Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful for NHS 111 - big style!!!
I am grateful they chased up some lab results that actually showed antibiotic resistance to the antibiotics I’ve been taking three courses since January. I am grateful there are different antibiotics available and I got a prescription for the next seven days.

I am grateful I could stay in bed most of the day. I am grateful for leftover food and my microwave. I am grateful I can leave the kitchen in a state of total disarray and no one gives a f#@&. I am grateful for over-the-counter painkillers. I am grateful the only two entries in my diary for the next two days are a massage and lunch with a friend. I’m sure I can manage these two. I might feel like shit, but I can still eat! Grateful for my taste, I had lost it completely with one of my many covid infections, so I know how awful it is without.

Grateful I can push the pause button on my life for a few days and just take all my energy to recover.


You cracked me up @tailee17 :joy: I laughed harder than I should. I’m grateful others laughed too @JazzyS :grin:

Today I’m grateful I called it a day early. The weather is depressing, the wood fired stove is warming the room, the cats sleep, it’s grey and rainy outside. I’m grateful the old boy and me found our comfy spot together on the couch. I lay down, he gets to lay down on me a minute later. I’m grateful that trying new spots and positions to get comfy on this big couch never gets old. I’m grateful I decided to move back to the farm last september. I’m grateful this house has a peaceful aura. I’m grateful I have the energy and mojo to work around the house every day. I’m grateful I did chores and office work today, cooked a healthy meal and baked a not so healthy but delicious yoghurt cake again.

I’m grateful I’m patient with the PC. This thing needs 3 h of restarts and updates when it has been off for more than a week. I’m grateful I have time to care about it, it’s necessary.

I’m grateful I won 2 tickets for The Little Prince on sunday. I’m grateful a dear friend will accompany me, I miss our in person meetings. Calling just isn’t the same.

I’m grateful I glued carpet tiles on the racks Schimanski uses as pathways to climb up on top of the bookshelves. He doesn’t slide anymore and I don’t worry.

I’m grateful for tea, comfy cloths, nice chats, a roof over my head, a hot shower, fresh laundry, a full fridge, special diet catfood. I’m grateful I have more than enough. I’m grateful I listen to the vibes of my inner boundaries. I’m grateful I get more organized. I’m grateful for little changes, they add up too. I’m grateful I’m kind and gentle to myself. Today was partly kind of a nervous day, I’m grateful I got myself balanced.
I’m grateful I’m tired and will hit the pillow soon. ODAAT


I am grateful I decided to actually get up after waking at 5am instead of uselessly tossing and turning. This way I had lots of time this morning for work and self care. I am grateful for that.
I am grateful I have nice rain gear and can walk to school and arrive dry and happy.
I am grateful for the kid‘s enthusiasm today.
I am grateful I managed to stay mindful with eating and my feelings.
I am grateful yoga helped me through some really intense emotions.
I am grateful for a nap.
I am grateful I‘m having an evening to myself.
I am grateful my day is done.


I’m grateful that when my mother tells me what a cold hearted person I am, that I know it is code for, “I’m upset that you have grown and healed as a person to such an extent that I can’t emotionally manipulate you into doing what I want”, and that I can just smile and tell her she’s probably right before moving the conversation on to something else.

@Naomi I’m glad you went out and didnt worry about how fun you were seen as by others.


I am grateful to be sober and able to get some rest tonight.

I am grateful for hospice and for them helping my mother stay comfortable thru her final stage of life.

I am grateful for my father and my sister. I don’t know where Id be without them right now.

Im grateful for my job and for my supportive coworkers.

I am grateful for music and meditation.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :heart:


I am grateful I was able to check off many of my TO DOs for today. Includes AA Meeting and Pool Exercise.

Very grateful and thrilled I was able to button my jeans today.

Read at 2 weeks sober …gut and digestive system starts to heal and work more efficiently. Very grateful for that fact.


I’m grateful for TS, and for my sobriety.
I’m,grateful for the lovely weather today.
I’m grateful I did a house chore I’d been putting off for way too long. Ticked it off the list. Felt good.
I’m grateful I got in a nice bike ride on the local trail.
Im grateful I got a little start on spring clean up around perennial borders too.
I’m grateful tomorrow is supposed to be another warm sunny day. Looking forward to doing some work on the landscape.
Grateful to hear the sandhill cranes again, and the red winged blackbirds and the robins.


My nighttime gratitudes.

I am grateful that I made it through today sober.

I am grateful for a car that is still running. I am grateful that Monday is over for this week.

I am grateful that my eyelids are starting to feel heavy so it’s time to sleep.

ODAAT :people_hugging:


I am grateful the workmen outside (or rather my dog reacting to them) woke me up at 6 am. I’m up and that’s good, now I have some time to spend here before work.

I am grateful for my home office and zero external meetings this week.

I am grateful for an interesting conversation about (peri)menopause last weekend, I learned alot.

