Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for you! :heart:


Hello Monday – grateful for gratitude’s — grateful for another week!
I am so grateful for warmer weather this week. Grateful to be feeling the spring feeling. Grateful that we have been having a fairly mild winter (hope i did not jinx anything).
I am so grateful for my consultation this morning. Grateful that my surgeon took her time to go over all my concerns and worked out a thorough pro and cons list.
I am so grateful i had a lovely day of productive activity with my mom. Lovely that i have been getting so much mom time lately.
I am so grateful that the acupuncturist i met today said she wants to stay away from my core (where my organs are inflamed) and instead work on my lymphatic system. Grateful that she feels like she can get my cysts under control. Grateful i have heard this before and i am so grateful that i will still be optimistic. Grateful that i went to the appointment today for my mom but ended up having a conversation and treatment for myself today. Grateful that i already felt less swollen in one session (in the past few months i would always be inflamed right after a session)… :person_shrugging:
I am so grateful for food, clean water, fresh air, warm homes, safe space!
I am so grateful that i was able to make an appointment with my dentist for Thursday. My new mouth splint has been causing me problems for past few days. Grateful that i was able to remove it last night rather than having to deal with the pain all night. Weird how something that was working so well for me became such a problem child. Grateful i was able to find my old mouth guard and can use in the mean time.
I am so grateful for you all! Grateful for my family and all the support i have in my life.
I am so Grateful for my faith in the HP - grateful that i know that this too shall pass. Grateful for my positive attitude.
I am so grateful for TS! You guys are amazing! Truly making this journey so much easier for me and for that i am so very grateful!
So much love to you all my beautiful friends :heart: :heart:


I am grateful that I can tick another sober day off my calendar. I am grateful that my emotions aren’t as intense as last week’s. I am grateful for my friends who have been extremely supportive since I decided to quit drinking just over 5 weeks ago. I am grateful for this community. I’m grateful that I’ve taken part in some February fitness challenges and although I’m struggling with them (I haven’t done any exercise in years) I am still physically able to try & push myself. I grateful for stationary. I’m grateful that I am getting decent sleeps & I know what actual tiredness feels like. I am grateful for my electric blanket. I am grateful for sober podcasts & sober tiktok, without these wonderful people who take the time out of their day to send out these messages I don’t think I’d be at this point in my sobriety. I’m grateful for verificals :nerd_face:
Good night you beautiful people 🩷


I’m grateful today for the very small circle of friends that I have.

I’m grateful for living in the country and taking walks with beautiful scenery.

I’m grateful for being able to teach my son to drive around on his permit, even if I’m constantly using the imaginary break on the passenger side.

I’m grateful for ranch dressing, bc who wouldn’t be?

I’m grateful to have a warm cozy bed to snuggle in at the end of the day while my daughter tells me all the “drama” happenings at middle school.



I love lavender spray on my pillows tooooo :purple_heart:


Good evening friends,
I’m grateful for the beautiful weather we had today, the sunshine through the clouds, the breeze. I’m grateful work ended a little early, and I met up with my very good friend and former coworker to chat and browse Goodwill. I’m grateful that although she is still struggling, she seems to be doing better after the loss of her mother. I’m grateful this thread is so popular right now, and there’s so much gratitude floating around. I’m grateful it’s almost bedtime and I’m tired. See y’all tomorrow :heart:


I am grateful for waking up early again. My dog wakes me around 7 by walking around in the apartment :paw_prints: The cutest alarm there is, but once I’m awake he falls back asleep :smirk:

I am grateful for my sister and that we can take care of our parents together. I am grateful to be present for my parents. I am grateful I didn’t book a ticket to Thailand. My sis is grateful for that too.
We will book a hotel for a couple of nights to get my mom out of the house when the new kitchen gets installed.

I am grateful for knowing better days are coming. I am tired and emotional, but I know it will pass. Today’s a bit harder to journal, but Im happy I still get to do it.

