Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

@Seb Congrats on the 12 days :raised_hands: What do you do in a full moon ceremony?
@SoberWalker Yay, have fun tonight at the concert! :dancer:
@Dazercat Sorry to hear you’re feeling a bit down, Eric. I hope today will be better :people_hugging:
@JazzyS I’m so happy to hear your surgery went well, wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of lotion! :lotus:

It’s funny when people tell they stopped drinking or are on a diet they look at me, although we’re in a group talking. I am grateful I’m not instant replying with unsolicited sobriety or weight loss tips anymore.

I am thinking about how happy my mom was to have her daughters and grandsons over. It doesn’t happen often that we’re all together. I am grateful we do see each other more often the past months.
I am also grateful for the ride home yesterday. My son was driving the car, this time not because I drank but because I was tired. The radio was off and we talked. I am so grateful for having him in my life.

Can’t help but sharing a picture of my sweet nephew and dog.

I am grateful I can enjoy all of this goodness sober. My family, my dog, my home. Myself. I love how @Its_me_Stella puts it: I’m very in love with a lot at the moment.


I’d be grateful for a job opening🤣


I’m grateful for seeing magic moments in my day
I’m grateful to be present with my family
I’m grateful for losing 2kg in 2 weeks
I’m grateful to have food, shelter and clothing
I’m grateful to be able to kiss, cuddle and say “I love you” to my children :heart:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful it’s the weekend. I’m grateful I can finish working on the kitchen table makeover today (hopefully.) pictures to come, although I didn’t take before ones because I never remember to do that. I’m grateful I have been interested in making my house feel more homey, more me. I’m grateful I woke up really early today, I will spend some time doing gratitude, and some time reading before the day begins. I’m grateful I can nap later if I need it. I’m grateful for this place, where help, support, encouragement, advice, and love are present even through life’s ups and downs.:heart:


I like to sit out under the full moon with a candle, some clear quartz and a pen and pad. I will meditate for 10 minutes or so and then write a list of things that no longer serve me or have been unnecessarily consuming my time, thoughts and energy. I will then read them aloud and then burn the paper and release that negative energy. I will then thank The Universe and Mother Earth.


Me too. This place is really amazing.


Im grateful for day 4 of sobriety, which was quite easier than day 3. :blush:

Getting past the first few days is the toughest. Keep up the good work! Spoil yourself in other ways and hang out in TS a lot! One day at a time really does add up and becomes a great way to live your life.

Have a good day today!


It’s a chilly Saturday morning in Wisconsin and I am grateful to be alive and sober and healthy.

I’m grateful to have worked well through some extra long days at work this week. Being sober and getting good sleep and good food helps me have good stamina for the demands of my work.

I’m grateful I got to have Friday off of work after the several very long days. And while I did not get the whole house cleaned, I did get a solid jumpstart on the weekly chores.

I’m grateful for the support of some of my colleagues and my bosses in the demands of the work I do.

I’m grateful for a loving marriage and a safe and cozy home. I’m grateful to be at this stage of my life and my career and my marriage where a quiet evening at home with a good book and beautiful music is truly what we wish to do together. Not chasing the buzz is such freedom to actually relax and do things I value and enjoy.

I’m grateful that the winter weather has been mild this year.

I’m grateful for the love of my pets. One of our dogs is entering the last chapters of her life as a number of tumors are evident. The vet confirmed that we are at the point of no return so we get to love her until it is time for her to go. She is almost 16 years old and has had a good life since we adopted her about 7 years ago. We have done this part many times with many other dogs. And while it is hard and sad at the end, it is an honor to care for them through the end.

I’m grateful that I thought of sending flowers to my husband at the school where he works for his birthday. It is his first birthday since his mom passed away a few weeks ago. Elementary schools are so sweet! That delivery brought responses of kids making birthday cards and singing to him! He was very happy and surprised to be feeling good.

I’m grateful for good coffee and my early morning time every day. I wish you all the best and that this one day at a time for you let’s you see some beauty in the world and feel your alive body striving for peace and health. I’m grateful to have learned that gratitude helps me in my sober journey and I hope you find peace in this practice as well.


Oh very nice! And i can see why, it looks peaceful


I’m grateful for the brief colorful beautiful sunrise this morning. I’m grateful I can watch it from my chair.
I’m grateful for the bobcat that scampered by our big sliding glass back doors the other evening.
I’m grateful I can give it all up for my new California adventure.
Grateful I’ll be living 20 minutes from the Pacific near Port Hueneme soon.

