Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Congrats on the two weeks Marie!! :facepunch:
And I love to read when people have or had a good relationship with their parent(s).


I am grateful for having coffee this morning, while reading on here.
For the opportunity to go to the YMCA and work out this morning.
For going to my home group meeting at lunchtime.
For going to the grocery.
The most important thing I am grateful for is another sober day!! 172 days af. Have a blessed night everyone!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Friday evening gratefulness :heart:
I am so very grateful for breathe in my lungs and waking up to a new day of possibilities.
I am so grateful for living a addiction free life and working on healing my self from the inside out and outside in.
I am so grateful for a sunny day today and a warmer day expected tomorrow.
I am so grateful my dad helped prep for lunch today before he left for work. It allowed me to lay in bed longer which i am so grateful for. Even without sleep i know my body is healing with rest.
I am so grateful to be getting a few hours of deep sleep so that has to be good REM sleep.
I am so grateful for humor - grateful for laughter. :laughing:
I am so grateful for my loving and caring family. Grateful for my momma. Grateful that all is well and they got all the margins. Grateful that i will be able to go to her follow up appointment with her on Wednesday. Grateful that she still has a few weeks before radiation starts.
I am so grateful for meditation / prayer practices and how it helps me get closer to my HP. Helps keep me afloat and in a peaceful state. Helps me feel not alone and protected.
I am so grateful for being able to practice gratitude today. Been a few days since i’ve been able to write down something but so grateful that i never run out of something to read on this thread.
I am so grateful for this community and my wonderful sober pals. Thank you all for being here and all your support :hugs:
I wish everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for heating pads and blankets so I can have my window open with some brisk air but still stay snuggled and warm.

I’m grateful that today was a relaxing slow day at work and I was able to get my entire office cleaned and organized.

I am grateful that I get to drop my kid off to a job that he loves at a lodge on the lake… who am I kidding… also resentful as hell that he gets such a fun first job :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: mine was taking care of bratty kids in an after care program (they weren’t that bratty I cherished that job too)

I’m grateful to relax the rest of this evening with some face mask care.

I am grateful that even though these allergies have been kicking my ass I’ve been fighting them back and still functioning pretty well even if I do sound like Kermit the frog when I answer my work phone.

Just plain grateful today.


love the new avatar love – grateful to see you :heart:


Thanks Jasmine! I enjoy to see the faces behinds the names (and I love the selfie thread), so I thought why not show my own :face_in_clouds:


glad you did love - a lovely face at that. So nice to meet you… not up to taking a selfie right now but do have a few on the selfie thread :hugs:


Yes definitely great to see you Naomi.
Grateful you’re here.


I am grateful it’s weekend. I am grateful for a bouquet of flowers a stranger just put in my hands yesterday, because he had no use for them at his hotel room. Small gesture, happy heart. I am grateful for music. I am grateful patience paid of and I got the reply on a texmessage I needed to hear. I am grateful found oatmilk in the back of my kitchen kabinet so I don’t have to eat porridge just on water basis this morning. I am grateful I feel in sync with myself. I am grateful to amidst this grateful bunch of people. Have a splendid day, everyone :orange_heart:


I’ve seen your cute self, I’m a lurker on the selfie thread :wink:


I’m grateful you felt comfortable to share this part of your story. It has opened my tear filled eyes to a positive approach that I can borrow from.

I’ve held on to resentment of my parents, instead of empathising with them as brainwashed victims of a cult. I developed a victim mentality which placed blame on them and others for my addiction. Now, I take full responsibility for my own actions. I am not a victim, but a fighter.

I’m grateful for learning more about myself from this community than ever before
I’m grateful for finding some peace with my past
I’m grateful for free therapy from @Naomi
I’m grateful for an epiphany about my addiction
I’m grateful for my mum and dad


It’s 5:30 on Saturday morning and I am grateful to wake up feeling well rested. I’m grateful to have figured out that going to bed early and getting up early are routines that are good for me and make me happy.

I’m grateful to be sober. Because my body and brain are rid of the poison of alcohol, I am able to sleep properly and wake up rested. I’m grateful that I never have to be hungover again.

I’m grateful to be healthy and alive. My work in schools exposes me to the challenges that so many families face. I’m grateful to be a part of that but not involved in so much heartache and pain.

I’m grateful for my loving marriage to a man I found at just the time I needed to find him. I’m grateful to be with him every day.

I’m grateful for the mild winter we have had and the early spring that is upon us.

I’m grateful I had the willpower to get in the pool for 3 long swims this week. The zen of water exercise is amazing for my mind and body.

I’m grateful for my healthy and strong body. As I age, I appreciate what my body allows me to do. It’s not the most fashionable of body types, and as I age, I see changes that make it clear that I’m not getting younger. Nevertheless it carries me around and lets me live this pretty amazing life. I’m grateful I finally figured out how to care for it.

I’m grateful for my siblings. Middle age and sobriety is bringing us together and I’m very grateful for that.

I’m grateful for the chance to work in my yard today. Hands in the earth is a chance for recovery of spirit as well.

I wish you all peace!


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety 685 days free from weed and alcohol
My recovery and getting to explore me and what my higher power is
I dont smoke/vape anymore, im going on another trip with my mom and wont have to hide my vaping BECAUSE i broke free from that addiction. Not gonna lie i still get cravings but i havent given in. Im a fighter
Good convo with hubby over dinner
Boscoe cuddles. Hes at a cute hairdo stage rn so more pet pics coming your way.
Back to my workout routine today!
My phone calendar, helps me remember
Mental health support
Feeling healthier
I get to have my favorite lunch: baked chicken and brocolli
This community


I’m grateful I started my day with the Green Tara Chant this morning.

I’m grateful for my new non routine at this stage of my sobriety. I’m grateful I get to pick and choose what I want to do or read or even pay a few bills first thing in the morning.

I’m grateful I called Alice over by banging on the leather chair and waving her on. I’m grateful she came over and sat with me. I’m grateful for Daisy’s butt in my face in bed in the morning. I’m grateful for Maverick pawing at my face and barely feeling his claws second thing in the morning. I’m grateful they all line up on the kitchen island and counter in their spots for breakfast. Not Benson. I’m grateful Benson patiently waits for me to make coffee and feed the cats and then it’s his turn.

I’m grateful for another day to try and turn my life and my will over to the care of god.

I’m grateful last night at the Mexican restaurant I got to practice acceptance and not get resentful and angry when pigeons shit. I’m grateful I had a good internal laugh about that one last night. Courage To Change March 14th. I’m grateful for, Hey :smiley: whatever works!! ay!! I’m grateful to fake it til I make it and I made it!!!

I’m grateful I got to watch season 20 episode 1 of Grays Anatomy last night on the DVR with my favorite person.

I’m grateful I realized part of all my stress also has to do with me buying this house after only one look without my wife. Fuck I’ve spent so much time hoping she will like it. What the fuck about me? I hope I like it! I’m grateful we will both be able to see it Monday night if the key is still in the fridge in the garage and the garage code works :scream: and the gate code works :scream: I’m grateful I know everything will be ok. Can’t do shit about it now :joy: I’m grateful it will be nice to see it again and this time with the love of my life. My wife :heart: I’m grateful for this new adventure I’m my life and my courage. I’m grateful some of this stress will subside in a few days.

I’m grateful to share my journey with you all. I’m grateful we are doing it sober. No matter how stressful it gets I’m grateful to know and truly believe it’s way easier and better if I’m sober and have support.

“God help me to accept the responsibility for finding a better way of life through surrendering to You and Your guidance.”
March 16


I‘m really exhausted today, but I know that this gratitude practice will do me good.

I met with a friend for coffee today and vented a lot about my marriage and my husband. I am very grateful for being able to do this and my friend’s support.
I felt like acting out badly today. Instead I posted here, got helpful answers, took a hot shower and the immediate madness passed. I am grateful for this. I realised TS is my sponsor. I can come here at every hour and find help and solace. :pray:
I am grateful for friends visiting, for good anime and a good read.
I am grateful I understand whatever is bothering me will pass. I am grateful I learned to cut myself some slack.
I am grateful I can close my day with gratitude and trust my life will be good :night_with_stars:


I am grateful for hubby taking me out for breakfast.

I thank God for not letting our heated words at each other carry on for more than a few minutes and ruin our time together

Grateful for a beautiful sunny day where I can put shorts on and enjoy the sunshine

Grateful today I get to work in kitchen and create great food while I get laundry done.


I feel this way too. I also got tired of being angry, it is such a liberation to let that go. I am so glad to see we’re both working on a better self🙏


The anger festers and drains so much energy that can be put to better use, like sobriety. The liberation you mention manifested in tears of relief after I read your post. Time to let go and move forward. Let’s goooo!:pray:


Hello! Today Im grateful that I don’t have seasonal allergies, as I watch the rest of my household suffer. I’m grateful my son found his senior prom suit so that is off of our plates. Grateful for sunny 75 degree Saturdays. Grateful that you are all here. ODAAT :purple_heart:


I am grateful for this thread filled with gratitude, I don’t exaggerate when I say it is life changing.

I notice I subcontiously change negative thoughts to positive ones. For example, I was in a traffic jam for 1.5 hours on my way home. Normally I would have stressed about it, but now I thought: “thankfully I have a car. My dog is here with me, my fuel tank is full and when I get home I’ll have pizza.” I wasn’t even consciously working on positivity or gratitude. I find that amazing :sparkles:

I’m grateful for another family day, helping my parents with their house, together with my sister and bil. I am grateful the new kitchen is almost ready. Next up is new flooring.
I am grateful my son told me about the term ego death. I love to learn things from my son.
I am grateful for no plans tomorrow, looking forward to have the whole Sunday to myself!