Grateful to get through it sober :pray:


That’s so nice of you thank you :people_hugging: I’m also very grateful for you. I was especially grateful when falling asleep last night I read a post of yours and thought I am so happy and grateful to see you here on my return. :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning gratitude :sunrise:

I am grateful I woke up at home :house:
I am grateful the pets and me are equally excited to get up together :laughing: my son is still asleep.
He has been brilliant through these last months with moving and helping me. I must make sure he knows how grateful I am and that it didn’t go unnoticed.
I’m grateful I raised such a :gem:.
I am grateful everything is organised, I can’t believe I did it. I’m so grateful this new beginnings is here, I’m grateful so much the hard work is all done.
I’m grateful I’m waking up so happy, I’m grateful I am not grumpy waking up because stability and foundation of living was unsettled. I’m grateful things are settled now.
I’m grateful I have a garden.
I’m grateful today I want to cook something nice and healthy.
I’m grateful I woke up and if I didn’t have appointments I would maybe have gone for a swim - I think it’s been well over 7 months.
I’m grateful I can make today a good day, after all it’s the little things that I enjoy, so simple so il keep it simple and enjoy!
Oh ya and grateful the front garden is done - nice and clean :bubbles: feel a bit of accomplishment for myself - I must remember positive feelings and thoughts towards myself are healing and kind. For every negative thought or feeling I am grateful I replace it with 4 positive.

Have a lovely day


I’m gratefull to close my bad experience with a messed up arm tattoo today.
2 years ago a tattoo artist put my wish for two peacock feathers on my upper arm into action. He messed it up big time!
Now I am multiple laser sessions and a cover up further and today is the final touch up. Just a few lines and shades and I’m finally done with it :confetti_ball:
Grateful for the fact I’ve pushed trough to get what I’ve asked for.
Grateful they admitted their mistake and payed all the extra cost.
Grateful to kept my sanity when having to live a while with such a ugly looking arm.
Grateful for not drinking the stress away.


I’m grateful for a good pilates session last night, I enjoyed it and felt productive afterwards.
Grateful for new work leads and enquiries.
Grateful for early nights, love them love them love them.
Grateful to be healthy and be able to run and hike and walk and pilate easily, well not easily but without too much discomfort!
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
I can chill on the road outside my room to catch the sunrise w/o worrying about cars
Ive been up, hangover free, to catch every sunrise while here in Costa Rica
We had 2 sunny days in the rainforest but today we’ll get a taste of the rain
Im greatful the fantastic breakfast at this resort is free. It was so abundant we wondered if we had to pay but nope gratis
I survive our 4 excursion, 12hr adventure day
Going white water rafting for the first time today
I hadnt thought about work until yesterday
We caught some awesome animals in the rainforest yesterday.
We were in secondary rainforest, touched by man, greatful i realize im too city to go to a primary rainforest
The beauty and strength of mother earth
Last night had a moment like we were in a commercial for an adults only resort video with the nonalcoholic drink in hand, stars out in full force, hotsprings and posh music
I miss my daily recovery work
Greatful i can return to my recovery work and healthier diet when i return
This amazing community
Sober friends
Great hospitality

Pura vida


Good afternoon/morning/evening. I’m grateful for my floor steamer, hoover and cleaning products (guess what I’ve been doing today lol) grateful that Archie got his school work done without having a meltdown. Grateful for Rocky and poorly Suki. Super grateful for another day and grateful knowing not to settle for less than I deserve. As always, grateful and not complacent for another day sober :rose::v:


I’m grateful I got to share with Nick this morning @Chevy55 I’m grateful I’m going to try and sneakily entice him to check out this thread :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I’m grateful I got to share a new comers welcome in front of 20-30 Al-Anoners yesterday at my meeting. I’m grateful I been wanting to do that. I’m grateful I led with my heart and didn’t beat myself up too much when I thought ……:thinking:………I forgot to say this. :grimacing: I forgot to say that……. I’m grateful to remember my sponsor saying nobody’s going to remember anyway :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I think I need to tell my welcoming story to new comers instead of the same old crones that say the same thing over and over again. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. I’m just grateful I got a good message and I’m passionate about sharing it. I’m grateful I think I’m new blood. I’m grateful the leader thanked me for stepping up.

I’m grateful for the boost since I hit up a couple of AA meetings. I feel even more compelled to share and give what I know.

I’m grateful for the Hope in the rooms.
I’m grateful yesterday was a nice day whether she’s drinking or not. I’m grateful I can’t control it. I’m grateful I can only control my actions and stay away from reactions.

