Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I think we all do this from time to time. Love your humor.


Grateful for sober friends who call, and who receive my calls.

Grateful for simple classic delicious recipes. (I’m making chicken Provençal tomorrow - it’s simple, savoury, satisfying, and is a perfect weekend dish. I just learned about it this week!)

  • It is cloudy!! In July! :white_check_mark: :dancer: :dancer:

  • it’s going to rain this week!

These are amazing things. Very grateful and my mood changed as soon as the sun disappeared :blush:

  • Grateful for 126 days of freedom

Oh I love King Lear! I too am a huge fan of Shakespeare. They used to do a play every year in the park but have not resumed since Covid. OOH large zucchini’s are great for zucchini bread :wink: enjoy :yum:


I am grateful for being in my newly purchased house a year.
I am grateful for these quiet nights.
I am grateful to be alive.


I am grateful today

Home cooked meals
Home calm - no conflict

Returned to gym - water walking

To be alive - 1 year ago today I tried to end it all.

129 days sober. Sobriety is such a better way of life.

God has a plan for me and guides me everyday.


It was suggested I come say 10 things I’m grateful for… Idk if I have 10 but I’ll give as many as I can today and come back tomorrow

  1. I have a safe place to sleep
  2. I’m still breathing
  3. I ate something today
  4. I was able to shower and brush my teeth

I think that’s all I got for now…


I’m grateful you came over.
Gratitude is a strong tool. I was able to retrain my brain.
We got a lot to be grateful for when we are sober.
See you tomorrow.
If you can’t list your gratitude, read what others got. Might rub off on ya.


Nighttime gratitude.
I’m grateful for a true day of rest.
I’m grateful for popsicles and good TV.
I’m grateful for library books and all the stories out there.
I’m grateful I get along with cats so well because our day off napping schedules synch up perfectly.
Sobriety, always sobriety.


So grateful that you are here with us and working on your sober journey :pray:t4::people_hugging:


Welcome to the community Chelsea. Great to see you here on the gratitude thread… doesn’t have to be 10…some days it is harder to find even 1 but as you practice daily you can make it a daily part of your life. I often find myself just stopping to give thanks for what I am seeing/ enjoying/ experiencing.
Hope to see you around :hugs:


Saturday lunchtime gratitude.

Oh jabbadabbaduhhh I’m grateful I took a whole day off yesterday and rested. Intentionally, deliberately, committed to push through a day of rest without giving in and fumbling around or seeking distraction or socializing. I needed a day off and I needed rest. I’m grateful I sat with my feelings and urges to do something until they passed, no we don’t do this anymore. This lesson has been necessary to undergo for a long time.

I need to plan more resting time as I work more and harder these days.
As a result I was full of energy this morning and accomplished quite some tasks that a) had been on the to do list for a while or b) were necessary so I can park my car in the carport again or c) I wanted to do.
I’m grateful I got a shower afterwards and lounge with the cats on the sofa now.

I’m grateful I feel competent and confident. I’m grateful I’m able to do what I want to do, be it plants fumbling, organizing the house or handling the tractor. I can do it. Alone.

I’m grateful I’ve come a long way in the last 2 years. I’m grateful for good mood and stable emotions. I’m grateful for fantasy and books. I’m grateful for reparenting. I’m grateful for freedom, peace, a lovely home, cuddly cats, that I can afford to drive to the supermarket and buy groceries when I need it, for the solar plant providing hot water, for doing laundry, for my reclusive, calm, peaceful, comfy life. I’m a badass couch-lounger and proud of it. I’m gratefull I will hold siesta all afternoon as it is ugly hot outside and the house is tempered. A nap, knitting, reading, cat cuddles, watch TV … I will see.
Wishing you a wonderful sober saturday dear gratifolks :pray::sunflower: ODAAT


I’m grateful I got the final paperwork done and signed for my daughter’s aide. She starts Monday. Yay!

I’m grateful we got to the pool yesterday afternoon when the sun came out. Grateful it wasn’t crowded.

I’m grateful we had a relaxing 4th of July at home. No having to fight crowds to see fireworks.

I’m grateful we’ll get to the pool again this afternoon. It’s raining now but it’s supposed to end by noon and get sunny.

I’m grateful it was only 2:30am when I woke up to take the dog out for his walk. I thought it was closer to 5am. Grateful I went back to sleep after his walk and he got another at 6am. Grateful I have no schedule this week.

Grateful for my sobriety and hubby’s sobriety.

Grateful for my AA meeting tonight, followed by dinner with the ladies.

