Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I get you, my friend! TS is my sponsor, too. I am grateful for this, for you, for my sober tribe always in my pocket :blush:

I am grateful for my sobriety. I am grateful I could drive my daughter to meet friends and pick her up again a few hours later.

I am grateful I feel tired right now, I can go to bed. Grateful for my scented pillow spray.



I love reading when this happens to beautiful people like you. Talk about a spiritual awaking. Itā€™s amazing how this exercise retrains our brain. You keep that up friend.


What a lovely attitude, I have consciously been working on my bitching/griping and feel I have made progress. I prayed just this morning for my anger to be removed. I have to learn to let go. Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend.


Thank you Eric, it really does, isnā€™t it amazing!

This thread and you and the other regular posters here are also on my mind during the day. Such a warm and caring safe place :two_hearts:


Scented pillow spray is MY JAM!! :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Greatful for reiki healers. I feel so at peace since my session


Iā€™m grateful for my bed. Seriously, my bed is the best body changing station. Much better than my old one. Its charging is completely wireless. Iā€™m definitely ready to leave this vehicle my soul rides in every day for a good 10 hour charging. Unfortunately I canā€™t trade this soul vehicle in for a newer model, but thankfully its not in terrible condition and mostly still works.


Grateful for a busy morning with the kids, they came to the gym with me while I trained then we went to swimming lessons for them.
Grateful my knee was ok at the gym. And hoping my foot injury is ok tomorrow. Had a great time with some kickboxing sparring so itā€™ll be worth it if its not :laughing:
Grateful for checking in here yesterday even though I didnā€™t have the energy for reading and catching up and writing a check-in.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Today I am grateful for a nice day doing some outside activitiesā€¦ Iā€™ll pay for it in the morning when my throat is dry and halfway closed up, but totally worth it.

Grateful for quality time with my kids.

Grateful for a good book waiting for me to jump back into.

:black_heart: Grateful to be soooo close to my next cheat day bc I desperately need one lol


Iā€™ve always wanted to get a session done!


Iā€™m grateful for an evening in my home town, spent celebrating a birthday, with old friends, some of who Iā€™ve know for 3/4 of my life :scream::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Iā€™m grateful for a sleepover at my parentā€™s house.
Iā€™m grateful my daughter wanted to hang out with her mum and come to the party.
Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t even think of drinking while at the party, surrounded by people drinking.
Iā€™m grateful I knew I had you guys in my pocket if I had felt tempted. Just knowing you are all here with me gives me so much strength :hugs:
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m putting a sober head on my pillow tonight and tomorrow will be hangover free.


Iā€™m thankful for my supportive family. I was reminded tonight how much Iā€™m loved, adored, and supported.
Iā€™m thankful for AA
Iā€™m thankful for nights like this
Iā€™m thankful for peace of mind
Iā€™m thankful that I donā€™t need a drink to function
Iā€™m thankful that I donā€™t have a desire to drink
Iā€™m thankful that Iā€™m still alive and able to recover
Iā€™m thankful that Iā€™m healthy
Iā€™m thankful that I have everything I need
Iā€™m thankful that my wife and kids are safe and healthy.
Im thankful for this app and the supportive people in these chats.
Goodnight, my peeps!
#ODAAT :heart:


Grateful for a peaceful talk with a friend. Not sure where we are at in our complicated relationship but keeping the hope up things will change for the better.
Grateful for time with family.
Grateful for this Al-Anon podcast recommendation by a former (deeply missed) member of this gratitude thread. I still listen to it at the end of every months when new episodes are uploaded. https://district14.podbean.com/
Grateful for my life and being reminded that 42 is the answer to everything @Louloubelle :wink: Made me smile.


Haha Iā€™m so glad that made you smile. In turn it made me smile :blush:
I have to admit that, if in doubt, 42 is my default answer for that very reason :wink:
Hope you have a positive day X


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety
Reiki healing, i feel 10lbs lighter and calmer
Hubby and Bdog
My mom
My folks and how funny they are telling on eo when i stop by to chat
Even with less sleep i feel at peace
Ability to show up today
Sunny day yesterday even though the cold came back
Less than a month until we head to texas for the eclipse trip
Glad i bought everything last year bc i would say we dont have the monies this year, oh well pura vida
Fit into small workout clothes!
Caught up my budget
This amazing community
The newcomer


Iā€™ve been scrolling through my posts over the years. Iā€™ve been on TS since 2017, so I spend a couple of hours scrolling. I am grateful to see my growth and that I wrote it all down. The good, the bad and the ugly.

I am grateful for what sobriety brings me:

  1. No panic attacks (and almost no anxiety)
  2. Being present, especially for my son
  3. Better sleep
  4. A healthier body
  5. Moā€™ money
  6. Personal growth

Tomorrow Iā€™ll be 45. The first time I did a sober January I was 36 or so. Over the years I went from sober curious to working on total abstinence. I am grateful Iā€™m on the right path. I am grateful for you guys, for having found a tribe with the same mindset :heart_on_fire:


Iā€™m grateful for the gorgeous moment I had/am having, with Alice and the green Tara mantra. And my coffee. And the rainy gray desert mountain view and the saguaros. And the golf course and the waterfall and swimming pool. Iā€™m grateful I noticed the fireplace and Benson sleeping by it in my peripheral vision. Grateful for all of Normaā€™s toys in the corner. Iā€™m grateful for the peacefulness of it all. Iā€™m grateful Alice is still purring on my lap with her head kinda bashed into my left forearm. Iā€™m grateful I just sat here after the green Tara mantra and enjoyed my 5-10 minute moment. Iā€™m grateful I noticed insight timer recommended Peaceful Journey Piano, and I click sure why not :pray:t2: Iā€™m grateful to take this moment as long as I can and even share this moment into my gratitude list here this morning. Iā€™m grateful to see Benson in his heated bed under the fireplace looking at me. He doesnā€™t like going out in this weather. Iā€™m grateful Alice is still purring nestled in my lap on my blanket. Iā€™m grateful for this gorgeous long moment that I can stretch for as long as I like on a Sunday morning.
Namaste yā€™all :pray:t2:

Make as many grateful moments as you can today. Stretch them out.
Me :pray:t2: I said that :pray:t2: ya me :heart:


I managed to get some sleep last night even after all the overeating I did yesterday. I am very grateful for this not so small blessing. I finally saw some reason and took my time, to check in with myself, to go through my day, to take many moments of rest. I am grateful for this.
I finished my weekly review, took a nap, did some yoga for menstrual discomfort. Grateful for all those good things in my life.
I grieved for my marriage, the way I had envisioned it to be and to go on. I am in the process of letting got of that. I am grateful for the trust I can place in life and let it unfold in its own way. I also grieved of my idea of my husband. This also is something I am in the process of letting got. And lastly my idea of who I am. Also in the process of changing. I am grateful for my small capacity of acceptance.
I am grateful for anime, my daughter, the sun, feeling ok. :night_with_stars:



1 day Early


I am having a really tough time being grateful.

I am grateful to know and realize I am struggling today with emotions .

I am grateful to have the ability to turn my current anger over to God. So why canā€™t I just do it?

I am grateful I have a home, food and a washing machine and dryer that seem to be running all the time.

I am grateful Corned Beef and Cabbage done ready to serve and kitchen is cleaned up.