I am grateful for 100 days sober today. Next week I’ll be 45, with a sober body and mind. Looking forward to sober lunch birthday dates. Since I’m sober I prefer lunch over diner and I prefer food and quality time with friends over presents, so that’s a win-win.

Suddenly I feel a bit old, but I’m grateful I am alive. I love the idea of being born to be a probability of 1 in 400 trillion. We won the lottery friends.


I am grateful for change.
I am grateful for hope.
I am grateful the sun rises every day.
I am grateful for friends near and far.
I am grateful for direction in life. At least in some parts :sweat_smile:


I’m grateful for muscle pain from healthy choices
I’m grateful for a partner to share adulting with
I’m grateful for finally getting reading glasses
I’m grateful for learning everyday about addiction
I’m grateful to be alive


Morning Gratitude

14 days sober

Morning text/chat with SO who is out of town working tail off to provide for us

I get to get up and go to my favorite AA meeting

I am very grateful I get to work on my to do list to get completion of my tasks


I’m grateful for another day to try and decide to turn my will and my life over to the care of god.

I’m grateful for another day to try and accept the things I cannot change. I’m grateful for the courage I have to change the things I can. I’m grateful for another day trying to find the wisdom to know the difference. I’m grateful for the courage and love, I have, to do this.

I’m grateful when I sit down with my coffee Alice always gets out of her heated bed by the fireplace to come see me. I’m grateful we just spend time together. I’m grateful Alice has already lived in 10 different houses with us and pray she’s got one more in her. I’m grateful Alice is a trooper. I’m grateful Alice has no front claws, and when she tamps on my neck in bed before sleep it is the coolest feeling in the world. I’m grateful Alice can’t hear me when I have a sneeze attack when she’s sitting on my lap. I’m grateful when Daisy and Maverick tamp on my face or neck or bare chest they are very gentle and they retract their claws so they don’t hurt me. I’m grateful when Benson doesn’t bark during these times because those 2 can hear.

I’m grateful for all the shit I got done and errands and appointments and meetings yesterday. I’m grateful for the wonderful family visit we had and grateful it’s over and we can concentrate on the next big life changes ODAAT or one thing at a time.

I’m grateful the termite treatment and repairs have already been done at the new home and it was very minor and now I can hire someone to monitor it and treat it before it gets out of hand. I’m grateful we finally got insurance on the Cali house. I’m grateful we will wait patiently to see if the state will accept our application for fire insurance. I’m grateful that’s definitely something I cannot control so what’s the fucking point in worrying about. I’m grateful I was able to get the same pool guy and landscaping guy to continue maintaining the work they do on those things while we are not there.

I’m grateful for the Serenity Pray and all the work I’ve done on it as I’m leading another meeting tonight and it’s gonna be the serenity prayer again. Sorry. Not sorry if you were at the Sunday meeting. I’m grateful I cannot get enough knowledge on the Serenity Prayer.

I’m grateful for another day to not take step 3 and the Serenity prayer for granted. And to try and actively work it into my life.

I’m grateful for gratitude. Writing mine. Reading yours. And living ours :pray:t2::heart:

As I surrender my imaginary power over others, I gained a more realistic view of my own life.
Courage To Change
November 29


Grateful for busy days at work.
Grateful for kids that don’t let too much get to them, grateful they have empathy to see how another kid treats them may be because of a struggle that kid has. But also grateful that they enjoy combat sports so if they need to can fight back
Grateful I made it to work on time, traffic was hectic yesterday
Grateful I got some study in last night, but also grateful that I probably know enough to wing some training this morning :joy:


I am grateful for waking up after a good night’s sleep. Grateful my daughter’s migraine subsided today.
I am grateful for movement, meditation, a long yoga practice, a nice walk to school. Grateful for my classes there and the kids and their energy and ideas.
I am grateful for my work, good food.
I am grateful I managed to eat mindfully and not overeat. Grateful my hormones are somewhat stable for a change and I can get through the day without the usual breakdowns.
I am grateful my husband is home again, grateful for the talk we had, grateful for progress, grateful we still care for eachother.
I am grateful the day is done and I’m off to a slow and easy evening.
Sleep tight everyone :night_with_stars:


Grateful for Day 11- it means a lot to me that the days are beginning to add up a little.
Grateful for a better night’s sleep the last couple of nights.
Grateful that I made it past a trigger today- the grocery store. It went fine and it was my first outing since I got sober. I’m looking forward to many more.
Grateful for a cloudy damp day that smells of spring. Trees are in bloom and the grass is green.
Grateful to have a home and everything I need.
Grateful for all of you and
Grateful for pizza


I feel the first week is the hardest, after that sleep, anxiety and more improved for me.
Your doing great, Marie! :muscle:


Congrats on working through the trigger :raised_hands: Enjoy your pizza you earned it!!!


I agree with so much of what you said! The Serenity prayer, Step 3, and the meetings that seem to give me a little life jacket for the day, in this big sea of life!


Congratulations on 100 days :tada::partying_face::raised_hands: