Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful today to just be alive and sober.
I’m grateful to be waking up and seeing the beauty of life for what it is.
I’m grateful to have another day and another chance to make the most out of it, to make up for all the years lost.
I’m grateful for my husband for joining me in sobriety in his own time.
I’m grateful to the stars and the moon that he’s feeling the rush of life again too .
I’m just so grateful iv had life breathed back into me and I know longer feel hollow with no purpose.
I’m so grateful so this life.


Grateful for having Faith in Jesus and keep asking His Help.
Grateful for the Church


Morning sober fam,

Im on the struggle bus today. Blues just want to keep me down but im fighting just to get into my routine.

Im greatful for my fight
Im greatful for my sobriety
Im greatful for hubby and boscoe
Im greatful for my folks
Im greatful for hot coffee
Im greatful i am trying my best


Mid afternoon gratitude.
I’m grateful I finished the crime story yesterday and went to bed far past midnight. I’m grateful for the laughs while reading. It was a good book.

I’m grateful I catch up on sleep and rest a bit. 1 h in the morning after feeding the cats, 1 h of rest now. I’m grateful for rest.

I’m deeply grateful for therapy today. I’m not ok and it’s ok to be not ok. I have a lot I chew on and I feel torn inside. I’m grateful this too shall pass. I need time to process and proceed at my pace. I’m grateful for my toolbox and everything I add to it.

I’m grateful I spent some time at my late mum’s house to throw away things. Babysteps add up, I started with the next room.

I’m grateful for takeaway food, I was hungry and grabbed some on the way home. I’m grateful for pain meds, my head aches.

I’m grateful I started clearing up the master bathroom in the morning after shower. Little steps add up.
I’m grateful for all my blessings and modern amenities. ODAAT


I am grateful for a healthy body and a strong brain.
I am grateful for travel and new experiences.
I am grateful for road trip snacks that I would never eat in real life.
I’m grateful for the family I was born into and the family I have chosen.
I am grateful that I often choose the growth mindset.


Happy 30th and I LOVE the gifts from your sweet family 🩵🤍


Congrats on 20 days and your new job! So happy for you :heart_hands:


I am grateful for having a good laugh with my son yesterday about this ridiculous movie Hypnotic.
I am grateful for my dog who is the best boy ever.
I am grateful for being able to take care of my parents.
I am grateful for my new desk and for already feeling better instead of sitting all day.
I am grateful for doing chores today and cooking nasi for early diner.
I am grateful for not needing a drink to unwind after a busy day.
I am grateful to be in good company here.


Thanks @tifflynn07! I never thought I’d make it this far, but grateful to prove my thoughts wrong. It seems like sobriety is manifesting positivity in ways I never expected, like getting a job. It’s been 8 months of job hunting, so I’m grateful to be beginning this next adventure :pray:


Time for my evening gratitude.

I am grateful the tummy bug is getting better and better.
I am grateful for movement and meditation in the morning and yoga and a walk in the afternoon.
I am grateful I got some work done today.
I am grateful for good food, for my family and meds that make life easier.
I am grateful for good books and getting stuff done.

I am tired and off to bed soon. Sleep tight everyone :night_with_stars:


Adding some evening gratitude.
I’m grateful the owners meeting of my townhouse (we are 4 rowhouses) went well, the property management will care for two problems. I’m grateful for the nice talk we had after the meeting, it was lovely to catch up with the neighbours. I’m grateful for espresso, the headache refused to subside with the pain med but after a strong espresso it was gone. I’m grateful the coffee kept me awake to drive home safely, I’m really tired.
I’m grateful the cats welcomed me, so heartwarming.
I’m grateful for socializing, I need it. I’m grateful I can decompress the rest of the week, no further meetings planned so far.
I’m grateful for all the encouragement in my life, it is much apprechiated.
I’m grateful I’m in bed, under two blankets because I’m freezing like always when I’m tired, one or more cats on and around me. I’m grateful I miss a partner to cuddle up. I’m grateful I let go of this feeling.

Grateful to put a sober head on the pillow, good night :pray:


I had barely time to scroll through here, let alone read the posts… but I am grateful for that today. Grateful my life is busy. Grateful my life is full. Grateful I managed all the appointments and errands today. Grateful I feel a sense of achievement for today.

I am grateful I go to bed sober


@JazzyS Thank you!! my birthday is March 4th my wife just can’t keep anything a secret so she gives me my stuff every year a week before my birthday lol.
I got the serenity prayer on my right arm to fill in my sleeve.


Thank you! @tifflynn07. Yeah they did a great job!


Thank you! Birthday is March 4th. Wife and kids just gave it to me early lol. They do this all the time, ha!


I am grateful for the therapist i started seeing
I am grateful for the beautiful relationship i have with my kids
I am grateful that in july i will be moving in with my boyfriend
I am grateful for my health
I am grateful for my sobriety :pray::heart:


I’m grateful the storms have passed :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::tornado::waxing_gibbous_moon:
I’m grateful Alex :cat2: is on my lap
I’m grateful Buddy :dog2: is beside me
I’m grateful I’m almost on day 58
I’m grateful for all my plants that I have picked up and cared for when I started to change for the better.:cactus:
I still struggle, but haven’t tried to drown it out with vodka.
I’m grateful I don’t miss it. :pray:


Today I am just grateful to exist, be alive and conscious. To have the time and opportunity gifted me. My body with it’s 5 senses. My mind with all it’s potential. The life and boundless existence around me. It’s a giant question mark just there to be explored. And here I am… I am grateful for the sobriety, happiness, freedom and success I consider worth fighting for.


I’m grateful I realized I was trying to force my will on something my wife was taking care of just fine. I’m grateful I realized I don’t have to control everything. I can’t. I’m grateful I don’t have to try and control everything. I try.

I’m grateful Alice is stretched out warmly on my lap.

I’m grateful I won’t be getting caught up today.
I’m grateful I made time for coffee with my sponsor.

I’m grateful at 3 pm for First Things First. I needed a rest. Did a 30 minute meditation.

I’m grateful to be digging deep and working on myself. I’m grateful for awareness. Not sure how I got so sensitive. It doesn’t really even matter. I’m grateful I’m learning when I’m taking things personal and recognizing that fact. Grateful I can think :thinking: HEY, this isn’t about me. Everyone has a right to their opinion and when it’s different than mine it doesn’t make mine wrong. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. I’m grateful I noticed 3 times I was getting upset today and all three times it was because I was trying to force my will onto a situation. I’m grateful if she wants to do something her way and it doesn’t concern me why do I give a fuck when they don’t do it my way. Let that shit go!

If I’m not the problem, then there’s no solution.
No Zen Master has ever penned a koan more sublimely thought-provoking.

It takes courage to look in the mirror and acknowledge that you are the problem and that if you don’t change, then the problem will not go away.

It takes courage to stop blaming everyone else for your problems and own up to the fact that the only solution lies in you changing yourself.


Im grateful my boss gave me a raise when he wasn’t obligated to.
I’m grateful I backed myself and asked for the raise!
In grateful that big problems remind me that small ones don’t matter and that i can practise letting the small problems go.