Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Well, i was just thinking how grateful i am to have experienced that event sober. I would not have had the opportunity is i was drinking! Can you PM i have been trying to learn how to do that to avoid derailing a topic.


I’m grateful I got caught up on this and the old thread! So much going on in all of our lives. I’m grateful we have this place, this thread. Grateful for the vroom vroom it puts in my soul tank.

I’m grateful I started unpacking some boxes of memorabilia. Mostly my folks’ stuff that I can’t keep forever and need to pare down, but I wanted to get a good chunk of sober time under me before tackling. Grateful for smiles and laughs-out-loud as went through things, a few tears too. Grateful for knowing when enough is enough for the day. Grateful to lurk on the declutter thread for inspiration.

I’m grateful for the Affected By A Loved One thread too. I’d be a frequent poster, methinks, if my ex-beloved and I were still a thing. Or maybe he’d be the sober one and posting like hell? Who knows. (No shortage of wine-glass-M photos in the boxes above :point_up_2: sigh) I’m grateful I can work on my codependent tendencies on my own, lol.

I’m grateful wine-glass-M is a thing of the past.
I’m grateful for a meeting tonight, a cup of tea. Word games. Bath salts that smell like the forest in spring. Books. Art. Music. Feelings.
Can’t have good music and art and books without a few shitty feelings to inspire them.
Grateful to feel those feelings.

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Thank you @Tragicfarinelli , @Chiron , @Michelle , @HolySquid , @Lisa07 , @Dazercat , @Cocojanie13 , @EarnIt , @erntedank , @JazzyS , @Dilettante , that’s sweet :heavy_heart_exclamation:



It’s a birthday party on the thread! :joy:
Happy belated to you. I’m grateful for your words and presence in this place. :pray::orange_heart:


A cat party! :grin: Love it, thank you very much! :confetti_ball:


I’m grateful to be able to learn every day
To be curious to find out new stuff and brave enough to try things I’ve never done.
I’m grateful to have a body that is working and still does all I please.
I’m grateful to have some “me” time in the morning with coffee and you all (loved all your birthdaywishes!)
And with only 15 celcius in the morning I’m grateful for my electric blanket :sweat_smile:

Have a good day all grateful people up here!


I am superduper tired but grateful for setting my alarm half an hour earlier to take my time to write my daily gratitude. Grateful for coffee and dog cuddles in the morning too.
Grateful for waking up with soft skin thanks to my evening skin routine. Grateful for yesterday me who took care of today me.

Grateful my son arrived safe and sound at his girlfriend’s. I am grateful his dad took him to the airport yesterday so they could have some quality time together. My boy is turning 23 this week and he never wants anything, so I’ll buy him ETF’s (stocks). I am grateful he likes to save his money instead of spending it all, I’m super proud of him for that.

I am grateful for my car. Got it cleaned yesterday, inside and out :bubbles:
I notice cleanness is a reoccurring theme in my last few posts. I used to be quite shabby when I drank: ain’t nobody got time for cleaning when hungover! I am grateful I have everything taken care of these days. My house, my car and good old me :bubbles:

I am tired and feeling not my best self (that’s an understatement, thanks PMS) but I’m grateful to know I’ll feel better in a few days. Riding this storm sober y’all, yeehaw! :racehorse:


Grateful for birdsong on my morning dog walk, so loud and tuneful, I think every bird in the neighbourhood was out.
Grateful for a mild morning, this weather is crazy, one cold, one mild, one cold, one mild.
Grateful for a short working day today and then a much needed haircut :sparkling_heart:


Grateful for today, my car, being able to do the school run, coffee, marine collagen, turmeric supplements. Super grateful for being sober and being present for my boys! Grateful at the way Rocky is looking at me right now, waiting to go out for a walk. Grateful I’m able to do that. As always grateful for this community and thread and the people here :rose::v:


Buenas dias soberinos,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
A deep sleep albeit short
The abundant breakfast buffet
Caught the sunrise
Our room is right by the base of the volcano
The bird id app Merlin
Hot coffee
Adventure and my curiosity
Sunshine and a breeze.
These bright orange booty black birds just chillin with me for breakfast
We finish a long day of hiking in hot springs
All lifes blessings