Grateful for everyone here helping to keep my sober today. :blush:


Good morning and happy Saturday!

I’m grateful to be sober every day of this beautiful summer we are having in Wisconsin.

I’m grateful that plenty of rain has my home state looking so green and all the flowering plants are amazing.

I’m grateful I had several different experiences this week, a few days home alone to get some serious cleaning up done followed by a loving homecoming when my husband returned from his trip.

I’m grateful I got in the lake for some swims and out on the bike for some rides. I had a wonderful little day trip last Sunday with my tiny chihuahua to one of my favorite places and we had a blast!

I’m grateful to be getting a lot of my school projects done and a lot of library books read. I’m practicing retirement that will come in 3 years and by that time I will be very good at it.

I’m grateful for some fun time with my husband. Last night I put on this adorable dress that I bought a few weeks ago at a thrift store. It is a retro style with pink satin printed with sugar skulls, she-devils, and red roses. I announced it was my party dress and he was invited to my party. And we got crazy! We ate dessert. We walked the dogs. We played scrabble, and then we had a sleepover. Ha! I’m grateful we are finding ways to have fun and enjoy our cozy home and pets without alcohol.

I’m grateful to be enjoying my home and to be feeling calm and happy. I am not restless to go do, do, do. I am grateful to not be chasing a buzz.

I’m grateful to be reading about experiences and learning that others have too. I’m reading a book called “12 steps on Buddha’s Path” and I’m enjoying the connections that I read there.

I’m grateful for good health and a safe and loving home.

I’m grateful for this community and all that I have learned from you. Please keep reaching out and sharing your experiences. We are all learning and growing every day.

I wish you peace.


I’m grateful that we are on our way to Hawaii for a family vacay. I know now that my kids are both young adults these times will be few and far between. I’m grateful for my first big sober vacation. It will be nice to be present for it all. Grateful for this growing thread 🫶🏻🫶🏻:palm_tree::hibiscus:


Well deserved sober vacation enjoy EVERTHING!!


I’m grateful I can wake up and say don’t be mad at her. It’s her disease. I’m grateful I can almost :100: believe that in my mind. I’m grateful I can come here and adjust my attitude as it wants to slip into stinking resenting thinking.

Because meanwhile.
I’m grateful I got a solid 8 hours of sleep last night, with plenty of room in the bed.
I met a friend on here last night @Cdc91 Chelsea and she doesn’t have to do this journey alone. Yes you will easily make friends on here if you’re willing.

I’m grateful I woke up late and got pics of my family grandchild and the fucking boxers on the plane and it’s GO TIME!!

So I’m grateful for what I’m going to focus on. Right now Alice bashing me in the face :heart_eyes_cat: the gorgeous cup of coffee I had after feeding all my pets. I’m grateful for Jyotishakti & Vidya playing on my sound bar. I’m grateful to be here sharing my blessings and gratitude.

I’m grateful I will have my whole family, grandchildren, fucking boxers, and all, at my new home and new life in California.

I’m grateful to be sober and my kids will have no doubts trusting me with their children.
I’m grateful the house is clean and ready.
I’m grateful the new a/c repair got done yesterday.

I’m again grateful for that gorgeous cup of coffee this morning.

I’m grateful for all the friends I’ve met here on TS. I’m grateful it’s magical. Stick with us whoever you are. You never have to be alone in this journey. I’m grateful how we have each others back.

“No great improvements are possible in the lot of mankind until a change takes place in their modes of thought.”
ODAAT In Al-Anon July 6


Congratulations on the aid starting Monday.


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • the sun, and all the sunshine today, even some warmth
  • my daughter, my not so little any more baby
  • my family
  • being able to walk, to cycle, to move around
  • sleep at night
  • friends
  • good movies, books, and all other kinds of media
  • good satisfying food
  • having gained a good relationship with food and eating
  • peace and quiet and my flat to myself
  • my beautiful plants
  • this life
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:

  • For a stormy July Saturday afternoon! It is rare, but it is thundering and I have my blinds open! They usually stay closed it’s so hot. Dark. I miss daylight! So lucky.
  • The smell of wet juniper.
  • Finalizing my first exploratory trip to Santa Fe. House hunting eventually. Want to take in the beautiful art and scenery. And oh yes the food!
  • The way my mood changed once I had booked the trip. I slept like a baby because this is like a home to me already.
  • Deciding to stay and work on recovery for now. Show up in a new place as my true self and confident.
  • The veggie burger I am about to make, with sweet potato fries :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • Hope and promise and knowing that all is well today
  • This place and its beautiful people
  • Day 127 yes! :white_check_mark: