Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Grateful for fatigue as it forces me to slow down and read recovery lit :white_check_mark:


Nice numbers @LAB! Grateful you are here!


That must have been so cool
I miss that but, mostly i don’t. Yet i do


Day 49 and so grateful for

My sobriety
My AA GROUP discussion Spiritual awakening topic just what I needed.
Meeting with Sponsor was filled with spiritual progress

Wonderful dinner with spouse.
Safe travel to City where husband works

God being the director of my life.


I’m grateful even though I only got a little over 3 hours sleep last night I’m up and ready to move.
I’m grateful for Italian coffee. I’m grateful and confident ordering my coffee in Italian in the morning now.
I’m grateful for Italian coffee.
Not so much after dinner :grimacing:
I’m grateful I don’t think I’ll ever have to or need to eat meat again.
I’m grateful for the butcher restaurant experience.
I’m grateful for the lovely passionate Italians we’ve met on our journey. I’m grateful I just remembered I should say Tuscans for where I am at. Not Italians. I’m grateful it’s a thing.
I’m grateful our 2 tour guides are so passionate about their Tuscan history and they are just terrific.


Laying awake at 3 in the morning for the past few nights is taking a toll. My mood is a bit meeh today, so time for extra gratitude: I am grateful for

my coworkers, who make me laugh every day
good coffee in the morning
the second gray hair on my head
the opportunity to work from home
all the money I saved by not drinking and smoking
my body/my temple
my kitchen radio and the french song it is playing just now
hot water when I open the tap
the luxury of living in one of the richest countries in the world.
the rustling sound the wind makes in the trees
more patience with myself


Awww, to 900 more, yes? :coffee: :sparkles: :coffee:


I’m grateful for ginger and lemon tea. I’m grateful for my neighbor who refilled all my buckets of water and brought me soup to have for dinner. And for my friend who helped with the milking this morning and stayed a bit to entertain me.


I’m grateful for listening to my body by doing a long stretch session
I’m grateful for delicious red grapes for snacks
I’m grateful for being able to video chat with family who live long distances away
I’m grateful for my daughter receiving recognition for her school efforts
I’m grateful my partner can get time off work to surprise our daughter at the school presentation of her award


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 23.54 mo sober
I got my ass up and to the gym for a good workout
Productive day at work yesterday
Got my baby boy Boscoe last night from grandmas
Health insurance
A good PT session
He gave me moves for before my runs to ease my achilles pain
Feeling better in my skin
A good nights sleep
My senses
Soft blankets
Shelter food and water


Today is my youngest’s 18th birthday, and I’m so grateful for him. So grateful I’m sober to celebrate this milestone with him. Here’s an old pic of us that seems like it was taken months, not over a decade, ago. Grateful for his hugs that he gives freely, even today.


Awe adorable picture :heart_eyes:… happy 18th birthday to your baby boy. :tada::partying_face::birthday:


Grateful for another day sober :smile_cat:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful I have the suspicion my mood, cravings and whatnot are due to a wrong hormonal dosage and can change that tomorrow.
I am grateful my daughter is doing well at school and we had a good parent-teacher-meeting today. Grateful she can work on some self directed projects instead of being bored in class.
I am grateful during my groceries run on my bike there was no rain and I stayed dry.
I am grateful I had a nice chat with my mum. Grateful she is around, helps so much, is there for me and my daughter, takes an active part in my daughter’s life. I am grateful I have these wonderful memories of my grandmothers and how they impacted me and helped shape the person I have become. Very grateful I could grow up like that.
I am grateful for my work, even if I got sucked into details today which also is usually a symptom of hormones challenging my mental capacity.
I am grateful for moon yoga and a relaxing breath meditation.
I am grateful for children‘s play and their ideas and enthusiasm.
I am grateful for my asthma meds and all the rain washing away all that pollen.
I am grateful my friend is recovering from pneumonia.
I am grateful I have access to a car sharing system with cars located nearby, so I can get a car when I want to visit friends living in more remote areas.
I am grateful I can look forward to meeting another friend tomorrow for breakfast and coffee.
I am grateful for a nice nap.
I am grateful that through this practice of gratitude I developed a wonderful antidote to difficult mood swings and bothering thoughts. I remember when I used to wreck my brain to come up with five things to be grateful for. I am grateful I don‘t need to do that anymore.
I am grateful for the beauty of the huge tree branch that is lying in our garden at the moment. Seeing the foliage and wood from close up makes me very happy.
I am grateful for a relaxing evening and bedtime soon.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Naww what a lovely picture of you both. Time flies, but you’ll always have fond memories of your baby boy. Happy 18th🎉


Grateful for a beautiful wide view of the sky today. I normally am surrounded by high buildings, but I’m staying near the coast at the moment. Grateful I’m starting to let go of the city life. I prefer nature more and more and I see myself moving out of the city in the near future.

Grateful today’s training went well. There was some tension among collegues but I’m grateful we could nip an escalation in the butt.
Grateful for a nice diner, a cozy evening and a nice hotel room. One more training day tomorrow before the weekend starts.
I’m grateful for not drinking with colleagues anymore. I don’t mind if they drink, I just don’t want to. Grateful I’m in my room early and will wake up without a foggy head.


I’ll include it at the gardening thread :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Just a quick hop in for late night gratitude.
I’m grateful today is over. I"m grateful for the FRO thread. I’m grateful another completely senseless case is closed. I’m grateful I abstained from codependent actions today as the triggers where many and high load. Nope,nope, nope. I’m grumpy for all the energy wasted on this bullshit, I need it elsewhere. But if I let my guard down only one minute I can’t trust myself on days like today and I heartfeltly will cut off my head for lashing out in codependency. I even want to cut it off for thoughts running wild and overthinking. Instead I slept half of the afternoon, I was exhausted.

I’m grateful the thumb bandage works. Fuck joint inflammation. Or any health issues.
I’m grateful for catsnuggles, toast, blankies, comfy couch, listening to an interesting webinar this evening, freedom, meds, hot showers, a warm home, favourite soda, pretty cloths,. And sweets. Today I needed sweets & tea for my wrecked nerves and upset emotions. I’m grateful tomorrow is a new day. ODAAT


Grateful for:

-Day 110.
-Having a good mind, though it no longer keeps me apprised of things it did.
-Keeping that temporary in my heart.
-My kids, no matter what.
-Still knowing when people–companies–are acting incorrectly. Though I have short memories, and often lack words, I know shit!
-Eating pretty much as needed.
-Nature on this property. It’s beautiful and the birds are loud and a huge variety. Damn I love trees. This almost slaps me right back into California. That’s right, a place in Nebraska that looks like California.
-Ways that will come for me to stay here a few years, while kidlets are still in college.
-Looking for Ibuprofen, because my battery is dead in my car, and finding a box, labeled with my son’s old name, and finding “magic” for him. Tidbits of loved stuffies that have been packed a long time.


I am so sorry that you had a day like that today. Glad you are able to see that you have to be more vigilant and determined on these type of days. Glad the case is closed. So sorry for the triggers that you faced today. You are much better off without your Ex my friend - living a healthier (mentally and physically) better life, learning so much about you and standing up for yourself. I do hope that you are able to put this day’s feelings behind you and embrace your awesomeness for having gotten through them.
Big hugs to you :people_hugging:


I’m grateful for successfully taking on challenging work
I’m grateful for having the confidence to do the work instead of avoiding it like I did during addiction
I’m grateful for learning from my mistakes
I’m grateful that a work colleague assumed I would have healthy lifestyle tips for them
I’m grateful for noticing how far I’ve come in sobriety