Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful you’re leading the way… :people_hugging::pray::orange_heart:


Thank you, we are all in this together :heart:


This morning I am grateful for
:purple_heart: Long weekend, plenty of time to rest.
:purple_heart: Journaling. Writing thoughts on paper gives clarity.
:purple_heart: All the emotions, even the “bad” ones. They all have purpose, I just need to listen where they are coming from.
:purple_heart: Our cats and their unconditional affection.
:purple_heart: Having a job and healthcare they offer.
:purple_heart: Massage I got yesterday. It helped, I feel lighter.


I am grateful for some slow days ahead. I need time to slow down. It’s opening up inner time to get back to things inside.
I am grateful I have enough money to theoretically invest in myself more. Knowledge and things I am curious about. Today.
I am grateful I found my way back to the gym today.
I am grateful for vegan options out there.
I am grateful I don’t probably have to do it all at once.
I am grateful for podcasts. I found a new one just yesterday: it’s called ‘betreutes Fühlen’ :grimacing: (assisted feeling). Feeling for beginners.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful for easy to follow Disney songs I tried playing last night which really liftedy mood. I then stumbled into German pop songs which I also like to sing with :see_no_evil: I am old.
I am grateful I am still alive. That’s what sobriety gave me. Being still alive.


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful it is Friday!
Grateful for easy dinner
Grateful for my sweet boy
Grateful for my spicy girl
Grateful for time to rest
Grateful for meaningful eating


Day 887

Im so greatful

Its friday, payday
I woke up well rested
My velcro doggy
Quality Time with hubby last night
My recovery
Improved my 10k time yesterday…am i in a 10k a week trend?
My determination
Work flexibility
Time with my mom tonight
Warm blankets
Healthy choices
This fantastic supportive community


I’m grateful :pray:t2:
I’m grateful for marine layer mornings like this morning. And clear mornings like yesterday mornings.

I’m grateful to have Alice purring away on my lap outside with The Ol Burner right next to me.

Grateful wifey is up earlier this morning.
I’m grateful we had a nice time at the movies and a brunch before. I’m grateful Benson liked his doggie day care. That’s their story and I’m sticking to it. I’m grateful we have a place to dump :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Benson off so we can do things and not have to worry about “getting home to the dog.” I’m grateful “the dog,” excuse is pretty handy when you need it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m grateful for my catio flowers.

I’m grateful I’m enjoying cooking again when I get to cook. I’m grateful I don’t mind doing the dishes too. I’m grateful she’ll do the dishes too; but at her time. I’m grateful it makes me feel better to just knock them out and have a clean kitchen right after dinner.

I’m grateful I just noticed a snail on my fall colored orange mums. How did he get on the flower :thinking: and where is he going? I’m grateful I got a pic of snail on mum :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful I finally ordered my Saraswati figurine. Hopefully I’m not going to hell :scream: I’m grateful I got no control over that. I’m grateful as far as I’m concerned anything that “represents,” education, creativity, and music, and brings order out of chaos can’t be “bad.” I’m grateful for Saraswati’s calming and centering personality.

I’m grateful I’m liking myself. Gosh, might even be loving myself. Imagine that? I’m grateful to think back in early sobriety and even after a couple of years, “loving myself?” :scream: just gave me the willie’s. Why do we have to do that? That can’t be necessary? I’m grateful it feels good :heart:

I’m grateful for you all.

Our happiness reflects how we are living, not how others are living.
Let Go Now


That is the greatest color mum…Thanks for sharing.


Today is possibly the final interview with the travel textile sales role.
My kids are safely on this Earth.
Dogs really wanted to smash the crap out of an internet guy today. This is a big reason no one can ever convince me to get rid of them. They are wildly protective.
I breathe. I live. I think.
I know missing gratitude is missing beauty.


Thankful it’s Friday.

I’m thankful that despite my tendency for Self Sabotage, i’m still married, still have a job, my boys are still babies, and my heart hasn’t gone out.

I can hear 60 year old me from the future screaming at me, “Stop taking things for granted! If i could go back to your age E, i would sell everything that doesn’t help me progress, your games, none of it matters! Get your butt to that gym! Put down that Chocolate! Stop hurting yourself from the inside/out.”

I’m grateful there’s still time to change these things.


Grateful for today’s quote: “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Grateful for dreams I used to remember. I currently don’t grab or know them while sleeping.
Grateful for enough knowledge to restudy today how to get my smell and taste active, through supplements and oils.
Grateful to know better when I make poor choices.
Grateful to at least sit in the final path of three sales jobs. Though I have said quite often that I don’t want to be in sales, these are things that I am aware people want and need. That makes a bit of a difference.
Grateful to force myself here this morning and grateful that soon it may be optimal.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I slept okay.
I am grateful I made myself go to the gym and a little hike afterwards despite the weather.
I am grateful for giving shit singing aloud in the forest.
I am grateful I arranged some stuff in my flat from A to B.
I am grateful for some warm food in few minutes.
I am grateful I can still try to relax.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful for baby steps.


What a beautiful post @One4theroad

I’m grateful to be sober
I’m grateful for BB study with my new sponsor
Grateful to not be hung over for my kiddos soccer game
Grateful I’ve got most of my veg/herb garden harvested and done for winter
Grateful for time to focus on writing
Grateful for my partner
Grateful it hasn’t started snowing yet.


Thank you so much. That means more to me than you can ever know. :sparkling_heart:


Last check-in here on wednesday? I’m not quite sure what happened, obviously I fell asleep the moment I hit the couch or bed in the last days.
I’m grateful it’s saturday afternoon and I hit my home thread now!

Life is so busy and straining, I’m grateful my head doesn’t explode. And I don’t bite anybody.

I’m really grateful the ex removes his stuff but I cope with his not announced presence worse and poorer each time he shows up. Meanwhile I’m pretty out of coping strategies and stamina. My emotions are running with scissors, my heart howls “love me!”, my soul wants peace - instantly, my brain has a yellow lamp burning indicating overload and my nerves already started to pack to wander off to some cozy, calm, nice, friendly island far far away. I’m grateful at least my body does what it should: function, navigate through the day and cuddle cats. I’m grateful for catlove. And this friend we talk daily as we both are rotating with struggles at the moment.

I’m gratefulI didn’t bit the facade workers when they first put plastic shit on my house. Nope, hemp insulation it is. A real misunderstanding in the original order and I’m sure I communicated clearly. But I didn’t double-check the offer. I’m so tired to have to double- and triple-check everything. Well, problem solved, now the right material comes on the wall.

I’m grateful I bought ridiculous expensive fish and cooked it today. Once every blue moon I treat myself to something like this and it tasted wonderful.

I’m grateful I picked up my prescriptions at the pharmacy today. Their advise what I could take to support my blood pressure and pre-diabetic conditions was helpful. I give this supplements a try.

I’m grateful the hot water buffers lasted until I finished a nice hot shower this morning. Making fire in the furnace was quick today :pray:
I’m also grateful there’s a cozy fire in the kitchen stove burning, making hanging on the couch with cats relaxing and peaceful. I’m grateful for all my cozy, comfy, nice & peaceful life. I’m grateful I feel a nap approaching and stop here for now. ODAAT :heart:


I’m grateful
:purple_heart: My husband went for a walk with me.
:purple_heart: Writing down a list of things I’m currently worried about calmed my anxiety.
:purple_heart: It’s been a beautiful sunny day.
:purple_heart: I’m sober and my slight headache is not a symptom of hangover.


I’m grateful

  • for a good hike and conversation with my friend
  • for a productive day getting a lot of good work done
  • for the volunteers who will come in the spring to give some training to the social workers here
  • for the vegetarian chili I made today it was super tasty
  • for good music
  • for planning out next weeks work trip and that i have no anxiety or fear about it effecting my sobriety
  • that I’m sober and healthy

Grateful today

221 days sober
I have crutches. Awoke to need because of knee
Grateful hubby picking up pain meds for me
Grateful I am ME and don’t need hubby to help me while I am not able to walk. This is a bit of a stretch because I do need a lot of help and getting not much from Mr NASTY. Hubby will leave tomorrow with not one thought on how I will get by.
Grateful That I will try to accomplish his laundry before he leaves. Quite outlandish idea but I am praying for miracles today.

Grateful a friend did stop by with a Halloween Gift as they know my love for the season.

Grateful I am not drinking and dealing with this physical setback and pain sober / clear headed

Grateful for my higher power who can change my attitude from anger and pity to being very appreciative of what I do have

Grateful I am not affected by hurricane and praying for all those who are.


Sorry your pain escalated. Sending comfort and hope you recover soon :pray:t4:


Grateful for my guitar and my songbooks. Singing songs with my wife at the end of the day is a joyful activity and I love it