Grateful to wake up sober again. Not doing well mentally lately and not sleeping well but at least I am going through it sober and clear headed.
Grateful to wake up next to my kid. Grateful it was a sunny day yesterday. Grateful my new temporary sponsor reached out to me yesterday to see how I was doing. I was honest about having a hard time and she sent me words of encouragement and support and is coming to a meeting with me tomorrow.
The only way out is through. :muscle:t2:


I’m so fricken grateful this morning it should be illegal :crazy_face:
I wanted to be grateful I’m following CJ and my universe is in order.
I’m grateful @Hopeful32 cut in and it’s a beautiful thing. I’m grateful being honest is also a beautiful thing. And I’m grateful each morning I wake up sober. And I’m going through it not drinking today and I’m clear headed. I’m glad you’re here @Hopeful32
It took me a long time to find hope on my journey. It would be so cool if you stuck around. :pray:t2::heart:

I’m grateful I did get a great nights sleep. I’m grateful wifey got a thingy for the bed to help us sleep. I sleep fine! Leave me alone! I’m grateful I didn’t have that attitude of change resistance yesterday and graciously helped her put it all together. And I’m grateful I slept great last night and feel great for a Monday morning.

I’m grateful I notice my hatred for change on almost any little thing. If it’s not broken don’t fix it. I’m grateful maybe you can improve it.

I’m grateful for Google. Learned 3 new things this morning. I’m grateful I probably won’t remember but that’s ok. I’m grateful the silica pack I saw open on the floor this morning is nothing to panic about. All pets seem fine this morning. Hence the Google gratitude.

I’m grateful I caught myself going right to the blame game this morning. 2 for blaming myself. 1 for blaming the wife. And 3 for THINGS JUST HAPPEN!!
I’m grateful I don’t have to blame.
I’m grateful I don’t have to judge.
I’m grateful life just happens.
I’m grateful I’m leaning blame and judgement rob me of my serenity. If this was a meme CONTROL would be busting through the door saying “hold my beer!” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I’m grateful trying to control things robs the fuck out of my serenity.
I’m grateful trying to “take care,” of people is exhausting and guess what?….Buh bye serenity :wave:
I’m grateful for recovery.
And ya I’m grateful this thread has completely blown up :boom: :boom::boom::boom::boom: Gangbusters.
I’m grateful this gratitude shit works and I’m back baby I’m back. Never really left. But I did miss a few days the past few months. And I’m grateful that’s ok. Because I’m grateful wherever I am.

Joy is the simplest
form of gratitude.

Karl Barth


Good morning, lovlies!

Today I’m grateful for:

  • The beautiful bright green grass that is thriving in my backyard (Winter, I know, but that’s the South in America :crazy_face:)
  • The warm glow of the sun when I step outside
  • My daughter’s big, beautiful mind
  • MY big, beautiful mind
  • Sticking to my goals like a champ :muscle:
  • My best friend and all of my family
  • Staying hydrated
  • Having showered
  • A clean bedroom
  • Audiobooks
  • Candles
  • NOT being hungover!!!
  • My new job
  • The lessons my father taught me
  • The mistakes of my past (bc they’ve shown me where I need growth)
  • Being sober :green_heart:

Hey All,

I’m grateful I’m alive :pray:

I’m grateful when I recognize triggers. I have an issue with online shopping when I’m trying to fill a void. It’s like drunk shopping, but sober. It’s not all bad, I have a ridiculous amount of dog/cat food. When my baby girl Riley passed, I was trying to figure out who to give all my food/litter to. I instead rescued a new cat :smiley_cat:.

If you need to wash your hands, I have 12 bottles of Softsoap. Enough laundry detergent for my entire neighborhood to use, and so on. The weirdest one lately is my green neon cat wall thing. My idea was to hang it above his kitty litter as a night light.:bulb: And since I named my new cat Alexander the Great (Alex), I bought a book about Alexander the Great. Have I even looked at it? No, it’s just sitting on the counter mocking me. :neutral_face: I’m grateful I’ve added online shopping to my list of addictions. I’m on my 1st day, about 12 hours in. :blush:

I’m grateful for my job, and able to work from home.
I’m grateful for all of you every day.
I’m grateful I’m on Day 35
Enjoy your day!! :hugs:


Today I’m grateful the seedlings are growing. I’m grateful the cats leave them alone.
I’m grateful for leftover soup, still enough for tomorrow too.
I’m grateful for all the connection and inspiration here on TS!
I’m grateful I call it a day early and go to bed, I haven’t really slept last night. I’m grateful this post covid messed sleeping pattern gets better, it was the first messed night in a week.
I’m grateful for the weight loss challenge with my friend. We both already are down 1 kg.
I’m grateful I halfheartedly resisted a codependent action today, I stopped in the middle. Not doing good with emotions today, maybe the last days were too intense and I decompress in a bad way. I’m grateful for the last days, they were wonderful! I’m grateful life and feelings can be both, good and bad, at the same time. I’m grateful I see it as progress on my way. If I’m wrong it’s fine too because I’m grateful.
I’m grateful I need to let go, the hamsterwheel about my ex is hard to bare today. I am at a loss how to remove this intrusive thoughts for good. I’m grateful this too shall pass. ODAAT


It‘s the end of the day and time for some gratitude!

I had an exhausting night. But when the new day came, I was calm about it. Previously I would have dived into a huge wave of resentment and self pity and taken it as an excuse to wallow and ruin my day. I did not do that today. I am grateful I have come so far in my recovery.

I am grateful for this place, where I can read every single day, how others are dealing with very similar problems, and find solace and help. And sometimes help others.

I am grateful for my class today. The kids are all new and excited, full of ideas and somhow fighting this strange stage of life of growing up. I am very grateful I can be part of their journey.

I am grateful for listening to my body, my mind, my heart today. Taking it easy. Taking a nap. Doing a recovery yoga class.

I am grateful for life, how it unfolds, and all the beauty it holds in every breath.

A good and restful night to all of you folks.


Grateful that today is a public holiday here and its sunny and hot.
Grateful I got to sleep in till 8
Grateful to wake up hangover free
Grateful that today I choose not to drink
Grateful that we’re all on this journey together


Hey everyone, what am I grateful for today?
My brother calling me to check on me and making me laugh like I haven’t laughed in a long time
Finally being cleared to return back to work on February 21 after six months off due to a medical issue
Being sober another day
Saint Asonia’s music


Bed time gratitude :milky_way:

I am grateful for animals, all animals, my animals. They have souls too. I’m grateful my little pack snuggle in bed with me. I’m so grateful that through the move they coped so well. I’m grateful that they were able to come with us, there was a moment I may have had to lose them. I’m grateful I did everything in my power to make that not even an option.
I’m grateful they love me so much and all each in their own way show it many times over and over.
I’m grateful my home is finished.
I’m grateful although it hasn’t sunk in, took alot to get here, I am here. In a better environment.
I’m grateful for healthy food full on the fridge.
I’m grateful I pushed myself to do the front garden.
I’m grateful for my children, although one is missing I’m grateful to have been able to have them.
I’m grateful for the trees and plants, I’m grateful doing the front garden made me excited to tidy the back garden (soon) but it gave me my green fingers back.
I’m grateful for this family here on TS.
I’m grateful when I need to cry the tears actually come out now, I’m grateful I let them and I’m grateful it feels sad but like I’m open to healing and accepting what is.
I’m grateful to be able to help those who are struggling in the cold homeless with food and water.
I’m grateful for my home. For a safe place.
I’m grateful for so much in my life and for others.


Today I am grateful for a lunch spend with a sober friend I haven’t seen for 2 months as they had an operation. I am grateful they are recovering as good as possible.

I am grateful for connections. I started approaching people again, I wasn’t able to do that in active addiction. That’s what I’m grateful for.

I am grateful for my shift in attitude towards housekeeping and cleaning. I am grateful I manage these chores with more ease these days. Not perfect, no certainly not. But I am grateful nonetheless. And there is room for improvement - I’m grateful for that, too.

I’m grateful for lavender scented pillow spray. I am grateful for Jordan North on BBC Radio 1 babbling on about his love of pillow spray. I didn’t even know such thing existed. I am grateful I treated myself to a bottle. I am grateful the scent calms my mind before bedtime. I am grateful I am starting to enjoy bedtime again, no more drunk passing out.

I am grateful for this place where I can share my gratitude for today. I am grateful for you reading it.