Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful for
My Meeting tonight
Connection s with beautiful recovering human’s
A Newcomers bravery for sharing his story tonight, even though he is terminally Ill he doesn’t want to die alone and in the madness of addiction
I am grateful I know how lucky I am today to have my health and my family
I am grateful for being given another sober day


Grateful today
Safe travel for medical procedure
All good after medical procedure
Good Company - husband
Great dinner out - plain good ole fun!
Yunna our loving dog
Woody my loving cat greeted me on driveway when I got home. (He can’t do that when dog is here)
Caught up on bookkeeping work
Can sit and be quiet for long time
Have food to prepare healthy tasty meal
Homemade ice cream - no recipe turned out delicious

My 218 days sobriety. Greatest accomplishment I ever had.

My Higher Power is making me shine and thrive.


I am grateful for a day off and some fun time with friends and family ahead.
Grateful for reunification some 34 years ago. All the things that wouldn’t have been possible without it…
Grateful for a long and refreshing sleep and my morning routine (coffee, yoga and gratitude). Grateful to start the day on a happy note reading what makes all of you grateful.
I am grateful I escaped the insanity of addiction. Every day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful to be sober and back to working full-time.

I am grateful that I have lots of great memories of my Mom that I can hold onto following her passing. I miss her so much. She was an amazing person.

I am grateful to be grieving without the hazy cloud of hangovers and the mental instability from the chemical imbalances that drinking creates. F THAT.

I am grateful for fall weather. :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful today is off even not knowing exactly what to do due to the grey weather outside.
I am grateful I can be interested easily. Downside: by everything. So basically my flat looks like a combination of PT cabinet and gym.
I am grateful for less stressful days ahead mentally as days are getting shorter.
I am grateful to discuss my problems with my jaw (joint) with my dentist yesterday. I am grateful otherwise everything is still okay. I always go there with the expectation that he will tell me : sorry, we have to redo everything for some super sale price of 20.000 Euro.
I am grateful for some chat with some neighbours. One let me to get motivated to put on the tyre on my wheel in 5 min. Seems that it worked to avoid help from others. I am grateful I get more independent from mechanics when it comes to my bike.
I am grateful I have enough.


Grateful to still be above ground
Grateful for my kiddos
Grateful to be taking some time off from working to glide.
Grateful for my veg garden
Grateful it’s not winter yet :rofl:


I’m grateful for my morning routine. And grateful it’s doesn’t ALWAYS have to be exactly the same. I’m grateful it was very important for me to have my morning routine exactly the same in the beginning of my sober journey. I’m grateful I can be more flexible and just be content.

I’m grateful they found crystals in Mavy’s urine sample :grimacing: we had no idea and now I’m grateful we can start antibiotics and a urinary tract diet for him to battle this thing. I’m grateful he likes his new food. Presently :smirk_cat: I’m grateful B’s urine sample came back good still waiting on her bloodwork. I’m grateful we like our new vet. And all the veterinarians we’ve met there so far.

I’m grateful we get to drop Benson off at the doggie day care to play with some dogs while wifey and I go out for brunch and a movie. I’m grateful we won’t have to worry about getting home for the dog.

I’m grateful for Gus time yesterday. Oh my god he’s a moose 🫎 :blush: I mean he’s a big boy. I don’t know how my daughter carries him around when she has too. I’m grateful I actually got a hug and a snuggle from him as I carried him, oof, to the car from the restaurant last night. I’m grateful parenting is for the young. Or at least I was young when we did it. I’m grateful my daughter is such a great mom. I’m grateful I remember to tell her that.

I’m grateful it’s nice out currently.
I’m grateful for my beach meeting yesterday. I’m grateful it’s Monday through Friday at 8:30 so I can always make one depending on my schedule. I’m grateful I made yesterday’s, there weren’t many people there. I’m grateful that’s one way people are happy to see me :joy:
I’m grateful my beach meetings are so diverse. Sometimes just 4 or 5 alcoholics on a beach and sometimes 60 or more. I’m grateful I never know until I show.

