Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful you made it back Rainydays.
Congratulations on your 4 days.
Stick with us friend.


Wednesday gratitude.
The holiday tomorrow even though it’s suppose to rain all day I will be happy to just hang inside.
A better mood
Good energy
My lunch
A slower day today
My truck making it to work even though it wouldn’t accelerate over 20mph :smile:
Time to fix it later
This thread!


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • the feeling of home and connection I get from this place here, all the wonderful people
  • knowing that my hormonal upheavals are impermanent and will pass
  • my morning walk to the grocery store
  • today’s work on level and map design and modeling
  • my new rice cooker
  • very tasty polenta, definitely will eat it more often
  • a long nap
  • knowing that intense dreams are just that: dreams, my mind and body reorganising itself
  • morning yoga
  • reading
  • life in its full abundance
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Congratulations on 4 days. Glad to see you back.


Wednesday gratitude. Today I’m grateful for:

  • restful sleep despite nightmares
  • morning routine
  • cool morning & tempered day
  • rotolilling again
  • fetched the mulcher from the garage, grateful I can afford the repair, grateful the mechanics mounted it to the tractor, I was already worn out and tired from rototilling
  • coffe & chat with the neighbours
  • leftovers for lunch
  • a long rest after lunch
  • finding a bit mojo to start mowing and NOT overheat the mulcher this time :see_no_evil: I burned the V-belt last time
  • the joy of a hot shower after work
  • spending time on the balcony with Missi on my lap
  • the old boy nestled down under the bed blankets today while I was gone
  • a tidy kitchen
  • laundry done
  • cancelling the estate agent contract as they were not able to sell a property I want to sell
  • being flexible when the vet called to reschedule cat appointments
  • scheduling the repair drop off for the fucking blue screen PC tomorrow
  • not overeating

I’m grateful I accomplished a lot of big tasks today :pray: I’m grateful everything went well and I felt ok. Not nervous, not overwhelmed, just doing what needs to be done at my pace. I’m grateful I feel physically and mentally strong and grounded today. As the next (break)down comes for sure, I’m grateful for a powerful up-day :pray: ODAAT


@Naomi always great to see your avatar pop up. Congratulations on your 7 months alcohol freeand 3+ months smoking free :confetti_ball::tada:. That’s marvelous work. Keep it up girl… doing fantastic :muscle:t4:
@Lisa07 congratulations to your hubby…3 years is amazing. Hope you enjoyed a fun day at the casino
@cjp loving the 2’s… Totally get the love for Numbers :wink:. Sorry about your sponsee.
@Pandita lovely to see you posting friend. Shakespeare? What are watching…live performance? So excited for you…love Shakespeare. Have a great time
@Laner yeah 3 months! Love seeing you do so well in your journey…keep working the recovery friend…it does get even better :confetti_ball::tada:
@rainydays welcome back to the community and a great job in 4 days!
@Steve14 grateful your truck got you to work. Hope it’s not an expensive issue and you are able to get it working properly soon

Hump day gratefulness…I am so very grateful for…

  • A lovey walk and swim to start off my day
  • Stopping by to see my mom after swimming and working having a wonderful talk.
  • A kick ass workout and yoga session to cool down
  • Getting all the stuff needed for lunch with friends tomorrow. Grateful I asked my brother to pick up the drinks as I started to look for something and found myself wanting a drink. Nope …not today …not tomorrow either
  • Got a nice cooler on wheels on sale
  • Got a referral to see an eye doctor. My itchy painful eye is most likely sinus related but not sure ehAt is going on with the floaters (usually appear when I’m swimming). :person_shrugging:t4:
  • Talked about my abdominal tear and it seems that it could be a level three tear or possibly a nicked nerve. The tear can take up to a year to heal but the nerve damage could be lifelong. I’m hopeful that it’s a year and I will be rid of this crazy pain someday
  • No allergy symptoms today. Thankfully I survive yesterday.
  • Made plans to visit Mom in the am and celebrate her birthday with a meditation/ prayer session.
  • Mom and Dad have joined a gym and are taking a computer class online. Love that they are venturing out and trying new things
  • My family and my friends… especially you all here :people_hugging:
  • My HP for guiding me through this life and not leaving my side.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day/ evening… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Today I’m grateful for:

  • the love and support I have in my life
  • my freedom from someone that lacked EQ
  • my sobriety and the emotional growth it’s brought me in dealing with a breakup.
  • my ability to bounce back fairly quickly and to understand the Universe supports me always
  • the help that’s landed in my lap to help with my move
  • my fur babies that bring me nothing but joy
  • the support of this community and all that you all offer.

12 hour workdays. I’m working 2 back to back and I am grateful for that opportunity.
The mindset shift that happens in sobriety. I work in a hospital and I’ll be working in blood bank tomorrow which is not the place you want to be while people are shooting rockets into the sky. Blow a couple of fingers off and my job gets stressful. I’ve been in blood bank the past 3 years on the 4th of July. Rather than get salty about it I now think “wow, they really must trust me to continue giving me this responsibility”. It makes me want to be better at my job and want to complain less.
For my husband. We are addicts married to each other and while he still drinks he also takes care of me better than I do and better than I have ever allowed anyone else to. He is currently shopping for a lunch for me tomorrow and for that I am grateful.
For any addict who comes to this forum searching for a better life. I’m honored to walk that path with you.
Black coffee, I’m on my second thermos of the day. :flushed:


Grateful for the communication between agencies to get the aide approval. Almost there. I have to run into work today to print, sign and scan back. Hopefully, they’re working tomorrow to finalize.

Grateful for all the fun we had at the casino yesterday. My daughter found a wheel of fortune game and I put $10 in just to see if she liked it. She was up to $200 within minutes. Then getting her to take a break to eat was a challenge. After the buffet, she tried a few others but ended up back where we started. She had a blast and walked out a winner with $120. I had too much fun watching her so I only spent $10 myself and lost.

I’m grateful I was asked for ID to get the senior discount at the buffet. The guy at the register was convinced I was under 55. Very flattering! My husband went to get his ID out too and the guy says “that’s not necessary sir” :joy: I’m grateful we all had a laugh.

I’m grateful my daughter’s appearance takes after me and she has dad’s funny personality. Casino security actually put a stamp on her hand saying “over 21” (she’s 31) to avoid being hassled by staff. :laughing: We took a pic of her stamped hand and had a good laugh.

I’m grateful we had a great family fun day together.



Accepting the day to day, joy in the minutae
Completing another gym class with good form
Enjoying Wimbledon
Breathing air
Enjoying the cool weather


Im very greatful for…

My abstinence from drugs and alcohol
My recovery
Self reflection
A holiday
All our freedoms
Got my ass to the gym
Ability to buy groceries
My family
A day off
Work from home tomorrow


I’m grateful I’m learning I’m not a victim, I have a choice every minute… every day

I’m grateful I walked for 3 miles last night to get the icks off me, and it worked slept like a baby

I’m grateful I catch myself lying :lying_face: and stop because I want to change… it’s just a default setting from years of hiding my addiction

I’m grateful the self hate wants to go away

I’m grateful for a buddy riddled in pain pill addiction wanting to volunteer together and get better as well. Our addictions are different but the cycle of shame and guilt is the same

I’m grateful I woke up sober today :heartpulse:


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • the sun after all that rain and cold
  • managing to drag myself to a short yoga practice, which gave me much needed peace
  • seeing how my interactions with my ex are just old patterns
  • my work on platformer movement
  • a bike ride into the city
  • my morning run
  • only overeating while suffering from PMS instead of bingeing like I would have done previously
  • getting all kinds of small stuff done on a day where doing anything feels like an enormous drag
  • the bodhisattva teachings
  • Recovery Dharma meetings
  • quinoa from my new rice cooker
  • this bountiful life
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Way to go!!!


You are not alone. Welcome and best wishes.


I am smiling from your share of the casino fun! Thank you!


I am grateful

128 days sober
1 week weight loss
Clean house
Bacon and Eggs
For my husband (sometimes grrrr ug!)
God is working on me!
Note… yesterday at AA friend stopped me outside and told me he has seen such a change in me. No edge in my voice. Told me to keep doing what I am doing. Made me feel really good.


I’m grateful for another sunny day and for a day off work tomorrow. I’m grateful for a car that runs and for a reliable payday. I’m grateful for the safety of my home and for my weirdo cats that live in it with me. I’m grateful that one of my best girlfriends cats is currently having kittens. I’m grateful that I have the heart that wants to take all those kittens in and a brain that tells me I shouldn’t. I’n grateful for the many freedoms I am afforded living in my country and I’m grateful that all y’all are going to celebrate those freedoms responsibly. Happy 4th of July if you are in the US, and happy 4th of July if you aren’t. :hugs::sunglasses::disguised_face:


Today I’m grateful for another busy day.
I’m grateful a gross nightmare made me get up before sunrise. I took marvellous pictures of the sun rising and the rainbow that came with sunrise :star_struck: What a beautiful start into the day!

I’m grateful I took the PC to friends for repair. A nice chat and coffe included. We haven’t seen us for years, the pandemic and my last 2 years added up. I was surprised to find out that the ex’s client where the big trailer is parked since may is at her mother’s garden. Could be no coincidence that my PC broke down, I have to find out what the universe wants to tell me. Not today. Too tired.

I’m grateful for therapy. I talked about something in a nightmare that really upset me. Now I’m feeling better. The lesson from today was: It’s healthy to not force myself to do something. I got quite good in practicing to wait until it feels right for me, even when it takes a long time. Still a work in progress. It helps to strengthen my inner boundaries. I’m still grateful for yesterday’s talk with a friend. I still have a lot of work to do on feeling confident to make codependent thinking and impulses stop, not acting on it, not loosing myself in wishful thinking and illusions. I’m grateful I got a lot better. Progress, not perfection.

I’m grateful I was able to help a friend today. I’m grateful we will have lunch together on sunday.

I’m grateful I felt motivated in the evening when the grassland next to my farm got mowed. I put on my working cloths and mowed for an hour. I’m grateful for my reliable tractor and that I get practice in handling different tools. I’m grateful I do what I can and stop when it’s enough. I’m grateful working at my pace feels liberating. Lots of stresdful memories when I had to stop the ex because he never knew when it’s enough. Not for himself, not for the people working with him. This really was a burden I’m grateful I no longer shoulder.

I’m grateful I can take the third shower of the day and go to bed now :pray:

I’m grateful for peace, freedom, calmness and all my blessings. And cats. Always grateful for cats :heart: ODAAT


I’m grateful for getting to San Diego safely to spend a week with my son in the Navy. He said I look younger! I’m grateful for my sobriety.