I’m grateful family and friends in LA are safe.
I’m grateful wifey is shopping for baby Norma stuff and she’s so excited about it.

I’m grateful I’m getting step 2’d in Al-Anon and in AA this month. On Monday and Thursdays. How fucking cool is that? I’m grateful I’m a double winner. I’m grateful I’m not alone being a double winner. I bet a lot of us are double winners. I mean whose life hasn’t been affected by alcohol?

I’m grateful I got therapy today and that she was able to reschedule yesterday’s appointment to today.

I’m grateful I’m not dealing with snow.
I’m grateful rain should be on the way here.

I’m grateful wifey had an issue with the new bed sleep thingy and already got it fixed on her own through an app with a chat. Grateful when technology works for the good.

Grateful to be full of gratitude here again.

True friends are like stars; you can only recognize them when it’s dark
around you.
Bob Marley


I’m struggling again with gratitude, but here goes:

Grateful to be able to read
Grateful to be safe and not in a war zone
Grateful for my baby boys :black_cat::black_cat:
Grateful they try and wake me up every morning from four am with tongues up my nose, trying to rip my eye mask off and pulling my earplugs out with their teeth. It’s exhausting but almost funny.
Grateful for a warm flat today
Grateful for only three weeks left at work
Grateful for support from people on here


I am eternally grateful for your words this morning Eric, as I was in a little funk (better now after getting outside and doing some garage to storage container work) and getting some fresh air.

Not sure if I’ll frequent here too often as I spend too much time on this app, and while I like the idea of people showing their gratitude sometimes they seem a little, I don’t know, perhaps forced. That said I’m not judging anyone here as we all have much to be grateful for.

My entire gratefulness just comes down to being born in a country with so much. I’m a very proud Canadian and I am thankful everyday that I was fortunate to be born here. So many have so much less and my heart breaks for many of them. My gratitude would seem petty to me in comparison to their needs to live a life.

Not sure if that makes much sense but it’s just how I currently feel in this regard.

Again, it was very helpful to hear your words today and I am very grateful for that. :pray:


Starting the day grateful I managed to stay relatively fit and healthy. Now I’m sober a couple months I feel it improving to be where I want to be back to.

Grateful to live where I do and am able to enjoy awesome summers days like yesterday.

Grateful that almost any music is available to listen to at any time now.

Grateful to wake up hangover free


Today I’m grateful for an hour lunch break…

I’m grateful for a slower work day with less appointments than yesterday.

I’m grateful for grab and go instant oatmeal.

I’m grateful for warm blankets in cold weather.

I’m grateful for chapstick in the winter.

I’m grateful that 4:30 isn’t too far away. :black_heart:


Today I’m grateful for a semi-productive day. Still exhausted but already feeling better. I’m grateful for soup, it warms my tummy & soul. I’m grateful watching the boys sleeping and snuggling up together in the sun put me straight to a long nap. I’m grateful I did not reach an acquaintance I felt obligated to call back as I rescheduled our call already twice. I’m grateful I mute my phone when having enough for the day. I’m grateful and sad at the same time that my worries about Mum are past. This was the reason I never muted my phone. May she rest in peace.

I’m grateful for therapy. I needed this session today.
I’m grateful I stopped my hamsterwheel brain with knitting when reading didn’t work. Still too drained to write, I’ll try again tomorrow.
I’m grateful I learn to live with the feeling of being insufficient. It takes time to remove and unlearn this old pattern and every ex blabla triggers it again. I’m grateful to choose not resentment nor defense. I choose awareness and this too shall pass.

I’m grateful for all my blessings. ODAAT


Time do my bed time :yawning_face: gratitude :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for the great sleep tonight, for waking up ready to tackle the day.
I’m grateful for the fun I had with the kids at school. Vectors math can be cool :sunglasses:

I’m grateful for the beautiful lights at the candle feast we went to. I’m grateful for all the excitement and fun around my kid’s carnival party.

I’m grateful for it’s time to go to bed. I am grateful for the trust I feel in life today.


I am grateful for my 11 months milestone today.
I am grateful for each and everyone of you who has helped and supported me in reaching this milestone.
I am grateful I was able to treat myself today to a new haircut and eyebrow waxing.
I am just grateful for an amazing sober day.