I’m grateful for my very interesting weather wise hike after the meeting and my baguette and cappuccino afterwards.

I’m grateful for y’all.
I’m grateful for my wife. I’m grateful we have some humor we see on line and wait for each other to watch it together. I’m grateful for Trea Crowder and Randy Rainbow :rainbow: :joy:

:pray:t2: :upside_down_face: :blue_heart: 🫎


@JazzyS I took these on the way to my car this am…I’ll have to grab an indoor deco one this weekend :jack_o_lantern::ghost:

@Dazercat I’m grateful for Randy Rainbow tooo


Love em. Thanks for sharing :pray:t4::ghost::hugs::jack_o_lantern:



Yup!!! That’s right creepy :rofl:


I’m grateful

  • for a safe summit and hike today
  • for the day out in the clear (rather cold and thin air up top😅) it helped clear my head and gave clarity I’ve been needing
  • for beautiful nature…I don’t think I could ever live away from the mountains
  • for the ladies I stayed with last night who gave me a wonderful hearty breakfast and refilled my pack for me
  • for Melbek the camel he was real chill but did his job well
  • for being sober, feeling at peace and hopeful
  • for my cozy bed
  • most important the very enthusiastic greeting I received from my dogs today
  • for pots of hot tea and soup for dinner

Gratitude for today.

This morning I slept in. Haven‘t done that in a while. Grateful for staying in bed a bot longer today.

Grateful for the walk I did in the gardens this morning. Autumn weather, fresh air, still so many flowers and friut on the trees. But also already some trees without leaves.

Did some more research for my game. Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. Grateful for all the ressources available to me, all those ideas coming together. Grateful for creative work.

Spent the rest of the day just chillin on the sofa, reading, watching TV. My daughter went on a day trip with her grandparents. Grateful for them, their relationship, and my free time.

Grateful for the silly exchanges on this forum.

Grateful I‘ll be able to cohost a meeting in a few.

Grateful for this life, grateful for another day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful to finish work early and watch some Netflix
Grateful to have an easy dinner
Grateful for healthy kids
Grateful for a leak free house
Grateful for a fridgeful of food
Grateful for healthy body


Grateful today

Laughter and happy all day
Knee problem has increased in severity today and so glad I am home and can recover with ice and know I don’t have some major todo and have to cancel.

So very grateful a friend came and took garbage cans out to street. Never had someone I could count on last minute like them

Grateful I am sober clearheaded and so full of appreciation for life. My God is with me through the journey of LIFE. When I stay connected to his will for me great things happen.


Sending healing energy…hope your knee starts to feel better soon :pray:t4::people_hugging:


I am very grateful to be sober and well hydrated

I am grateful for ssri meds and feeling balanced

I am grateful to be getting back into exercise and making some healthier choices… little by lttle adds up

I am grateful for music, preferably house at the moment, helps me get my ass in gear!

I am grateful for decaf coffee and bubly water

I am grateful to be here with everyone. Odaat. :two_hearts:


Grateful for my recovery contacts who call me and who take my calls.

Grateful for my cats!

:smile_cat: :cat2:

Grateful for my wife, who has been checking in with me every night and who told me tonight that I was allowed to feel what I was feeling (it meant a lot to hear her say that, as I was sharing about my emotional space today)


I’m grateful for everything because it all exists for a good reason! I’m especially grateful to Jesus Christ for his sacrifice! :raised_hands:t2:


I am grateful for the kids and teenagers in my life. Spent a great day in the park with my friends and enjoyed the feeling of belonging.
Went to a fun immersive concert last night. The audience was placed amidst the orchestra. I picked a spot between the French horns (my ears are still ringing :sweat_smile:). So cool to expierence the whole thing like I was active part of it myself. I am really grateful for people who dedicate their life to opening doors to new expierences.
I am grateful I dodged a covid infection it seems. Fingers crossed this remains true for the next few days. Really excited about my upcoming trip to Copenhagen. I am grateful I get to treat myself in ways like this. I mean, actual treats and money well spent.