I’m grateful I read this, this morning:
It is realizing that whoever hurt me cannot heal me. I need to heal myself, drop the blame and move on. It means no longer demanding that others meet my needs. They are valid needs, and it is important to recognize them, but others may be overwhelmed by them.
Al-Anon Forum
Yaisha V Puerto Rico

I’m grateful Mavy is snuggled into my lap.
I’m grateful he was with me when I woke up too this morning. I’m grateful for the new routine of scooping up Alice and my coffee and heading to my chair to start my day after feeding everyone. I’m grateful I didn’t get puked on at 4 this morning like yesterday. DAISY :scream_cat:

I’m grateful it is going to be a better day.
I’m grateful my little Aussie plucky comic relief is back. She always brightens my day :kissing_heart:



I’m grateful for the sunshine today. Free solar energy to warm our house, and lift our spirits.
I’m grateful for cozy fires on cold days and nights.
I’m grateful I had a few hours alone yesterday while husband went to town to run errands. I’m grateful he is getting out more and finally starting to tackle a few of so many things he has neglected before.
I’m grateful I had another good dulcimer session yesterday morning. Gives me such a boost for the rest of the day.
I’m grateful for my kitties.
I’m grateful for TS and all you folks.


I’m grateful a stranger made sure I was ok when I was having a minor (embarrassing) meltdown at my car yesterday.
I am grateful I am not alone today.
I am grateful for the trees I can see outside my window.
I am grateful I asked for help yesterday and I got it.
I am grateful to be sober!!!


I am filled with gratitude today for being 6 days sober. And 6th day of meetings :sparkling_heart:


I woke up with a sore throat and a congested cough today, so I am grateful that it is Saturday and I have no plans and I can rest up. I am grateful that I have a plethora of choices of hot tea, and lovely cups to drink them from. I am grateful that this is my first cold since I have been AF, and I have no desire to kill the aches and pains by drinking. I amgrateful for my kids who love to “take care of me” when I’m not feeling well now. Grateful for sunshine and lots of pillows and a Kindle loaded with books. ODAAT


You are cracking me up @Chiron Now I have a picture in my head I laugh about all day!

Way too much to catch up.
Today I’m grateful for adulting. For fake it till you make it. For farmers market. For leftovers. For my cats, young & old. I’m grateful every feeling passes. I’m grateful that my codependency had no chance to act out today. I’m grateful the ex worked on the dry stone wall today. I’m not grateful for his ignorant behaviour. I’m grateful I can tell myself thousands of times that everything will finally pass.
I’m grateful for nice texting with people today. I feel a bit sad that I was not invited to a party of old study colleagues but I would have not attended anyway, so it’s only my ego missing out an opportunity to socialize.
I’ve been feeling a bit lonely yesterday and today. I’m thinking about if the thinking and this cocktail of feelings is a sign for change. I’m grateful I listen even when I don’t understand. Whatever it is, it will unfold at the right time.
I’ll be to bed early today, I don’t even feel like reading. Some knitting and old series for distraction. Or just sitting with my thoughts. And tea :pray:

Edit to add: Caught up on the thread. Thanks for tractor pictures and the reminder of full moon. Now it’s clear why my emotions throw tantrums. I’m grateful for the perspective that this will be over in 2 days :pray:


This is so me…I don’t want to go to the social gathering, but I sure want to be invited to it!! :grin:


Good morning sober family,

Im so very greatful for…

Sunny saturdays
This amazing encouraging community
My sobriety
Ive already got so much done today and its not even noon
No more hangovers
Pushing my self inflicted limits
A day without a timeline, led by the sun
Lunch is baking
Boscoe will forgive me for leaving him at the groomer
Fresh food
Clean water


Clearly my job has been done! :laughing: I’m grateful I can make you and others laugh. It’s one of my greatest joys in life :green_heart:


Hello sober fam,

Hope everyone is enjoying their saturdays!

I am grateful that overall my cat ok and a plan was made with the vet. I am grateful that I was able to see my loved ones who are in town for a late breakfast. I am grateful for these quiet moments. I am grateful for my health and for my body ability to fight off this cold. I am grateful for my husband cleaning today. I am grateful i have no plans this afternoon so I can take a nap!

I am grateful for my sobriety! ODAAT. thank you God, I am very blessed🖤


Time for today’s gratitude!

I am very grateful for @tifflynn07’s tractor shots. Had quite a laugh. Reminds me of my childhood in a rural place where riding on my dad’s lap in a tractor was a great thing.

I am grateful the day got better and better after feeling totally off this morning. I am grateful I had the time to be the slowest snail in the world and take ages to wake up, move and somehow get into life.

I am grateful I learned in recovery that everthing has its time and needs its time and that there is no sense in rushing stuff.

I am grateful for my bike rides today, grateful I could fix my mother’s computer, grateful I got to spend time with her and my child.

I am grateful for the conversations my partner and I have. They are difficult and emotionally very upsetting, but there is no way but through.

I am grateful I had enough energy today to do some Yin Yoga.

I am grateful I am looking forward to an evening of TV, reading and bed time.

Have a restful night sober friends :night_with_stars: