober and I notice they got used to me not drinking. Grateful for being able to go out and meet up without the feeling of deprivation.

I am grateful for all the stories here, including my own, to be aware that cravings will pop up sooner or later. Grateful for having a plan at hand once that happens.


How wonderful to be at 3 months! Way to go!
The daily gratitude is such a good shift in mindset away from our addictions to toward the freedom of sobriety. Have a lovely Sunday!


I’m grateful to continue to be open to working on me. I’m grateful I’m the only one that can heal me. I’m grateful for the plethora of help Insight Timer offers me. I’m grateful all I got to do is search anything I feel or lack or need. I’m grateful I can process what I found with my therapist tomorrow.

I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful she’s walking around a bit. More like hobbling. But she’s less worse.
I’m grateful she still does not want me touching the laundry. I’m grateful she’s back to her poopy :poop: chores.

I’m grateful we are planning, or more like brain storming, our next couple of months with moving and a big European vacation right in the fucking middle of it all.
I’m grateful we got a lot of stressful stuff to work out. I’m grateful we make a great team and I wouldn’t be able to handle this with anyone else in the world. I’m grateful I’m getting better and that’s just going to make things less stressful. I’m grateful I can feel overwhelmed or shell shocked and get myself back to center. I’m grateful I can make sure my “feet are on the ground.”

I’m grateful to learn I have the disease of “wanting more.” “If taking a pill could cure addiction :thinking: I wonder what 2 pills would do?” —Heard at a meeting Friday.

I’m grateful I can listen to my wife sometimes and believe she is right. Or at least have an open mind to it. I’m grateful I might be hooked on too many meetings each week. I’m grateful they have served their purpose. I’m grateful to find some balance in this. I’m grateful I really want to go to each and every one of those meetings. I’m grateful to check my motives. Especially now with life happening all around me.

I’m grateful I’ll figure it out.
Grateful for the support here.

The more a diamond is cut, the more it sparkles.


Happy Sunday :sun_with_face:

I’m grateful I had lunch with my son yesterday :hamburger:
I’m grateful Alex :cat2: & Buddy :dog2: get along so well :purple_heart:
I’m grateful I feel okay today :pray:
I’m grateful I have a safe car to drive :red_car:
I’m grateful for my job since I can’t retire, ever :flushed:
I’m grateful for my home :house_with_garden:
I’m grateful I have enough :innocent:
I’m grateful I’m on Day 55 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

xoxo :hugs:


There was a time I found balancing meetings with family a challenge. What worked for me was alternating my favorites. I had 4 that I rotated weekly. One week I’d go to 2 of them and the next week I’d go to the other 2. It wasn’t ideal because I felt like I was missing something from each not being there every week, but it worked better around my family time. I did break my own rules at times when I was on the struggle bus and went to all 4. But when I did that it benefitted all of us in the end or the alternative could have destroyed us. I guess what I’m trying to say, is change things up until you find what works but don’t make changes that will ultimately jeopardize your peace and serenity, especially now with the move coming up. Only you know what you need right now. When you settle into your new home, your meeting schedule will all change anyway, so whatever you decide to do now is only temporary.


Good morning sober fam,

21.81 months free from weed and alcohol
I didnt smoke weed in costa rica
I ran in the wild yesterday and didnt trip
I may run outside today
Boscoe looks so handsome with his new du
A midafternoon nap yesterday
A chill weekend
I get to eat my favorite lunch shortly
Guided workouts
My family
A job i love


A grateful good day, TS family. I’m grateful for you.
I’m grateful to be seeing deer browsing around our property while eating my breakfast.
I’m grateful for another warm sunny day.
I’m grateful there are many rails to trails to walk on nearby. Gonna be a tough choice which one to choose. I’m grateful I can escape the constant drone of the television this way. I’m grateful I enjoy the solitude when I go out to trails alone now, rather than feel lonely and neglected by my husband. Surely a sign of letting go of the iron grip of codependency? Two steps forward, one step back. This is progress. This is life.

“Detachment allows us to let go of our obsession with another’s be­havior and begin to lead happier and more manageable lives, lives with dignity and rights, lives guided by a Power greater than ourselves.”

Excerpt From
Courage to Change
Al-Anon Family Groups


7 days Sober, 7 days happy, 7 days of grace…7 days of meetings. Happy to work on my character defects today. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I use to have favorites :joy:
Now I just love them all.

But ya. I’m was thinking on my walk I could definitely keep my Tuesday Al-Anon kind of my home group. And one other Or alternate. And keep one of my AA or alternate Thursdays and Fridays.

And the way things are going I reckon life will have me missing plenty of meetings soon enough.

I’m grateful my friends here told me about their zoom Al-Anon meeting that is from our/my district. So I can see some of them after I leave.


Time for a short gratitude post.

I am down with a tummy bug and I am really grateful I did not have to throw up. I‘m nauseated all day and am not going to eat anything, but I‘m glad everything stayed inside the system today.

I am grateful I managed to did my weekly review before retreating to the sofa.
I am grateful for silly stuff on netflix, for naps, a warm blanket for chills and tea. Everything gets better with tea :wink:

I am grateful my kid is old enough to leave me be and for my partner taking care of everything.

I am grateful I‘ll be soon to bed and tomorrow is a new day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful for a wonderful sunday.
Exept the nightmares. Oh this nightmares are horrible and always back when I see the ex. I’m grateful one day it all will end.
I’m grateful I caught the big red furball after he decided it’s time to explore the outside. I’m grateful there was no traffic when he ran across the street. I’m grateful I could shoo him back and downstairs where he was not in danger. I’m grateful I laughed my ass off when I finally grabbed him and he hang in my strong grip on my arm like a wet rag. I’m grateful it was more a funny episode than a worrying situation. Such a brat. I’m grateful a neighbour stopped by in their car and asked if I’m ok because they heared me yelling after the cat. I’m grateful I only yell at my escaped catbrat out of fear to get him indoor again. Not at my ex out of frustration, lovelessness, resentment and hurt. What a relief to notice.

I’m grateful for a very long chat with a friend. It’s so nice to talk about spring & garden, activities, mutual interests, how life is going. I enjoyed it so much that my neverending story was only a 5 minute spot in more than 2 hours!

I’m grateful for service on TV. I enjoy Lent very much this year, it feels so intense. I’m grateful part of it is deliberately sitting with my feelings. It’s sometimes hard and disturbing. I hope it helps me to do better in life.

I’m grateful the old boy and Missi lay on me for 45 minutes. I didn’t move, just enjoyed the furballs enjoying me as the best place to be. So lovely.
I’m grateful for fun and laughter with all 3 cats today.

I’m grateful I sat on the balcony for 2 hours.
I’m grateful I took a long and needed nap in the afternoon.
I’m grateful I laugh about the crime story I started reading today.
I’m grateful I disvover the comforts of internet on my TV step by step, I installed the amazon music app and can listen to music on TV now. I learn!
I’m grateful for this day :pray: