Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Kudos to you for sticking to training while drinking. What happened with your foot?


Unrelated to kickboxing. Plantar fasciitis, meant I couldnā€™t train barefooted. Went into a hole of self pity. Realised I needed to pull myself out regardless of the injury. Got some boxing shoes and away I went. Realised I really needed to quit booze if I was going to get fully out.


Plantar fasciitis is no joke. Definitely not helpful with barefoot training. I went down a drinking spiral when I had it too. Glad Iā€™ve given myself an uppercut to get my head out of pity mode. Whatā€™s the transition to boxing been like?


Not too bad. I boxed before. But no sparring, had done heaps of KB sparring, now boxing sparring people cut angles really well, and my foot work is slow to catch them, could just be im fat and old and theyā€™re not haha. Its nice to have to worry about my legs getting kicked anymore haha

Anyways. Back to gratitude. Grateful to find common interests with others on here. Grateful for getting dinged up every now and again to let you know youā€™re still alivešŸ˜‚


Iā€™m grateful for meeting @MrFantastik, connecting over shared interests, and for the hope heā€™s given this old dog to push through the pain.


Grateful that I made it to 60 days today AF!!

Grateful for my daughter, she turned 20 a while back and has just turned from a surly teen to a loving, sweet daughter. Iā€™m sure my sobriety has something to do with that.

Grateful for lavender linen spray. Grateful for you, my sober fam.


I love all the different time zones weā€™re inā€¦itā€™s still mid afternoon where I am. Hope you had a restful night!! :hugs:


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Congratulations!! :clap:


Iā€™m grateful that after a very long day I was able to come home and sit outside on my porch swing and watch the sun go down. Listening to the night bugs come out ā€¦

Iā€™m grateful for the peace and quiet in my house right now, everyone else is also unwinding after their own long days.

I am grateful to have a home that I love coming back to at the end of the day, not bc itā€™s fancy or perfect but because itā€™s my place of peace.

Iā€™m grateful even when Iā€™m overwhelmed and tired that Iā€™m able to find reasons to be gratefulā€¦ mainly bc of this thread. Itā€™s a whole different perspective Iā€™ve been able to incorporate into my daily life.


Congratulations on 60 days @Davina_Davis and for 56 days @maxwell, awesome work :partying_face::heartpulse::partying_face:
Iā€™m grateful for being able to work.
Iā€™m grateful for a job I am enjoying.
Iā€™m grateful for homemade soup in the freezer.
Iā€™m grateful my cat is snoring loudly next to me :cat::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Way to go with your 60 days (aka 2 months) of sobriety! :tada: :clap:
Keep this momentum going strong :muscle:



Monday gratefulness ā€¦ I am so grateful for

  • my family (especially my mother - she has been a gem and really been taking such great care of me)
  • healthy liquid diet which eases digestion
  • painkillers to help when i bust a stitch from a coughing fit.
  • my throat feeling better
  • having energy to make a quick video message for my cousinā€™s 50th birthday
  • the meme thread. even when i canā€™t participate in it fully, it helps me keep my spirits up.
  • was able to climb stairs today (baby steps :laughing: )
  • for having the time and energy to catch up here - thank you for all your lovely gratitudeā€™s :hugs:

wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love ;heart: :heart:


Congratulations on your 60 days Davina.
Grateful youā€™re here.


My long gone granny payed me a visit in my dreams and we had a lovely chat. I woke up happysad and immensly grateful for this occational reminder of what safe people and places feel like.
Grateful the cold Iā€™ve been down with is slowly receding and the coffee is back to full flavour.
I am grateful it has become the new normal to wake up with a clear head and free of shame and guilt. I sometimes forget what these days were like, when I would swear in the morning ā€œno more drinkingā€, only to be back at it by 5 pm. I never want to go back there. Be well, grati-friends. :orange_heart:


Todayā€¦well yesterday now, was a good day.
Spent weekend with wife and kids out of town, went and got some more tattoos, went shopping and took the kiddos to some events, and came back home tonight. Upon arriving home, wife and kids decided to give me some of my birthday presents early.

An AA style chip that says ā€œDaddy, You Got Thisā€
A addiction recovery journal
A 3 bead bracelet with a special 30th birthday note
An AA chip holder to keep my chip with me
A black necklace with a pendant that has the Serenity Prayer on.

I am forever thankful for my family. This year will a year I never forget.


Thank you so much @JazzyS your support is alwsys so lovely. Thanks for being so supportive @Dazercat !! Thanks @Dilettante for the kind words. Truly grateful for you all every day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Grateful for breathing exercises
Grateful for my chosen family
Grateful that my anxious mind makes ā€˜okā€™ outcomes fantastic outcomes! Haha
Grateful my dogs usually love cuddles


Happy birthday! What a wonderful gift


Happy 30th birthday Kenny :tada::partying_face::birthday::confetti_ball:
Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate your special day
Glad you had all the sober fun!

Niceā€¦ what did you get?



Iā€™m grateful for reaching 20 days alcohol free today
Iā€™m grateful for sharing a celebratory bakery treat with my partner
Iā€™m grateful for opening up about my sobriety to my supportive in-laws
Iā€™m grateful for getting a job today
Iā€™m grateful for cuddling my little daughter this morning until she woke to see me crying happy tears
Iā€™m grateful for her saying ā€œItā€™s ok daddyā€ and making me cry moreā¤ļø